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Back to Basics: Real Estate Investing

Hi All,
First of all, I’m a data scientist by profession but a history major by training. So I’ve tried to cite all relevant data points with a () tag. This allows us to separate debating the data vs. the analysis. I’m also a complete newbie to real estate investing. One of the main goals in fact of this post is to organize my thoughts so far and solicit feedback from more knowledgable individuals.
As part of a balanced portfolio, I've invested passively in real estate for several years (both public REITs and a small amount in a private platform). As my assets have grown and I'm entering the age to buy a primary residence, I've been trying to educate myself on the housing real estate market. After all, even if you don't own any investment properties the purchase of a home is the largest single financial transaction you'll likely ever make. In fact, if you look at the chart linked below (1, see Sources below) you'll see housing is the single largest asset for households with net worth below 1 million dollars, i.e. ~90% of Americans (2). In fact, even in 2010 (in the midst of the Great Financial Crisis): "The primary residence represented 62% of the median homeowner’s total assets and 42% of the median home owner’s wealth" (3). In fact, reading the Economist recently (obviously in my slippers) I was surprised to discover housing is the world's largest asset class. This HSBC report (avoiding the Economist paywall) cites housing as a $226 trillion (!) asset class at the end of 2016 (4) out of a total net worth in 2018 of ~$360 trillion according to Credit Suisse.
Even with my casual research, it's clear that real estate is divided into multiple segments including residential, commercial, industrial, farm land, etc. Even the subsector of residential is divided into single family, multi-family, commercial, mobile homes, etc. These segments are further divided across geographies with wildly different tax, capital, and regulatory regimes. So far I’ve limited my research to the US residential sector: single family homes, multifamily, and small commercial apartment buildings. Therefore moving forward when I say real estate I will limit the scope to the above US residential housing market, i.e. acquiring individual or personal portfolio of US housing properties.
More formally, the purpose of my analysis below is:
Note: I considered posting this in /realestateinvesting, but ultimately my goal is to evaluate real estate vs. other asset classes. Obviously some people will simply prefer real estate for a variety of reasons, but personally my goal is to achieve the greatest return for the least risk and work. I should stress that I love my career (data scientist) and have no intention of quitting, so the last point is particularly important.
One thing that immediately strikes me as an investor accustomed to public securities, e.g. bonds / stocks, is how odd the real estate market (in particular housing) is in comparison. Having a margin account from a broker, i.e. getting leverage, is often a difficult process reserved for “advanced” investors. In residential real estate, it’s considered “conservative” for an individual to have leverage of 4-5 to 1 (FHA loans, for example, only require 3.5% down in some cases!) . What’s even crazier is that the loan is often issued at only 2-4% over the 10 year US treasury rate. For example today, April 26th, the 10 year treasure is 0.606% while NerdWallet has a rate of 3.3% for a prime credit score, single family home, primary residence 30 year loan.
Perhaps because real estate is the only avenue available for newer investors to take on large amounts leverage immediately, I've seen extreme and, in my opinion, irrational positions on the subject. Even a cursory glance at BiggerPockets, /realestateinvesting, etc. uncovers multiple posts along the lines of either "real estate investing is the best investment ever!" vs. "the real estate market is a massive bubble and will crash soon". I've summarized a few of the common tropes I've seen below with my analysis.
Real estate is a huge bubble, and is going to collapse any day!
As noted above, real estate / housing has numerous segments that are further divided across geographies with wildly different tax, capital, and regulatory regimes. Saying that "real estate" will crash is like saying the “food industry” will crash. What segment and where? US soybean growers? Fast Food? Argentinian ranchers? McDonalds in particular?
Limiting our discussion to US housing: the Case-Shiller national price index (7) shows that home prices dropped ~27% from peak to trough in the Great Financial Crisis over a period of almost 6 years (Mid 2006 to early 2012). The reason this was such a catastrophic event is that housing had never decreased nationally in a significant way before in the modern era (see Case Schiller home price index). Of course, it’s worth noting that housing had rarely increased rapidly against inflation before.
Let’s assume we had an equivalent event occur. The Jan 2020 index was at 212, so home prices would decrease by 27% to ~155 (mid 2008 levels). Crucially though, this price drop would be expected to play out for years! During that time vested interests (more on that later) would lobby governments extensively for support, foreign and US investors could form funds to take advantage of the situation, etc. As a reference point there is ~$1.5 trillion available in US private equity funds alone as of January 2020.
However, it is worth pointing out that this is at the national level. Local real estate markets, particularly those dependent on select industries or foreign investors, could easily see more dramatic price movements. The US census has a really cool chart (22) that shows the inflation adjusted (as of year 2000) median home values every decade by state from 1940 to 2000. We see that Minnesota home values actually dropped from $105,000 in 1980 to $94,500 in 1990, a fall of more than 10%.
Everyone needs a place to live, therefore housing can never go down
Everyone needs a place to eat, but restaurants and grocery stores are famously low margin businesses (5). Farms supply an even more basic need, but many go bankrupt (6). The question isn’t whether housing will go down or not, but whether it will return an attractive rate of return compared to alternative investments.
It’s also worth pointing out that for most “retail” US housing real estate investors, they are investing in a narrow geographic area. Migration and births/ deaths can play a huge role in the need for housing in a given area. Case in point, NYC may have actually begun losing population to migration in 2017 / 2018 (23). Even more interesting, NYC has experienced a substantial loss due to domestic migration which is almost balanced by foreign immigration / new births (24). If foreign immigration decreases in the post-COVID we would expect NYC’s population to decline more rapidly given current trends.
It is entirely possible for national housing prices to modestly increase while expensive coastal markets decline significantly, for example.
It's supply and demand. There's a nationwide housing shortage so prices can only go up!
This one has some factual basis. Freddie Mac put out a study in Feb 2020 (18) which indicated that there is a shortage of housing units between 2.5 - 3.3 million units. Some interesting notes about this study is that they consider the “missing” household formation and extrapolate interstate migration trends. As noted below, the US builds ~1.3 million housing units a year, so this reflects ~2 years of housing construction. It’s also worth noting the geographic variation, with “high growth” states like Massachusetts, California, Colorado, etc. seeing ~5% housing deficits vs. states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, etc. seeing housing surpluses of ~2-4%.
However, a Zillow analysis on our aging population (11) points to a slightly different conclusion. Based on their analysis, an additional ~190,000 home will be released by seniors between 2017-2027 compared to 2007-2017. That number increases by another 250,000 homes annually between 2027-2037. Combined, this is about ~50% of the average annual homes constructed in the US between 2000-2009 at ~900,000.
Given these slightly conflicting reports, let’s get back to basics. First, let's separate housing into single family homes, multi-family units, and large apartment buildings. Single family homes, particularly near dense and economically vibrant metros, are far more supply constrained. In contrast, multi family units / apartment towers are, barring regulatory issues (see California), less constrained by available land. See Hudson Yards in NYC, the Seaport area in Boston, the Wharf in DC, etc. It's worth noting that due to costs / market demand most of these developments cater to the entry level luxury category and above, but they are new supply.
I actually wound up looking at US Census projections to get a sense of the long term outlook. By 2030 the Census estimates the population will grow from 334.5 million to 359.4, for a total increase of 24.9 million or an annual increase of 2.49 million (8). In 2019 the Census estimated 888,000 private single family units and 403,000 units in buildings w/ 2+ units were constructed for a grand total of 1,291,000 units (9). The average number of people per US household is 2.52 (10). Some simple math suggests that if we assume each new single family home contains the average number of Americans and each apartment conservatively contains only a single person we get 888,000 * 2.52 + 403,000 = ~2.64 million.
Now, talking about averages in a national real estate market reminds me of a joke about Mars: on average it's a balmy 72 degrees. But the point still stands that at a high level, theoretical sense there is sufficient "housing" for the US population. The question, as always, is at what price and location?
Real estate is a safer investment than the stock market!
This one honestly irritates me. While there are many advantages to real estate I can see, safety is not one of them. It is a highly leveraged, illiquid, extremely concentrated asset when bought individually (i.e not in a REIT). Let’s use an example here. Is there a financial advisoy in the world who would recommend you put your entire investment portfolio in Berkshire Hathaway? Of course not, diversification is the bedrock of modern personal finance. And yet Berkshire Hathaway is an extremely diversified asset manager with well run and capitalized companies ranging from Geico to Berkshire Homes to Berkshire Energy. Oh, and it also has $130 billion (with a B) in cash equivalents.
I honestly think this impression stems from 3 factors:
You won’t build your wealth in the stock market
One common theme I’m already noticing listening to podcasts, reading blogs, etc. is that many people started investing in the aftermath of the Great Financial Crisis (2009 - 2011). And, in retrospect, it was clearly a great time to buy property! But it was also a great time it turns out to buy almost every investment.
I plugged in the average annual return of the S&P 500 from December 2009 to December 2019 with dividends reinvested (and ignoring the 15-20% long term tax on dividends) (12). It was 13.3%. If you managed to buy at the market bottom of Feb 2009 it was 15.8%!
The long term annual average of the S&P 500 from 1926 - 2018 is ~10-11% (with dividends reinvested). (13). The S&P has never lost money in a 30 year period with dividends reinvested, see the fantastic book Stocks for the Long Run (14). In fact, if you’re investing before 30 the worst 35 year period (i.e. when you would turn 65) is 6.1% (15).
Housing, in general, has tracked at or slightly above inflation ( 16). Even a click bait CNBC article (17) about “skyrocketing” home prices states that homes are rising 2x as fast as inflation (i.e. ~4%). If you look at the CNBC chart for inflation adjusted prices, you’ll see a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.3% from 1940 to 2000. Let’s do this same exercise again with the Average Sales Price of Homes from Fred (i.e. Fed economic data) (18). In Q1 1963 the average sales price of a house was $19,300. In Q4 2019 it was $382,300. That is a CAGR of ~5.38% over ~57 years.
Another thing to keep in mind is that while real estate does have some tax advantages, there are also property taxes, maintenance, etc.
But it’s harder than that. Because real estate is an illiquid asset. In general, illiquid assets require higher returns than the equivalent liquid asset because of the inconvenience / risk of not having the ability to transact frequently.
Case study of real estate purchase:
I’d like to focus the rest of my analysis on an area that many members of BiggerPockets, /realestateinvesting, etc. seem to gloss over: credit. I was surprised to see that for first time home buyers, 72% made a down payment of 6% or less according in Dec 2018 according to (27). This would imply prices only have to decrease 6% to put these new homebuyers underwater, i.e. owe more after a sale than their mortgage. But this fails to take into account costs associated with buying a property, which are substantial at 2-5% for closing according to Zillow (28). Costs for selling a property are even more substantial, ranging from 8-10% according to Zillow (29). This means that sellers only putting down 6% could be underwater (in the sense that they couldn’t sell without providing cash during the sale) with even modest price decreases when taking into account these transactional costs.
Obviously there are ways to reduce these costs, so let’s walk through a hypothetical example of the median valued home of ~$200,000.
A young, first time home-buyer puts down 10%, or $20k, and takes out a mortgage for $180,000. They also pay (optimistically) closing costs of 2% for $4000. Luckily, they bought in a hot housing market and prices increased 5% (real) over the next 5 years. Their house is now worth ~$255,000. They sell their house and again, optimistically, closing costs are only 4%. This means they pay $10,200. Consequently, after netting out costs we calculate naively that they would make $255k - $10k - $4k - $200k (original purchase price of home) = $41k. Given they only invested $20k of their own money, this is a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of ~15.4%, which is handily above the S&P 500’s average. This is the naive calculation I first made, but as we’ll see it is deeply flawed. First, let’s look at costs.
WalletHub has a really nice chart that shows (conveniently) property taxes on a $205,000 home across all 50 states (30). The average American household spends $2375 on property taxes, so let’s assume a little less and go for $1500. So 5 years x $1500 = $7500.
For home maintenance, the consensus seems to be ~1% annually for home maintenance with wide variation. We’ll assume that’s $2000 off the base price, so $2000 * 5 = $10,000. (31).
For homeowner’s insurance, Bankrate (32) provides a nice graph that shows the average annual cost for a $300,000 dwelling across all states and then a separate chart for costs based on dwelling coverage. For a $200,000 dwelling coverage we have a figure of $1806 per year, so over 5 years we have $1800 * 5 = $9000.
Finally we need to calculate the interest on the debt. One thing that I didn’t realize until I looked at an amortization table how front-loaded the interest payments are. Case in point, I plugged in the $180,000 loan into the amortization calculator (34) using a 3.5% interest rate and saw that we pay on average ~$6000 each year in interest vs. only ~$3800 to principal.
So lets’s run the new numbers.
You sell your home still for $255,000. After 5 years, your mortgage is now ~$160000 (i.e. you paid off 20,000 over 5 years, or ~$4k per year). So after the sale you are left with ~$95,000. The buying and selling costs remain the same as before, so we subtract the $14k for $81,000. We also then subtract $7500 (property taxes), $10,000 (home maintenance), $9000 (homeowners insurance) which gives us $54,500.
We paid ~$9,700 each year in mortgage interest + principle (~6000 interest and $3700 principal). So 5 * 9700 = $48,500.
So, net of everything we get $255,000 - $160,000 (remaining mortgage) - $48,500 (mortgage payments over 5 years) - $14k (buying / selling costs) - $7500 (property taxes) - $10,000 (home maintenance) - $9000 (home insurance) = $6000. And we put down $20,000 as a downpayment, for a net compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of negative $21.4%.
That is truly an astounding result. We had 10x leverage on an asset that went up 5% each year for 5 years and we somehow lost money on our “investment” of a down payment? Keep in mind we also used fairly optimistic numbers (particularly home price appreciation) and didn’t factor in PMI, etc. On the flip side, this home provided shelter, i.e. you didn’t pay rent. That’s a massive “avoided” cost and I don’t mean to minimize it. But the point here is that many homebuyers I’ve spoken to fail to account for the substantial costs of home ownership and expect their primary resident to generate a substantial return.
Now, of course, for real estate investing you would likely either a) hold the property for less time and attempt to flip it via forced appreciation or b) have tenants in the property. Let’s focus on b) because frankly that’s more of my interest. From what little research I’ve done flipping houses requires much more time that’s incompatible with my day job.
I went ahead and used the rental price calculator I found online at (36) to calculate the return. I used a rent of $1300 monthly, a bit lower than the average national rent of $1476 (35) because our home price was also lower than the national average. I assumed a low vacancy rate of 5%, and no other expenses beyond the ones cited above (i.e. I didn’t assume property management, higher loan interest rate, higher property taxes).
The calculator spit back a 5 year internal rate of return (a metric in this case useful to compare against the securities markets) of 27.79% return, i.e. a profit of $63k on an initial investment of $20k. The IRR as I understand it captures the time value of money, basically accounting for when you made various returns (37). E.g if an investment over 30 years pays nothing then gives you a lump sum payment at the end that’s very different than if it pays 1/30th of that lump sum every year. It’s useful in this case for comparing against the stock market because the IRR takes all future cash flows back to a net present value of 0, i.e. as if we invested all the money immediately.
&Now let’s do some scenario modeling (originally we had 10% down, 3.5% interest rate for an IRR of ~28%):
This scenario for me demonstrated a number of interesting properties.
401k analysis
As I mentioned above, one of the big questions around real estate investing that I rarely see asked is “is it an appreciably better investment than the alternatives”? For W2 workers, which is ~50% of private sector workers, this question becomes even more pertinent because 401ks have massive tax benefits. In fact, only 33% of US households own taxable accounts outside of a 401k, which means the vast bulk of US households either have no accounts, 38%, or own only a retirement account like a 401k, 29%, according to (39). Let’s assume we have a middle to upper middle class worker making ~70k (this puts them roughly at the 75% percentile). They want to invest, and see two options:
At a salary of $70k and assuming you took the $12k standard deduction, you would still see much of your income fall into the 22% tax bracket. While certain states charge no income tax, they generally make it up in much higher sales / property taxes, so let’s also assume a 3% state income tax (40). This means that if you invest $19,500 in a 401k (the maximum in 2020) that’s equivalent to only $14,625 post-tax (because the $19,500 would be taxed ~25% before it got to you). That leaves almost $6000 when compared with the down payment figure above, which is coincidentally the exact IRA contribution limit for 2020! The math for deductions for the IRA gets painful, but we can assume a deduction of ~$1500 (i.e. 25% of 6000). Now, if your work offers an HSA it gets even better, because those contributions are tax-free even from social security (which is typically a 6.2% tax) + medicaid (1.45%). This means that if you contribute the $3500 limit, that’s equivalent to only $2300 post-tax.
This is getting rather long, so for the sake of simplicity we can basically say that in lieu of putting down a $20,000 post-tax downpayment on an investment property you could instead invest $19500 + $6000 + $3500 = $29000 into the stock market. What’s more, fees for well managed 401ks through Vanguard, Schwab are often ~0.25% (i.e. $72 annually on the $29k above).
If we assume the average S&P 500 index returns of 10% (we’ll ignore the $72 annually in expenses and of course there are no taxes), we would see $29k compounded over 5 years = $47,809. Since we’re investing the money all immediately, this is (I believe) more or less equivalent to the IRR rate.
So, what do we need to achieve to beat that return with our investment property? Well, we previously assumed a blistering 5% real home price appreciation. With inflation at ~2%, that’s a nominal 7% home price appreciation. According to both Zillow and Core logic, Idaho is the state with the fastest home appreciation values pre-COVID at ~9%. We’re essentially predicting close to this level for 5 years, which is quite rare. In August 2019, US home prices nationally were gaining ~2.6% according to (41).
Let’s plug those numbers into our rental property calculator from above. At a 10% down payment, 3.5% interest rate, and 2.6% home price appreciation we see an IRR of 18% per year. Game, set, match, real estate, right?
Well, sort of. Right now we are assuming optimistic projections about maintenance (1%), closing costs (2%), and selling costs (4%). What if we bump those up to the averages cited by Zillow (3% and 8%)? Uh-oh, now we’re down to 12.38%. Okay, but what if we assume rent goes up by the same amount, ~2%? Great! Now we’re back up to 14% IRR. But if we assume all the other expenses like home insurance and maintenance go up 2% a year as well, we’re back down to 11%.
We could go on forever, but the point is that real estate (particularly for rental properties) are extremely sensitive to assumptions you make on a number of factors. Given the risk, illiquidity, and work involved with a real estate property I would want to see a substantially higher return than the tax advantaged, hands off 10% my 401k gives me. I didn’t even include the typical 3% match for the 401k, which would have added $2100 to the initial investment amount and increased the 5 year return to $51,272.
The bottom line in my mind is that for most W2 workers who have access to pre-tax investments, they should max them out first. If you’re lucky enough to be able to max out all of the above pre-tax accounts + get a 3% match (i.e. $31k total) every year, after 15 years at a 10% return you’ll have $1.2 million. In 30 years you’ll have $6.8 million. And again, keep in mind that maxing out your pre-tax accounts only “costs” you ~$20k, because that’s what you would get after taxes. And you’ll have “made” those millions without spending a single hour outside of your day job working.
Based on the above analysis and calculations, here’s what I’ve come away with as a newbie to real estate investing:
Some thoughts on the future:
Forecasting is always risky, but at the same time we all have to form an opinion on where the future is headed. My general thoughts are that crisis tend to accelerate existing trends rather than create new ones. There were already recession concerns in late 2019, and US GDP growth expectations had been downgraded to ~2.0% by the OECD even before COVID (45), albeit with slight optimism around the Phase 1 trade deal with China. Geopolitical tension and capital controls in China had led to mainland Chinese investors slowing their investments in US real estate and increasing dispositions (47).
From my point of view, I’m interested in seeing how the market reacts over the next 3-6 months. Do sellers react by rapidly putting properties on the market before it’s “too late”? Are there enough prime buyers given the tightening credit, particularly for expensive coastal markets, to absorb a spike in listings? As Warren Buffett once said: “"At rare and unpredictable vanishes and debt becomes financially fatal. A Russian-roulette equation--usually win, occasionally die--may make financial sense for someone who gets a piece of a company's upside but does not share in its downside.” We shall see.
submitted by cooleddy89 to investing [link] [comments]

[Modevent] The Leviathan

8 Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, and do no more.
9 Behold, the hope of him is in vain: shall not one be cast down at even the sight of him?
33 Upon earth there is not his like, he who is made without fear.
34 He beholdeth all high things: a king of pride.
-- Job 41:8-9, 33-34
No man or woman is above the law; even those who write their nations' own laws are beholden to forces outside of their control. There is always a bigger fish in the pond, a higher rung on the ladder, a loaded gun against the head. In this case, Sylvia Santana and Xi Jinping were playing a game of Russian roulette with a semi-automatic. The gun? The global financial system, primed and ready to set off a crisis of unprecedented proportions.

Before the Storm

The great collapse of 2030, like all economic catastrophes, had been in the works for some time. As far back as 2020, predictions abounded signaling the impending financial disaster that would happen as a result of the epidemic. While that crash never came, the fundamental belief remained: things had been going far too well for far too long. The market is a self-conscious being; it will react negatively to negative perceptions, and it is in fact possible to speak a crisis into existence. Forecasters, in predicting the future, write a measure of it, and the relentless barrage of accusations that the market was overvalued eventually coalesced into a real and tangible trend. The United States' economic growth slowed to a halt under the Cuomo administration as a series of reforms and political shakeups rocked the leader of the global economy. Further actions by both Cuomo and Cotton through liberal use of the American-controlled SWIFT in attacking enemy economies slowly eroded confidence in the stability of the United States as the global financial leader. The Chinese era of dominance slowed down under the weight of an oil embargo from the Gulf Cooperation Council and the rise of Japan and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations as competitors not only in manufacturing and exports, but in finance and economic leadership. The Russian resurgence was brought to an early end by the full weight of European sanctions and a failed military venture in Belarus, along with the collapse of the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Eurasian Economic Union. The rise of the European Union was also halted by the weight of sanctions on their own economies, as well as the rise of nationalism in Germany and Romania and the burden of the domestic and economic costs of war in eastern Europe. The Arabian Peninsula was wracked by the Saudi Civil War and the GCC oil embargo, and despite the United Arab Emirates' attempts to salvage the Council, the loss of its largest economy and years of war have taken their toll on the Arab world's place in the financial sector, especially given the less-than-stellar introduction of the united Gulf currency, the Khaleeji.
So what happens when the great financial giants, the pillars upon which the ever-fragile modern economic order stands, come crashing down?

Sylvia Santana and the American Financial Collapse

President Sylvia Santana certainly did not bring about the beginning of the end of American finance -- that was Steve Bannon's doing, as part of his not-so-lovingly-named "meth-head economics" -- but she made sure that she would see his work through. Unemployment had skyrocketed, confidence in the economy was down, and the desertification of American revenues had set the stage for an impending disaster. However, an up-and-coming governor from Michigan had proven that left-wing economic policy could and would work in the United States through the Abolition of Poverty Act. At least, that was the public perception. Behind the scenes, MAPA was rotten to its core. The offering of gainful employment to Michigan residents had, on the surface, brought long-term unemployment to nearly zero. However, this masked the fact that without this legal loophole, unemployment was estimated to be at least 6-7% and could have easily been higher. The spread of Abolition of Poverty Acts throughout the country all yielded similar effects individually, but collectively, they brought about a much, much worse problem: the destruction of state revenues and the need for the federal government to bail these states out when the funds dried up. A harsh request for a national government already low on funds.
However, President Santana's great foresight understood that Abolition of Poverty Acts were simply not sustainable at a state level. She knew that the only way to ensure the continued existence of these policies was to bring them to fruition at a national level, and did so through the Federal Jobs Guarantee. While the FJG was initially successful at bringing Americans out of unemployment and providing semi-meaningful labor where it was needed, it was nearly impossible to sustain. As revenue collection had collapsed under the Cotton administration and the nation was still recovering from this loss, American debt began to skyrocket. Interest is a loaded gun, and the global financial system's finger tightened and tightened over the trigger.
And then Santana had the audacity to threaten the man with the gun.
The first instrument implemented was a series of reforms that offered the United States new tools for capital flight control. Labeling the ultra-wealthy as "malefactors of great wealth," she threatened that anyone who would avoid paying US taxes would be subject to the same sanctions that the United States levies on foreign totalitarian governments. However, most billionaires do not simply stumble into their money -- they are billionaires because they know how to avoid paying taxes and how to defeat the system while playing by its own rules. So when Santana declared war on the billionaire class, their collective response was simple: "Game on."
Capital flight out of the United States nearly doubled overnight as assets were moved all around the world. Individuals and businesses both underwent massive restructuring of capital and assets to evade taxation and subvert the measures implemented to prevent capital flight. While the United States had passed a law stating that capital flight would result in nationalization of assets, the billionaire and CEO class had yet another simple answer. The great financial giants of the United States -- Morgan-Stanley, McKinsey, Deloitte, Wells-Fargo, and more -- along with a number of wealthy individuals and companies brought a common front to President Santana: "We are moving our assets; you can either watch as we do it, or you can nationalize our assets and crash the entire country with it. Your choice." It seems that the President does not have a "correct" option in her array of decisions. She can either back down on a key policy point, or double down and risk destroying the United States financial system as it is known today.
Santana also introduced a Public Bank of the United States, much to the chagrin of the existing banking cartel that existed in the country. While everyday Americans began to move their business to the Public Bank, it was targeted for destruction by private banks and their wealthy owners. What resulted was a financial pissing contest with no clear winner -- the Public Bank was mostly successful in winning over the people, but became a revenue sink as it could not secure large enough equity to stand alone, but the private banks began to suffocate under pressure and failure was looming. It was time to see if a bank too big to fail really was too big to exist. Another hard decision for President Santana. A market where investor confidence was already low took yet another punch to the nose. It couldn't take much more, but President Santana was already winding up for another left hook.
The other major part of Santana's modern alphabet soup of reforms was the Green New Deal, a talking point since 2020 that had taken on a variety of forms and arguments since its inception. Santana's was perhaps the most aggressive serious proposal yet, which called for the forced takeover of every fossil fuel company in the country by the United States government. It went about as well as one could have expected. With the President of the United States openly calling for the death and replacement of an entire industry, the first thing to go was investor confidence. The oil, coal, and natural gas industries of the United States are titans, and billions of dollars have been born from their labor. They are the center of one of the world's most complicated networks of consumers, investors, suppliers, and financiers; it is for this reason that the United States had not yet taken such drastic action against them -- fossil fuels held the United States hostage, and without any major investments or innovations in green technology not only in the United States, but around the world, since 2020, this grip was as strong as ever. As investor confidence plummeted, so too did the stock prices of fossil fuel companies. Millions and millions of dollars evaporated overnight, never to be returned. What was once a stable source of revenue for investors -- and not only for big cats and hedge fund managers, but for retirement plans, education mutual funds, 401(k)s, and more -- was effectively shattered like glass. While the US did eventually acquire the fossil fuel companies -- and for cheaper than expected -- it came at a heavy, heavy cost. The jobs and dollars that were lost were irreplaceable, and the weight of the massive changes that had come to a country run just a few years ago by the farthest right of the right wing were beginning to crush it. The pendulum had swung too violently, and was now thrown off course.
It took ten years longer than expected, but the Great American Financial Crisis had arrived. Reforms to the banking sector, inflation caused by the raising of the minimum wage (which had a noticeably adverse effect on the job market and greatly hampered the efficiency of the Federal Jobs Guarantee), and the piling on of government spending in spite of an extant revenue crisis had finally spoken a crash into existence. The value of the dollar plummeted well below levels seen even in the crisis of 2008. Investment ground to a halt as saving became more and more necessary. The ultra-wealthy rose up in rebellion to reassert their dominance over the American economy. They themselves knew how risky it was -- forecasters lost their minds over the boldness of the move, claiming that the only thing that could have made the situation worse was a direct conflict between the elites and the government, and that was what the United States now had on its hands.
The public reaction to the Great American Financial Crisis was mixed. Many, especially those on the right side of the political aisle, were furious with Santana's hard-left course set for the country; however, even the most pro-business Americans knew that the Mexican standoff between the billionaires and the government could only spell disaster. Public opinion of the ultra-wealthy is at an all-time low as their true colors have shown -- they are willing to sell out American workers and companies to protect their own wealth from taxation. However, despite this, most Americans understand the power that the elite hold over them, and both Republican and corporate Democrat ultimately know that the nation could not survive the economic collapse that would come as a result of mass nationalization of so many essential businesses and services. It ultimately comes down to the same acceptance of inherent ethical problems in the financial system that have existed for years: the system may be malicious, but it does provide jobs and stability. In a word, it costs too much to be the good guy. More radical progressives are eager for President Santana to finalize the destruction of the oppressive financial system that has held the country in its iron grip for far too long, while moderate progressives are mostly undecided, recognizing that this is a turning point for their movement and that one wrong move could end it all.

The Trial of Xi Jinping

On the opposite side of the world, another economic giant was having its own share of troubles. The People's Republic of China had long made a name for itself as the easy partner. The United States had always cared about trivialities like human rights, stability, democracy, and ethics. The People's Republic was a much simpler business partner because it operated on a simple adage: "don't ask questions." China provided hefty investment and loans to developing nations with very few strings attached, and in return, these countries were quite happy to overlook the less-than-stellar ethical developments in the nation of China and its corporations. However, recent years had taken their toll on this idea, and the China of 2020 and the China of 2030 seemed to have entirely different foreign policies.
Some say it began with the failed Chinese intervention in the Gulf, where the United States destroyed the Chinese navy in the Hormuz Strait Crisis during the People's Republic's attempt to end the Gulf Cooperation Council's oil embargo by force. Others say it began with the intervention in Kazakhstan, where in spite of its legitimacy in restoring the original Republic, a series of failures and leaks of Chinese war crimes have led many to question the good intentions of the intervention. However, there are some who believe that the formation of EMSCO itself marked the beginning of the shift in Chinese policy, as the large-scale commitment to foreign military ventures was previously unheard of outside of China. Whatever the cause, the results are indisputable: the growing interventionist tendencies of China have led to a stark decrease in investor confidence and a lowered desire to partner with China. The economy is buckling from the weight of failure after failure in foreign ventures, and rumors abound that the Politburo will take action should Xi not take some time to focus on his own country and wrangle the myriad of problems that now face him, especially with the rise of Japan and ASEAN as legitimate financial and manufacturing competitors in the region. As an export-based middle-income economy, China cannot afford to lose this edge, and drastic action must be taken to maintain it.

The New World Order

The loss of the Chinese edge and the Great American Financial Crisis have shaken the world economy to its core. Investor confidence in both nations is at an all-time low and all around the world, countries and corporations are searching for new partners and new sources of stability. As the value of the dollar depreciates and the value of the yuan becomes somehow more unstable than ever before, countries are searching for new currencies to pin their own to. The chief candidates for the new world currency are the Swiss franc and the Japanese yen, both due to their excellent stability, isolation from financial crisis, and the stellar performance of the Japanese and Swiss economies in recent years. West Africa, following trends as far back as the 2020s, is beginning to take action collectively to align themselves with the franc, while ASEAN and other Asian and east African countries are aligning more with the yen, with most countries preferring to take on a weighted basket than a strict pin. This is a double-edged sword for these two countries -- while it provides them with great prestige and even more influence over the global economy, they now carry the hefty burden of leadership. Furthermore, as demand increases, the values of the yen and the franc are rapidly appreciating, leading to price fluctuations in those countries. However, the die seems to have been cast, and a great burden has been thrust upon their shoulders. As goes Japan, so too will go much of Asia, and should the United States and China not clean up their own acts, the world. But for now, no nation is unfortunately spared the wrath of the Leviathan.
Too Long; Didn't Read and a Meta Commentary
As the great leaders of the global economy, America's and China's suffering is the world's suffering, and the damage they have done to themselves is done to their partners as well. Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas all feel the strain of these events as the world enters a global depression. Growth decreases will vary across region and individual nation, but every country in the world -- including Japan and Switzerland -- can expect that their growth rates will decline from this, and that the reactions of the United States and China will be equally instrumental as their own actions in solving this. Economics is not a balanced game, and every entity in the world does unfortunately stand at the mercy of those wealthier than itself, and America and China are at the top of that food chain. However, the world may have some collective bargaining power should they try and push the great powers any one direction.
submitted by planetpike75 to Geosim [link] [comments]

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Conclusion: Jackpot City Casino is an oldie but goodie

It is simply the best casino promotion available, mainly when you will deposit $400 or more. They also have weekly and monthly promotions that add extra value to your casino experience!
The casino bonuses at Jackpot City are by far the best for Microgaming Casino. At other Microgaming sites, like Royal Vegas, Ruby Fortune, Quatro Casino or Captain Cooks Casino, Platinum Play Casino, Karamba Casino, getting the same value for your deposits is not an option right now.
Along with the best Microgaming bonus in Canada, JackpotCity online casino promotions are one of the reasons that have made Jackpot City popular amongst online casino Canada players.
submitted by freespins1 to u/freespins1 [link] [comments]

HOLY WOW^3! Plus a bonus!

Holy wow.
Should read HOLY WOW4. Whoops...
We've reached and screamed by the 300 subscriber mark!
I swear, you guys...Many thanks to you all.
Our plans for global domination continue unfettered...
Just for that, I'm adding this little rant I did a while back about those idiots in the Human Resources clan that make a contractor, freelancer, or out-of-work job-seeker want to forgo all social mores and feed an entire clade of people to into a large, bottomless hole outside the orbit of Saturn.
Please, as always, share and enjoy.
And thanks again. I never believed for a minute this would ever happen, but there you go...
Beer, vodka, and cigars all 'round!
Cheers! Halala! Xursand bo'ling! Ура! ചിയേഴ്സ്!
A Traditional Triumvirate of Tripe: Company HR Departments, Recruiters, and Job Scammers
Disclaimer: The information/opinions expressed in this article is purely based on my own analysis and does NOT represent the views of any Company, Organization, or Government.
Although it probably should.
Ever since the Oil Industry, particularly the upstream sector, went into a OPEC-engineered, (and US frac*-aided) career slump in late 2014; a fog of fibs, fabrications and flat-out falsehoods have infested what were once proud bastions of truth, honesty and most importantly, employment.
(*Read: ‘Hydraulically fractured’. But most will rely on the unfortunate shorthand moniker ‘frac’.)
It seems that with oil and gas jobs evaporating worldwide, there is a resultant precipitous fallout on the detritus of once-prosperous careers that feeds and nurtures the nativity of a blighted crop of hucksterism, unprofessionalism, and opportunism. Of course, I'm speaking of some oil company HR Departments, Recruiters/Headhunters, and their inevitable afterbirth, Job Scammers. From the corpses of once celebrious careers, the cadaverine of cupidity issues forth from these four-flushers with the deftness and delicacy of a double-tap.
If the reader takes from my tone one of rage, exasperation, and loathing, I am well pleased. I have been personally embroiled in this fetid stew, as an unwilling recipient, for far longer than I care to remember. Only few times before in my academic and industrial career have I been witness to such a confederacy of dunces, sad-sacks, and second-rate flub-a-dubs. One such memorable debacle was at a "Creationism Conference" in Kentucky, which will one day rate its own literary necropsy, while another was with the charlatans, con men, and latter-day carpetbaggers poised to prey parasitically upon the freshly-exposed carcass of the Former Soviet Union.
The former was an exercise in intellectual dishonesty shoddily wrapped in the threadbare and shoddy vestments of mythology and pseudoscience being foisted off as reality. Luckily these folks can presently be pointed out, laughed at as mountebanks, mummers, and misanthropes, and rightfully ignored. The latter were far more pernicious: foregoing the supernatural aspect of the Kentuck Creationists; for these con- and rip-off artists aim right where the reality is at its most real: in one's wallet or pocketbook.
So where do the miscreants of this missive land in the scale of scumbags? I will cite instances of intellectual, professional and industrial dishonesty as well as obvious and familiar attempts at financial fuckery. Seems while we might not have squared the circle, these bozos certainly have spanned the scurrilous spectrum from ignorance to apathy to fraud.
Oil Company HPersonnel Departments
Typically thought of as an adjunct to only the larger of the oil companies, this is no longer the case. With the rise of unconventional resources and the integration of the internet, seems most every drilling, exploration or production company website has a "Careers" section; sometimes where they actually post jobs.
More often than not, it's an electronic Post-it® note in an empty section "under construction" or "404 File not Found" and the admonition that the company will not accept unsolicited resumes without a job reference number. Likewise, there's rarely an email address posted in the "Contacts" section; and if there is it's a generic '[email protected]', which usually feeds into an overflowing, but never updated, examined, nor read, mailbox.
Translation: "Bugger off. Don't call us, we certainly won't call you."
Heartwarming in the extreme. Hope you dump 78 sacks of Blue Circle HPHT down your sloughing well and your balls erode.
Let's take a look at some of the more pernicious activities of some of the Human Resources clan who somehow managed to hold onto their positions during this time of global economic crisis and general worldwide brouhaha.
Posting for 'speculative' jobs: "These jobs don't really exist, but they might sometime in the future. Be proactive and send us your resume so we can file it" and immediately forget about it. Right, and I might win a Mr. Conviviality award at the local HR congress, but I wouldn't bet on it.
Resume fishing: “We will hold on to your resume and contact you if we ever have any jobs that meets your qualifications." A favorite ploy among many HR generalists. Why pay recruitment agencies and go through the pain and suffering of actually talking to prospective applicants when we can generate a glimmer of false hope and stuff our filing cabinets to the brim with hordes of free resumes? We'll be so well placed when the industry finally turns around that we can just put our feet up, scarf donuts, and wait while the deluded hopefuls pour in their particulars. Dishonest? Perhaps. Immoral? I would think 'yes'. A shitty business plan? Without a doubt.
Time taken to respond (if such does actually occur): HR departments are legendary in their sloth, often losing footraces (in a metaphorical sense) with glaciers, so some time is necessarily, though grudgingly, allowed for some form of response. 3 months? 6 months? An entire year? Or, as noted in this gem of a canned attempt at defense from an actual HR manager: "I am the only one who screens, interviews, checks references, runs background checks, and completes hiring paperwork with applicants. As you are well aware, it can be a very time consuming process."
Oh, boo-fucking-hoo. You actually have the brazenness to bewail the fact that you have to do your job? People like this have their heads so far up their asses that they've turned into living Klein bottles. I'll guarantee you you'll receive absolutely zero sympathy from your chosen audience. Remember those folks who are actually trying to land a job upon which your very job depends? Evidently not. Perhaps it best to ignore this company and let this poor bedraggled HR specialist find out what it's like on the other side of the desk.
No notice of jobs disappearing/being put on hold: Barring receipt of even a token message, when the applicant finally loses whatever semblance of patience he or she once had, a phone call by the applicant and some telephonic roulette later, one is reluctantly informed: "Oh, that job was filled internally/phased out/put on hold until the continents reassemble."
Unemployed oil workers subject to such treatment are to be lauded in their restraint to not personally visit the oil companies guilty of this misdeed and re-enacting some of Vlad the Impaler's more indelicate activities.
And now, the big one:
No contact after applying: Ask any demographic group of the unemployed which set of phrases should be given a huge ceremony, flown at great speed to the International Space Station, held in microgravity, force-fed cesium milkshakes and jettisoned forever into the sun, and I think these would be high on the list (here's for humor: try and guess which are paraphrased and which are direct quotes…):
i. "We thank all applicants for their interest in this opportunity; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted."
ii. "Due to the expected volume of applicants we may not be able to send you a personal response but only communicate with you if your application is successful.”
iii. "Nevertheless the HR department has more and better things to do with its time than respond to everyone who’s looking for a job."
iv. "Unfortunately, because of the volume of applications we receive, we aren’t able to give status updates, but if you are invited for an interview, you will be contacted directly by the manager for that position.”
v. "The person responsible for the vacancy will contact you should your skills and experience match their requirements.”
vi. "Please note, due to high volume of applications, recruiters are unable to accept phone calls.”
vii. "Due to the volume of applications we receive, it is our policy not to give contact information to external applicants. If, after you apply, it is determined that you match our hiring needs, you will be contacted directly for an interview. "
viii. "We would only reply to the applicants who are considered to fit the position.”
ix. "The CVs that are not meeting the requirements will be ignored.”
x. "If you don't hear from us in the next weeks, you may assume that someone else's experience was more suitable for the job, or that the job vacancy was filled in another way."
xi. "Applicants not contacted within 31 days after the closing date, should consider their application unsuccessful."
(For those keeping score, these are all verbatim classic HR department responses, personally harvested from Emails and various websites.)
Having been on the hiring side a few times in the last 38 years, I can proudly relate the fact that I have responded personally to every single applicant no matter how out in left field the applicant's experience and education. I once posted for a Sr. Geophysicist, and received resumes from everything from Nuclear Engineers to Quality Assurance Managers to Sous Chefs. A bit on the bizarre side, but even that misguided and presumably bewildered chap deserved to be told that he was, unfortunately, not selected for the position. I have always maintained that any company with the wherewithal to advertise for any position also has the funds to reply in a timely manner, be it negatively or positively. Unfortunate that many of our brethren and cistern in Human Resources do not agree.
So much for the company's HR employees; more could be said, but what hasn't been said of that group that hasn't already been said about hemorrhoids?
However, here's yet another group of individuals that should be rounded up, given First Class tickets and flown at great speed into very deep and remote parts of the ocean:
I know, I know. Not all oil and gas recruiters are dimwitted slack-jawed knee-walking knuckle-draggers only recently adapted to using sharpened pencils, but there are some...some who willingly instigate and participate in activities such as:
  1. Cold calling old numbers without checking first. Checking what, you ask? Well, perhaps if the callee is alive? Sort of a basic requirement of not only advancing a career but, on a much more basic level, being able to converse and exchange gasses. This may seem, at the outset, ludicrous, but from personal experience where a family member has shuffled off this mortal coil, the dimwits and nescients of HR were calling to inform him of this great opportunity that just opened up. The reason? It was a vacancy created by that person not being available though his expiration. How meta is that? You see, it's well worth the time and effort to do a simple Google search, it voids the necessity of cleaning all that egg off of your face.
  2. Next on the hit parade: Promising to call then never following through. Again, something regrettably gained through personal experience. Several times in the last couple of years, I have received Emails about great positions that I'd fill perfectly; was I interested and if so, when can we talk? Just need to message the recruiter back with the "Yes, I'm interested" and time/date/telephonic coordinates for the much anticipated conversation. Breathlessly waiting for the phone to ring...though it never does. Calling them yields nothing as you are routed directly to unanswered voice mail and further Emails are similarly ignored. Of what can this be in aid? Did you fill that position with someone else and you're too timorous or gutless to confront me telephonically? Did the position suddenly evaporate? Did the position never in reality exist? Are you some form of gormless deviant who delights in wreaking havoc on unemployed people's lives? Are you someone who should be taken out back of a rarely cleaned public outhouse and beaten with spiked baseball bats on a field of freshly sown broken glass? I'll let the reader draw their own conclusions.
  3. Then there's this old Expat's perennial favorite: Calling without checking the callee's time zone. OK, I'll admit this is relatively trivial (especially since we are finally receiving a call), but as we're on a roll here, it needs to be included. You see, it's generally well accepted that we all inhabit the outer crust of an oblatley spheroidal planet that is currently evolving, revolving at 900 miles per hour. And through international agreement, this old globe is chopped up into 24 more or less equant time zones. I won't even go into the celestial frippery of daylight savings time or other subtle temporal nuances, but it's generally taught in elementary school that the time in London, England is rather different than that in London, Ontario. And that similarly goes for time in Moscow, Frankfort or Amsterdam versus Muscat, Houston or Calgary. It's not too difficult to check an area code and figure out what city you're calling, buckwheat. Invest the 30 seconds before dialing.
  4. Another favorite activity of people whose brains seem to have vapor-locked from being left idling far too long: Continued advertising of ancient jobs: For example, consider this little disheartened gem:
"Geologist (Exploration) Oman Oil Company Exploration & Production (OOCEP) Arglebargle, Middle East. *Posted 1198 days ago*."
That ad is over 3 fucking years old! OK, to its credit, the site notes the ad (screaming across the site in solid 8-point type) is expired, but why do they need to keep it current on the web? "Look, see, we had jobs!" How many times is this seen in a Google search and someone thinks it's a real, not fossil, job? Are they deriving revenue from such hits? If so, it's at the least unethical; however you slice it, it's a fucking stupid way to do business. If it ain't a current position, lose it.
Sending out job adverts for expired jobs. Ever received an email with that perfect job only to find out that job is "expired"? Makes one wonder. Why is this job, from a freshly-minted Email message, "dead"? Was this a form of deception? Was this a form of miscommunication? Or was it just a form of apathy on the behalf of some recruiter who had to make his or her daily quota of contacts? None of the answers are any more savory than the other and it still should be legal to inflict significant physical pain on those promoting its practice.
Deliberate misdirection, aka 'search engines built by the lowest bidder'. Here's an all too common occurrence one stumbles over when searching some recruiter's websites: Type in, for instance, the query: "Oman Geologist Jobs Oil and Gas" and you are immediately steamrolled by a swarm of such jobs as Sr. Reservoir Engineer (Simulation), Assistant Quarry Manager or Oil & Gas Tax Attorney (which require, in order, a Bachelors of Science Degree in mining, Bachelors of Engineering or a fucking Law Degree). Real fun can be had by including the term "Senior"; so you too can be the proud recipient of jobs for Sr. Python Coordinators, Sr. Cloud Architects and other such senior idiocies that shouldn't have a senior anything. C'mon people, I may be a somewhat crotchety old phart, but if we can put a man on the moon (snort), one would think that some clever dick could figure a decent website-based search engine that wouldn't waste everyone's time and dilute their efforts. And keep off my lawn.
Now here we go from the profoundly irritating to the downright illegal:
Recruitment consultants in (and for) the UAE that are breaking the law by charging people looking for work, in the midst of a job shortage caused by the global financial slowdown. Firms based in Dubai and Sharjah have been found to be illegally demanding payment of as much as Dh400 (US$110) during the recruitment process for "registration" and "job arrangement" from applicants, and one especially pernicious is the site: "". Yep, you schmucks, I'm calling you out by name.
"As per the UAE Ministry of Labour, it is illegal to take fees from candidates, and online recruitment companies or recruitment agencies that do so are violating the law," Article 18 of the UAE Labor law states "no licensed employment agent or labor supplier shall demand or accept from any worker, whether before or after the latter's admission to employment, any commission or material reward in return for employment, or charge him for any expenses thereby incurred, except as may be prescribed or approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs".
Immoral, illegal and probably not good for your lymphatic system. And they wonder why recruiters sometimes are plastered with expletives and expired produce.
Yet another favorite tactic by some recruiters who should be rounded up, dipped in stale beer and cracker crumbs to be pecked to death by ducks: Sending speculative jobs, which do not match candidate’s profile, with the entreaty to "Please send this along to any colleagues that might fit the position". "If you're not the right fit for this position, but you know somebody who is, please feel free to send this opportunity along!" Sure, do I get a finder's fee or kickback for doing your job for you? Rhetorical questions asked without requiring an actual fuck.
Further fun fomented by a faction of fatheads: Continued listing of duplicate jobs. Why? Why is it necessary to list the exact, same and identical position on your website 2, 3 or 5 times? To give the illusion of bulk? To present the faucity that your group has the inside track to the best, not to mention numerous, jobs? Or it is just to piss off potential clients who are forced to scrutinize and compare each job advertisement in order not to miss the one that might be valid? If you are guilty of this, you're doing yourself and your potential clients a disservice. Someone out there might just take umbrage at your attempted deception and nail your head to a coffee table; metaphorically, of course.
And lastly, this charming piece of electronic flotsam: "Free" CV review. No, I don't want your 'free' CV review that will ultimately inform me that my CV scores a 48 out of 100 on your totally subjective CV rating scale and that I need to rush you to brighten my CV, make it irresistible to job advertisers, change the course of civilization for the better and probably ensure whiter teeth in just 10 days. Tell you what, I conducted a little experiment in my copious unemployed free time. I took a generic CV for a mid-career geologist off the web, wonked it around a bit and sent it to 10 different "Free CV services". Each one noted deficiencies, with an aggregate score around one-half of what pegged their particular scale. Not one noted the horrific grammar, the blatant lies, profuse misspellings and juvenile formatting of the damn thing. Sure, I'll send in good money for you to fix that what you can't evidently see that is hiding in plain sight.
Well, now we're two-thirds of the way through this morass of mendacity and meatheadedness and I think my ire and invective are at this time well enough honed to take on that last bastion of bastard bottom-dwellers: Job Scammers. Be forewarned, I am taking names and calling out certain assholes for acting sphincter-like internationally.
You have been warned.
What are the scammers after? First we have to understand what the scammer’s aim is. This can be to get money from you and/or to get your personal details, including bank details, in order to “steal” your identity and either get money from your account or to commit fraud in your name. Charming people, ones where I wouldn't object to substituting them for dumb animals in certain diabolical religious dismemberment rituals.
There are several clades of this particular irritant, although the common denominator of these evolutionary U-turns is to separate you from your money. Pure and simple, it's a cash grab. Call it what you will: phishing, identity theft, spoofing or just plain theft; it's all about the Benjamins (or Sir Robert Bordens or Nikolay Muravyov-Amurskys or Genghis Khans).
Here's a short list of actual idiots of this stripe gleaned from only a week or two's worth of Email (all verbatim):
  1. "We deliver your C.V online direct to the companies with a fee of US$230 only!!. AMADI BONAFIDE ORGANISATION OF NIG.AGENCY (BONA) VENTURES Email:[email protected]"
    Let's see: lousy grammar, ding for cash, suspicious free email provider. Yep, I believe him. Send him a letter bomb.
  2. Indian idiots calling with jobs in the UAE for US$290.
    +1 90 40 4789 5503.
    Yes, I'm calling you out too, you waste of carbon, that's the actual number. According to the UAE Labor Law, it’s is illegal to charge candidates for jobs. Typically, if you get a call from a "John" with a heavy Indian accent, from what appears to be a large warehouse filled to capacity with a thousand other Indian "Johns" yammering at volume into phones. The best course is to condemn them for being liars, quacks and charlatans, hang up and immediately write nasty and pointed articles about them listing their phone number so that others will be forewarned. Job well done.
  3. Another favorite: the job offer from a seeming actually existing company with which you've had no contact nor interview.
    Prime example: MUBADALA OIL AND GAS U.A.E, "[email protected]".
    If you are not interviewed face to face, in person; the job offer is always a scam!
    Never send documents or money to these socially retarded individuals. These can be used by unscrupulous individuals to steal your identity and cause you a world of pain. For further and timely information go to and
  4. Some general scammer info:
  1. What to look for scam avoidage:
  1. What you should do:
If someone asks you for money to progress your application: If you receive an unsolicited employment offer or you are unsure about anything connected with the job, contact the authorities immediately. Please do not contact the scammers yourself. And do not send the scammer's Email addresses to the Australian Porn Mafia, Scientology, Amway or Neo-Nazi Nation, no matter how much you think they deserve such treatment. That is, unless you really, really want to...
If it sounds too good to be true, it is. You should be suspicious of any job offer for a position that you are not qualified for, or for a salary that seems unrealistically high. With the severe downturn in the industry please be careful as the scammers are targeting candidates within the sector as being the most vulnerable.
You have been warned and make sure to warn all your friends and colleagues too.
Y'know, I'm not terribly religious, hell, I'm not even a little bit religious; but I do know there's this agency which can, for the lack of a better term, be called 'karma' that will eventually navigate itself through the cosmos and even the score with these scamming jackals. The Oil Patch was the original "Global Community", way before the advent of the Internet, and is even more so now. It may be a huge old world, but it's a tight-knit global Oil Patch.
Somehow, somewhere, someway somebody's going to figure out it was you that fucked him (and his family) over in one of his darkest hours. Retaliation will not be pretty. It may not be of the "up on the roof with the magnum: 9 dead and they blame Marine training" caliber, but if you're the recipient of the wrath of a scorned Oil Patch citizen, you may just wish it was.
And they repeat that hiring moratorium because they neglect to see, or fail to recognize, the long-term damage it did to their workforce. Two decades later they woke to the realization that their best executives were all approaching retirement age, with too few mid-career execs being groomed to replace them.
Circle of life in the Oil Patch? Oil prices tank, companies lay off hundreds of thousands, STEM enrollment at university plummets, mid-career pros head to 'more stable' industries and your mentoring, maintaining, and managing experience retires.
Result? Vast skilled labor shortages; 'Boomer Scoot', 'brain drain' leads to undue/unrecognized risk, sketchy prospects and dry holes; project management suffers, due diligence wanes, reserve replacement craters; lower profits, higher losses, a spiral into's happened before...don't let it happen again.
  1. or
a. To search for the registration details for a website.
a. To view other websites that have registered with the same email address.
a. Social media/news aggregator. Join for free and ask questions of experts.
i. The sub-reddits:
  1. Geology
  2. Geoscience
  3. Geologycareers
  4. Oil and Gas Workers
a. The info-junkie's best friend.
Thank for reading.


submitted by Rocknocker to Rocknocker [link] [comments]

McCree hero design

Found this in one of my files, was a fine talent tree for McCree. Thought R2 was fun, hope it become true someday.
McCree Range Assasin
Health 1400
Health regen 3
Att dmg 90
Att range 5.5
Att speed 1.5
Ammo 1.5
[D] Trait Peacekeeper: McCree uses a single-shot gun with six ammos at maximum capacity; the gun needs to be reloaded after all bullets are shot. Press D manually reloads Peacekeeper. Reloading takes roughly 2 second.
[D]Trait headshot: the sixth bullet deals 50% extra damage.
[Q] Fan the Hammer: McCree can quickly unload all remaining bullets with great confidence and hit the target. Shooting towards the target enemy, dealing physical damage. Does not trigger the headshot trait and each bullet deals 50% damage, 10 second cool down.
[W] Flash Bang: McCree throws a exploding grenade to a designated area, stunning all enemies in the radius. Stunning the enemies for 0.5 seconds and deal 80 damage. 13 second cool down.
[E] Combat Roll: McCree dives a small distance towards a direction and reload his Peacekeeper after reaching the destination. 13 second cool down.
[P] Relentless Warrior: being controlled refreshes combat roll(E) and grants 15 Armor for 2 seconds, reducing damage taken by 15%. Only trigger every 10 seconds.
[A]Double Roll: active to gain 2 charges of combat roll(E). 60 second cool down.
[W] kaBoom!: hitting two or more enemies with flash bang(W) increase the duration of stun by 1 second and increase the damage by 50%
[E] A Man’s Gotta Plan: combat roll (E) grants 120 shields for 3 seconds
[!W] upgrade Formula: Quest: hit 10 enemy Heroes with flash bang (W), or hit 3 enemy Heroes with one flash bang. Reward: after the stun effects wear off, targets are blinded for 1.5 second
[D] Russian Roulette: now Peacekeeper(D) will trigger headshot at the first bullet
[!Q] Fully Loaded: Quest: cast fan the hammer(Q) with six bullets remaining in Peacekeeper. Reward: every fan the hammer casted such way permanently increases the damage by 5%, up to 100%
[E/D] Tactic Offense: reloading with combat roll(E) increases the remaining bullet damage by 25%
[E] RaceHorse: combat roll(E) increases Movement Speed by 30% and grants Unstoppable for 1 second.
[W/E] Full Ammunition: combat roll(E) also refreshes the cool down of flash bang(W)
R1 Deadeye: target a designated large sector area and start channeling; deal 320 damage and every 0.3 seconds channeling increases the damage by 75, maximum channeling for 3 seconds. While channeling, McCree’s movement is reduced by 70%. 70s cd
R2 Cowboy Duel: select an enemy hero as target; after 0.75 second, both McCree and the enemy will be halted, ceased fire (similar to H and S), gain unstoppable and start channeling for 3 seconds maximum. During the channel, both McCree and the enemy can move but cannot cast abilities or basic attacks. If either Hero moves, the channeling will be canceled, and deal a maximum of 40% of the maximum health to the moving hero; the damage fades as the channeling time increases, down to 0%. 50 second cool down.
Lv13 [D] Bigger Clip: Peacekeeper(D) now has a maximum of 12 bullets. Every fan the hammer will consume 6 bullets; headshot will be triggered for both the sixth and twelfth bullet used.
[D] Bob Killer: fan the hammer and basic attack against enemy Heroes deal bonus damage equal to 1.5% of the Hero’s maximum health; increased to 3% when headshot is triggered.
[D] Leech Bullets: physical damage against Heroes heal you for 20% of their damage dealt; increased to 30% when headshot is triggered.
[A]High-end Ammunition: active to make all remaining bullets splash for 100% damage; also slows enemies by 15%. It has a 30 second cool down.
[D] Peace Executioner: deal 30% more physical damage to controlled enemy Heroes
[A] Cowboys now ride Motors: active to summon a motorcycle to mount; the motor grants 40% Movement Speed. While channeling motor and the 1.5 seconds after, McCree will not be dismounted if taken damage. 60s cd
[R1] Its Always High Noon Somewhere: double the channeling damage, and deal bonus damage equal to 20% of the target’s missing Health.
[R2] Don't Chicken Out: the channeling maximum time limitation is removed; the damage no longer fades out. The Hero winning the Cowboy Duel is instantly healed to full
[E] Tumbleweed: physical damage lowers the cool down of combat roll(E) by 2 seconds.
[E/D] Bullseye: every bullet from basic attack and fan the hammer triggers headshot.
submitted by tigerpan12 to heroesofthestorm [link] [comments]

MAME 0.215

MAME 0.215

A wild MAME 0.215 appears! Yes, another month has gone by, and it’s time to check out what’s new. On the arcade side, Taito’s incredibly rare 4-screen top-down racer Super Dead Heat is now playable! Joining its ranks are other rarities, such as the European release of Capcom‘s 19XX: The War Against Destiny, and a bootleg of Jaleco’s P-47 – The Freedom Fighter using a different sound system. We’ve got three newly supported Game & Watch titles: Lion, Manhole, and Spitball Sparky, as well as the crystal screen version of Super Mario Bros. Two new JAKKS Pacific TV games, Capcom 3-in-1 and Disney Princesses, have also been added.
Other improvements include several more protection microcontrollers dumped and emulated, the NCR Decision Mate V working (now including hard disk controllers), graphics fixes for the 68k-based SNK and Alpha Denshi games, and some graphical updates to the Super A'Can driver.
We’ve updated bgfx, adding preliminary Vulkan support. There are some issues we’re aware of, so if you run into issues, check our GitHub issues page to see if it’s already known, and report it if it isn’t. We’ve also improved support for building and running on Linux systems without X11.
You can get the source and Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to emulation [link] [comments]

[V7E10 Spoilers] Volume 7 Episode 10 Review

And so we come to the final four! Today's episode marks the final month of Volume 7, and like every Volume before it, this year is only ramping up the intensity. We're going to follow the episode's example and race towards the excitement in today's review!

Episode 10: Out in the Open

Instead of opening on a visual, the episode engages us with sound first. We hear the chaos of Mantle before we can see it. The opening thrums of a cello immediately put us on edge and set the tone for the following sequence. The wide shot that follows encapsulates a dozen different scenes of danger and despair. Unlike the attacks at Argus or way back at the Breach, this episode spends a good long while showing us the terror of a Grimm attack from the perspective of Remnant's ordinary citizens.
Our view focuses on a single street where a few Atlas soldiers actually manage to slay some Beowolfs and allow a few innocents to retreat. However the situation is fleeting, and as the Grimm pour in from the side streets behind them, the soldiers all eventually fall. The battle in the air is equally chaotic. Squadrons of Mantas unleash their missiles at airborne Grimm, even as a few members of the flight are engulfed in flame. I regret using the term "hellscape" so much in my reviews these past months, because only now does it seem to truly apply.
The camera brushes past the oncoming Grimm and assumes an "over-the-shoulder" position behind a crowd of scared civilians before finally cutting on a shot of the Megoliaths pouring through the hole in the outer wall. This long take is easily my favorite single cut in the entire show. We go from a wide establishing shot to a turbulent and hectic display of heroics before assuming the POV of the very citizens our heroes are fighting to protect. We've seen the Grimm attack settlements, and several in the community even commented on the Grimm's perceived impotence, but this episode's opening establishes quickly and clearly that the Grimm are to be underestimated at one's own grave peril.
Our heroes enter the scene just as a lone Sabyr descends on a Faunus family. Nora enters like an action hero, and the Grimm is quickly slain, but the gang's smiles are quick to fade; all victories are fleeting tonight. Elsewhere, Blake lures a Megoliath and several smaller Grimm into position, dodging lunges with several different dust-fueled shadow clones. Blake leads the Grimm right into Elm, who proceeds to YEET THE MAMMOTH 30FT IN THE AIR HOLY SHIT. A few timed charges from Yang seal the deal, but every team is already breathing heavy. Speaking from experience, nothing tires you out as quickly or thoroughly as sustained combat. Yang voices her concern that the Mantle shelters won't be large enough to protect all the civilians, reminding everyone of the larger battle being fought.
Clover and Qrow coordinate the fight from a rooftop, but a sudden call from Ironwood redirects the two Huntsmen to parts unknown. Without further elaboration, the two veterans leave their post. At the outer wall, civilians are running out of escape routes. Several are literally backed against a wall, and as Nora turns to assess the situation, both she and the viewers are treated to a panning shot of the rest of Mantle's districts turning red. This camera angle expertly puts us in the shoes of Nora and the other Hunters, making the accusations that follow hit even harder. The civilians start to panic, and Nora tries to allay their concerns, but there's just too many worried citizens. Just as the crowd seems on the verge of rioting, Robyn appears across the city's countless screens.
Collected and sympathetic, Robyn heralds the start of Ironwood's groundbreaking message, confirming it's validity with her Semblance. As Ironwood starts to speak, the din of battle falls away, giving the General's words room to echo. Ironwood quickly names Salem as the Grimm's ultimate master, and highlights her goal of dividing and demoralizing humanity. Robyn cuts in to name Watts and Tyrion as the perpetrators of Mantle's murder spree and the heating grid's failure. Ironwood starts to build up steam again, bolstering the population and calling for everyone to unite and fight back together. The General's normally stoic facade starts to break as he grows more emotional and empowered. For all his lack of pomp, Ironwood is not without passion.
The General confesses to diverting supplies to the Amity Project, and announces the new CCT is ready to launch. Finally, Ironwood tells the frightened masses that his air fleet will be diverting from Amity to evacuate everyone to Atlas. Nora turns to see the once scared crowd cheering, and finally the episode's tone seems to change.
Plenty of characters get smaller moments during Ironwood's speech. Ren gets to use his new grappling cables to deliver some Death from AboveTM while Jaune manages to just shove an entire charging Sabyr against a wall. Blonde boy is stronk. Vine uses his Semblance to part an oncoming tide of Grimm against the sides of a street, and Jaune even gets a small leadership moment. Using his kid-shepherding skills from primary school, Jaune tames the panicked adults and reassures the scared kids into an orderly evacuation.
Elsewhere in the city, our villains have their own reactions to Ironwood's speech. Neo and Cinder sit stunned in their hotel room as Watts and Tyrian are named, while Watts himself can't understand how Ironwood hid Amity from him. Josh Grelle takes the cake for his performance, however, as Tyrian screeches with sudden anger, unable to comprehend how the Grimm unified Salem's enemies. Watts once again proves his plotting skills, and quickly adjusts to the change in circumstances. Seeing a weakness, Watts tells Tyrian that "our tin soldier's heart has cost him his mind," and asks him to distract Atlas forces in Mantle for as long as possible. As Robyn reassures the civilians in sector 17 that she'll personally assist them, Tyrian sees his own chance to exploit the heroes.
Back in the Hotel Room, Cinder's nearly as angry as Tyrian. Cinder says she "can't believe those idiots beat us here," that "Vacuo was the next target," and that Salem's "timeline has changed." Now looking worried, Cinder confirms that Neo saw Oscar holding the lamp, then sends her to retrieve it. Neo protests by way of adopting Ruby's image, but Cinder only reacts by getting angrier. "We get what I need first! Then we get what we want!" Neo pouts, but Cinder just smiles, telling Neo that Ironwood's predictability is going to lead them right to the Winter Maiden.
There's a lot of subtext in this scene, which helps us understand the duo's objectives. Cinder knows securing the Relic will ingratiate her to Salem, and so she sends Neo to accomplish this first. Meanwhile, Cinder has her own goal of accumulating the Maiden mantles. Finally, when she's finished her other tasks, Cinder will pursue her grudge with Ruby. However, things aren't so simple for Neo. Cinder's behavior demonstrates repeated hints of the arrogance that has characterized her since Volume 2. Her failure at Haven has made her cautious, but she still responds to disobedience and non-compliance with anger, and she still considers Watts and Tyrion, who have until recently been single-handedly toppling a government, to be idiots. Cinder still classifies everyone around her as either incompetent pawns, pathetic weaklings, or enemies to defeat. Her casual assuredness as she takes Neo's Scroll shows how little Cinder values the opinions of others.
Neo is understandably shocked and angry. Neo's own motivations don't extend past revenge, and Cinder may be the best vehicle available for that revenge, but Cinder's own behavior shows that there is no love lost between them. Other gestures like rolled eyes, rocked hips, and the quick, unprepared catching of a thrown Scroll show that Cinder still only barely respects her own ally. Given this rift, I doubt Neo has given up on her own revenge against Cinder. She just may have to wait a little longer for it.
Back in Mantle, the evacuation is in full effect. As citizens are loaded, we hear a deep rumble and see a streak of green light fly across the sky. At another landing site, we hear a second boom, followed by a delayed streak of flying green light. Just as Ruby and Harriet are bringing their own group of citizens to their LZ, we finally see the source of the noise. Standing between them and safety is an elder megoliath, bristling in rage. The build up to this Grimm's reveal is handled superbly well. Like earlier in the episode, we hear the Grimm before we see it. We also get enough clues to start asking questions, but the answers come quickly enough so as to not slow the episode's pacing down. By the time the giant Grimm is revealed, we already know that our heroes are about to fight a mini-boss of sorts, and that Penny will be key in taking it down.
The fight begins and Penny and Harriet quickly engage. Ruby stays back, closes her eyes, and begins to meditate like she learned in Volume 6. A leitmotif of Indomitable clues us in that she's trying to draw on her Silver Eyes. Unfortunately, the distractions of the larger conflict make focusing not practical, and Ruby starts to fight conventionally. In a rather gutsy move, Penny tries to grapple with the titanic Grimm. However, the elder megoliath is no Bullhorn, and Penny is flung away by her own strings. Ruby rushes to help, but Penny's cheery response tells us there's nothing to worry about. When the two reengage, it's with a plan in mind.
Harriet tries to stall the Grimm, but she's a lightweight in a heavyweight fight. Penny squares off and pins the goliath down with a beam attack, all while subtly super-heating a section of the Grimm's tusk. Suddenly, Ruby swoops in, severs the heated tusk, and with Penny's help, trips the gigantic Grimm onto it's own spear. The entire sequence happens fast, but the double-impact of the Grimm's final fall sells both the physical and narrative weight of the impact. Fun fact, lots of martial art movies use the same technique, showing the same hit twice, to give viewers more time to process the blow and thus equate it with more importance.
With the mammoth defeated, the cowering citizens are quick to cheer for Penny, restoring her reputation as the "Protector of Mantle." Penny signals Robyn that their evacuation site is clear, and the show once again uses radio transitions to transition between scenes. Robyn is finishing her own duties, and sends her Huntresses away while she searches for stragglers. Her isolation reminds us of Tyrian, and we trope-savvy viewers think we know what's coming when Tyrian emerges from the shadows. Tyrian thinks that he's cornered Robyn into one of the 1v1 fights he's so good at, and chooses to gloat a little to Robyn. His showboating gives Clover and Qrow enough time to spring their trap, beginning the reveal of the episode's twist.
Amidst Mantle's chaos, a single Manta slips away to Amity Colosseum. In contrast the overbearing cacophony of Mantle, Watts walks through the unfinished corridors of the stadium in silence. He's slightly hunched, looks almost underwhelming, and has only the howl of the wind and the hollow echos of his own footsteps to accompany him. He reaches the main arena, and remarks that the actual communications tower looks far from finished. Suddenly, security shutters spring to life, trapping Watts in the center ring. It takes a comparatively long time for them all to close, however, which gives the viewers more time to appreciate the build up to Ironwood's entrance. Once again, we hear Ironwood before we see him, though when the General does appear, he's grinning like the cat who caught the canary, and his bombastic theme music is swelling to life behind him.
Finally, Watts recognizes Ironwood's trap, and turns to face the General as he enters the ring. However, Watts is far from frightened, and uses his rings to interface with Amity's network, activating the ring's biome system. Ironwood tries to outright shoot Watts, but the hacker blocks the bullet on a small hardlight buckler. Just as the General becomes the fourth member of the "Use Adult Words" club, the biome roulette wheels stop spinning. In the episode's final shot, the Tetris-shaped platforms of the Gravity Dust biome rise from the stadium's innards. Watts draws his own weapon, a rather archaic looking revolver, and confidently tells Ironwood that he won't go down without a fight.


This week's RWBY content is a transitional episode brilliantly disguised as a combat episode. Salem's secret is out, the Grimm are being fought directly in Mantle, civilian evacuations are underway, and most importantly, all of the major "duels" are now set up and ready to start. By taking the time to tie up some of the smaller plot threads, the combat heavy end of this Volume can dedicate it's focus to the smaller, more plot-critical fights that RWBY is famous for. That's not to say everything's resolved; we still have three episodes left. There were three episodes between Penny's death and the Volume 3 finale, and many important story beats still happened in that time. Without knowing what lies ahead, I would instead say that Volume 7 has reached it's climax. All the factions (save Cinder) are known, and everyone is on a collision course with each other. Next week's fights will start determining which side claims victory for the whole volume.
If the last episode was the heroes finding their footing, this week shows them throwing their first punch. They've taken direct action before, but now their conflicts are coming into the open. This episode was great on my first viewing, but it wasn't until my second watchthrough that I fully appreciated the ingenuity of Ironwood's plan. First, the General played to his strengths as the defender. He generally knows what the villains are after, but they could use their secrecy to approach their objectives from any angle. To successfully flush Watts and Tyrian out of hiding, Ironwood needs to give them clear paths to their goals without making the opportunities so obvious that the villains will suspect a trap. To do this, he plays on their own expectations, while at the same time showing how far he's come as a character. He also knows they work well together, and wisely separated his bait so as to isolate each villain before crushing them with overwhelming force. This is how you show Ironwood is a tactically competent general.
Ironwood's most consistent character trait has always been his dedication to those he protects. He took direct approaches to problems, making hard choices regardless of the consequences. It's what caused him to bring his fleet to Beacon in Volume 2, and why he spends the time after Beacon edging closer to authoritarian rule. That is the Ironwood that the world has always seen, and after Ironwood's change in Volume 7, it's a view that's now outdated. Ironwood has learned to trust in others, to share his load and rely on his friends to help him. Now that he doesn't have to do everything alone, he can trust others to do their part in stopping Salem. He trusts the citizens to resist Salem's influence, he trusts that Robyn, Qrow, and Clover can handle Tyrian, and he trusts that he can dedicate his full attention to kicking Watts' smug ass. I'll expand on this in the predictions section, but tying Ironwood's impressive deception into the Volume's main theme makes the payoff even more satisfying.
Similarly satisfying is Ironwood's speech to the kingdom. Ever since he announced his plan at the beginning of the Volume, I knew the reveal was going to be significant, but I really enjoyed how Ironwood presented his case. He outlined Salem in broad strokes, but he didn't try to hide information. He emphasized unity and coopeation, and as he did so his own professional demeanor gave way to a barely contained battle cry. Ironwood does care deeply about his people, and that is the side of James Ironwood that the Kingdom got to see.
Finally, I have to say a word about the cinematography and filmcraft in this episode. The CRWBY really pulled out all the stops, from subtle musical cues and using sounds to foreshadow, to the truly astounding camera work throughout this entire episode. What started as a humble passion project on a shoestring budget now demands both your attention and respect. The professional care and attention to detail is on full display, and I am fully confident that if nothing else, the final three episodes of Volume 7 will be similarly well-made. Everyone on the production team, from voice actors and animators to rigging artists, writers, and storyboarders deserve a round of applause.


This Episode contains a lot of obvious clues and a few subtle hints at what may be coming, so I'm going to approach more certain topics first and tackle my more wild theories at the end.
Obviously we've got a few fights coming next week. First and foremost is Clover, Qrow, and Robyn vs. Tyrian. This fight has been partially foreshadowed by the opening since V7E1, and every pro Hunter present has a good mix of ranged and melee options. The fight itself will be in an alleyway, which is both visually distinct from Amity and focuses on a simplified, more confined style of back-and-forth combat. Of course, all bets are off if Tyrian turns tail and runs or if the fight spills out onto the rooftops of Mantle. First impressions tell me that Tyrian is about to have a bad time. His Semblance largely negates the numerical advantage the heroes enjoy if he can quickly eliminate a few combatants, but the combination of both Clover's good luck "buff" and Qrow's bad luck "debuff" tip the odds heavily against Tyrian. I've talked in previous reviews about how I don't think Clover is a traitor, so I don't think he'll turn on Qrow and make this a 2v2, but his absence in the opening could indicate he'll be the first fighter disabled by Tyrian. Either way, while I think Tyrian can put up a good fight, I think it's more likely he'll try to flee. He's too outnumbered to be able to cleanly kill all three Hunters.
The fight between Ironwood and Watts is the last fight I'm absolutely certain about. I think the biggest clues about this fight come from the weapons both men are carrying. In a world of fantastic gun-scythes and combo polearm-trident-railguns, Ironwood and Watts are having an old fashion gunslinger's duel. For Watts, his antiquated choice of weapon actually makes a lot of sense. A man who spends his days manipulating technology would want the most reliable, tamper-proof firearm he could get. Ironwood has always carried "Due Process" like the arbiter of order that he is. Like the knight errant or the classic western hero, Ironwood is a champion for his beliefs, and beliefs are what matters in the fight to come.
It's no coincidence that Watts and Ironwood are butting heads. Ironwood's entire arc this Volume has been about the trust necessary to spread the truth, and Watts is the physical embodiment of the lies Ironwood has had to overcome. There battle is a physical struggle, yes, but it is also the ideological battle of opposite beliefs. Can the truth outshine any obstacle, or is truth just what the victor decides it is? That's the real battle being fought here. Between the ultimate thematic conflict of the volume and the promise of a brightly lit fight between two master Huntsmen, this fight is what I'm most excited for in the coming weeks.
Next we have Neo and Oscar's conflict. In terms of a fight, I think the two are fairly comparable. Neo is an expert in stealth and subterfuge, and is a highly experienced fighter. Oscar doesn't suspect an attack, but he has been growing closer and closer to fully melding with Ozpin, potentially granting him more fighting experience than anyone else on Remnant. Additionally, Oscar's Semblance was foreshadowed in the mid-season, much as Jaune's Aura Boost was, and now would be an ideal time to reveal it. The biggest concern after this week is that Neo will impersonate one of the heroes to get close to Oscar. This may work, but given Neo's Ruby impersonation, the viewers will already be on high alert for anything suspicious when Oscar's on screen. It wouldn't make for much of a twist unless her disguise is very well hidden.
Alternatively, Neo might not be going for Oscar at all.
Winter is the only member of Ironwood's team that is unaccounted for, and many fans (including myself) have guessed she has left to guard the Winter Maiden, putting her on a collision course with Cinder. Cinder's method of locating Fria may simply boil down to trailing Winter, Ironwood's most trusted lieutenant. However, it's possible Cinder herself might be trailed by Neo, looking to betray Cinder and secure the Maiden powers for herself. In the end, Cinder remains this Volume's largest wild card, threatening to turn Ironwood's cunning victory into a staggering defeat. We don't know what the fight over the Winter Maiden Mantle will even look like. For all we know, Winter has gone to Fria's bedside to kill her, securing the powers in Atlas' time of need (though I do think this specific possibility is less likely). Whatever happens, I'm excited to see Winter fight again, and I know Cinder's presence will have significant consequences for the Volume as a whole.
Now that we've talked about the immediate future, it's time to put on our tin-foil hats. I'm about to drop my craziest theory yet, and I can't decide whether I would be thrilled or horrified if it came to pass. Based on Cinder's comments, we learned that Salem's original plan was to crush Vale, then Mistral, then Vacuo, and finally Atlas. Cinder's been out of the loop for a while, but she recognizes that Salem has had to accelerate her plans. Initially, I thought this meant that Salem delayed her plans in Vacuo in order to stop the heroes from succeeding in Atlas. I mean, last we saw she was growing an army of flying monkeys and promising to "do the job herself." Didn't I say last year that Salem's new flying monkeys would be perfect shock troops for attacking the airborne city of Atlas? Perhaps.
What if she didn't change her plans? What if Ironwood defeats Watts, launches Amity, reestablishes communications...and Vacuo doesn't answer? What if Salem took her army to Vacuo as planned, all while the heroes were still blind and deaf? Now the tables have turned, and the heroes will become the infiltrators while Salem defends what she has conquered.
It's pretty far out there, and I doubt Mistral would fall so recently after the heroes left, but I figured I'd toss the idea out there. I can't think of a more shocking reveal at the end of Volume 7. On the other hand, shocking reveals alone don't make good shows. We'll have to wait and see, but if Luna's Law of Inverse Emotions has taught me anything, it's that you should expect the knife to twist when victory seems certain.

Loose Threads

Here's where I put all the small thoughts that didn't have a place in the larger piece:

And that's going to do it for today's review! If you liked my writing, consider checking my Masterpost out [HERE]. As always, thank you very much for reading. Constructive criticism and discussions are welcome below as always. We're in the final stretch here people, I hope everyone's buckled up!

Be safe, be creative, and be excellent to each other!
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