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Score Media and why its a massive candidate for a multi bagger

Hello fellow autists,
Just a pre-cursor, this is my first post of any kind on WSB. I would occasionally peruse the forum but was obviously drawn here from the GME craze and love every part of it.
Score Media and Gaming, listed on the TSX as SCR and in the US as TSCRF.
These guys have nothing but positive news coming in the next 12 months and has the ability to at least double in the next half year, if not sooner. These guys are foraying into the sports betting market and are the only players that have a fully intuitive and integrated sports scores/stats application on the market.
So what are the positives/catalysts for Score Media:
- Expansion with the help/investment of Penn Gaming to expand sportsbook in the US. Keep in mind, Penn is the same company that invested in Barstool. The Score is already approved in New Jersey, Indiana and Colorado, with Iowa right around the corner, and Michigan up next.
- Sports betting in Canada is a 14 Billion dollar market. Single wagering is currently illegal, however, there is unity across the aisle between all political parties to amend the criminal code and make single wagering legal. There are currently two bills in play. C-13 and C-218. C-13 second reading is currently delayed, while C-218 is scheduled for the House of Commons on February 24th. Like most countries, they have currently spent a ton of money propping up their respective economies due to COVID-19. It is highly unlikely the Canadian government rejects this massive taxable revenue stream when it needs it the most
- Leader in sports applications for time spent on the app on a monthly basis, beating out heavy hitters like TSN, ESPN, Bleacher Report....literally every other sports media application
- Only major player with an already existing sports news/fantasy application with seamless sportsbook integration. No hopping back and forth, you can wager through the sports app as if you were on the sportsbook
- They are the biggest E-sports media player with over 1 million subscribers on YouTube and that lead is growing
- They are pushing to get listed on the NYSE in the very near future to further growth and investment opportunities.
The only real hinderance that could potentially stop the run of this company is if the Canadian government fails to amend the current laws for single game wagering, which in the current economical climate, I find extremely unlikely. ESPECIALLY with support from all political parties including the Conservatives, New Democratic Party, Bloc Quebecois and most Liberal MP's.
Even in the event that this for some reason failed to pass, it still has access to an enormous US market with the backing of Penn.
I love this stock boys and girls!

EDIT 1: Currently with 2500 shares. Started at 1.71 and have been steadily buying dips, now at 1.91 cost average
Sources and Links:
Bill C-218 and Canadian Market:
ScoreBet integration:
Penn investment and US plans:
Canadian position compared to rivals and US listing plans:

submitted by BluesSteenV2 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

GMBL- UP OVER 50% from my last post 5 days ago

This was given an 11 price target (closed over that today) but I think this will be a good long term hold and here is why.
The CEO/founder has been involved with online gambling since 1996(!!!). Also, their CIOJohn Brackens was an Activision Blizzard networks manager.
They've been in purchase mode recently and bought ggCircuit, a B2B cloud-based management for LAN centers, a tournament platform, and integrated wallet/point-of-sale solutions for enterprise customers. ggCircuit has over 1,000 connected locations and has worked with enterprises such as GameStop, Dell, Best Buy and Lenovo as well as universities such as Ohio State, Syracuse and North Carolina. Their ggLeap product has over 60 million hours of usage by over two million unique gamers on tens of thousands of public gaming screens inside centers worldwide.
Also, they bought Helix esports. Helix eSports owns five esports centers, including two of the five largest centers in the US, where they deliver world-class customer service, esports programming and gaming infrastructure.
ALSO, they bought Esports Gaming League (EGL). HAS OVER 350K registered gamers. "EGL is a great addition to our growing operations and further strengthens our ability to execute on our three-pillar strategy," commented Grant Johnson, CEO of Esports Entertainment Group. "EGL technology underpins the esports programs for some of the world's best-known sports franchises, including the LA Kings, Philadelphia Eagles, and Arsenal Football Club. We plan to build on this strong foundation moving forward, driving near-term revenue growth and long-term shareholder value improvement."
You see the trend, and there is more companies than I listed purchased in the past twelve months.
Another thing to consider: -$4.3 Billion in Bets Placed on Super Bowl LV Online bets skyrocketing up by 63% with no signs of slowing -36 million more Americans can now legally bet compared to one year ago, with the addition of Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, Montana, Tennessee, Virginia and Washington, DC.
How does this translate to this company? People are showing a willingness to bet and it's available to a wider audience than ever before.
Here is what I posted before:
Business: egaming platform for gambling and tournaments. They also have other gambling functions, I believe egames you can gamble on is something they just bought (lucky dino).
They also partnered with the Philadelphia eagles to provide esport tournaments, last month I believe, first partnership with a professional team and an egaming gambling site(this was prior to SKLZ). More partnerships could lead to growth as no other professional franchises have a partnership yet for tournaments.
Financials: heavy dilution this past year, just started generating revenue in Q3, negative net income. The company they just bought is internet gambling site they just bought had 21M in revenue last year, est 28M for 2021. Company has very low debt, biggest liability is warrant liability of a few million. 8M of cash on hand, could get through at least 2 quarters without any additional positive cash flow (potentially some more dilution i would imagine). Small institutional ownership (1%) but large insider ownership (35%)
Financials drop Feb 20th, so some DD on this let me know what you think. This company is worth around 150M(on 2/8), for comparison draftkings is over 46B and cathie wood also entered this sector buying draftkings so this could be on her list also.
submitted by pingleja to trakstocks [link] [comments]

Venting & My Life Story(Not joking) - No TL;DR - Looking for something, maybe, see inside

Hello, fellow MNFH members. I hope everyone is wearing their masks and practicing social distancing while having a good time. This is going to be a long post and I don't want to TL;DR it. It's also going to be fairly personal for me and depressing topics will be covered. If you want to take the time to read it, I appreciate you. This is a post that I've been wanting to make for a long time. I've made posts on this subreddit and others in the past as well as used apps and other websites to try to fill a void I've felt in my life for years now. I'm going to talk extensively about my past, my thought process, my feelings about things, and so on. I am going to rant and ramble A LOT and thoughts may come out jumbled at times.. you've been warned. This first section let's just call "things you should know about me and facts about my life". I'm a 26-year-old male born and raised in Arkansas, USA, though I have lived briefly in other states growing up, namely Georgia. I have 2 half-sisters who currently live in other states. I'm the middle child and we were all born 2 years apart. We're half-siblings because of different fathers. I've never met my biological father and was legally adopted by a new dad at the age of 9 or so to take on a new last name. Keep in mind that my mom married said man, I didn't go to a new family.. Just wanted to clarify to avoid confusion. I'm a mama's boy, and my mom always said I was a little different growing up. I know all kids are unique, but I was very particular about things and excelled academically when I applied myself. I've always been an avid gamer and this started when I was 3 with the game Frogger: He's Back! on the PS1. I then moved onto Centipede and Spyro the Dragon. When the Gameboy Advance came out, I got it for Christmas and always had it in my hands anywhere I went for years. I played stuff like Pokemon and Yoshi's Island.. you know.. your standard issue Gameboy games. I currently live in a small town with my mom who has a lot of health problems and is on disability, and my best friend who I refer to as my brother even though we're not biologically-related. I met him in approx. 2005 and built a lifetime friendship that started on Halo 2 splitscreen and Linkin Park. I'm on disability as well. I also have 3 birds and 2 cats. Casper the African Grey Timneh parrot, Zeus the Yellow-crowned Amazon parrot, Ra the Sun Conure(Parakeet), Luna a lean female cat of the solid-black variety, and Pax the fat older brother with grey tabby fur. I myself am also on disability for various mental issues that I'll get into soon so I always have ample free time that I spend sleeping, watching Youtube videos, and gaming. I own a PS4 but 99.9999% of my gaming is done on PC and has been this way since 2008.. which is also the year I got into World of Warcraft but that's another novel on its own. I used to be an avid book reader back in high school, but I stopped as soon as I graduated in 2012. Since then, my life has been a downward spiral...
Which is the perfect segue into the next puddle of word vomit which will cover my mental illness and the history behind it. This section is going to get very personal for me and I've never openly shared it all on a public forum like this. Before I go into the story about what happened to me, I must first give a bit of background information to help you understand the context. My mother drank a fair bit when I was growing up because of physical pain she was in and couldn't deal with due to complications with smallpox vaccine (I believe, it's been a while) and weight problems she's battled as long as I've been alive. My grandmother (AKA my mother's mother) is, in my eyes, an evil woman for various reasons, but my bias aside, she had a favoritism thing for my older sister. I guess things like that aren't too uncommon which is a tragedy. And the last bit of backstory is my legal father. He is very tempermental and prone to losing his temper quite easily. He is also a bit of a player... Always needing a piece of a**, so to speak. OH, and he is also very selfish. With all that out of the way, let me begin... The year is 2006... I turned 12 this summer and had a blast spending it with various camping trips with my family and friends. Fast forward a few months and it's now September 28. I remember this day vividly though I honestly which I could forget all of it. It was very overcast, looking like it was to rain that evening, but I didn't let that stop me from bouncing on the trampoline we had in the backyard. My mom was across the street with neighbors hanging out and drinking. It started to get late so I went inside.. I don't remember what I was doing, but at some point my mom stumbled in the front door and faceplanted with a puddle of blood forming around her head. She was plastered. My sisters and I were in a panic. I was trying to help her up but unbeknownst to me, my older sister called my grandmother and told her what was going on... My grandmother being the evil woman that I think her to be told my sister to call the police on my mom. See, my G-ma had a hidden agenda. She wanted custody of my oldest sister so what better way than to get my sister taken away then swoop in for custody? Afterall my mother would have never given up custody willingly. So, my sister called the police. It was starting to get dark now and it started to rain, but in the commotion and with the door open so frequently, our male pitbull named Valor managed to get outside and ran around like an idiot. I remember the dark grey skies, the rain, occasional thunder, the wet grass as I chased Valor around. We eventually caught him and hauled him inside. I was sitting on a chair in the living room, soaking wet with the police outside talking to my mom and I assume my sisters. Eventually, the officer came inside and said I had to go with him. I remember sitting in the chair screaming, begging to stay. I loved my mom and didn't want to go. I refused. I told them I wasn't gonna leave.. but I was just a kid. The result is my sisters and I being put in the back of a police car. We were whisked away to the police station for who knows how long before we were taken to a DHS office in a nearby city. The DHS worker was a nice woman from what I can remember. By this time it was probably 3-4 in morning. The worker, my siblings, and I were the only souls in the large, dark office building while she was on the phone trying to arrange for our new homes. My sisters went to a foster home together, and I went to a separate one. I remember the trip to the home. It was just me and the lady at this point. She got out to greet the parents and I sat in the car just staring at the clock. It was 5 AM. I remember going inside and they showed me where a bed was while the fosterdad and the worker talked in faint whispers in the kitchen. I don't know how long I laid there but at some point I fell asleep. All I remember of the next day was sitting on the sofa just staring blankly at the TV. I was completely numb. I stayed in that foster home until Dec. 15 when I got news that my legal father acquired custody. I was thrilled that I would be living with someone I was at least familiar with. He was married at the time to some other woman who had 2 daughters who coincidentally shared the same first names as my biological sisters. What are the odds? Things were great. I had a new family that I wanted to be with, I had a PS2 again, and we had a basketball hoop outside. This was shortlived because it wasn't even a few weeks before both parents started fighting and I was standing accused of spying on the older sister while she was changing, which I never did. All of this resulted in him getting kicked out, which by extension included me. He didn't have much at all so we found a really, really shitty apartment that had one of those wall heaters and a window A/C unit. The timing was awful too because was also extremely cold outside and was snowing heavily. We didn't have a bed or electricity yet so we had little lamps and an air mattress for the first few days. I remember just sitting at the small table we had doing jigsaw puzzles while he was at work and school was out for either holidays or just because of all the snow.. maybe both. Fast forward several months and we've got beds and I made friends with the kid who lived across the street. I always got left with the house chores and mowing the lawn, even though the mower was extremely old and barely functioning. Every day I would do the hourlong bus ride home, turn on the TV to watch Dr. Phil, do the dishes, and eat a pack or two of ramen. This is a very recurring theme. While I had to often make due with ramen, my selfish dad would go get himself fastfood and eat it before coming home and I would never get any. He also had a habit of spending any child support he got on Rent-A-Center things like big TVs and sofas that we couldn't afford to upkeep once the money was gone. All-in-all, he was not a smart man and didn't care for my wants/desires. It wasn't all bad living there with him though. The friend I mentioned earlier that lived across the street became one of my best friends and we would play games together all the time in his room. And in the summer we would ride bikes all over the place. It was some of the most fun and memorable times of my life despite the home life. My dad being the tempermental type, he would often get so angry he would punch/break things which was a bad habit I picked up from him and became as short-tempered as him. I lived with him from Dec. 15, 2006 which was when I left the fosterhome, until early August 2008. The entire time I lived with him, my mom would give him messages for me and tell him to tell me that she loved me... and also hoped that the money that was going to him would be used on me. It wasn't. And my dad never gave me any of her messages and made me feel like my mom didn't love me anymore. Then one day while I was at a friends house with whom I was staying the night, I was on his PC on my Myspace page I made and my mom added me. She was relieved that it was her son and not some random person and told me how much she loved/missed me. I was shocked and wanted to go back to home with her immediately. This eventually culminated in me persuading my dad to talk with my mom to arrange for me to go home. She even had him sign an agreement which I would later discover wasn't allowed, but my mom was given false information at the time. I went home and I was so happy. I got to see Valor again and our other dog Grace.. And Ra, which we had back then. My mom bought me a computer from Best Buy and that started my PC gaming lifestyle. World of Warcraft started in early October 2008. Life was good. She spoiled the hell out of me which was a drastic change from living with my dad who only looked after himself. Fast forward to January 2009 or so, and my older sister got kicked out of her dads house and my mom got her a plane ticket and flew her back to us. Now I should mention that at some point during the initial fosterhome ordeal, my sisters went to their respective fathers, just as I did. My younger sister lived across the state, and my older sister lived in Colorado. Another 2 months go by and things are great. I have my blooming WoW addiction, back to school, my older sis was there. But one day in March I'm at school and intercom goes off telling me to get my things to leave school for the day. Confused, I go to the office where a DHS worker is waiting. I was very, very confused and scared at this point, and she tells my sister and I that things are fine and that my mom was in court at the moment and we were needed. The result was the judge deciding that my mom still wasn't fit to be a parent despite not drinking since 2006 and doing everything in her power to prove she was capable. We were taken into fostercare again that very day. This time though we were taken to a different town over an hour away, not the one we went to before, and since they couldn't find homes for us, we had to live in a juvenile delinquent center for 3 weeks until places opened up. There we slept on mattresses on the floor, weren't allowed cellphones, had strict eating/showering schedules and were generally treated just like any other delinquent even though we had no business being there. After that, I went to an actually nice fosterhome while my sister went to another. I got to call my mom frequently and got weekly visits with her, so this period of time wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as the previous time at the juvenile center, but I still wanted to go home. I remember during the time at the center, we were smuggling cellphones and my older sister was texting mom. We were waiting to get picked up from school by the Center van and we knew there was court that day to maybe let us go home. You know by now that we didn't go home then, but when my sister got the bad news from my mom, my sister yelled in my face saying it was my fault we couldn't go home because I missed too much school and my grades weren't great. We weren't allowed to cry or anything because then they people at the Center would wanna know why we were crying and then they would figure out we had phones... because how else would we know the court results? I spent that nights shower time just crying. I know I'm jumbling up the timeline here and I'm sorry. On June 15, after a few months at the new fosterhome, I was allowed to back to my mom. My older sister as well. My sister would eventually turn 18 and move out, and leave for Colorado again. Though that was the last time I would have to deal with DHS and fostercare, the damage was done and I feel like my psyche was broken at that point. At that point forward I wasn't the same kid that enjoyed his summer in 2006, or even the kid who got his new computer and started WoW in 2008. Being taken a second time like that, after believing the nightmares were gone.. it just ruined me. I don't know how else to say it. I had friends at school, but I didn't talk to them outside of on the schoolyard or in the halls. I would read books in every class every day just to pass the time, not caring about anything else. And when I got home, I would get on my PC immediately and escape. Once I graduated in 2012, I no longer had the obligation to go anywhere so I fell into a deep isolation that I'm still under to this day. I wouldn't leave the house unless my mom made me for groceries or doctors appointments.. But now, in 2021, I don't even leave for those since COVID is a thing and all my appointments are on mobile.. and my mom doesn't ask me to go anywhere because she knows the answer. The PTSD from the ordeal, the trauma, has given me severe anxiety about change and leaving the house. Even thinking about lifestyle changes or any drastic change that can occur is enough to stress me out. Because of this, I never go anywhere and I hate change. The result is me just existing, hardly living. I've been living like this so long that sometimes the outside world doesn't feel real at all. Like nothing is real. I question the point of living.. wondering if I'll ever find a purpose, because I don't have the will to do anything on my own. I also have sleeping problems, depression, and Dependent Personality Disorder. I feel like I'm undiagnosed Asperger's because I tick all the boxes perfectly and it fits the way I act and respond to certain things. I take medication for the anxiety/depression/sleep parts and currently not seeing any therapists. I've tried therapy in the past, but it's complicated. With me being afraid to even think about change, I won't think about it at all once I leave the therapists office. So it's yielded no results. I also have a defeatist outlook on things wondering what's the point of doing anything anyways since we'll eventually just die all the same.. and I also neglect my physical well-being, not exercising or eating healthy, and just being a potato. Luckily, my current mood-stabilizer really suppresses my anger and mellows me out, so my developed anger issues aren't as much of an issue these days. I feel like I could've included so many more details about things, but this post is already getting really long.
Finally onto another section and it will be about what I'm looking for on here or just in general. I would love it if the girl of my dreams rode up on a gallant steed and saved me from my own hell. Someone who understands every facet of me, knows what I need to improve as a human, and wants to help me achieve it together.. but this isn't a fairytale and in the real world, there's hardly ever happy endings. So what I'm really looking for is just.. people who understand what I've been through. People who can fathom the idea of someone having differing opinions from them or different ways of dealing with things and still want to be there for them, in this case: me. Being a gamer is also huge. I'm not saying I can't be friends with non-gamers, but I would likely have nothing in common with you otherwise and I would never have anything to talk about. Us long-time gamers refer to non-gamers as normies, a silly way to call someone a "normal" person. Really, I don't know what I want (or need). The truth is, I've just been in a dark place for a long time now and venting about all this is done in hopes to reaffirm that I'm still real. If by some miracle an actual friendship blossoms out of this, I will be very surprised... and the reason for that I will discuss in the next section..
Speaking of which, this bit will be about my mannerisms, general social behaviors, and by extension: a bit of my gaming habits. I am brutally honest. I will often tell people how I feel about things even to theirs or my own detriment. Most people don't expect this behavior and are caught offguard that someone would be so open about said topic or have the gall to confront them about said issue. I also feel emotionally detached at times and sometimes even detached from other people. All of this together means I very often come across as cold, abrasive, and/or combative.. but trust me when I say I always have good intentions, despite how it comes across. Being isolated and always online, if I dislike someone, I'll either say it to them directly, or just block them, removing them from my life. Not to say I don't gossip sometimes, but that's usually just to vent some frustration, not to cause problems. I have a lot of common sense and apply logic where I can (I'm Atheist, btw). As a result, I'm nearly impossible to surprise as I can just look at all the slight clues and hints and can infer the surprise before it happens. It kinda sucks because surprises are fun. I also have good problem-solving skills in video games. As for my current online friends, some I've had for many years. We can go months without a word but the moment a game comes out we both wanna play, we're on it like nothing happened. I don't really talk to anyone daily, and go most days without messaging anyone at all. Most of the time, a new person will come into the picture, sometimes for only a day or two and sometimes longer but eventually suffering the fate of us just not talking anymore. This is a curse I've long dealt with. I'm just not good at maintaining friendships. I get hooked into a game and I lose interest in talking until that current addiction dies, then I come back down to Earth. It happens EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. But usually by then it's better to just remove them and move along because we're back to being almost strangers. I'm a variety gamer. I have lulls where I'm trying to decide what to play, then I eventually get hooked into something super hard, I'll play it for weeks or months, however long it takes for me to burnout on it, then go back to a lull. You can see why it's hard for me to make/keep friends. When I quit a game, I usually just stop talking to friends I made on that game because they're still playing and we have nothing else to talk about since I'm moving onto other things.... I almost never message first. I guess most people say that and that's probably why I never talk to anyone. And sometimes I can get kinda clingy, so that's fun. Lastly, I'm a memer. I like my internet memes, classics and new, and I regular TwitchTV so those memes are apart of my repertoire as well.
Too much rambling, AAAAAAH! Last section, game preferences! GO! As I mentioned, I'm a PC gamer, but I own a PS4.. even if I never touch it. I'm a huge variety gamer, my library containing a large number of various RPGs, FPS, etc. My favorite games of all time (in no particular order) include: Terraria, Darksiders, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and World of Warcraft. I love many other games, but this is just to give a taste. I'm not a very competitive person. I don't do "ranked" modes in games, but I DO like winning and will try to win where I can. If I feel like I can't win, I'm not against just giving up since logically it would be a waste of time. When I play shooters like Call of Duty (my current addiction), I'm very conservative in my playstyle. When it comes to RPGs and MMOs like WoW, I'm always DPS(Damage Per Second), never tank or healer. Also, I really love co-op games, or any game where there's teamwork so I can feel useful and validated in that regard. Long story short, I play whatever makes my brain give me happy brain chemicals that day. If I stop getting happy brain chemicals, I stop playing that game. Makes it near impossible for me to enjoy games that aren't my current addiction, even if I've enjoyed those games in the past.
Anyways, this post is coming to a close. I want to apologize to anyone who reads through all of it because it sure ain't pretty to look at. Is the post too long? Probably. Do I care? No. Do I feel better for having written it? Yes, even if nothing comes of it. This post could've been much longer but every corner I was cutting stuff and scrapping details. I was just typing what came to mind and there's very little structure. Maybe I'll hear from you, maybe not.. either way, have a good one.
submitted by sladverr to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

THE NEXT ONLINE GAMBLING GIANT!! (Score Media and Gaming Inc)

Score Media and Gaming Inc
It's already common knowledge sports betting is big in the North American market - and will continue to generate tons of revenue as states continue to legalize sports betting. Canada is following suit. Legislation will be passed Q1 2021 and we're soon going to see an influx of CANADIAN online betting. Basically all of Canada uses this app exclusively for sports and it is starting to become more popular in the United States

submitted by willystocks to pennystocks [link] [comments]

Fenn's Treasure Solution

Fenn's Treasure Solution
We shall not cease from exploration,
and at the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started
and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Eliot

Humans are nothing if not tenacious. After all, it is in our nature to explore and delve into the mystery of the unknown. When Forrest Fenn, an avid art collector, quoted T.S. Eliot, many did not find any significance in the aforementioned line. This quote, however, will become a significant reassurance that the searcher is on the right track; provided that he/she is on the right track. As we begin this deep dive into the perplexity of solving Fenn's poem, let me confess that I am about as far from a professional treasure hunter as you will ever find, but like so many, I love the challenge of a good mystery.

On June 6, 2020, Forrest Fenn announced that his long-lasting treasure hunt was finally over. News that the chest was found has devastated many. Over the years, thousands of people embarked on endeavor to find the elusive treasure chest and at least five people lost their lives in the process. Unfortunately, neither the name of the finder nor the location of the site has been disclosed. I am a strong believer that cliffhangers need to be employed wisely and masterfully. Fenn's obscurity, on the other hand, left too many unanswered questions and frustration. While only Fenn and the finder know the exact location of the whereabouts of the chest, I will attempt to provide some remedy backed by logic and present credible explanation behind each clue.

I first learned about the treasure chase a few years back while I was binge-watching YouTube videos, but at that time I was somewhat skeptical and the memory of it slowly faded. That was until November of 2019, I had a lot of free time to wonder around when I stumbled on yet another video about this alluring chase. This time it picked my interest for good and I got somewhat hooked! As days went by, I grasped every single word transcribed in the poem, read every online post I could get my hands on, and learned about this wonderful community. Over time, I realized that many of the shared solutions on the internet did not make much sense and they led me to a dead-end. At one point, I even found myself revering as I was suspending each stanza up in the air with a string of wire; I would strike them hard with my imaginary bat, as if they were some birthday pinatas. Deep down, I realized that the solution to each clue should have an undeniable certainty, but above all, I knew that as I get closer, I will experience immense waves of exhilaration – a true Eureka moment! As a side note, I never got my hands on any of Fenn's books, but it didn't matter to me because according to Fenn, I didn't have to read them.

Fenn has tattled frequently that his cryptic poem consists of nine clues, that if solved correctly, should lead the searcher to the end of his rainbow. At first, it's quite hard to pinpoint what justifies as a clue and what not. Is it an action? Is it a set of directions? As a matter of fact, it is punctuation. There are nine complete sentences in the poem. Every sentence constitutes as a clue including the one with the question mark in the fifth stanza. Most of the clues have several sub-clues and there seems to be no logic behind why Fenn designed it in such a way. Some grammar savvy activists may argue that the punctuation might not have been correctly used throughout the poem, but I get an eerie feeling that Fenn specifically wanted nine clues in his poem - no more, no less!

As I have gone alone in there
And with my treasures bold,
I can keep my secret where,
And hint of riches new and old.

The first stanza contains one sentence or one clue. Fenn reiterated that it is crucial to figure out where the first clue is in his poem, yet “where warm waters halt” is not really the first clue, albeit, at first glimpse, it sure seems like it. He revealed that there is one single word in the poem that is a key and it's perfectly sensible that this very key should provide a general location of where warm waters actually halt. The only word that sticks out like a sore thumb is "treasures" followed by a word "bold". The answer is hiding in plain sight and Fenn used the word “bold” here on purpose, as if he wanted to apply bold text formatting, but his editor advised against it. At that very moment, it became crystal clear to me that the starting location is the Treasure mountain which happens to be an alpine peak in Colorado, measuring 13,535 feet in elevation. Treasure mountain has some rich history and it was previously prospected by a French expedition in the 1700s. The mountain was named after a legend of a missing treasure, part of which was never allegedly recovered to this day. Fenn has also mentioned in correspondence with other searchers that once the treasure is found and the treasure site is revealed, everyone will wonder "Why I haven't think of it before!?" Let's start by simplifying the entire first stanza: As I went there alone with my treasure near the Treasure mountain, where I can keep my secret and where I can hint of new and old riches.

Begin it where warm waters halt
And take it in the canyon down,
Not far, but too far to walk.
Put in below the home of Brown.

The second stanza contains two sentences or two clues. Although there are only two clues in this stanza, in reality there are four. This stanza reveals the starting point and a set of directions one has to follow to reach a vital location.

Begin it where warm waters halt
Where do warm waters halt? Pretty much everywhere! The key is that one must understand the water cycle in nature. In essence, it is a process of cyclic movement of water in the earth's biosphere. There are four main stages in the water cycle: evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. All warm waters, whether from water bodies or soil, end up as clouds at a certain point. Since the Treasure mountain is an alpine peak, it is rational to conclude that Fenn refers to its summit. Nevertheless, just like with everything else in this chase, we'll have to be a little bit more specific.

Treasure mountain's top is quite a stretch. 3D view of Treasure Mountain using Google Earth.

A meticulous study of the area reveals a peculiar spot on a topographic map - the Skyline mine. There is not a single place in the Rocky mountains that go so well with this notion for it sounds almost poetic. Skyline mine or cloud mine is the place where warm waters or clouds come to existence. Spoiler alert: this point will be of paramount significance in order to triangulate the final chest location once we uncover the location of the blaze.

Topographic map of the Skyline Mine outlined by the red circle.

And take it in the canyon down,
This one is a freebie! Pretty self explanatory! Just descend the mountain into the canyon. Do we really need to physically go up or down the Treasure mountain? Not really!

Not far, but too far to walk.
Since most mountain trails tend to have a zigzag pattern, it takes much longer to descend a trail than to simply draw a straight imaginary line down the summit. In this particular case, it's the Jeep trail that goes down the Treasure mountain's summit and it happens to coincide with the Skyline mine.

Jeep Trail outlined by a dotted black line on a topographic map.

Put in below the home of Brown.
This clue has triggered so much controversy that theories ranged from some ranger named Joe Brown to a brown trout fish. The solution to this mind boggling puzzle is actually quite simple. There is a profound reason the letter 'B' is capitalized, implying that it must be either a proper name or a proper noun. The Brown in question, however, is the American Brown Swiss dairy cattle, albeit simply called Brown Swiss for short. This breed derives its name from the German word Braunvieh, thus it inherited the capital 'B' in the English language. The cattle's home is in alpine region, so below the home of Brown is just below the alpine altitude or anywhere below the tree line. This notion is in accordance with the montane ecosystem - lower pressure at higher altitudes causes the temperature to drop. In essence, tall mountains could have several different seasons with significant diversity in vegetation. Sub-alpine range or the home of Brown is an altitude marker and this concept could be applied pretty much anywhere on the planet. The definition of the phrasal verb “put in” is to enter a place or to enter a port. The Yule Creek is conveniently located in the vicinity of the point of descend and could be reached from the Jeep trail.

Home of Brown outlined by the red circle

From there it's no place for the meek,
The end is ever drawing nigh;
There'll be no paddle up your creek,
Just heavy loads and water high.

The third stanza contains one sentence or one clue, however each line is a clue on its own. The clues get progressively easy from here on with a crafty intention to reach a deadlock.

From there it’s no place for the meek,
This entire stanza depicts valuable landmarks that could be plotted on a map. Once in the valley, one could go in any direction. Someone who is meek, on the other hand, would not set foot in the wilderness. There is a wilderness border line that could be identified on a topographic map that extends in the direction of the marble quarry. The Yule Marble Quarry Company was founded by a colonel Channing Meek in 1907, who tragically died at the site while jumping from a moving trolley. Since the word meek in the poem is not a proper name, hence it's not capitalized, this conception should have little or no significance to the poem. However, this coincidence is just staggering and worth mentioning.

Wilderness Boundary line depicted by a purple line.

The end is ever drawing nigh;
Nigh is an old-fashioned word that could be used to mean on the left side or near in time, place or relationship. The entire valley seems to ever so slightly draw to the left into what looks like the oblivion. No need to have boots on the ground since Google Earth, yet again, provides an excellent perspective view of the valley. Another interpretation is that the end is near, but in fact we still have a long way to go!

The left curvature of the entire valley could be appreciated on this screenshot.

There'll be no paddle up your creek,
The Yule creek is a violently fast moving stream of water. Swimming it upstream is an unbearable idea. The land around the quarry is privately owned and inaccessible for the most part. Knowing that we don't need to paddle is certainly comforting, therefore the only rational route to take is the Yule Creek trail. This trail stretches some 15 miles to the Paradise Divide and is full of scenic views, however, it is not an easy trail to hike. The trail begins with a 45 degree steep incline and for the most part is covered in lush vegetation. The best time to hike it is between June through September and according to multiple sources only a few made it all the way to the end. Fenn have mentioned that he was old and frail when he made two trips from his car to the hiding site and he accomplished it in one afternoon. There will a twist to this story, so just hang in there!

Just heavy loads and water high.
I suppose at this point it's quite reasonable to assume that heavy loads is directly linked to the Yule Marble Quarry. There are myriad marble blocks that could be spotted scattered around the area, particularly on the 3C road which leads to the trail. The white marble that was extracted at the quarry is of superior quality and was used to build historical sites such as the Lincoln memorial in Washington DC and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington, Virginia. The water high is the collection of streams that run down from the Justice mountain and drain into the Yule creek about a mile away from the quarry. There are also several lakes that are located near the top of the Treasure mountain on the opposite side of the valley (Yule lakes), however, this is not the first water body we encounter on our journey, so this theory doesn't seem plausible.

If you've been wise and found the blaze,
Look quickly down, your quest to cease,
But tarry scant with marvel gaze,
Just take the chest and go in peace.

The forth stanza contains one sentence or one clue, but in fact there are four. At first, this stanza seems to provide the final location of the chest, but we will soon learn that this quest is far from over. It was masterfully crafted to drain both mentally and physically for only a true treasure seeker could unravel the mystery of the final location of the chest.

If you’ve been wise and found the blaze,
Yet another controversial clue that baffled the minds of thousands. There was a wide range of compelling ideas associated with the blaze, but not many searchers took the blaze for its literal interpretation which is a very large or fiercely burning flame. A wise person will research, read books, study maps, and above all, look at things from a different perspective. As we continue our quest with Google Earth, we descend on a flat area of the valley dubbed Thompson flat. From this moment on, we should probably get our eyes peeled for the blaze since it's the next clue on the menu. After thorough inspection, we notice a small reddish-brown spot located inside this region.

A small reddish-brown spot outlined by a red oval.

At first, the significance of the area in question seems unconvincing, however when we rotate the image 90 degrees, things become more apparent. This previously overlooked frivolous spot suddenly transforms into the fierce deity with a cunning resemblance of a burning flame. In reality, it is a collection of bushes scattered over the area that stretches over some 1,300 feet. In autumn through spring, these bushes appear reddish-brown, but in summer they turn green. Yet again, Forrest hid a substantial clue right in front of our noses for nearly a decade and got away with it.

The blaze.

A cunning resemblance with a burning flame.

Look quickly down, your quest to cease,
Hooray! All that's left is to look for the chest under the blaze and the treasure could be ours! Alas, this is an incorrect statement! The path to this location from the parking spot is very treacherous even in summer conditions. For someone who was in his late 70s, carrying over 20 pounds on his shoulders will require tremendous amount of effort, not to mention the added weight from food and water supplies. So if we did everything Fenn intended us to do, what did we miss? The answer is pretty obvious, we have to look under the blaze! There is one particular feature that stands out in most bizarre relief and it's the 90 degree angle the Yule creek forms at the base of the blaze. It is a very rare phenomenon in nature for a water creek to form a right angle and that's why it deserves special attention. As a matter of fact, there is a high probability that the course of the creek, for some incomprehensible reason, has been artificially altered in the past.

The creek forms a perfect 90 degree angle. Elevation 9,777 feet.

The entire stanza provides a tone that convinces the searcher to look past this logic; pack your bags and look under the blaze area. Unfortunately, the search area is still massive and being in the remote location makes it a very time consuming journey to reach and explore.
In order to find an alternate location, we have to look at things at the right angle, literally. Fenn was a military pilot and an avid land surveyor, so it is not surprising that he decided to include some navigational voodoo in his treasure quest. The most intuitive way to deal with this matter is to draw a straight line from the Skyline mine to the blaze on a topographic map. Fenn reiterated that the starting point (Skyline mine) is of paramount significance, therefore we should consider this as an important piece of information. The next logical step is to draw a set of perpendicular lines that correspond to the precise length of the initial line; one set from the blaze and one set from the Skyline mine. We end up with four possible chest locations, three of which are in hard to reach areas. So far, there is only one potential location that matches the description and it happens to be very close to the 3C road. If this is in fact the final location then the rest of the clues should confirm this hypothesis.

Point C is inside the wilderness territory/public land.
A - Skyline Mine
B - Blaze (a point where Yule Creek forms 90 degrees with itself)
C - Most Plausible Chest location

A precise 90 degree angle line was drawn from the Skyline Mine (A) to the chest location (C).
AB length = AC length;

Fenn said:
"Knowing about head pressures, foot pounds, acre feet, bible verses, Latin, cubic inches, icons, fonts, charts, graphs, formulas, curved lines, magnetic variations, codes, depth meters, riddles, drones or ciphers will not assist anyone to treasure location, although these things have been offered as positive solutions. Excellent research materials are TTOTC, Google Earth, and/or a good map. f"
So far we used:
- Straight lines and not curved lines (This distinction was implied by Fenn that using straight lines is allowed and could in fact come in handy!)
- German word "Braunvieh" and found the definition of HoB. (No Latin word has been used).
- Angles, more specifically 90 degree angles. (Not even close!)
- Possibly a ruler and/or a protractor. (Not on the menu... we're still good! *phew*)
- We did use riddle-solving skills to pinpoint the real treasure location. Riddles is in fact on the menu! But wait, the entire poem must be one big riddle in a sense that it has to be solved! Is this a paradox or there could be another reasonable explanation?! What if, what he meant is that we don't have to mess with his poem, so that we don't need to come up with anagrams, ciphers, codes, numbers, symbols that once manipulated reveal a hidden message.

But tarry scant with marvel gaze,
What is the marvel gaze and why do we have to tarry scant? If we were to stand next to the blaze, we are presented with a million dollar view which is dominated by three massive mountain peaks. Unofficially, they are called Baby Bells due to their resemblance to Maroon Bells that are located about 10 miles North-East.

Baby Bells view near the blaze location.

At this point, Fenn hints that we should wait a little bit and not rush with our assumptions that the chest is located anywhere near the blaze. If the Baby Bells is indeed the marvel gaze then they should be visible from the actual hiding spot. If we are to take the last most plausible location and flip into a perspective mode, we could appreciate the very same view only at some distance away.

The very same Marvel Gaze view near the hiding spot.

Just take the chest and go in peace.
The phrasing here is convoluted. This line has been masterminded to confuse the searchers into believing that their quest is over by implying they should have looked under the blaze area. Yet Fenn is better than this; he believes that the real thrill of the chase is not without some romance. He first dazzles us with a marvelous view and only then goes for the goodies! The word chest here, refers to woman's breasts. I realize that it may sound preposterous, but the nature's uncanny ability to imitate is ubiquitous.

Take the chest!

Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in Europe, is perhaps one of the most notable examples with prominent features.

So why is it that I must go
And leave my trove for all to seek?
The answers I already know,
I’ve done it tired, and now I’m weak.
The 5th stanza contains 2 sentences or 2 clues. Fenn is asking a question which could be further divided into two separate clauses: Why is it that he must go? Why should he leave his trove for all to seek? In this stanza he is trying to convey an important message that he couldn't have made it all the way to the blaze. He was too old, frail and weak at that time to make that trip, so why should we? He also refers to his treasure as a trove, which from a legal point of view is no longer considered to be abandoned property. One of the synonyms of the word trove is stockpile. Perhaps, we should look for some stones that stand out and covers the entry to a natural cavity, but we cannot be certain unless we have our boots on the ground.

So hear me all and listen good,
Your effort will be worth the cold.
If you are brave and in the wood
I give you title to the gold.

The 6th stanza contains two sentences or two clues. This is a last stanza that further solidifies the final location of the chest. Forrest have mentioned that we need to have boots on the ground in order to properly solve the last few clues. Did he mean the searchers have to be at the blaze location to realize it's not there?

So hear me all and listen good, Your effort will be worth the cold.
What stays cold in the mountains regardless of the season? Water comes to mind! Water is considered to be cold if it is under 55F. There are two small streams in the vicinity, but I doubt they are active during summer time. There is a possibility that there is an underground water source, perhaps too small to be outlined on a map by cartographers. Fenn have mentioned that the treasure chest is always wet, yet it is not underwater. Since the chest was located at high elevation, it is safe to assume that dew formation is nothing but ordinary. If the chest is shaded from the sun exposure, than droplet formation on the bronze patina due to condensation is to be expected. However, a more plausible explanation is that the chest is located in a small natural cavity which is always moist, especially if it is on the shaded side. What if temperature has nothing or little to do with the chest location? What if Fenn is feeling a little jolly and wants to play the hot and cold game with us? He did send us to the blaze location after all and now he wants to comfort us that this game was well worth it. Does he imply we should use cold judgment? There are myriad interpretations one can come up with, the important thing is that this clue holds little or no significance at this point since we are just a stone's throw away.

If you are brave and in the wood I give you title to the gold.
Bravery is not just facing one's fear, it's also persistence and perseverance. They say it's not being brave if you aren't scared or stupid. Fenn's intention was to mislead searchers into thinking the area under the blaze is the correct hiding spot. Even if you truly believed your solution was accurate, you are most likely to end up empty handed, exhausted and move on with your life. It takes someone who is persistent and not easily swayed when faced by series of challenges and failures. You need to take a step back and consider the bigger picture and finally look at the problem from the right angle. In the wood, on the other hand, could mean we have to be in the “bullseye”. In the past, the bullseye of the dart board was made of wood, hence the expression “in the wood”. If we look at the topographic map of the area we notice that the highest elevation points or peaks are outlined by a circle or an oval which depicts the bullseye analogy.

The peaks are depicted by an oval or a circle on a topographic map.

Update 2/4/2021
I decided to include a screenshot that illustrates most of the landmarks on one single picture of the area.

Treasure map. Click to enlarge.

This poem was written by an architect who deliberately chose every word that could be interpreted in a myriad of ways. When the treasure chest was allegedly discovered, neither Fenn nor the finder provided any useful information about the whereabouts of the site other than it was found somewhere in the state of Wyoming. While I cannot state with absolute certainty the reasons of such conspiracy, I may speculate that a lot has to do with the legal aspects the finder may be facing if he chooses to disclose the proper location. I hope that my contribution will fuel others to explore the unknown and mysterious, for the journey is more important than the destination.

Stay safe!
- mr djopavitch
submitted by mr_djopavitch to ForrestFennTreasure [link] [comments]

THE NEXT ONLINE GAMBLING GIANT!! (Score Media and Gaming Inc)

Score Media and Gaming Inc
It's already common knowledge sports betting is big in the North American market - and will continue to generate tons of revenue as states continue to legalize sports betting. Canada is following suit. Legislation will be passed Q1 2021 and we're soon going to see an influx of CANADIAN online betting. Basically all of Canada uses this app exclusively for sports and it is starting to become more popular in the United States
submitted by willystocks to Canadapennystocks [link] [comments]

Sports betting in times of Corona. Here is your ticket to the moon. The next DKNG.

I'm basically quoting u/coinforce here. I discovered this gem, because of him and am already 14% plus since I bought. Thanks mate.
Alright nerds, gather round and listen closely. I've graduated to pennystocks chasing these juicy tendies while serving as an autistic prophet delivering good news to the retards and gambling degenerates in that sub.
"Alright u/Sweet-Zookepergame hurry the fuck up and give us the ticker you pumper"
This ain't a pump.
When I see the next golden ticket, I know when to enter with conviction and realize profits while some of you nerds decide to bag hold XSPA and downvote comments to make yourselves feel better.

Score Media and Gaming Inc. (TSE: SCR) (OTCMKTS: TSCRF)

What the fuck is this?
Score Media and Gaming Inc. empowers millions of sports fans through its digital media and sports betting products. Its media app 'theScore' is one of the most popular in North America, delivering fans highly-personalized live scores, news, stats, and betting information from their favorite teams, leagues, and players. The Company's sports betting app 'theScore Bet' delivers an immersive and holistic mobile sports betting experience and is currently available to place wagers in New Jersey, Color.
Key words for you nerds who can't read and have ADHD: SPORTS BETTING
It's already common knowledge sports betting is already big in the North American market - and will continue to generate tons of revenue as states continue to legalize sports betting. Canada is following suit. Legislations will be passed Q1 2021 and we're soon going to see an influx of CANADIAN online betting. Basically all of Canada uses this app exclusively for sports.
🚀 Let's take a look at DKNG and PENN this year 🚀
🚀 Share prices for these companies have gone up 300% already this year alone, and with more legalization coming through 2021, theScore is just beginning to scratch the surface and will follow suit.
🚀 TIMING: As vaccines begin to be distributed and the economy recovers, states are desperate for revenue and will be looking to ease regulations on sports betting. The more Sport games start promoting and reopening, the more these stocks will gain (especially with March Madness, NBA/NHL playoffs, etc.)
🚀 Listen - I'm literally handing you a platter of gold here. If you understand this market, the trends and where actual revenues can be generated - then you understand the play here. Canada is UNTAPPED. This thing will pick up steam soon and will graduate from TSX/OTC and can be easily listed on the NASDAQ. Once that happens, Robinhood will have access and the sky is the limit. I'm not here pumping a fucking non-revenue generating, fuelled by hype only, and a company within an industry that I don't fucking understand.
Clearly, I'm on Interstellar's Endurance spaceship with TARS and CASE about to enter a wormhole that'll slingshot me into another galaxy... while most of you nerds are fighting to get on wooden sail boats. At the same time, I'm from the future telling Murphy Cooper (you nerds) how to find the tendies.
EDIT: FORGOT THESE 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
submitted by Sweet-Zookeepergame to pennystocks [link] [comments]

Fenn's Treasure Solution

Fenn's Treasure Solution
We shall not cease from exploration,
and at the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started
and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Eliot

Humans are nothing if not tenacious. After all, it is in our nature to explore and delve into the mystery of the unknown. When Forrest Fenn, an avid art collector, quoted T.S. Eliot, many did not find any significance in the aforementioned line. This quote, however, will become a significant reassurance that the searcher is on the right track; provided that he/she is on the right track. As we begin this deep dive into the perplexity of solving Fenn's poem, let me confess that I am about as far from a professional treasure hunter as you will ever find, but like so many, I love the challenge of a good mystery.

On June 6, 2020, Forrest Fenn announced that his long-lasting treasure hunt was finally over. News that the chest was found has devastated many. Over the years, thousands of people embarked on endeavor to find the elusive treasure chest and at least five people lost their lives in the process. Unfortunately, neither the name of the finder nor the location of the site has been disclosed. I am a strong believer that cliffhangers need to be employed wisely and masterfully. Fenn's obscurity, on the other hand, left too many unanswered questions and frustration. While only Fenn and the finder know the exact location of the whereabouts of the chest, I will attempt to provide some remedy backed by logic and present credible explanation behind each clue.

I first learned about the treasure chase a few years back while I was binge-watching YouTube videos, but at that time I was somewhat skeptical and the memory of it slowly faded. That was until November of 2019, I had a lot of free time to wonder around when I stumbled on yet another video about this alluring chase. This time it picked my interest for good and I got somewhat hooked! As days went by, I grasped every single word transcribed in the poem, read every online post I could get my hands on, and learned about this wonderful community. Over time, I realized that many of the shared solutions on the internet did not make much sense and they led me to a dead-end. At one point, I even found myself revering as I was suspending each stanza up in the air with a string of wire; I would strike them hard with my imaginary bat, as if they were some birthday pinatas. Deep down, I realized that the solution to each clue should have an undeniable certainty, but above all, I knew that as I get closer, I will experience immense waves of exhilaration – a true Eureka moment! As a side note, I never got my hands on any of Fenn's books, but it didn't matter to me because according to Fenn, I didn't have to read them.

Fenn has tattled frequently that his cryptic poem consists of nine clues, that if solved correctly, should lead the searcher to the end of his rainbow. At first, it's quite hard to pinpoint what justifies as a clue and what not. Is it an action? Is it a set of directions? As a matter of fact, it is punctuation. There are nine complete sentences in the poem. Every sentence constitutes as a clue including the one with the question mark in the fifth stanza. Most of the clues have several sub-clues and there seems to be no logic behind why Fenn designed it in such a way. Some grammar savvy activists may argue that the punctuation might not have been correctly used throughout the poem, but I get an eerie feeling that Fenn specifically wanted nine clues in his poem - no more, no less!

As I have gone alone in there
And with my treasures bold,
I can keep my secret where,
And hint of riches new and old.

The first stanza contains one sentence or one clue. Fenn reiterated that it is crucial to figure out where the first clue is in his poem, yet “where warm waters halt” is not really the first clue, albeit, at first glimpse, it sure seems like it. He revealed that there is one single word in the poem that is a key and it's perfectly sensible that this very key should provide a general location of where warm waters actually halt. The only word that sticks out like a sore thumb is "treasures" followed by a word "bold". The answer is hiding in plain sight and Fenn used the word “bold” here on purpose, as if he wanted to apply bold text formatting, but his editor advised against it. At that very moment, it became crystal clear to me that the starting location is the Treasure mountain which happens to be an alpine peak in Colorado, measuring 13,535 feet in elevation. Treasure mountain has some rich history and it was previously prospected by a French expedition in the 1700s. The mountain was named after a legend of a missing treasure, part of which was never allegedly recovered to this day. Fenn has also mentioned in correspondence with other searchers that once the treasure is found and the treasure site is revealed, everyone will wonder "Why I haven't think of it before!?" Let's start by simplifying the entire first stanza: As I went there alone with my treasure near the Treasure mountain, where I can keep my secret and where I can hint of new and old riches.

Begin it where warm waters halt
And take it in the canyon down,
Not far, but too far to walk.
Put in below the home of Brown.

The second stanza contains two sentences or two clues. Although there are only two clues in this stanza, in reality there are four. This stanza reveals the starting point and a set of directions one has to follow to reach a vital location.

Begin it where warm waters halt
Where do warm waters halt? Pretty much everywhere! The key is that one must understand the water cycle in nature. In essence, it is a process of cyclic movement of water in the earth's biosphere. There are four main stages in the water cycle: evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. All warm waters, whether from water bodies or soil, end up as clouds at a certain point. Since the Treasure mountain is an alpine peak, it is rational to conclude that Fenn refers to its summit. Nevertheless, just like with everything else in this chase, we'll have to be a little bit more specific.

Treasure mountain's top is quite a stretch. 3D view of Treasure Mountain using Google Earth.

A meticulous study of the area reveals a peculiar spot on a topographic map - the Skyline mine. There is not a single place in the Rocky mountains that go so well with this notion for it sounds almost poetic. Skyline mine or cloud mine is the place where warm waters or clouds come to existence. Spoiler alert: this point will be of paramount significance in order to triangulate the final chest location once we uncover the location of the blaze.

Topographic map of the Skyline Mine outlined by the red circle.

And take it in the canyon down,
This one is a freebie! Pretty self explanatory! Just descend the mountain into the canyon. Do we really need to physically go up or down the Treasure mountain? Not really!

Not far, but too far to walk.
Since most mountain trails tend to have a zigzag pattern, it takes much longer to descend a trail than to simply draw a straight imaginary line down the summit. In this particular case, it's the Jeep trail that goes down the Treasure mountain's summit and it happens to coincide with the Skyline mine.

Jeep Trail outlined by a dotted black line on a topographic map.

Put in below the home of Brown.
This clue has triggered so much controversy that theories ranged from some ranger named Joe Brown to a brown trout fish. The solution to this mind boggling puzzle is actually quite simple. There is a profound reason the letter 'B' is capitalized, implying that it must be either a proper name or a proper noun. The Brown in question, however, is the American Brown Swiss dairy cattle, albeit simply called Brown Swiss for short. This breed derives its name from the German word Braunvieh, thus it inherited the capital 'B' in the English language. The cattle's home is in alpine region, so below the home of Brown is just below the alpine altitude or anywhere below the tree line. This notion is in accordance with the montane ecosystem - lower pressure at higher altitudes causes the temperature to drop. In essence, tall mountains could have several different seasons with significant diversity in vegetation. Sub-alpine range or the home of Brown is an altitude marker and this concept could be applied pretty much anywhere on the planet. The definition of the phrasal verb “put in” is to enter a place or to enter a port. The Yule Creek is conveniently located in the vicinity of the point of descend and could be reached from the Jeep trail.

![img](utkvfy64d5f61 "Home of Brown outlined by the red circle ")

From there it's no place for the meek,
The end is ever drawing nigh;
There'll be no paddle up your creek,
Just heavy loads and water high.

The third stanza contains one sentence or one clue, however each line is a clue on its own. The clues get progressively easy from here on with a crafty intention to reach a deadlock.

From there it’s no place for the meek,
This entire stanza depicts valuable landmarks that could be plotted on a map. Once in the valley, one could go in any direction. Someone who is meek, on the other hand, would not set foot in the wilderness. There is a wilderness border line that could be identified on a topographic map that extends in the direction of the marble quarry. The Yule Marble Quarry Company was founded by a colonel Channing Meek in 1907, who tragically died at the site while jumping from a moving trolley. Since the word meek in the poem is not a proper name, hence it's not capitalized, this conception should have little or no significance to the poem. However, this coincidence is just staggering and worth mentioning.

Wilderness Boundary line depicted by a purple line.

The end is ever drawing nigh;
Nigh is an old-fashioned word that could be used to mean on the left side or near in time, place or relationship. The entire valley seems to ever so slightly draw to the left into what looks like the oblivion. No need to have boots on the ground since Google Earth, yet again, provides an excellent perspective view of the valley. Another interpretation is that the end is near, but in fact we still have a long way to go!

The left curvature of the entire valley could be appreciated on this screenshot.

There'll be no paddle up your creek,
The Yule creek is a violently fast moving stream of water. Swimming it upstream is an unbearable idea. The land around the quarry is privately owned and inaccessible for the most part. Knowing that we don't need to paddle is certainly comforting, therefore the only rational route to take is the Yule Creek trail. This trail stretches some 15 miles to the Paradise Divide and is full of scenic views, however, it is not an easy trail to hike. The trail begins with a 45 degree steep incline and for the most part is covered in lush vegetation. The best time to hike it is between June through September and according to multiple sources only a few made it all the way to the end. Fenn have mentioned that he was old and frail when he made two trips from his car to the hiding site and he accomplished it in one afternoon. There will a twist to this story, so just hang in there!

Just heavy loads and water high.
I suppose at this point it's quite reasonable to assume that heavy loads is directly linked to the Yule Marble Quarry. There are myriad marble blocks that could be spotted scattered around the area, particularly on the 3C road which leads to the trail. The white marble that was extracted at the quarry is of superior quality and was used to build historical sites such as the Lincoln memorial in Washington DC and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington, Virginia. The water high is the collection of streams that run down from the Justice mountain and drain into the Yule creek about a mile away from the quarry. There are also several lakes that are located near the top of the Treasure mountain on the opposite side of the valley (Yule lakes), however, this is not the first water body we encounter on our journey, so this theory doesn't seem plausible.

If you've been wise and found the blaze,
Look quickly down, your quest to cease,
But tarry scant with marvel gaze,
Just take the chest and go in peace.

The forth stanza contains one sentence or one clue, but in fact there are four. At first, this stanza seems to provide the final location of the chest, but we will soon learn that this quest is far from over. It was masterfully crafted to drain both mentally and physically for only a true treasure seeker could unravel the mystery of the final location of the chest.

If you’ve been wise and found the blaze,
Yet another controversial clue that baffled the minds of thousands. There was a wide range of compelling ideas associated with the blaze, but not many searchers took the blaze for its literal interpretation which is a very large or fiercely burning flame. A wise person will research, read books, study maps, and above all, look at things from a different perspective. As we continue our quest with Google Earth, we descend on a flat area of the valley dubbed Thompson flat. From this moment on, we should probably get our eyes peeled for the blaze since it's the next clue on the menu. After thorough inspection, we notice a small reddish-brown spot located inside this region.

A small reddish-brown spot outlined by a red oval.

At first, the significance of the area in question seems unconvincing, however when we rotate the image 90 degrees, things become more apparent. This previously overlooked frivolous spot suddenly transforms into the fierce deity with a cunning resemblance of a burning flame. In reality, it is a collection of bushes scattered over the area that stretches over some 1,300 feet. In autumn through spring, these bushes appear reddish-brown, but in summer they turn green. Yet again, Forrest hid a substantial clue right in front of our noses for nearly a decade and got away with it.

The blaze.

A cunning resemblance with a burning flame.

Look quickly down, your quest to cease,
Hooray! All that's left is to look for the chest under the blaze and the treasure could be ours! Alas, this is an incorrect statement! The path to this location from the parking spot is very treacherous even in summer conditions. For someone who was in his late 70s, carrying over 20 pounds on his shoulders will require tremendous amount of effort, not to mention the added weight from food and water supplies. So if we did everything Fenn intended us to do, what did we miss? The answer is pretty obvious, we have to look under the blaze! There is one particular feature that stands out in most bizarre relief and it's the 90 degree angle the Yule creek forms at the base of the blaze. It is a very rare phenomenon in nature for a water creek to form a right angle and that's why it deserves special attention. As a matter of fact, there is a high probability that the course of the creek, for some incomprehensible reason, has been artificially altered in the past.

The creek forms a perfect 90 degree angle.

The entire stanza provides a tone that convinces the searcher to look past this logic; pack your bags and look under the blaze area. Unfortunately, the search area is still massive and being in the remote location makes it a very time consuming journey to reach and explore.

In order to find an alternate location, we have to look at things at the right angle, literally. Fenn was a military pilot and an avid land surveyor, so it is not surprising that he decided to include some navigational voodoo in his treasure quest. The most intuitive way to deal with this matter is to draw a straight line from the Skyline mine to the blaze on a topographic map. Fenn reiterated that the starting point (Skyline mine) is of paramount significance, therefore we should consider this as an important piece of information. The next logical step is to draw a set of perpendicular lines that correspond to the precise length of the initial line; one set from the blaze and one set from the Skyline mine. We end up with four possible chest locations, three of which are in hard to reach areas. So far, there is only one potential location that matches the description and it happens to be very close to the 3C road. If this is in fact the final location then the rest of the clues should confirm this hypothesis.

Point C is inside the wilderness territory/public land
A precise 90 degree angle line was drawn from the Skyline Mine to the chest location
AB length = AC length;

But tarry scant with marvel gaze,
What is the marvel gaze and why do we have to tarry scant? If we were to stand next to the blaze, we are presented with a million dollar view which is dominated by three massive mountain peaks. Unofficially, they are called Baby Bells due to their resemblance to Maroon Bells that are located about 10 miles North-East.

Baby Bells view near the blaze location.

At this point, Fenn hints that we should wait a little bit and not rush with our assumptions that the chest is located anywhere near the blaze. If the Baby Bells is indeed the marvel gaze then they should be visible from the actual hiding spot. If we are to take the last most plausible location and flip into a perspective mode, we could appreciate the very same view only at some distance away.

The very same Marvel Gaze view near the hiding spot.

Just take the chest and go in peace.
The phrasing here is convoluted. This line has been masterminded to confuse the searchers into believing that their quest is over by implying they should have looked under the blaze area. Yet Fenn is better than this; he believes that the real thrill of the chase is not without some romance. He first dazzles us with a marvelous view and only then goes for the goodies! The word chest here, refers to woman's breasts. I realize that it may sound preposterous, but the nature's uncanny ability to imitate is ubiquitous.

Take the chest!

Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in Europe, is perhaps one of the most notable examples with prominent features.

So why is it that I must go
And leave my trove for all to seek?
The answers I already know,
I’ve done it tired, and now I’m weak.

The 5th stanza contains 2 sentences or 2 clues. Fenn is asking a question which could be further divided into two separate clauses: Why is it that he must go? Why should he leave his trove for all to seek? In this stanza he is trying to convey an important message that he couldn't have made it all the way to the blaze. He was too old, frail and weak at that time to make that trip, so why should we? He also refers to his treasure as a trove, which from a legal point of view is no longer considered to be abandoned property. One of the synonyms of the word trove is stockpile. Perhaps, we should look for some stones that stand out and covers the entry to a natural cavity, but we cannot be certain unless we have our boots on the ground.

So hear me all and listen good,
Your effort will be worth the cold.
If you are brave and in the wood
I give you title to the gold.

The 6th stanza contains two sentences or two clues. This is a last stanza that further solidifies the final location of the chest. Forrest have mentioned that we need to have boots on the ground in order to properly solve the last few clues. Did he mean the searchers have to be at the blaze location to realize it's not there?

So hear me all and listen good, Your effort will be worth the cold.
What stays cold in the mountains regardless of the season? Water comes to mind! Water is considered to be cold if it is under 55F. There are two small streams in the vicinity, but I doubt they are active during summer time. There is a possibility that there is an underground water source, perhaps too small to be outlined on a map by cartographers. Fenn have mentioned that the treasure chest is always wet, yet it is not underwater. Since the chest was located at high elevation, it is safe to assume that dew formation is nothing but ordinary. If the chest is shaded from the sun exposure, than droplet formation on the bronze patina due to condensation is to be expected. However, a more plausible explanation is that the chest is located in a small natural cavity which is always moist, especially if it is on the shaded side. What if temperature has nothing or little to do with the chest location? What if Fenn is feeling a little jolly and wants to play the hot and cold game with us? He did send us to the blaze location after all and now he wants to comfort us that this game was well worth it. Does he imply we should use cold judgment? There are myriad interpretations one can come up with, the important thing is that this clue holds little or no significance at this point since we are just a stone's throw away.

If you are brave and in the wood I give you title to the gold.
Bravery is not just facing one's fear, it's also persistence and perseverance. They say it's not being brave if you aren't scared or stupid. Fenn's intention was to mislead searchers into thinking the area under the blaze is the correct hiding spot. Even if you truly believed your solution was accurate, you are most likely to end up empty handed, exhausted and move on with your life. It takes someone who is persistent and not easily swayed when faced by series of challenges and failures. You need to take a step back and consider the bigger picture and finally look at the problem from the right angle. In the wood, on the other hand, could mean we have to be in the “bullseye”. In the past, the bullseye of the dart board was made of wood, hence the expression “in the wood”. If we look at the topographic map of the area we notice that the highest elevation points or peaks are outlined by a circle or an oval which depicts the bullseye analogy.

The peaks are depicted by an oval or a circle on a topographic map.

Update 2/4/2021
I decided to include a screenshot that illustrates most of the landmarks on one single picture of the area.

Treasure map. Click to enlarge.

This poem was written by an architect who deliberately chose every word that could be interpreted in a myriad of ways. When the treasure chest was allegedly discovered, neither Fenn nor the finder provided any useful information about the whereabouts of the site other than it was found somewhere in the state of Wyoming. While I cannot state with absolute certainty the reasons of such conspiracy, I may speculate that a lot has to do with taxes and/or legal aspects the finder may be facing if he chooses to disclose the proper location. I hope that my contribution will fuel others to explore the unknown and mysterious, for the journey is more important than the destination.

Stay safe!
- mr djopavitch
submitted by mr_djopavitch to FindingFennsGold [link] [comments]

BevCanna: A big opportunity

First of all: This is translated from a German article which reports on a stock that has risen over 100% since the last report. Now it is about to explode and I wanted to let you know about it, as I am very grateful for the GME profits. (Btw i put the german version + a TL;DR version at the end and sorry for my german school english, I'm also just a retard like you)

Is this the last call today, the actual last call before an all-changing licensing at BevCanna, which according to plan will launch the first cannabis-containing beverages as early as Q1 2021.
In case of success right now a tremendously big share price opportunity! The clock is ticking...
After today now twelve (!!!) weeks since the start of the "Final Review" process of the Canadian health authority "Health Canada", a license that changes everything for BevCanna is probably definitely more than overdue. This could trigger the departure from penny-stock existence for the BevCanna share.
Many investors were already speculating last week that the license would be granted, allowing BevCanna to launch its long-developed cannabis-infused beverage brands (water, iced tea, sodas, etc.). Experts see an incredibly large market and BevCanna is, in our opinion, the best positioned company among micro caps in the cannabis beverage segment.
This past weekend, the Canadian health authorities announced the first license grants in 2021. BevCanna was not (yet) on the list, the disappointment was obviously high among some investors, some doubted a license grant in general, the share price "buckled". An update on the granting of the license came after the weekend, which clearly indicates that it could already be this weekend and the granting of the license is generally not to be questioned anyway.
"Health Canada has confirmed that while BevCanna has experienced a short delay in processing the license, final discussions regarding the issuance of the standard processing license are nearing completion."
Read more here:
In our opinion, the chances of betting on a final farewell to the penny-stock existence and thus perhaps even getting a potential tenbagger into the portfolio are actually enormously high. No company known to us is so well positioned for a successful brand launch in a market that is just emerging into the billions (according to the experts' assessment). Everything is in place, including a large, state-of-the-art factory with an initial annual bottling capacity of over 200 million bottles.
The only thing left to do is to get the green light from Health Canada. In our opinion, there is no question that the traffic light will soon change to green. The only question we have now is whether the all-important license, which is a complete gamechanger for BevCanna, will come this coming weekend or perhaps the following weekend. In principle, however, it (almost) doesn't matter if we assume that it will come. Only the share price is likely to be at a completely different level after an announcement, which is why we think the smart investor should have a position in the portfolio right now.
We definitely do not believe that the share will be cheaper again. The uncertainty mentioned at the beginning after the last weekend, whether a license will come at all, was insofar even quite fantastic, that we have now seen once again an entry opportunity of under $ 1.00 (CDN), which is to be used today!!!
We consider the current situation as a great opportunity, and possibly, no, - we mean even very likely - the last big chance before the official license receipt, which is truly a big gamechanger for BevCanna. We expect the receipt of this license to mean goodbye to being a penny stock, forever!
By the way, do you know of a fitness drink called Celsius? -Probably not, the brand is still virtually unknown in Europe to date. In North America, the "fitness freaks" know it. Why are we telling you this!? - The company Celsius started on the stock market as a penny stock, the stock was listed similar to BevCanna once in the low penny range at prices around $0.14 (US). Today, the company is on the Nasdaq, Celsius' stock stands at around $56.00 and the valuation brings over $4 billion to the stock market scales. With Celsius, many may have initially doubted that a new energy drink would even have a chance in the market. But long-range planning and the capital needed for growth made it happen! Do you think a similar scenario for BevCanna is far-fetched? - We don't, and we're obviously not alone in that opinion:
Million investment: Almost 80% above current price! Why?
Obviously, accredited investors believe that the chances are much better than "just taking a few percent". They invested millions in BevCanna only in January, and this at a valuation that is almost 80% above the current share price (accredited investors paid $1.50 (CDN; approx. 0.97 €) and thus a premium of over 70% to the last closing price). So we are probably not alone with the bet on the farewell of the penny stock! The investors put $3.5 million (CDN) on the table for their investment! Do you think they were complete idiots, dreamers or lunatics? Rather, we believe they were strategically astute investors with their sights set on the very big picture, which may even look similar to the Celsius picture at some point.
Read on here for our latest update on the big BevCanna bet and why we think it should be especially worthwhile to get in right now:
Parallel record sales with "side business"
Last week, the cannabis-infused beverage developer, which is expected to have at least one major brand launch in Q1 2021 after receiving a necessary license from Canadian health authorities, reported record sales from its "side business," online sales of Pure Therapy branded nutritional supplements, which is apparently becoming increasingly successful:
BevCanna's Pure Therapy Reports Record Monthly Revenue
HERE to the news story:
For this year, management expects high revenues in the millions and positive EBITDA from e-commerce activities for these products alone, as January is already said to have started extremely positively, as was reported a few days ago.
Besides the license, the second big bet: one of Canada's emerging water brands
In addition to the big bet on obtaining the license, which would be a significant gamechanger for BevCanna, investors are also speculating on the acquisition of Naturo Group and thus on the purchase of one of Canada's new and quite promising water brands: TRACE! The strongly rising mark becomes in Canada for its special and by the Canadian health authorities certified Fulvin and Huminstoffformulieren onnfensensichtlich ever larger, because TRACE is already distributed in completely Canada over retailers, hereunder also of the well-known Seven Eleven! By mid-February at the latest, the "closing of the landmark acquisition of Naturo Group, which has assets worth more than $37 million" is now expected to be completed!
"According to the latest independent valuation report on Naturo dated January 2021, the enterprise value of Naturo is between CAD 37 and 38 million."
The completion of the Naturo acquisition should also trigger a correspondingly strong market reaction. At the current stage, we see considerable opportunities for disproportionately high gains and therefore believe that the BevCanna share belongs in the portfolio of every highly speculative investor who, like the large alcohol giant Constellation Brands, internationally successful breweries (including German) or Hollywood star and entrepreneur Gwyneth Paltrow, is betting on the future success of cannabis-containing beverages.
In fact, we see BevCanna's stock price and also valuation already in the next few weeks more on par with a The Very Good Good Company ($7.08, valuation $683 million; CDN) or at least an Else Nutrition ($3.57, valuation $338 million; CDN). There are some valid reasons for this assumption just with the keywords market hose, cannabis beverages, licensing and "trace" water.
Strategic funders from the beverage industry!?
By the way: It has not yet been possible to find out whether the investors in the aforementioned capital injection may even be strategic investors from the beverage industry. The #1 market leader in cannabis beverages in the USA (Keef Brands) recently acquired a stake in BevCanna. International beverage companies like Oettinger or alcohol companies like Constellation Brands already relied on the expertise of the Canadians in the cannabis sector in the past.
BevCanna: Extremely high chances of significant gains
BevCanna's stock is a penny stock. However, the stock has been in rally mode for several weeks and, in our opinion, now has the potential to give the market a good shake-up over the next few weeks and ensure significant gains in the portfolio. The US market leader in the sector officially acquired a stake in BevCanna just before the turn of the year. In these days even a million investment with a price premium of nearly 50% was locked.
These are two very big events that, if you open your analytical eye, are probably quite foreseeable and should turn BevCanna into a company that is then the focus of the mainstream, virtually overnight. BevCanna could become the market leader in an industry that has been the talk of the town, especially recently: Cannabis 2.0. The company has been preparing for a long time, developing brands, investing millions to be able to reap the big harvest. With THC- and CBD-containing beverages (lemonades, iced tea, infused water, etc.), they want to become the leading company in the industry.
Alcohol giant Constellation Brands or Hollywood star and entrepreneur Gwyneth Paltrow obviously have the same belief: "Cannabis beverages are the future"
Hollywood star Gwyneth Paltrow had invested in this emerging industry just before the end of 2020 and sees cannabis drinks on the fast track, she believes that they could soon surpass alcoholic beverages. A massive investment by alcohol giant Constellation Brands in a Canadian cannabis company speaks to that, as does the fact that Germany's Oettinger Brewery also sought the expertise of a Canadian company.
"USA: Number of cannabis drinks sold has doubled! CNBC reports data from analytics firm Headset shows total revenue from cannabis-infused beverage sales doubled from September 2019 to September 2020." - in November 2020
In our eyes, BevCanna is the only company that is still listed on the stock exchange as a micro-cap and is so far advanced, indeed seems to be only weeks away from entering the market in a new multi-billion industry, in which investors can nevertheless still participate at an early stage (especially in terms of valuation) and thus with a very particularly high leverage factor.
Everything is there, probably even the company's own factory with a current annual bottling capacity of over 200 million bottles and its own artesian water source. For as early as January, a double-digit million transaction is also to be completed, which has already been picked up in part by the local media in Canada: the takeover of the Naturo Group, which owns, among other things, one of Canada's major new up-and-coming water brands.
No wonder, then, that shortly before the turn of the year, BevCanna's stock traded at its highest volume to date since going public in the summer of 2019. That's because the company is clearly just one license away from a major market entry into a new billion-dollar industry:
Just one license...
The so-called Standard Process License is required by BevCanna to be allowed to bottle cannabis-containing beverages. All other permits and necessary certifications are already in place. So it is really only this one license that is missing for the big and already announced launch of the first beverages early this year, and for which the Canadian health authorities (Health Canada) already confirmed the "Final Review" of the applications more than eight weeks ago.
What is new, however, is that Health Canada has now confirmed shortly before Christmas that there are no further questions about licensing:
BevCanna Advances to Final Stage of Health Canada Standard Processing License.
Read more HERE:
"Receipt of our Standard Processing Licence is an important milestone for our Canadian production and distribution strategy, and we are confident that we'll achieve this any day now," said Marcello Leone, CEO of BevCanna."
ANY DAY NOW! This was the message published before the Christmas holidays, which may have given additional momentum to the share price before the turn of the year. We think that investors should definitely have a position in the portfolio before the, in our eyes, very likely license receipt in January. The "final review" by the authorities, which has now been confirmed by the health authorities more than two months ago, should therefore be completed. The license application passes consequently probably and in our opinion very probably already in the next week the last instance: the awarding authority!
Participation of the US mart leader Keef Brands
Then, just before New Year's Eve, BevCanna also announced the investment of a U.S. market leader, Keef Brands, the No. 1 U.S. cannabis beverage company. BevCanna's new shareholder Keef Brands currently offers eight of the ten top-selling cannabis beverages in the U.S. state of Colorado and two of the ten top-selling in California. Keef Brands ranks first in the U.S. in both unit sales and revenue among all cannabis beverage companies!
#1 U.S Cannabis Beverage Company Keef Brands Takes Equity Position in BevCanna
Read more HERE:
U.S. market leader Keef Brands is clearly signaling its confidence in the future of BevCanna, the emerging Canadian cannabis beverage specialist, with its investment. It, too, is likely assuming the license will be received in January.
Once the license is here, we'll see a complete revaluation of the company's
Shares of other start-up food & beverage companies, some with significantly less unique selling proposition and hardly any significant sales, are listed on the Canadian stock exchange, some with valuations of over half a billion dollars (CDN). The stock of The Very Good Food Company, a young Canadian producer of vegan meat alternatives, has already made it to a high of almost $10.00 (CDN) this year, while BevCanna's stock is still trading at penny level.
You probably see the huge upside potential yourself, especially since many experts believe in a new boom in the cannabis sector anyway: cannabis 2.0 is currently the big topic in the venture capital sector, along with mushrooms that are supposed to cure depression, but also among major beverage companies, where even a billion-dollar giant like Constellation Brands sought expertise from a Canadian cannabis company. We believe investors should definitely have the stock in their portfolio ahead of the very likely receipt of the license.
The mega transaction with Naturo and Trace Water: no later than Jan. 20, 2021.
And by January 20, 2021 at the latest, a current mega transaction in the Canadian water industry, the acquisition of Naturo Group with one of Canada's great new emerging water brands, is also expected to be completed. Trace, a unique water with special mineral ingredients, has now made it into over 3,000 stores in its current launch phase. Trace will be 100% owned by BevCanna - as management expects - no later than January 20, 2021. We believe the final closing of the transaction will also provide strong power for gains.
What we have seen with stocks such as TAAT or The Very Good Food Company (sharp price multiples within a short period of time) could now be in store for BevCanna.
Cannabis beverages: a new billion-dollar market!
Experts estimate this just emerging market with cannabis beverages as huge, a multi-billion market where even big alcohol companies and breweries smell big business. Young people are drinking less and less alcohol and want feel-good products that don't harm their health.
Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow made a big investment in the industry as recently as October and believes that cannabis drinks will sooner or later supplant alcoholic beverages. Alcohol giant Constellation Brands has jumped into Canadian cannabis company Canopy at a billion-dollar valuation. Germany's Oettinger Brewery has also sought expertise from Canada.
First Mover. Former CEO of Arrowhead now sees 'unlocking significant growth potential'
BevCanna was one of the pioneers, one of the first movers in the industry that could now benefit disproportionately large, and so could the company's shareholders. With decades of experience in developing, branding, and distributing "iconic brands" that are sought after by consumers around the world, BevCanna's team boasts unparalleled expertise in the growing cannabis beverage market. Former executives and leaders of major corporations have gathered around BevCanna.
Even the former CEO of Arrowhead Water in Canada, the world-renowned water brand, who serves on the company's advisory board, is speaking out about the recently announced deal with Naturo:
Bringing together these two leaders in the Canadian beverage industry will unlock significant growth potential" - Don Wood, former CEO of Arrowhead Spring Water.
BevCanna Anticipates to Close Landmark Acquisition of Naturo Group by January 20, 2021
Read more HERE:
So by Jan. 20 at the latest, it should be done: BevCanna will become the owner of Naturo Group. One of the great and very special new water brands will then belong to BevCanna:
TRACE source alone estimated to be worth $20 million
BevCanna will not only own a state-of-the-art factory with a bottling plant with an annual capacity of over 200 million bottles when the announced transaction with Naturo is completed. The company will then own 100% of the TRACE water brand, which is currently shaking up the Canadian market. The unique water, which comes from the company's own spring and whose value alone was estimated at almost 20 million USD in a current expert opinion from 2020, contains the particularly high-quality fulvic and humic minerals, but more on that in a moment!
Spotted at 7-Eleven in Vancouver: Right between Evian, Nestlé or world-renowned Fiji water: TRACE will now be 100% owned by BevCanna. - A huge game changer for the company!
In Canada, they are currently conquering the retail market and are even on sale at 7-Eleven. With the Naturo acquisition complete, they are looking to push the US market as well. With the completion of the spectacular acquisition deal, a million-dollar deal, BevCanna is present overnight in over 3,000 stores in Canada.
This is because its TRACE alkaline water is already present in Canada at major key retailers and grocery chains.
"One of BevCanna's key initiatives is to accelerate the expansion of Naturo's market-leading Fulvic and Humic mineral beverage TRACE into the U.S. market. (...)" Excerpt from the ad hoc announcement released this morning.
The assets of Naturo Group alone have been valued at USD 35 million in an independent appraisal. What do you think will happen now when the announced transaction closes no later than January 20!!!? We believe that the stock could rise to price spheres of a The Very Good Food within the next few weeks already.
With the license in hand and with one of Canada's great emerging new water brands, we don't think prices of $3-4.00 (CDN) are at all utopian or unrealistic.
This is a tremendous upside opportunity!
We expect a complete re-rating of the company as BevCanna now becomes the fixed owner of one of Canada's great new water brands: TRACE.
The TRACE brand represents artesian water, which currently holds a leading position of plant-based fulvic and humic water sold in Canada and is sold by more than 3,000 Canadian retailers, with international distribution agreements and partnerships already being explored, the company announced.
Fulvic and humic minerals occur naturally in nutrient-rich soils and mineral-rich rock sediments, and their potential health benefits were recognized centuries ago. Key properties include enhancing cognitive performance, gut health, improving immune function and helping the body metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Market for premium water huge
Keep in mind that the water source alone from which TRACE water is sourced was estimated in an independent report to be worth $18 million in 2020. The market with alkaline water is a gigantic one, especially in North America, and has been growing constantly for several years. The market research institute Zenith Global estimates the global market with premium water at USD 4.32 billion in 2023. Alkaline water in particular has seen double-digit percentage growth in recent years.
Besides the stock exchange approval of the Naturo acquisition, the second very big time bomb: the license to bottle beverages containing THC and CBD!
With the completion of the Naturo acquisition, BevCanna now has all the assets it needs to bottle THC- and CBD-containing beverages in the future, as soon as the license from the Canadian health authorities has been granted: the truly enormous speculation that is currently underway at BevCanna, the great leverage that, if successful, should easily be good for share price gains in the triple-digit percentage range. Because BevCanna has invested millions in the development of CBD and THC-containing beverages since the company was founded by entrepreneur Marcello Leone, as already mentioned at the beginning, developed brands and established a partnership with one of the current major U.S. market leaders in the field, which has now even taken a stake in BevCanna.
So everything is waiting for the license to be granted to initiate the big market launch of the products, in a new market estimated to be worth billions and probably the reason why the billion-dollar corporation paid almost $200 million to buy just 10% of Canadian cannabis company Canopy. The stake was subsequently even increased to 38%.
German brewer Oettinger also obviously sees huge potential in this new market and sought expertise from Canada, the "Mecca" of the cannabis business. Hollywood star Gwyneth Paltrow is also a businesswoman and invested in the industry just this fall.
BevCanna is definitely one of the very few companies that have been preparing for a long time to enter the industry and in which investors can still participate in the early stages. Almost unbelievable, but true: investors are currently still paying pennies for a share, the closing price on the home exchange in Canada was $0.98 (CDN) before the turn of the year. We don't think the stock will be trading as a penny stock for much longer, BevCanna is moving up into a whole different league with the completion of the Naturo Group acquisition.
Don't you think investors have incredibly great profit opportunities with BevCanna stock right now, and that the company is in the most exciting cycle at the moment? We are convinced of this and obviously not alone: the former Canadian CEO of the globally renowned water brand Arrowhead is now active for BevCanna.
If the Canadian authorities now also issue a license that would (finally!) allow BevCanna to bottle beverages containing CBD and THC, then BevCanna could quickly become the focus of the large beverage companies anyway, but probably defitnively the focus of the investment community overseas, which should then send the valuation to a completely different level.
First cannabis beverages already announced for Q1 2020
The fact that BevCanna's management is also very confident when it comes to licensing is also evidenced by the already announced product launch of the first cannabis beverages in Canada. As early as the first quarter of 2021, the Keef and Cali-Bloom products, which have already won awards in the U.S., are expected to hit the Canadian market thanks to BevCanna and exclusive agreements with the brand owners. Both product lines are absolute best sellers in their respective sales areas in the USA. We have already explained the great success of Keef at the beginning.
Hand on heart: If the share price has already more than doubled (as it has done) on the comparatively modest news in recent weeks, what do you think will happen after the Naturo takeover is completed? And what only when a license is granted for THC and CBD beverages!?
"Secured": They already turned over millions via their own online stores!
And while the market waited for the license and upcoming product launches of CBD and THC beverages, nothing stood still at BevCanna anyway. In the meantime, the company is also successfully selling wellness and CBD products online, which are produced externally. According to the company, it is already turning over millions via its own online stores. With the announced launch of products such as the new Energypowder, among others an immune booster and other products, the sales figures are likely to be further fueled.
So with BevCanna, investors can now bet on Cannabis 2.0! The upside potential seems enormous! The downside "potential" on the other hand very small, BevCanna's e-commerce business alone should justify a higher valuation.
"What Red Bull has done in the energy drink space is impressive and inspiring to me. Opportunities like this don't come around all the time. CocaCola has been the undisputed No. 1 cola drink for decades. Anheuser-Busch InBev and Heineken are the big names and market leaders in beer. With the legalization of cannabis beverages, I immediately saw the new big opportunity, and that's exactly why we prepared for the market launch as well as anyone, in my opinion. Once we receive the license, we will take off immediately." - Marcello Leone
Here's a link to the interview with BevCanna CEO Marcello Leone at BNN Bloomberg:
BevCanna is currently improving their old website but the new one will be online soon:
The german article I translated:

BevCanna consists of many product brands, all of which show huge potential. The only thing missing to launch their product line is a license, which they expect to receive this week. The prospects after the granting of this license show a huge growth potential in the value of the stock. I personally have been holding BevCanna shares for a long time and have earned several hundred Euros with them. At first I was unsure, but now I think this stock could become one of the biggest opportunities of the year. (Possibly even bigger than GME, since BevCanna is currently a penny stock and has the opportunity to grow several hundred percent). I wish you much success and many Lambos. Bye!
submitted by domdvsd to u/domdvsd [link] [comments]

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Colorado sports betting is a thriving ecosystem with new entrants emerging all the time. There are 16 live online sportsbooks in Colorado at the time of this writing, and over a dozen more sportsbook licenses up for grabs. The Colorado Limited Gaming Commission still has plenty of room to grow Colorado’s sportsbook industry, which got an impressive start out of the gate in its first months ... Legal CO Betting Sites. Colorado regulates a wider range of online gambling activities than many people realize. Sports betting was authorized by voters in November 2019 as you may have heard, but that is not the only form of online gambling that is legal in Colorado. As of February 1, 2021, the Division of Gaming will no longer accept cash payments. Acceptable forms of payment include check, money order, and credit. NEW: The Colorado Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform is currently conducting a sunset review of the Division of Gaming. As mentioned earlier, online gambling within the state of Colorado is illegal. This means there are no Colorado online casinos to speak of, though limited land-based casino gambling is permitted including blackjack and roulette. The gaming control’s position is that most online gambling services are prohibited from anyone licensed in the Colorado casino industry. But now, with DFS and sports betting regulated, Colorado gambling laws are starting to evolve slowly. The Secretary of State's office publishes the Code of Colorado Regulations, the official record of all administrative rules adopted by State agencies.. Colorado Limited Gaming Act with Constitutional Amendment - updated 5/6/20. November 5, 2020: The Colorado Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform is currently conducting a sunset review of the Division of Gaming. The Colorado Constitution and Colorado law allow only certain types of "gambling." In addition to limited gaming in Colorado casinos, the following forms of gambling are legal: Colorado Lottery; Colorado Division of Racing - Live and off-track betting on horse racing events The legal sports gambling age in Colorado is 21 years old. As is the case in other states, people will close affiliations to sports teams (players, coaches, trainers, team officials, etc.) will be restricted from betting. This is because these people potentially have information about or the ability to influence the outcome of a game. Online Gambling in Colorado Colorado has never been a strong contender to legalize online gambling. The state’s last effort to legalize online poker was the introduction of a bill in 2013. That bill died before making any real progress and Colorado has seen no major pushes to legalize online gambling since. Online poker and gambling are specifically prohibited in Colorado. The State of Colorado Department of Law, Office of the Attorney General, declared it illegal via a formal opinion in 2013. Is Any...

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