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Never Blindly Follow All "Stock Market" YouTubers | Possible Exposed Fraud [Tom Nash] & The 5 Reasons Why I Believe Tom Nash Is Lying

Hello everyone! This isn’t my usual kind of post, but man, I can’t stand to see how people just follow every freaking YouTuber out there blindly! In this post, we are going to talk about why I believe Tom Nash may be a fraud, so please do have some patience and read the full post, as I will go through an in-depth research of his past and his claims.
~Very Long Post~
Let’s start by talking about who Tom Nash is & says he is. He is a new & trendy “finance & stock market” YouTuber which has recently passed 150K subscribers after exploding during this retail investor boom, but here is a short video from his YouTube describing himself.
In the video he is claiming he is a former “senior financial analyst” which is very hard to believe in my opinion after doing a lot of research about him.
So let’s go through the 5 reasons I believe he is lying about his past & why you should never take anything any YouTuber out there says for granted and you should do your own research as well:
1) Let’s start with the biggest one, his valuation methods are flawed
Even though he has posted some videos that have panned out, it’s very hard to differentiate good analysis from pure luck in this recent bull market, even monkeys could throw darts at stocks in the past 11 months and be right after the March sell-off.
I was pretty curious of his valuation methods so I joined his channel membership and asked him a direct question, about his DCF valuation, to which he responded bluntly that I am doing things wrong. I also sent him a direct link to a well-known financial institute, where we can see that the most common cash flow used for financial modeling, which is the unlevered free cash flow, implies that you subtract any capital expenditures of the company, which contradicts the way he sees it and is plain wrong, it’s like he uses 2nd grade math, if you subtract a negative number then your cash flow actually increases, which doesn’t even make sense. How can something that costs you money be a positive on the free cash flow?
I’ll let you digest this as I will next show you some of his DCF valuations & how he uses absurd numbers and changes the formulas as he pleases just to reach some insane valuations for companies just to be catchy.
Here are a couple of short extracts from his Salesforce DCF calculations,
Exibit A - everything seems legit until here, now he starts with the biggest mistake in this DCF
Exibit B - I’ll be blunt you can never, ever add the Capex number to a DCF valuation, that literally throws the hole calculations off, but let’s continue…
Exibit C - So, using a discount rate of 6% is also insane, even with the current low interest rates, you should at least discount the average SP500 return, or use the WACC or any other type of metric, which is much safer than picking out a single company, as the SP500 has proven over long-stretches to be a great performer.
But yeah guys, this isn’t the first time he has done these kind of errors, you can see he is using most of these methods in many stock picks which are then spread out to thousands of new investors, who don’t really have the knowledge to test what he is saying. I’m just showing you here a couple of stocks like Dynatrace, Opendoor, Alibaba, Peloton, Salesforce as I showed in the previous video and even Apple that have been analyzed and spread to the public this way.
The other big issue with his valuations is that he is using insane long-term growth rates, as he used a 5% growth rate for Peloton to reach a higher valuation, so can you imagine? If Peloton grows at a 5% rate in perpetuity it means they should more than double the inflation rate every year and is way higher than any GDP growth the US has seen since 1984.
He is also implying that Peloton has no debt on it’s balance sheet, which is 100% false, as you can see HERE, he used the cash, cash equivalents & marketable securities to calculate the short term assets while completely ignoring the over $700M in accounts payable no to mention the other current liabilities which would add up to almost exactly the $1.4B in assets he added to his calculations.
But who knows guys? Maybe he is the real deal, as he has made some correct DCF implications for some stocks like Fortinet and FuboTV, by actually subtracting the Capex finally, though he doesn’t do this in every analysis, not even in the most recent ones while also keeping that big long-term growth rate at 5%, when I myself never use a bigger one than 4%.
Just for an example I took his CRM numbers and popped them up in my spreadsheets, and even given his methods I couldn’t quite get to the same results without manually editing numbers, as those implications resulted in a 7% undervaluation for the stock, while only adjusting the Capex to be a negative on the cashflows and not touching anything else that might be wrong in this DCF, resulted in a 10% overvaluation for the stock.
So, I think if he really was a 10+ years wall street analyst I don’t think he could have made these obvious mistakes.
2) So, Is Tom Nash whom he says he is or is he lying about his past?
HERE is the channel intro for his YouTube (Which I can't even see anymore, but i was lucky to download it a couple of days ago)
As you Can see, I don’t doubt that he actually went to Michigan or that he got and MBA, but I do doubt that all of his Successful “Senior” Financial analyst & consulting Career can be described with only a couple of weak-ass photos of him at an NBA game, or him casually at some kind of a course program as that is exactly what it looks like with the other guys in the back-left of the photo.
Also, are we to believe all of this great financial career ended with him just taking out his fake plant from his office, while also smiling as he threw away at least a decent salary for a gamble on YouTube, which is very hard to do, especially when you are starting, as YouTube doesn’t really help the small guys.
His YouTube journey seemed to have started on the path of exposing guru’s and not financial advice, as he also says in the video, so how did he turn to do financial analysis on YouTube? Seems pretty convenient that he just became an expert in stock analysis as YouTube videos on such things were booming.
You can see HERE, he didn’t make a single stock analysis for the most part of 2020, which seems pretty off, as now most of his videos are on stock analysis, and while his channel was created in 2017, he conveniently deleted all the previous videos, which is another weird move to do.
I also went on a deep internet dive and did a lot of searching about him and I found this video podcast of him.
His main intro in this podcast is that he works as a consultant indeed, from Israel, and also the consultancy job isn’t for a financial company, it’s rather to help people on YouTube grow, so let's look at some extracts from the video:
Exibit I - We can see the main part of the talk is nothing about anything related to his financial past, let’s continue
Exibit II - It seems he started with a gaming channel, not even a fake guru channel, and I also found something about that FB GROUP which isn’t active anymore and all of the videos he made for that have also been deleted as you can see in this post from way back in 2018 as he was teaching how to make money on YouTube well through 2019, and was even giving out free workshop experiences as he was pumping out creator content which is miles apart from financial analysis (BTW, he is using the same freaking photo in his old banner & logo as his current one, just changing the green screen background), just look at his old YouTube banner (YouTube tips & tutorials)
Exibit III - Yeah, it seems he also did some video on how to promote on Reddit, and what comes next guys is literally mind blowing, how much more can this dude lie & hide?
Exibit IV - Well… Nothing to hide then… He even had a Fiverr account which was called tomernash you can see clearly HERE, that is his username, and when I went out to check it out right now, he is using a fake picture & and still might live in Israel, not the US, and on top of this he might not actually even be from Russia, which he has been saying over & over again on his channel. You can SEE he reiterates he is a certified YouTube consultant with no mention of his financial skills or certifications.
And even more, you see what picture he uses as a logo yeah? Well, I did a reverse google search and found the other guy also has a YouTube channel about kinetic cycling.
Maybe he was one of his clients that he reached a deal to use his picture, wtf, the more I dig in the more I am amazed of the lengths this man has gone to reach fame on YouTube.
Exibit V - So… A financial analyst with no sheets, no paper, no nothing, great stuff for a senior financial analyst, I literally can’t take more of this so let’s move to the next reasons
3) Getting in front of the lie?
I believe that’s what he was trying to do to, by making a VIDEO on this very subject in mid-2020 and popping up higher in the search rankings before his channel boomed.
In the video he clarifies that Tom Nash isn’t his real name, but he also restated that he was working for a big consultancy firm as recent as this summer, and that he does shit tons of stuff which is very hard to believe, as usually this big consultancy firms have different departments for different things that he mentioned in the video. You can still find that video on his channel if you are interested
But, by the way, how was he working on that job while also doing hundreds of Fiverr jobs as a YouTube consultant?
He also claims to not offering any courses, e-books or other stuff like this, which is false as i showed in the previous reasons with his past YouTube courses & other stuff, and as you will see in the next reasons, something smells really bad out here.
4) Claims about his past
I also took a deeper dive into more of his past, as you can see in his previous channel cover and info, he had only about 4K subscribers as he was doing guru video reviews on YouTube, but all of a sudden, he became a senior financial analyst from wall street that was living in Israel & doing Fiverr gigs, I don’t know what to say but it seems pretty fishy to me.
I also checked his LinkedIn page, and all of his skills & endorsements seem to be related to his YouTube skills and nothing about finance or the stock market.
But I also found his profile on Quora, where he wasn’t that active but still, well back in 2017 he was posting things about gaming & YouTube while supposedly still working on Wall Street as a financial analyst, and it’s interesting that there is no mention of him following anything related to stocks, finance, economy, accounting, statistics or anything other related to the stock market.
So yeah guys, I guess when you make a new type of video and it boosts your channel from just 10K subscribers all the way up to 150K subscribers, you are willing to push the limits and lie about your past just to keep everything going, as YouTube is a really good way to make money right now.
5) The Transformation
He has had even more channels in the past not only this one, which he has transformed overnight from a YouTube Channel Reviewer to a Guru Reviewer and finally to a financial analyst , as He created a second & third YouTube account called GearlyReviews where he reviews electronics and EuroBall where he only posted 2 videos.
I also searched him through his Reddit posts and only could find things related to marketing & social media, nothing about finance yet again.

So, my personal opinion which I doubt to be wrong guys, if there is a case of a dubious & fishy person out there, he is one of them.

I believe that he has never worked as a senior financial analyst and especially not a stock market, asset or any other type of equity analyst.
Most of his stock picks are small-caps that are highly volatile or a couple of recent high flyers which are very catchy to any YouTube audience.
There are many things wrong about the picture he has painted about himself even though he has gone through a lot to try and erase his past. The fact that there are no mentions of things from the wall street or consulting firm, bad stock analysis and methods, fishy and dubious moves of his YouTube channels and especially fishy things about him being a consultant & analyst in early 2020 while he was already doing YouTube and other stuff back in 2017-2018 really makes me not want to buy his story.
Folks, be careful out there, you can find a lot of YouTubers out there who make more money from their advice giving on YouTube, Patreon or other kind of subscriptions and courses, compared to the actual money they are making or have ever made in the stock market.
So yeah guys, I don’t want to make a final judgment on this guy, but you should consider everything I have showed about him and all the problems with his past & his financial methods & just remember as always in a bull market everyone is an expert & genius, while in a bear market you can’t find any of these people as they all flee.
Later edit: He has currently disabled his Fiverr gigs, learned Russian and deleted the profile image LOL
Thank you everyone for reading🙏 Hope you enjoyed the content! Be sure to leave a comment down below with your opinion! Have a great day and see you next time❗
submitted by 0toHeroInvesting to stocks [link] [comments]


  1. Almost everyone will agree that we live in a deeply troubled society. One of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism, so a discussion of the psychology of leftism can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of modern society in general.
  2. But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20th century leftism could have been practically identified with socialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is not clear who can properly be called a leftist. When we speak of leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists, collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. But not everyone who is associated with one of these movements is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discussing leftism is not so much movement or an ideology as a psychological type, or rather a collection of related types. Thus, what we mean by “leftism” will emerge more clearly in the course of our discussion of leftist psychology.
  3. Even so, our conception of leftism will remain a good deal less clear than we would wish, but there doesn’t seem to be any remedy for this. All we are trying to do here is indicate in a rough and approximate way the two psychological tendencies that we believe are the main driving force of modern leftism. We by no means claim to be telling the WHOLE truth about leftist psychology. Also, our discussion is meant to apply to modern leftism only. We leave open the question of the extent to which our discussion could be applied to the leftists of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
  4. The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we call “feelings of inferiority” and “oversocialization.” Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of modern leftism as a whole, while oversocialization is characteristic only of a certain segment of modern leftism; but this segment is highly influential.
1.(a) By “feelings of inferiority” we mean not only inferiority feelings in the strict sense but a whole spectrum of related traits; low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, depressive tendencies, defeatism, guilt, self- hatred, etc. We argue that modern leftists tend to have some such feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these feelings are decisive in determining the direction of modern leftism.
(b) When someone interprets as derogatory almost anything that is said about him (or about groups with whom he identifies) we conclude that he has inferiority feelings or low self-esteem. This tendency is pronounced among minority rights activists, whether or not they belong to the minority groups whose rights they defend. They are hypersensitive about the words used to designate minorities and about anything that is said concerning minorities. The terms “oriental,” “handicapped” or “chick” for an African, an Asian, a disabled person or a woman originally had no derogatory connotation. “Broad” and “chick” were merely the feminine equivalents of “guy,” “dude” or “fellow.” The negative connotations have been attached to these terms by the activists themselves. Some animal rights activists have gone so far as to reject the word “pet” and insist on its replacement by “animal companion.” Leftish anthropologists go to great lengths to avoid saying anything about primitive peoples that could conceivably be interpreted as negative. They want to replace the world “primitive” by “nonliterate.” They seem almost paranoid about anything that might suggest that any primitive culture is inferior to our own. (We do not mean to imply that primitive cultures ARE inferior to ours. We merely point out the hypersensitivity of leftish anthropologists.)
(c) Those who are most sensitive about “politically incorrect” terminology are not the average poor ghetto- dweller, illegal-immigrant, abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any “oppressed” group but come from privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold among university professors, who have secure employment with comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual males and females from middle- to upper-middle-class families.
(d) Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (Muslim ghetto-dwellers and other minorities), repellent (homosexuals) or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not mean to suggest that women, muslims,xtians etc. ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology.)
(e) Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong and as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men.
(f) Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate India, they hate the idea of a united Aryavrat, they hate males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the Hindutva driven nation, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate Hindutva because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist/communist-totalitarian countries or in primitive cultures(for example pre-oil boom Arabia), the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in the Post-Vedic Indian civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating India and the Hindutva. He hates a united Bharat and the idea of it because they are strong and successful in contrast to what his own conscious tells him.
(g) Words like “self-confidence,” “self-reliance,” “initiative,” “enterprise,” “optimism,” etc., play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary. The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone’s problems for them, satisfy everyone’s needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.
(h) Art forms that appeal to modern leftish intellectuals tend to focus on sordidness, defeat and despair, or else they take an orgiastic tone, throwing off rational control as if there were no hope of accomplishing anything through rational calculation and all that was left was to immerse oneself in the sensations of the moment.
(i) Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.
(j) The leftist is not typically the kind of person whose feelings of inferiority make him a braggart, an egotist, a bully, a self-promoter, a ruthless competitor. This kind of person has not wholly lost faith in himself. He has a deficit in his sense of power and self-worth, but he can still conceive of himself as having the capacity to be strong, and his efforts to make himself strong produce his unpleasant behavior. [1] But the leftist is too far gone for that. His feelings of inferiority are so ingrained that he cannot conceive of himself as individually strong and valuable. Hence the collectivism of the leftist. He can feel strong only as a member of a large organization or a mass movement with which he identifies himself.
(k) Notice the masochistic tendency of leftist tactics. Leftists protest by lying down in front of vehicles, they intentionally provoke police or ethno-segregationists to abuse them, etc. These tactics may often be effective, but many leftists use them not as a means to an end but because they PREFER masochistic tactics. Self-hatred is a leftist trait.
(l) Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for Abrahamics/other minorities/lower caste people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to upper caste Hindus who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping Abrahamics/other minorities/lower caste people is not their real goal. Instead, communal tensions serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm Abrahamics/other minorities/lower caste people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the upper caste Hindu majority tends to intensify communal hatred.
(m) If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss.
(n) We emphasize that the foregoing does not pretend to be an accurate description of everyone who might be considered a leftist. It is only a rough indication of a general tendency of leftism.
2.(a) Psychologists use the term “socialization” to designate the process by which children are trained to think and act as society demands. A person is said to be well socialized if he believes in and obeys the moral code of his society and fits in well as a functioning part of that society. It may seem senseless to say that many leftists are oversocialized, since the leftist is perceived as a rebel. Nevertheless, the position can be defended. Many leftists are not such rebels as they seem.
(b) The moral code of our society is so demanding that no one can think, feel and act in a completely moral way. For example, we are not supposed to hate anyone, yet almost everyone hates somebody at some time or other, whether he admits it to himself or not. Some people are so highly socialized that the attempt to think, feel and act morally imposes a severe burden on them. In order to avoid feelings of guilt, they continually have to deceive themselves about their own motives and find moral explanations for feelings and actions that in reality have a non-moral origin. We use the term “oversocialized” to describe such people. [2]
(c) Oversocialization can lead to low self-esteem, a sense of powerlessness, defeatism, guilt, etc. One of the most important means by which our society socializes children is by making them feel ashamed of behavior or speech that is contrary to society’s expectations. If this is overdone, or if a particular child is especially susceptible to such feelings, he ends by feeling ashamed of HIMSELF. Moreover the thought and the behavior of the oversocialized person are more restricted by society’s expectations than are those of the lightly socialized person. The majority of people engage in a significant amount of naughty behavior. They lie, they commit petty thefts, they break traffic laws, they goof off at work, they hate someone, they say spiteful things or they use some underhanded trick to get ahead of the other guy. The oversocialized person cannot do these things, or if he does do them he generates in himself a sense of shame and self-hatred. The oversocialized person cannot even experience, without guilt, thoughts or feelings that are contrary to the accepted morality; he cannot think “unclean” thoughts. And socialization is not just a matter of morality; we are socialized to conform to many norms of behavior that do not fall under the heading of morality. Thus the oversocialized person is kept on a psychological leash and spends his life running on rails that society has laid down for him. In many oversocialized people this results in a sense of constraint and powerlessness that can be a severe hardship. We suggest that oversocialization is among the more serious cruelties that human beings inflict on one another.
(d) We argue that a very important and influential segment of the modern left is oversocialized and that their oversocialization is of great importance in determining the direction of modern leftism. Leftists of the oversocialized type tend to be intellectuals or members of the upper-middle class. Notice that university intellectuals [3] constitute the most highly socialized segment of our society and also the most left-wing segment.
(e) The leftist of the oversocialized type tries to get off his psychological leash and assert his autonomy by rebelling. But usually he is not strong enough to rebel against the most basic values of society. Generally speaking, the goals of today’s leftists are NOT in conflict with the accepted morality. On the contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle. Examples: communal equality, equality of the sexes, helping poor people, peace as opposed to war, nonviolence generally, freedom of expression, kindness to animals. More fundamentally, the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual. All these have been deeply rooted values of our society (or at least of its middle and upper classes [4] for a long time. These values are explicitly or implicitly expressed or presupposed in most of the material presented to us by the mainstream communications media and the educational system. Leftists, especially those of the oversocialized type, usually do not rebel against these principles but justify their hostility to society by claiming (with some degree of truth) that society is not living up to these principles.
(f) Here is an illustration of the way in which the oversocialized leftist shows his real attachment to the conventional attitudes of our society while pretending to be in rebellion against it. Many leftists push for affirmative action, for moving women and lower castes/tribals/religious minorities into high-prestige jobs, for improved education in Islamic schools and more money for such schools; the way of life of the Islamic “underclass” they regard as a social disgrace. They want to integrate the black man into the system, make him a business executive, a lawyer, a scientist just like upper-middle-class Hindus and some prosperous minorities(Jews,Jains,Sikhs etc.). The leftists will reply that the last thing they want is to make the muslim man into a copy of the Hindu man(allegedly extremist, misogynist and intolerant); instead, they want to preserve Islamic culture. But in what does this preservation of Islamic culture consist? It can hardly consist in anything more than eating Islamic-style food, clothing and going to a mosque(anything further plays right into the faith’s mainstream goal of the supremacist agenda of world domination and the genocide of the “infidels” and results in radicalization of the masses that follow Islam). In other words, it can express itself only in superficial matters. In all ESSENTIAL respects most leftists of the oversocialized type want to make the Hindu man conform to, poorer-class tribal ideals. They want to make him study deny science for a document that advocates flat-earth, become an tolerant or “silent” and “objective” to Islamic violence, spend his life respecting and admiring the tribalistic,primitive and perverted idea of an Islamic civilization to prove that staunch Islamic minorities are as good as the idea of a post-vedic Hindu civilization. They want to make Hindu fathers “responsible” like their Islamic counterparts, they want Hindu organizations to become “tolerant”, etc. But these are exactly the values of the cruel-tribalistic-regressive and a primitive system. The system couldn’t bother anyone more than it already does with what kind of halal music a man listens to, what kind of clothes the family females wear or what religion he believes in as long as he studies in an islamic school, holds an unquestionable belief in the Quran(and the Hadiths), disrupts the progress in communities of other religions, is a “responsible” man when it comes to being a “good husband”, is silent on the vast amount of precedences of Islamic extremism that have killed millions till date and so forth. In effect, however much he may deny it, the oversocialized leftist wants to integrate the Hindu man into the Islamic/Abrahamic system and make him adopt its values.Conversion either by fraud or sword is the main agenda of this leftist-Islam conjunct.
(g) We certainly do not claim that leftists, even of the oversocialized type, NEVER rebel against the fundamental values of our society. Clearly they sometimes do. Some oversocialized leftists have gone so far as to rebel against one of modern society’s most important principles by engaging in physical violence. By their own account, violence is for them a form of “liberation.” In other words, by committing violence they break through the psychological restraints that have been trained into them. Because they are oversocialized these restraints have been more confining for them than for others; hence their need to break free of them. But they usually justify their rebellion in terms of mainstream values. If they engage in violence they claim to be fighting against racism or the like.
(h) We realize that many objections could be raised to the foregoing thumbnail sketch of leftist psychology. The real situation is complex, and anything like a complete description of it would take several volumes even if the necessary data were available. We claim only to have indicated very roughly the two most important tendencies in the psychology of modern leftism.
(i) The problems of the leftist are indicative of the problems of our society as a whole. Low self-esteem, depressive tendencies and defeatism are not restricted to the left. Though they are especially noticeable in the left, they are widespread in our society. And today’s society tries to socialize us to a greater extent than any previous society. We are even told by experts how to eat, how to exercise, how to make love, how to raise our kids and so forth.
Yes, it might be tough to digest but this is the fact. The Islamists in India cant digest the fact that industries are dominated by Hindus. They don't want to see Hindus get rich and make money. They and the leftist liberal nexus will never criticize Bollywood because they know for a fact that it is controlled by Muslims/liberals.
I think the time has come for both Adani and Ambani to do some serious PR to improve their image amongst common Indians. The leftist propaganda is too strong and even Hindus think that Ambani and Adani have been able to become successful because of the 'meherbani' of Modi.
This is definitely not the case.
Being in power politically doesn’t mean shit. Look at the west. The right wing is in power yet it’s the left that controls the society. The right wing might’ve won politically in the past whatever years but in real life? They have lost. They have lost every battle and the war as a whole too. Now I’m not saying what they fought for was right ( blacks not getting equal rights, being against women’s rights, and supporting Christianity and religious thoughts and beliefs ) they have lost EACH AND EVERY BATTLE. you don’t need to be in power politically. You need the power of media ,pop culture and the entertainment industry.
Keep in mind the entertainment industry is the thing which influences the kids of tomorrow... they may or may not change you rn but they will effect your kids. Now there is another thing that matters and that’s confidence in yourself. And your history. And for that you first and foremost need your CURRENT SITUATION to be very good. So good that you don’t feel inferior to any other civilisation.
There should be things you can be proud of not from your past but in your present. Now India. We don’t really have anything to be proud of rn. Ask anyone of even us in this sub what things are we proud of were either gonna go back in time and claim the greatness of a bygone era or into the future about which were so optimistic ( largest GDP yadayada). This is the reason why we have self loathers.
We don’t have anything to be proud of rn. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Look around you. Speaking in English is better than Hindi/ any South Indian languages ( for the lungis out there... just being inclusive ya know ). Or Hollywood is better than Bollywood ( not on the basis of merit but simply because it’s from abroad.. tons of movies are legit better ) even your roadside toys vendor is gonna say that “ this is better madam/sir it’s even imported” ( AGAIN not on the basis of merit but simply because it’s not indian ).
We have an inferiority complex. A big one. Which must be gotten rid off. But that can only happen if we make India better. Economically. Cuz paisa bolta hai. ( money talks ). A financially well if citizen is an empowered citizen. Who doesn’t have to loathe them self. They are PROUD.
Now another problem... our press... we need to somehow get rid of Rana Ayyub and co. but that’s not gonna happen. Cuz the western left will find someone else like her. Why? Cuz the western left is in bed with Islamists. It really is. So what we need to do is...well.... get Amit bhai and take him to USA to make another Sarkar there. Jokes apart... we need to break down the Islamist forces in the west... which ain’t gonna happen.
You might say who cares about Ayyub nobody even reads her stuff barely any Indians read Washington post or whatever. Well... you’re right but... the elites do read them yk... and so do our city ka youth... and remember the inferiority complex? If the west calls anything bad we think it’s bad and we change it ( if you look at it, the west controls the global moral compass ). If the west says being an aggressive Hindu is bad we change it. Now people like Rana give the west an idea... sorry... THEIR idea of what India is like to the west... which sets the global narrative against India or whatever... now our local press think of western media publications as the best ones on the planet and try to emulate them... basically... the west has massive influence over what WE think is good and bad.
Even what we think about OURSELVES. Going back to the American right... wanna know why they lose? Because they don’t control the cities. The cities of a society are the flag bearers of the societies culture and change and pretty much everything. Now, whatever the west says influences our youth in the cities first because the amount of exposure to the west is maximum there.
We slowly will lose our cities like the right wing in the USA did. And as soon as we do that.... we’re done for... we will lose battle after battle for dharma... everything. We have started losing our youth already.... I come from a metro city and I know tons of pretty privileged people.... among all my friends only 1 actually celebrated ram mandir... hack I had seen more Hindus say “ not my Hinduism bla bla “ than I had seen Muslims condem the ram mandir construction.
Now you have multiple organisations even online who say similar shit... multiple of these “woke” people. Most of the people are busy being sasta American liberals basically. When I see the future I see doom for us because we possibly can’t solve all these problems... I mean if you make oil irrelevant then that makes Muslims irrelevant cuz no money to fund their bullshit in the west but yeah. Not gonna happen.
Communists are never exhausted from harping on lofty ideals like democracy and democratic institutions, yet they are the worst destroyers of those very values and institutions raised to protect and nourish them. They are the worst tormentors of civility and culture and why not? The Gods they worship and hang photo frames thereof in their offices are Karl Marx/Lenin/Stalin who espoused violence of every conceivable ordenature to realize their goals and the Doctrine of Violence happens to be very close to their hearts and souls. Founder of the Marxist cult, Karl Marx declared religion to be the opium of masses intoxicating them into artificial/superficial joy. However, does Marxist cult do anything other than poisoning/destroying masses after intoxicating them into false glory of equality?
There is one more ‘luminary’ whom they adore, copycat his strategies and actions to obfuscate real issues by preparing an insidiously false grand narrative. He happens to be Hitler’s Propaganda Minister Goebbels. By denying the existence of issues that have the potential to expose their anti-national, sinister activities or embarrass them for their sins of past and by harping on non-existent issues to confound the unsuspecting, is the Dodger’s Art that they have mastered by neatly following Goebbels and his shenanigans. Their nefarious activities have not been brought to the fore as the party that ruled over the country for six decades had been in cahoots with Reds, one of the worst instances of anti-national symbiotic relationships.
By deriving maximum advantage from their proximity to the ruling establishment, Reds worked out a powerful/well-hinged network of favor-seekers and favor-providers. This nefarious system had been largely responsible to ensure, the nation remained a wretched leader from the bottom in the merit-list of the UN Human Development Index all these years in all disciplines of national reconstruction. Their drum-beating propagandists/acolytes/adherents resort to fantastic arguments viz. “inevitable to cleanse the system of bourgeoisie /reactionaries” to justify every irrational/anti-national/criminal activity of their unworthiness. Their well-oiled false propaganda-reticulum has tarnished the image of the nation abroad and raised several hurdles in attaining laurels that the nation would have been attained otherwise.
The recent instance of Comrade Sitaram Yechury accusing BJP/RSS of “worming their way into Freedom Movement” notwithstanding the facts that they destroyed Gandhi’s Quit India Movement in cahoots with British-Occupiers and always hobnobbed with them, always condemned hard-earned freedom, are yet other stunning pieces of falsehood. They never took up cudgels to discover much to their enlightenment and discomfiture, thousands of RSS members were the foot-soldiers in freedom movement, every RSS shakha individually sent a congratulatory message to JL Nehru when resolution of ‘Purna Swaraj’ was passed by Congress in 1929, RSS actively participated in Non-Cooperation Movement in 1930, Quit India Movement with the founder Dr. Hedgewar himself very active from Nagpur to Kolkata with Anusilana Samiti and arrested for sedition in May 1921. During trial for sedition, he thundered in court before the Judge, “India belongs to Indians. We, therefore, demand independence. This is the content of all my speeches. People have to be told how to secure independence, and also how to conduct themselves after securing it. What law is there that gives one country the right to rule over the other? I am asking you, the Counsel for Government, this simple and straight question. Can you answer it? Is it not that against natural justice? If it is true that no country has a right to rule over another country, who gave the British the authority to trample the people of India under their feet? How can they enslave us and declare that they own this country? Is it not the most blatant murder of justice, morality and Dharma? Our mind revolts at the thought of remaining the slaves of the British Empire and carrying that stigma for all time. We demand nothing short of complete independence. Till we achieve it we cannot be at peace….” And Communist Reds periodically declare RSS did nothing to attain independence from British-Occupiers.
Reds are so much obsessed with and fear RSS/Hindu Rightists that whenever and wherever their political outfit BJP is installed in power, they begin undergoing all sorts of hallucinations hollering from rooftops on top of their vocal cords, be it education, foreign policy, internal security or any issue under the sun. In the state of Tamil Nadu, they have their vernacular version in DMK who keenly follow their footsteps in berating Hindu-s and Hinduism. The latest instances have been suggestions to observe Hindi Week, Guru-Utsava on Teacher’s Day and substitution of German with Samskrita in Central Schools. When Christians sing “Oh Jesus, lead us…”, Reds and Dravidians swing to the tune but turn ferociously abusive if Saraswati Vandana is recited. Red-Wolves just hate anything even remotely connected with Hinduism. Hindi movies run for weeks in Tamil Nadu, Dravidian hotheads produce Hindi-hits and progeny of Mother Tamil send their children to English schools even while abusing Hindi uninterruptedly.
Marxist pseudo-historians in cahoots with Nehruvian intellectuals, denigrated all stalwarts of the independence movement, be it Netaji Bose or Sardar Patel. Quite methodically, they established Nehru-Gandhi family as flawless who swear by lofty ideals of democratic values, nourished that through their blood and sweat, others happen to be unworthiness as hangers on to them with a finger in every pie, all achievements of the nation originating from the Dynasty while failures/setbacks crafted by all others. DK Chakravorty, a distinguished historian who taught History / Archaeology at the University of Cambridge, disclosed, “Since coming of this group to power, the world of Indian historical studies has been largely criminalized.”
Reds have executed cultural subversion of the country extensively so much so that what external invaders could not do, was adroitly committed by them. Reds and westernized rootless, intellectuals know the power and strength of Sanskrit and the fear of being rendered worthless by Sanskrit looms large in their minds. NASA has declared Sanskrit as the perfect language for advanced scientific calculations and computer programming. Briggs wrote in the issue of Artificial Intelligence 1985, “Sanskrit is the perfect language designed for enlightened communication. It is the one and only unambiguous spoken language in the world.” All attempts by Red planted bogus western scholars viz. Wendy Doniger, Arundhati Roy, Sheldon Pollock to defame Hindus and Hinduism have been successfully thwarted so far by a determined group of nationalists whom Reds do not miss even whiff of an opportunity to berate and abuse. Reds do not allow people to believe that the great Hindu civilization adored women, that there were no Dalits /untouchables, that there were no prostitutes at all, that it was an invasion of western bigots that destroyed Hindu civilization and cultural heritage.
So desperate were they after installation of Modi government in 2014 that they not only engineered murderous assaults on so-called rationalists, the farcical return of awards by literary figures, etc. but also raised the decibel level between two lunatic fringes of society, one faking public opinion and the other, symptomatic of Government policies. They even moved to the extent of declaring; the Idea of India is in a perpetual clash with the Govt. elected with a massive mandate to deliver the Idea of India. It is always that Leftist intellectuals cry wolf loudest. They dread the scenario of losing control of the Indian Council of Historical Research which they monopolize to carry out their nefarious designs of cultural/historical subversions. ‘Eminent Historians’ authored by Arun Shourie speaks volumes on their ‘trade’ practices solely meant to perpetuate Red hegemony. Red historian Irfan Habib even went to the extent of castigating revival efforts of the Saraswati river which enjoys enormous value in Vedic wisdom and Hindu civilization. The Marxist historian spent his lifetime proving, the Saraswati river never existed, contrary to all scientific studies, satellite imagery, etc. to the contrary.
Fraudulent theory of Aryan Invasion too was propagated Marxists. Also are they hell-bent to negate everything even remotely connected with Sanatana Dharma? Everything good about Hinduism, if at all any, was brought in by Aryan invaders, Alexander brought Vedic wisdom into the country…and Hindus at best, be remembered for having contributed absolutely nothing. The first activity that Marxists undertake is to destroy entire cultural heritage and convert everyone into empty-headed zombies to create space in their minds so as to allow the venomous doctrine of Marxism to take roots in their minds.
Reds deviously supported Jinnah’s Direct Action on Aug.16, 1946 and partition of Bharat with the statement in their own words, “…secession would lead to still greater and more glorious unity of India, the like of which India has not seen in her history”. They waved many flags viz. Soviet flag, Red flag, Russian flag, then League flag. Whenever Dr. SP Mookerjee, a hard-core nationalist, picked up any issue pertaining to the nation’s interest, Reds began howling and yelling from rooftops on top of their voice.
They ruled over Bengal uninterruptedly for four decades and left the state in tatters, completely pauperized. The State they left behind was infested with anti-national/criminal activities, industrial junkyards, democratic institutions emaciated, education in ruins, then the revelations about electoral malpractices, large-scale booth-capturing, etc. to win elections. They allowed atrocities by Muslims on Hindu-s in the name of secularism, encouraged Bangladeshi infiltrators as their vote-banks destroying entire demography of the State. And when they lost to TMC of Mamata Banerjee, all Reds joined TMC to enjoy a free hand in all matters as ever in addition to a bloodbath of their opponents. In Kerala too, the tale of Reds is almost the same. When they have realized, the ground beneath in Kerala has been slipping away and they are on the verge of decimation, they resorted to uninterrupted killing spree all over the state. Reds in Kerala not only encouraged but also protected missionaries and jihadis in all their nefarious activities.
Wherever they have been in power, they deported themselves like monster-killers and when in opposition, they are cunning jackals ever prepared to howl and cry for being the worst victims. They have never been known to undertake any nation-building activity/social work, never in any relief/rehabilitation exercise ever they participated when a natural calamity strikes, never supportive when the nation’s integrity had been at stake or ancient cultural heritage threatened.
If religion is really opium of masses as vouchsafed by Marx, is not Marxism cyanide pill of the same masses?
An answer on Quora further details how the Communists and the left-wing are destroying India from within:
Many conspiracy theories are floating around on the internet which states that communist groups across the world are joining forces to establish what they call as the 'New World Order' in the coming years and nationalism is an inherent setback from accomplishing their goals because of which, the recent cases like that of George Soros to fund 1 Billion USD to fight nationalism is occurring. What are your thoughts on this? Let me know in the comments below.
submitted by Johnathan_Johnson to librandu [link] [comments]

Never Blindly Follow All "Stock Market" YouTubers | Possible Exposed Fraud [Tom Nash] & The 5 Reasons Why I Believe Tom Nash Is Lying

Hello everyone! This isn’t my usual kind of post, but man, I can’t stand to see how people just follow every freaking YouTuber out there blindly! In this post, we are going to talk about why I believe Tom Nash may be a fraud, so please do have some patience and read the full post, as I will go through an in-depth research of his past and his claims.
~Very Long Post~
Let’s start by talking about who Tom Nash is & says he is. He is a new & trendy “finance & stock market” YouTuber which has recently passed 150K subscribers after exploding during this retail investor boom, but here is a short video from his YouTube describing himself.
In the video he is claiming he is a former “senior financial analyst” which is very hard to believe in my opinion after doing a lot of research about him.
So let’s go through the 5 reasons I believe he is lying about his past & why you should never take anything any YouTuber out there says for granted and you should do your own research as well:
1) Let’s start with the biggest one, his valuation methods are flawed
Even though he has posted some videos that have panned out, it’s very hard to differentiate good analysis from pure luck in this recent bull market, even monkeys could throw darts at stocks in the past 11 months and be right after the March sell-off.
I was pretty curious of his valuation methods so I joined his channel membership and asked him a direct question, about his DCF valuation, to which he responded bluntly that I am doing things wrong. I also sent him a direct link to a well-known financial institute, where we can see that the most common cash flow used for financial modeling, which is the unlevered free cash flow, implies that you subtract any capital expenditures of the company, which contradicts the way he sees it and is plain wrong, it’s like he uses 2nd grade math, if you subtract a negative number then your cash flow actually increases, which doesn’t even make sense. How can something that costs you money be a positive on the free cash flow?
I’ll let you digest this as I will next show you some of his DCF valuations & how he uses absurd numbers and changes the formulas as he pleases just to reach some insane valuations for companies just to be catchy.
Here are a couple of short extracts from his Salesforce DCF calculations,
Exibit A - everything seems legit until here, now he starts with the biggest mistake in this DCF
Exibit B - I’ll be blunt you can never, ever add the Capex number to a DCF valuation, that literally throws the hole calculations off, but let’s continue…
Exibit C - So, using a discount rate of 6% is also insane, even with the current low interest rates, you should at least discount the average SP500 return, or use the WACC or any other type of metric, which is much safer than picking out a single company, as the SP500 has proven over long-stretches to be a great performer.
But yeah guys, this isn’t the first time he has done these kind of errors, you can see he is using most of these methods in many stock picks which are then spread out to thousands of new investors, who don’t really have the knowledge to test what he is saying. I’m just showing you here a couple of stocks like Dynatrace, Opendoor, Alibaba, Peloton, Salesforce as I showed in the previous video and even Apple that have been analyzed and spread to the public this way.
The other big issue with his valuations is that he is using insane long-term growth rates, as he used a 5% growth rate for Peloton to reach a higher valuation, so can you imagine? If Peloton grows at a 5% rate in perpetuity it means they should more than double the inflation rate every year and is way higher than any GDP growth the US has seen since 1984.
He is also implying that Peloton has no debt on it’s balance sheet, which is 100% false, as you can see HERE, he used the cash, cash equivalents & marketable securities to calculate the short term assets while completely ignoring the over $700M in accounts payable no to mention the other current liabilities which would add up to almost exactly the $1.4B in assets he added to his calculations.
But who knows guys? Maybe he is the real deal, as he has made some correct DCF implications for some stocks like Fortinet and FuboTV, by actually subtracting the Capex finally, though he doesn’t do this in every analysis, not even in the most recent ones while also keeping that big long-term growth rate at 5%, when I myself never use a bigger one than 4%.
Just for an example I took his CRM numbers and popped them up in my spreadsheets, and even given his methods I couldn’t quite get to the same results without manually editing numbers, as those implications resulted in a 7% undervaluation for the stock, while only adjusting the Capex to be a negative on the cashflows and not touching anything else that might be wrong in this DCF, resulted in a 10% overvaluation for the stock.
So, I think if he really was a 10+ years wall street analyst I don’t think he could have made these obvious mistakes.
2) So, Is Tom Nash whom he says he is or is he lying about his past?
HERE is the channel intro for his YouTube (Which I can't even see anymore, but i was lucky to download it a couple of days ago)
As you Can see, I don’t doubt that he actually went to Michigan or that he got and MBA, but I do doubt that all of his Successful “Senior” Financial analyst & consulting Career can be described with only a couple of weak-ass photos of him at an NBA game, or him casually at some kind of a course program as that is exactly what it looks like with the other guys in the back-left of the photo.
Also, are we to believe all of this great financial career ended with him just taking out his fake plant from his office, while also smiling as he threw away at least a decent salary for a gamble on YouTube, which is very hard to do, especially when you are starting, as YouTube doesn’t really help the small guys.
His YouTube journey seemed to have started on the path of exposing guru’s and not financial advice, as he also says in the video, so how did he turn to do financial analysis on YouTube? Seems pretty convenient that he just became an expert in stock analysis as YouTube videos on such things were booming.
You can see HERE, he didn’t make a single stock analysis for the most part of 2020, which seems pretty off, as now most of his videos are on stock analysis, and while his channel was created in 2017, he conveniently deleted all the previous videos, which is another weird move to do.
I also went on a deep internet dive and did a lot of searching about him and I found this video podcast of him.
His main intro in this podcast is that he works as a consultant indeed, from Israel, and also the consultancy job isn’t for a financial company, it’s rather to help people on YouTube grow, so let's look at some extracts from the video:
Exibit I - We can see the main part of the talk is nothing about anything related to his financial past, let’s continue
Exibit II - It seems he started with a gaming channel, not even a fake guru channel, and I also found something about that FB GROUP which isn’t active anymore and all of the videos he made for that have also been deleted as you can see in this post from way back in 2018 as he was teaching how to make money on YouTube well through 2019, and was even giving out free workshop experiences as he was pumping out creator content which is miles apart from financial analysis (BTW, he is using the same freaking photo in his old banner & logo as his current one, just changing the green screen background), just look at his old YouTube banner (YouTube tips & tutorials)
Exibit III - Yeah, it seems he also did some video on how to promote on Reddit, and what comes next guys is literally mind blowing, how much more can this dude lie & hide?
Exibit IV - Well… Nothing to hide then… He even had a Fiverr account which was called tomernash you can see clearly HERE, that is his username, and when I went out to check it out right now, he is using a fake picture & and still might live in Israel, not the US, and on top of this he might not actually even be from Russia, which he has been saying over & over again on his channel. You can SEE he reiterates he is a certified YouTube consultant with no mention of his financial skills or certifications.
And even more, you see what picture he uses as a logo yeah? Well, I did a reverse google search and found the other guy also has a YouTube channel about kinetic cycling.
Maybe he was one of his clients that he reached a deal to use his picture, wtf, the more I dig in the more I am amazed of the lengths this man has gone to reach fame on YouTube.
Exibit V - So… A financial analyst with no sheets, no paper, no nothing, great stuff for a senior financial analyst, I literally can’t take more of this so let’s move to the next reasons
3) Getting in front of the lie?
I believe that’s what he was trying to do to, by making a VIDEO on this very subject in mid-2020 and popping up higher in the search rankings before his channel boomed.
In the video he clarifies that Tom Nash isn’t his real name, but he also restated that he was working for a big consultancy firm as recent as this summer, and that he does shit tons of stuff which is very hard to believe, as usually this big consultancy firms have different departments for different things that he mentioned in the video. You can still find that video on his channel if you are interested
But, by the way, how was he working on that job while also doing hundreds of Fiverr jobs as a YouTube consultant?
He also claims to not offering any courses, e-books or other stuff like this, which is false as i showed in the previous reasons with his past YouTube courses & other stuff, and as you will see in the next reasons, something smells really bad out here.
4) Claims about his past
I also took a deeper dive into more of his past, as you can see in his previous channel cover and info, he had only about 4K subscribers as he was doing guru video reviews on YouTube, but all of a sudden, he became a senior financial analyst from wall street that was living in Israel & doing Fiverr gigs, I don’t know what to say but it seems pretty fishy to me.
I also checked his LinkedIn page, and all of his skills & endorsements seem to be related to his YouTube skills and nothing about finance or the stock market.
But I also found his profile on Quora, where he wasn’t that active but still, well back in 2017 he was posting things about gaming & YouTube while supposedly still working on Wall Street as a financial analyst, and it’s interesting that there is no mention of him following anything related to stocks, finance, economy, accounting, statistics or anything other related to the stock market.
So yeah guys, I guess when you make a new type of video and it boosts your channel from just 10K subscribers all the way up to 150K subscribers, you are willing to push the limits and lie about your past just to keep everything going, as YouTube is a really good way to make money right now.
5) The Transformation
He has had even more channels in the past not only this one, which he has transformed overnight from a YouTube Channel Reviewer to a Guru Reviewer and finally to a financial analyst , as He created a second & third YouTube account called GearlyReviews where he reviews electronics and EuroBall where he only posted 2 videos.
I also searched him through his Reddit posts and only could find things related to marketing & social media, nothing about finance yet again.

So, my personal opinion which I doubt to be wrong guys, if there is a case of a dubious & fishy person out there, he is one of them.

I believe that he has never worked as a senior financial analyst and especially not a stock market, asset or any other type of equity analyst.
Most of his stock picks are small-caps that are highly volatile or a couple of recent high flyers which are very catchy to any YouTube audience.
There are many things wrong about the picture he has painted about himself even though he has gone through a lot to try and erase his past. The fact that there are no mentions of things from the wall street or consulting firm, bad stock analysis and methods, fishy and dubious moves of his YouTube channels and especially fishy things about him being a consultant & analyst in early 2020 while he was already doing YouTube and other stuff back in 2017-2018 really makes me not want to buy his story.
Folks, be careful out there, you can find a lot of YouTubers out there who make more money from their advice giving on YouTube, Patreon or other kind of subscriptions and courses, compared to the actual money they are making or have ever made in the stock market.
So yeah guys, I don’t want to make a final judgment on this guy, but you should consider everything I have showed about him and all the problems with his past & his financial methods & just remember as always in a bull market everyone is an expert & genius, while in a bear market you can’t find any of these people as they all flee.
Later edit: He has currently disabled his Fiverr gigs, learned Russian and deleted the profile image LOL
Thank you everyone for reading! Hope you enjoyed the content! Be sure to leave a comment down below with your opinion!
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140+ Days Benefits of Semen Retention

I have just hit 140 days of SR and the results have been nothing less than phenomenal.
In my previous post, The Earth is a Woman (Part 1) , I mentioned how SR gives you an upper hand in communication with the Earth. I will be posting a Part 2 soon, where I discuss how the detoxification of the mind and body through elimination of sinful/lustful thoughts and food respectively AND the simultaneous alleviation of demanding physiological processes such as spermiogenesis (SR) and digestion (fasting) will turn you into a superconductor.
Throughout this journey, I had zero urges for porn and masturbation by utilizing Divine Grace and I will explain what I mean in my next post.
I started watching porn and jerking off when I was 12 years old and I only found out about NoFap in the second year of my university when I was psychologically and physically exhausted.
I spent hours on Quora everyday, lazily scouring through hundreds of articles related to self-help and life advice, looking for something to jumpstart me and get me through the day and to get me through my life.
From when I was 12 years old up until before my first year of Uni, I jerked off about 4 times a week. But from my first year through my second year, I masturbated roughly every single day, and during that period, I felt the most depression, lethargy and anxiety that I had ever felt in my entire life.
I knew that something was wrong with me because I had not always been that way but I did not know exactly what it was.
One day, while scrolling through Quora, there was an article that mentioned the defects of PMO and explained that it was the most likely reason for my timidity, brain fog, lethargy, anxiety, receding hair and excessive sweating.
There was a link to a YouTube video that explained the concept of NoFap called The Great Porn Experiment. I watched it and realized I had found the fundamental reason for my depreciating life.
I ran down memory lane and realized that my physical and intellectual downfall began around the same time I found porn and masturbation.
Finally, it all made sense.
That moment was the beginning of my struggle to stop masturbating to porn. From that very day in 2016, I tried every single thing in my physical and mental power to end this plight and break free but they were all to no avail. Don't get me wrong, I do not underestimate my setbacks and trials because their accumulation pushed me to develop the grit to seek a final solution.
I finally got my breakthrough on the 14th of July 2020 where I obtained Grace from a divine source.
When I said earlier that I had/have zero urges for porn and masturbation, I do not mean that I don't get erections or morning wood or that I feel no sexual desire. I feel sexual desire almost everyday. The only urges I get are the urges to simply have sex. I have learned, as you would learn too, that the desire to have sex is 100 percent completely different from the desire to masturbate and/or watch porn.
The former feels natural and fleeting while the latter is unnatural, strongly compelling and burns as intense mental torture/anguish when resisted.
Here are my benefits:
  1. Energy: This started around day 30, really took off at day 70 and hit a beautiful high on day 94. On the morning of day 94, I ran 22km for 2hours and 8 minutes without stopping (except for a few seconds when I bought bottled water twice). My longest run ever. The energy from day 94 until now feels like how I feel when I take coffee. I feel a slight buzz in my bones and the energy feels limitless as productivity is easy and there is no need to procrastinate.
I learned that the most likely reason why you don’t get around to doing most things is not simply because you are being lazy but because you don’t feel like you have the energy to start and finish the task. If everyone had excess energy, they’d easily do the things they’re supposed to do.
I also feel no need to recover or rest from my runs. I can run everyday and be fine. My muscles don't get sore anymore and I only feel tired when I run for over 2 hours. Before SR, I could hardly pass 10km and even when I did, I’d need about 2 days of rest to recover.

  1. Eye contact: It has become easy to make and maintain eye contact with people that I once found difficult to do so with. Problems with eye contact drop significantly at around day 30+ but was completely eliminated from days 70+.

  1. Increase in empathy and compassion: You will develop a higher capacity for love. I feel that this happens because, for one reason or the other, we are now able to see people as people as opposed to tools that we use to get what we want. This will have a great effect on your social interactions especially with women as you feel genuinely interested in their existence and welfare and not just for the thing between their legs.
I noticed this from days 40+.

  1. Attention and stares from people: This started around days 25+ and ended completely around 65+. I have absolutely no idea why it stopped. In those days, I had a lot of people greet me on the street and children staring at me and waving on the streets and in the public buses but after 65+, zero. This stuff isn't placebo.
P.S: Pine pollen will make people stop you on the street. It has happened to me several times and I have not taken it in weeks because I revere it the same way people who understand magic mushrooms revere it. Pine pollen spirals me into high definition lucid dreams, sends me streams of luck and attention and endows me with unwarranted energy and pure positive aggression. It multiplies my benefits by at least a factor of 5 and sometimes I am afraid that there must be consequences for that. I haven't taken it in weeks and am currently waiting for a spiritual direction to take it before I take it again.

  1. Syncronicities: I see 4:55, 2:55, 3:55; 4:05, 2:05, 3:05 e.t.c a whole lot. This started around 50+ till this day. I don't really like mentioning this one because I found out it makes SR sound like bullshit so I never really talk about it. But you guys know.

  1. Hair growth: Hair started to grow on my chest for the first time ever and my hairline moved forward about 2mm. Also, the slight recession at my temples are reversing. I noticed this only when I cut my hair some days ago.

  1. Social interactions: Social interactions are somewhat effortless now because of a new found fearlessness.

  1. Mental clarity: This one came and left several times during my journey and that was really frustrating. I now find it easier to generate and hold thoughts because of mental clarity and zero brain fog. Verbal articulation and memory recall have become exponentially easier and I have a new-found confidence in the ability of my mind. This, in and of itself, is a very great reinforcement to your self-esteem because you now believe without a shred of doubt that you are competent enough to handle the basic challenges of life which, just months ago, seemed so daunting. This stayed after 90+ days.

  1. Reading ease, concentration and comprehension: This is my best benefit and it exists because of the mental clarity. Around day 90, I finished my first novel since 2012. Before SR, I found it difficult to concentrate on something I was reading. 10 mins of studying will give me a slight headache and all I’d want to do is lay down and sleep or use my phone to watch YouTube videos. When I was younger, before I ever started masturbating, it was fun to study, play chess and engage in mentally stimulating activities. I have unraveled my old self and thinking about the years I’ve lost in the zombie-like state sometimes brings me to tears. This started after 70+ days.

  1. I have become more immersed in life: I have no idea how to explain this. It’s like all my senses have extended into millions of tiny neuron branches and have warped themselves further and deeper into the fabric of reality. It’s like I’m more present, I’m more HERE. This started after 70+ days.

  1. I have started to see things as they are: It feels like scales have fallen from my eyes and I have started to see truth as it is. I'm less likely to bullshit myself, bullshit other people or allow other people bullshit me. I'm after facts and can easily spot flaws, lies and things that aren't necessary in most situations. I wish someone could properly articulate this for me in the comment section. The best way to say it is that I have just started to see situations as they are without the influence of mental illusions or biases. Evaluating past situations with this new ability has made me realize how foolish I've always been. I feel like this has made me wiser because my eyes now only see and seek truth. This started after 4 months.

  1. When I choose to sit down and think about a concept, idea or problem, I always come up with insights and more perspectives. It's almost as if the idea that I hold in my mind slowly rotates while the light of my attention reveals its possible different facets. This started after 4 months and is one of the coolest things ever. Now, I really enjoy sitting down to think about stuff because I know that insights will come.

12: My pelvic floor muscles feel contracted/pressurized. THIS video will explain to you.

13: Ability to enjoy little things: As your dopamine receptors snap back into position, little things such as washing the dishes, watching the trees sway in the wind, sky gazing, and listening to music bring so much warm pleasure. During those times, I really take my time to enjoy them and it almost always occurs to me how I cheated myself of a normal life all these years. This starts around day 30 and hasn't stopped getting better.

There are many more things that I noticed but these are the major ones. These past 5 months have been most insightful and the best months of my life and I feel deep regret for not knowing about SR when I started University. I’m almost certain that I’d have finished with a first class and that my life would have been completely different.

I can’t get those years back, but I’ll work with what I have now and give it my best.

I’d never have gotten this far if not for divine grace and because of it, I’m absolutely convinced that I’m never going to masturbate to porn again. I’m currently writing about it and will post when I’m done.

Let's keep up the good work and aim to right all the wrongs we made in the past. I hope to see you all at the other side.
submitted by redjohnagain to Semenretention [link] [comments]

feeling a lil hopeful; some tips that've helped me this past week :)

i've officially have been committed to stopping any sort of picking at my skin and at the very most, allow a little bit of scratching (mostly for just any natural itch around my picking areas)! dermatillomania has been something i've struggled with ever since i was a kid. ii can't even explain how relieved i was when i discovered that there's a name and a community for it! so, i want to share my tips from this past week.
i'll admit, this past week was hard, being that i used to unconsciously pick almost everyday now. i picked off a scab and that made me feel incredibly guilty. but, i noticed a lot of my older scars have been healing nicely so i'm trying to acknowledge my progress lol.
for the first time in months, i took a hard look at my back (my most prominent picking area) and realized how bad it got. currently, it's the worst my picking has ever gotten. which leads me to tip #1! i took a picture of it. it is quite morbid but i do look at it when i feel the urges to pick to remind myself why i started to stop. it's hard seeing my skin at this state but for me, it is a huge motivator.
my 2nd tip is what i'm doing right now! most of my picking happens when i'm idle or bored. lately, i've been chewing gum to stimulate another part of my body. i haven't really heard this tip around here but it does help to have a pack in your room when you feel bored or when you have a strong urge to pick!
tip #3: this video: it's been privated for some reason, but this is the link! i did cry watching this for the first time and it's helped immensely to relieve tension/embarrassment i get from picking. i recommend her other videos on dermatillomania!
my 4th tip which is probably one of the biggest ones is: moisturizing in place of scratching. i spend most of my days at my desk/bed so i keep a bottle of lotion nearby. when i feel the urge, i moisturize instead of scratch. that way, i am applying that pressure to my skin. however, instead of hurting it, i'm nurturing it. this has also been SUPER, super helpful in healing scars. any moisturizer will do! i suggest moisturizing after a shower because i noticed that when my skin is dry, i pick at it more.
take it in increments. instead of saying "i'm going to quit" in general, i found that telling myself "i'll stop picking until my next therapy appointment" has helped a LOT. it makes quitting a lot more digestable! i personally used my therapy appointment this week as a marker but if you have an event planned or something like that, aim to have quit by then!
lastly, i suggest doing tons and tons of research. i'm on quora, youtube, and reddit for this a lot of times because ultimately, the most comforting thing about this condition is knowing that i'm not alone. dermatillomania has been a constant, isolating feeling for me. i find some sort of solace in knowing that, although it may take a LONG time to recover, there is lots of hope and resources for us! my fave website right now is the website offers picking trackers, info sheets, etc. but my most favorite is their artwork tab. it really helps to make me feel seen.
i write this because dermatillomania has always, always been a struggle for me. i haven't worn an open back shirt in years. i'm ready to move on and i want others to join me in my journey! my goal is to have made significant progress before my graduation in may.
before i leave, here is a thing i've noticed when i stopped picking: the itchiness! god, i am ITCHY all the time and i'm not really sure what it means? usually i just lightly scratch at it but quitting has left me so itchy lol.
also, i noticed how kinda tired and irritated i am all the time since i stopped. i've actually woken up in the middle of the night because of how itchy i was. but also, i've been a lot more... not me? just overall more sad and down lately, if that makes sense. i guess by taking out a constant habit of yours, it can lead to those symptoms. but i'm not sure if my tiredness and moods are directly correlated to me quitting. if anyone can let me know what that's all about, i'd appreciate it! thank you!!
sending all my love to everyone who struggles with any derma condition in general. we can do this!
submitted by kaecactus to Dermatillomania [link] [comments]

Never Blindly Follow All "Stock Market" YouTubers | Possible Exposed Fraud [Tom Nash] & The 5 Reasons Why I Believe Tom Nash Is Lying

Hello everyone! This isn’t my usual kind of post, but man, I can’t stand to see how people just follow every freaking YouTuber out there blindly! In this post, we are going to talk about why I believe Tom Nash may be a fraud, so please do have some patience and read the full post, as I will go through an in-depth research of his past and his claims.
~Very Long Post~
Let’s start by talking about who Tom Nash is & says he is. He is a new & trendy “finance & stock market” YouTuber which has recently passed 150K subscribers after exploding during this retail investor boom, but here is a short video from his YouTube describing himself.
In the video he is claiming he is a former “senior financial analyst” which is very hard to believe in my opinion after doing a lot of research about him.
So let’s go through the 5 reasons I believe he is lying about his past & why you should never take anything any YouTuber out there says for granted and you should do your own research as well:
1) Let’s start with the biggest one, his valuation methods are flawed
Even though he has posted some videos that have panned out, it’s very hard to differentiate good analysis from pure luck in this recent bull market, even monkeys could throw darts at stocks in the past 11 months and be right after the March sell-off.
I was pretty curious of his valuation methods so I joined his channel membership and asked him a direct question, about his DCF valuation, to which he responded bluntly that I am doing things wrong. I also sent him a direct link to a well-known financial institute, where we can see that the most common cash flow used for financial modeling, which is the unlevered free cash flow, implies that you subtract any capital expenditures of the company, which contradicts the way he sees it and is plain wrong, it’s like he uses 2nd grade math, if you subtract a negative number then your cash flow actually increases, which doesn’t even make sense. How can something that costs you money be a positive on the free cash flow?
I’ll let you digest this as I will next show you some of his DCF valuations & how he uses absurd numbers and changes the formulas as he pleases just to reach some insane valuations for companies just to be catchy.
Here are a couple of short extracts from his Salesforce DCF calculations,
Exibit A - everything seems legit until here, now he starts with the biggest mistake in this DCF
Exibit B - I’ll be blunt you can never, ever add the Capex number to a DCF valuation, that literally throws the hole calculations off, but let’s continue…
Exibit C - So, using a discount rate of 6% is also insane, even with the current low interest rates, you should at least discount the average SP500 return, or use the WACC or any other type of metric, which is much safer than picking out a single company, as the SP500 has proven over long-stretches to be a great performer.
But yeah guys, this isn’t the first time he has done these kind of errors, you can see he is using most of these methods in many stock picks which are then spread out to thousands of new investors, who don’t really have the knowledge to test what he is saying. I’m just showing you here a couple of stocks like Dynatrace, Opendoor, Alibaba, Peloton, Salesforce as I showed in the previous video and even Apple that have been analyzed and spread to the public this way.
The other big issue with his valuations is that he is using insane long-term growth rates, as he used a 5% growth rate for Peloton to reach a higher valuation, so can you imagine? If Peloton grows at a 5% rate in perpetuity it means they should more than double the inflation rate every year and is way higher than any GDP growth the US has seen since 1984.
He is also implying that Peloton has no debt on it’s balance sheet, which is 100% false, as you can see HERE, he used the cash, cash equivalents & marketable securities to calculate the short term assets while completely ignoring the over $700M in accounts payable no to mention the other current liabilities which would add up to almost exactly the $1.4B in assets he added to his calculations.
But who knows guys? Maybe he is the real deal, as he has made some correct DCF implications for some stocks like Fortinet and FuboTV, by actually subtracting the Capex finally, though he doesn’t do this in every analysis, not even in the most recent ones while also keeping that big long-term growth rate at 5%, when I myself never use a bigger one than 4%.
Just for an example I took his CRM numbers and popped them up in my spreadsheets, and even given his methods I couldn’t quite get to the same results without manually editing numbers, as those implications resulted in a 7% undervaluation for the stock, while only adjusting the Capex to be a negative on the cashflows and not touching anything else that might be wrong in this DCF, resulted in a 10% overvaluation for the stock.
So, I think if he really was a 10+ years wall street analyst I don’t think he could have made these obvious mistakes.
2) So, Is Tom Nash whom he says he is or is he lying about his past?
HERE is the channel intro for his YouTube (Which I can't even see anymore, but i was lucky to download it a couple of days ago)
As you Can see, I don’t doubt that he actually went to Michigan or that he got and MBA, but I do doubt that all of his Successful “Senior” Financial analyst & consulting Career can be described with only a couple of weak-ass photos of him at an NBA game, or him casually at some kind of a course program as that is exactly what it looks like with the other guys in the back-left of the photo.
Also, are we to believe all of this great financial career ended with him just taking out his fake plant from his office, while also smiling as he threw away at least a decent salary for a gamble on YouTube, which is very hard to do, especially when you are starting, as YouTube doesn’t really help the small guys.
His YouTube journey seemed to have started on the path of exposing guru’s and not financial advice, as he also says in the video, so how did he turn to do financial analysis on YouTube? Seems pretty convenient that he just became an expert in stock analysis as YouTube videos on such things were booming.
You can see HERE, he didn’t make a single stock analysis for the most part of 2020, which seems pretty off, as now most of his videos are on stock analysis, and while his channel was created in 2017, he conveniently deleted all the previous videos, which is another weird move to do.
I also went on a deep internet dive and did a lot of searching about him and I found this video podcast of him.
His main intro in this podcast is that he works as a consultant indeed, from Israel, and also the consultancy job isn’t for a financial company, it’s rather to help people on YouTube grow, so let's look at some extracts from the video:
Exibit I - We can see the main part of the talk is nothing about anything related to his financial past, let’s continue
Exibit II - It seems he started with a gaming channel, not even a fake guru channel, and I also found something about that FB GROUP which isn’t active anymore and all of the videos he made for that have also been deleted as you can see in this post from way back in 2018 as he was teaching how to make money on YouTube well through 2019, and was even giving out free workshop experiences as he was pumping out creator content which is miles apart from financial analysis (BTW, he is using the same freaking photo in his old banner & logo as his current one, just changing the green screen background), just look at his old YouTube banner (YouTube tips & tutorials)
Exibit III - Yeah, it seems he also did some video on how to promote on Reddit, and what comes next guys is literally mind blowing, how much more can this dude lie & hide?
Exibit IV - Well… Nothing to hide then… He even had a Fiverr account which was called tomernash you can see clearly HERE, that is his username, and when I went out to check it out right now, he is using a fake picture & and still might live in Israel, not the US, and on top of this he might not actually even be from Russia, which he has been saying over & over again on his channel. You can SEE he reiterates he is a certified YouTube consultant with no mention of his financial skills or certifications.
And even more, you see what picture he uses as a logo yeah? Well, I did a reverse google search and found the other guy also has a YouTube channel about kinetic cycling.
Maybe he was one of his clients that he reached a deal to use his picture, wtf, the more I dig in the more I am amazed of the lengths this man has gone to reach fame on YouTube.
Exibit V - So… A financial analyst with no sheets, no paper, no nothing, great stuff for a senior financial analyst, I literally can’t take more of this so let’s move to the next reasons
3) Getting in front of the lie?
I believe that’s what he was trying to do to, by making a VIDEO on this very subject in mid-2020 and popping up higher in the search rankings before his channel boomed.
In the video he clarifies that Tom Nash isn’t his real name, but he also restated that he was working for a big consultancy firm as recent as this summer, and that he does shit tons of stuff which is very hard to believe, as usually this big consultancy firms have different departments for different things that he mentioned in the video. You can still find that video on his channel if you are interested
But, by the way, how was he working on that job while also doing hundreds of Fiverr jobs as a YouTube consultant?
He also claims to not offering any courses, e-books or other stuff like this, which is false as i showed in the previous reasons with his past YouTube courses & other stuff, and as you will see in the next reasons, something smells really bad out here.
4) Claims about his past
I also took a deeper dive into more of his past, as you can see in his previous channel cover and info, he had only about 4K subscribers as he was doing guru video reviews on YouTube, but all of a sudden, he became a senior financial analyst from wall street that was living in Israel & doing Fiverr gigs, I don’t know what to say but it seems pretty fishy to me.
I also checked his LinkedIn page, and all of his skills & endorsements seem to be related to his YouTube skills and nothing about finance or the stock market.
But I also found his profile on Quora, where he wasn’t that active but still, well back in 2017 he was posting things about gaming & YouTube while supposedly still working on Wall Street as a financial analyst, and it’s interesting that there is no mention of him following anything related to stocks, finance, economy, accounting, statistics or anything other related to the stock market.
So yeah guys, I guess when you make a new type of video and it boosts your channel from just 10K subscribers all the way up to 150K subscribers, you are willing to push the limits and lie about your past just to keep everything going, as YouTube is a really good way to make money right now.
5) The Transformation
He has had even more channels in the past not only this one, which he has transformed overnight from a YouTube Channel Reviewer to a Guru Reviewer and finally to a financial analyst , as He created a second & third YouTube account called GearlyReviews where he reviews electronics and EuroBall where he only posted 2 videos.
I also searched him through his Reddit posts and only could find things related to marketing & social media, nothing about finance yet again.

So, my personal opinion which I doubt to be wrong guys, if there is a case of a dubious & fishy person out there, he is one of them.

I believe that he has never worked as a senior financial analyst and especially not a stock market, asset or any other type of equity analyst.
Most of his stock picks are small-caps that are highly volatile or a couple of recent high flyers which are very catchy to any YouTube audience.
There are many things wrong about the picture he has painted about himself even though he has gone through a lot to try and erase his past. The fact that there are no mentions of things from the wall street or consulting firm, bad stock analysis and methods, fishy and dubious moves of his YouTube channels and especially fishy things about him being a consultant & analyst in early 2020 while he was already doing YouTube and other stuff back in 2017-2018 really makes me not want to buy his story.
Folks, be careful out there, you can find a lot of YouTubers out there who make more money from their advice giving on YouTube, Patreon or other kind of subscriptions and courses, compared to the actual money they are making or have ever made in the stock market.
So yeah guys, I don’t want to make a final judgment on this guy, but you should consider everything I have showed about him and all the problems with his past & his financial methods & just remember as always in a bull market everyone is an expert & genius, while in a bear market you can’t find any of these people as they all flee.
Later edit, Probably after reading the post: He has currently disabled his Fiverr gigs, learned Russian and deleted the profile image LOL
Thank you everyone for reading🙏 Hope you enjoyed the content! Be sure to leave a comment down below with your opinion! Have a great day and see you next time❗
submitted by 0toHeroInvesting to ZeroToHeroInvesting [link] [comments]

Very good article on e-ink and eye caring tech in general

Original article in Chinese . I'm not a good translator please just point out parts that doesn't make sense I'll revise it. Its so long damn I need to rest my eyes now.

Broadly speaking, eye discomfort caused by looking at monitors stems from three main problems:
Blue light. Specific wavelengths of the blue light spectrum have a strong penetrating power and can cause damage to the eyes. Eye caring monitors on the market said no blue light is corresponding to this point, but the current backlight monitors still can not completely eliminate the problem of high-energy blue light.
Flickering. Eye caring monitors marketed dc dimming, or no flickering is to deal with this problem.
Ambient light problem: dark conditions look bright screen will lead to eye discomfort, this can be solved by manually adjusting the monitor brightness at night. Eye caring monitors with intelligent dimming, or automatic dimming, is the solution to this problem.
Flickering and ambient light problems can be solved by hardware and software, but high-energy blue ligh can not be completely solved. High-energy blue light will lead to short-term eye soreness and tears. Long-term will lead to cataracts, macular degeneration.
I have tried these methods.

Single-eye mask: the first method used, but it did not actually work, I used when eye strain was already serious, so using only one every one day anther eye every other day. But it can't solve the problem, for example, I wear an eye patch for my right eye to work, and when it hurts, it hurts in both eyes together, and the tears flowing from my eyes also flow together.
Drink more water: I feel that it has a certain effect on dry eyes, because I am busy and drink less water indeed feel tears are flowing dry, drink eight glasses of water every day can replenish tears.
Far-seeing: This should have an effect on visual fatigue, and cannot be used to solve the problem of dry eyes. I sometimes go out and walk for an hour then I feel much better but it would be back immediately when started working.
Eye drops: I used Hailu eye drops, which is supposed to be one of the best products used to relieve dry eyes, but it is still not as effective as natural tears. At the most uncomfortable time, my eyes were in constant pain and the drops could not relieve it, but if I summoned tears through yawning, it would bring immediate comfort. Therefore, I tried to use more water and yawning instead of eye drops to relieve the dry eyes. That said, the drops themselves are for emergencies, so I still use them occasionally when my eyes get dry.
Steam Eye Mask: I was initially unimpressed with this product because it does not contain moisture and it can aggravate dry eyes when they are severe. My ophthalmologist suggested that I use a hot towel to apply it wet, but the towel would quickly become cold. Later I used baby wipes covered with steam eye mask on the outside of my eyes and found that it had a very good effect on relieving dry eyes. Wet wipes are recommended for the cotton era, not even draw with cover design, long-term placement will not lose water. You can also use dry wipes with purified water. Whether it is wet wipes or dry wipes, it must be a non-additive model for babies, after all, it is used on the eyes.
Health supplements: Tried lutein fish oil supplements, ate two months the dry eyes or dry eyes. I feel that this supplement is more of a restorative effect, but there are articles that say you have to take it for at least 4 months to get results. I found a Norwegian bp lutein fish oil and looked at the ingredients list and thought it was more cost effective. Later on, I found @笨猪因 who said that sea buckthorn is the best solution he got after consulting a lot of information, and he is currently buying sea buckthorn syrup to drink. I researched a little and found that sea buckthorn is really reliable, rich in lutein, vitamin A and other eye care elements, and also helps digestion, antioxidants and so on. So I also started to buy raw sea buckthorn to drink.

High-end ccfl monitor: this gets very strange, the discussion of ccfl eye protection touted, but foreign forums that discuss eye caring monitor rarely mention the problem of ccfl, and old posts said that cfl monitor made eyes very uncomfortable, led is better. So once I suspected that the so-called ccfl eye caring claim is just marketing of manufacturers. But I bought the legendary EIZO L887, also known as ccfl asv, and personally experienced that it did work. At that time, my eyes were tearing and aching every day before I went to bed, but of course it was also related to the long hours I spent facing the screen every day. With this monitor I still got fatigue and discomfort, in the morning the eye balls are under pressure, but already much better. The most obvious feeling is at night, when the lights are low, my led monitor will force me to squint at the screen, even if I have turned down the brightness but not ccfl. I saw a post on quora that may accurately summarize the monitors : in terms of eye caring, low-end cccfl is not as good as low-end led, high-end led is not as good as high-end cccfl, and top-of-the-line led is the best. I wonder if there is a basis for this statement.

Dasung e-ink mointor: At first felt its too expensive, very suspicious, but after using a period of time I never want to use the backlit display again. For the first time I woke up with basically no discomfor in eyes. But remember to turn on the lights in the room as well as keep the front light on, otherwise there is no enough ambient light triggering fatigue. The disadvantages of this monitor are obvious: only 13 inches, ghosting, no color, expensive and response time. It is said that the pro version has fast response time , hd version has high definition. Despite all the drawbacks, this device is really good for eyes. E ink screen can completely solve my eye discomfort. If only use this monitor office, try not to look at other screens, walking in the street eyes can naturally open, feel very relaxed. Now I just hope some manufacturer can launch a full color reflective screen, by then, most talks about eye caring technology will become outdated. One thing to note about using this monitor is that it must use its own front lights whose default brightness is already the optimal setting. If you use external light source lighting, there will be a problem of too much light around the work area, which will lead to dry eyes after a long period of use.

Projector: BenQ w1120 and Epson ef-100w have been purchased, connected to the computer as a monitor. One is bulb light source, one a laser light source, both has noise problems. And eye comfort is not as good as ordinary monitors. Too dark will cause visual fatigue, too bright will hurt the eyes, no matter how will caus discomfort. Later I bought a led light source projector jmgo j10 (坚果j10), very quiet. In order to solve the problem of too dark and too bright, I turn both the room lighting and projector to a higher brightness, and wear ptk pro anti-blue light glass when using (the blue light filter rate of this lens is 99%), so it can be used for a long time comfortably.

Fujitsu rlcd monitor: this monitor is often a modified product, really shady. I bought various versions of this monitor from two sellers on Taobao, one called 倍力数码 with a low-cost half-transparent half-reflective screen sent to me. At first did not know enough about this product, did not find it wrong. After a long time that I realized I had been scammed. Another more reliable seller said most people would choose the version without front light, which I didn't understand at the time. Then I realized that if I use its own front lighting, my eyes will be slightly uncomfortable after a long time of use. If you do not use its own front light, instead of using daylight or desk lamp lighting, the eyes are more comfortable. However, after using the lamp for a few months, I still experienced dry eyes in the morning. The following points need to be noted when using this monitor with desk lamp : ambient light must be present when using it, and at the same time, the brightness around the monitor will be higher than the screen brightness due to the low reflectivity of rlcd, so the overall brightness near the monitor needs to be strictly controlled. I use a cloth over a desk lamp so that the light will only be restricted to the vicinity of the monitor, while laying a black absorbent cloth on the desk to reduce reflections. This is very, very important: make sure that the brightness of the area around the monitor is lower than the brightness of the screen. In the vast majority of cases, a dark absorbent cloth needs to be laid on the desktop to reduce desktop reflections.

Desk lamp: because Fujitsu monitor needs external lighting, I bought a 7w focus led desk lamp. Later bought a few different eye lamps, brightness is not significantly improved, only more expensive and large, so I stick to the first lamp . After a month, I found that after long use will cause dry eyes, so even for the reflective lighting, the choice of light source is also very important. After research, I learned that a healthy light environment should meet three conditions at the same time: 1, the working spectrum contains very little high-energy blue light or no blue light at all. 2, the work area brightness can not be lower than the brightness of the surrounding area. 3 brightness of the surrounding area must be higher than 1/3 of that of the working area. After understanding the advantages and disadvantages of halogen, incandescent, fluorescent, and led, I purchased a million bulbs for testing. The quality of the lamp itself, the ambient light, the angle and location of exposure, and the different configurations of brightness all can have an impact on the eyes, which may trigger symptoms such as dry eyes, irritation, visual fatigue, and red bloodshot. Another problem is that the damage to the eyes from the light source is not immediately apparent, and all the bulbs work well at first, with symptoms appearing only after a while. After a long period of testing, these bulbs will invariably cause eye discomfort after prolonged use, including the halogen bulbs that claim to kill all led with its pure natural spectrum. After that, I purchased the Xiaomi desk lamp 1s, yeelight light desk lamp, Lenovo thinkplus desk lamp. Before the test, I think these lights are good enough, there will be no perceptible difference. But after really using it, I realized that the thinkplus 5100k is significantly more comfortable than the Xiaomi Desk Lamp 1s 4500k, which may be related to my dry eyes that were already serious at the time of testing. The minimum brightness of the thinkplus desk lamp is much higher than the brightness I am used to with the Xiaomi desk lamp 1s, but it is extremely comfortable to use, and even after a long day of heavy computer use, my eyes will not feel uncomfortable. Finally, I tested the yeelight light-sensitive desk lamp, when the color temperature is set to 5000k, eye discomfort, if the color temperature is set to 3000k or 4000k, after prolonged use will still cause eye discomfort, but the subjective feeling than the Xiaomi desk lamp 1s really better (thank God for my double dry eyes). It seems that the principle of "you get what you pay for" still applies here. My current opinion is that eye dryness is related to the luminous flux of a specific band of blue light, determined by a combination of spectrum, brightness, and color temperature. thinkplus' spectrum has been optimized to be very close to sunlight, only cutting out the high-energy blue part of sunlight, so it can still remain comfortable when both color temperature and brightness are high. In addition, one day I stumbled upon a desk lamp called 阳光流自然光台灯 whose light spectrum is exactly the same as thinkplus, only the looking is not so good, and has poor marketing . Compared to the thinkplus, the switch and dimming of this desk lamp is mechanical, solving the problem that thinkplus desk lamp can not remember the brightness after power failure, and the brightness is also lower, its maximum brightness is a little lower than the lowest brightness of thinkplus. So I sold the yeelight desk lamp replaced it with this 阳光流自然光台灯(sunlight flow natural light desk lamp). Since the spectrum of these two lamps has been done to completely get rid of high-energy blue light, so in theory, it is even better to the eye to use it as a light source to watch the monitor than to read books in natural daylight. The actual using experience is the same, in the case of using the two desk lamps with Fujitsu total reflection monitor, even after a long period of heavy use of the computer eyes can still remain comfortable. In addition, there are two more well-known high-priced desk lamp: Yamada Lighting z80 and Dyson desk lamp. Although I did not test, their claimed spectrum is similar to other full-spectrum desk lamps, so also has a high-energy blue light wave peak.

Fully transmissive displays: They are ordinary backlit displays, as opposed to fully reflective displays, which require a light source to shine on the back of the display to provide an image. As mentioned above, current backlit displays cannot completely eliminate high-energy blue light. However, I have seen sellers on the 闲鱼 has ones that removed the backlight panel and convert them to full transmissive monitors without light sources, which can be used with their backs facing sun or artificial light source. So if this kind of monitor paired with the non-high-energy blue light light source like thinkplus desk lamp, will be the perfect eye caring monitor? With this in mind, I purchased a 22" fully transmissive backlit monitor. The seller said I was his first buyer and gave me a halogen lamp. This monitor was very crude, its case was made up of a wooden board and paper shell. The seller said he made this monitor with a monitor panel, driver circuit and wood drawer. I placed a sunlight flow natural light lamp behind it to the lowest brightness lighting, the whole screen image is very clear. After using it for 3 days, I feel that this screen is still not as comfortable as Fujitsu lcd monitor, as it should be because when using the light source as backlight, all the light is concentrated to the monitor panel, making the brightness on the screen too high. This problem should be solved by blocking the lamp, but subjectively I still feel that Fujitsu is more comfortable. I finally gave up.

Blue light lenses: compared with ordinary eyeglass lenses and lenses with anti-blue light layer, Blue light lenses do have a significant effect, can significantly reduce the symptoms of dry eyes. But the layer, after all, has to consider the needs of normal use, the reflection rate of blue light is limited. To achieve better results, you need professional anti-blue light glasses. I bought ptk pro anti-blue light clip, blue light blocking rate is said to be 99%, with this lens watching the backlight monitor will still cause a slight discomfort, but much better than directly. Because of the bright office lighting, even with the e-ink screen, I felt dry eyes after a long day, so I also wore ptk pro clip-on lenses when using the e-ink screen. After a few days, I noticedred blood under my eyes, which indicates that the environment of using eyes is too dark. So I purchased the AHT anti-blue light clip-on with 40% blue light filtering rate to use with the e-ink screen in the office, and I no longer have eye discomfort.

E-Ink cell phone: bought Hisense a5pro cc color ink screen cell phone. Like the Dasung screen, even after a long time use of the eyes will not be uncomfortable, while I use the iphone 8 plus when it is easy to feel dry eyes. When using it, you must keep the ambient light sufficient, otherwise there will be red blood and visual fatigune. This phone can even watch videos smoothly, although the picture quality is bad. I have now replaced my iphone with it.

Eyeglass frames: In the process of researching eye care methods I discovered that lens height affects the degree of eye dryness. Initially, it was due to the aggravation of eye dryness after buying a new pair of glasses, then I tried to replace the lenses several times before I suspected that it was the frame. My previous frame with 33mm high lenses, and the new frame with 40mm height lenses, the comfort of the old glasses was significantly higher than the new glasses. So I purchased a frame with 28mm height lenses and my eyes felt significantly more comfortable. Large frames are popular nowadays, and most people wear 40mm or higher frames, and I have not heard of any health problems caused by this. I don't know if the difference is only felt by people with dry eyes, or if this applies only to me. If you suffer from severe dry eye symptoms, try a frame with a lens height of less than 30mm.

Conclusion: The most effective solution is a Dasung monitor. It is important to keep the room well lit with ambient light while using it. If red blood appears in the eyes, it is likely that the ambient light is too dark. But a screen with a reflective light source will make the eyes absorb more blue light from the ambient light, so a better configuration when there is no sunlight is a Dagung monitor + sufficient indoor light + AHT anti-blue light lenses/clips. Another option is the jmgo j10 (坚果j10) projector (or other high-brightness led projector, if not sensitive to noise can also use non-led, but at least with brightness 2000 lumens, resolution 1080 or more) + brighter indoor light + AHT anti-blue light lens/clip. rlcd such as Fujitsu display should also be possible, the problem is that rlcd reflectivity is too low, and has reflection problems, so it requires a strong ability to perfect the light setup. Whether using an e-ink screen or rlcd, if using a non-sunlight external light source exposure, you still need to wear aht anti-blue light lenses/clips at the same time. This is because the eyes are more susceptible to the effects of blue light from ambient light when using such displays than under a backlit display.
Lutein supplementation also makes sense if the eyes are already showing more obvious symptoms, but it should be taken for at least two or three months to be effective.
submitted by LatecomerInSnow to eink [link] [comments]

Is it worth being a WordPress designer/developer in 2020? Can you make money on Upwork with WP? The answer to both of these questions is YES.

TLDR: I'm a top earning Upwork freelancer that specializes in WordPress. I want to make a YT channel that covers an in-depth, no-code approach to WordPress and focuses on studying the game of Upwork.. EXCEPT ALL VIDEOS ARE UNDER 5-10 MINUTES. I'll probably add a summary before or after each video so it's the easiest video to digest. Would you subscribe?
Sup guys? I've never really posted on this subreddit before (or any really) but I thought I'd ask a quick question at the end of my WordPress spiel. Depending on the feedback, it'll hopefully bring you some value in the future.
I often see these two questions being asked on either this forum, Quora, or whatever other platform that talks about freelancing or WordPress or whatever:
My answer to both of these questions is yes.
Before I write any more, I have to establish some sort of credibility... otherwise, whos gonna want to listen to me? And I promise I'm honestly not saying this to brag or anything... I feel like I just have to say it these days... lol, what can you do?
I know I'm not close to being the best WordPresser on Upwork but I'm statistically among the top performers on the platform, approaching the 200K$ total earnings mark with roughly $70k in the trailing 12 months. Also top-rated and have been for a while now. I can provide screenshots if anyone wants me to verify but I'm not sure how this subreddit works with this kinda stuff so I'm not gonna post it for now.
While writing this post, I wanted to see if I appear anywhere on the Upwork search results... When I searched for "WordPress", I didn't find myself on the chaotic first or second-page results... but when I specifically searched for "WordPress" in the title, I appeared in 7th place on the first page... so there's that.
I do this all on the back of WP.. well, mostly. Regarding WordPress itself, I'm not a full-stack developer by any means, but I don't think you need to be to succeed in the industry. While I do understand all of the code behind WordPress, I really believe you can take a No-Code approach to WordPress and win. The tools out there today, allow for it. Plugins like CPT, ACF, Toolset, Oxygen, Elementor, and other page builders, Rank Math.. the list goes on. All of this is what I consider, intermediate to advance WP stuff, but it can be easily learned.
Okay, reluctant brag over.
I know there are a couple of content creators on YouTube who talk about how to become a better freelancer in general and some who are specific to Upwork. There are also a handful of really smart WordPress creators too. I think that's pretty cool and it's the type of content that can help random people with life, myself included. I've actually learned many things from some of the creators and so being a decent WordPresser myself, I thought I'd try to offer some value in a way that I don't think is currently being tackled.
Without getting in too much depth, in order to succeed at WordPress and at Upwork, I think you should study two things.
  1. You must continually study anything and everything in your industry.
  2. More importantly, you must study the game of Upwork.
Upwork is a marketplace and I think it should be studied, just like the stock market(place). Well, maybe not exactly like it.. but you get the point.
I have a question for all of the WordPressers and Upworkers out there:
Would you subscribe to my YT channel that focuses on this type of content, except in bite-sized pieces, like 5 minutes each? Or are there is already so much info out there, that it doesn't make sense?
The content will cover intermediate to advanced WP stuff in under 5-10 minutes each (with the occasional long video) AND to studying the game of Upwork... Hopefully, I can pack a lot of value into them.
Thanks for reading this far!

EDIT: Whoa, just got online and I'm kinda surprised to see all of the traction this post gained. I have some things to get to this morning so I'll be replying to every comment throughout the day. Thanks REDDIT!

EDIT 2: I kept my promise and made the YouTube video and channel! This is my first time speaking in front of a camera so hopefully, I don't look too nervous. As I record more, I'll get better and articulating what's going on in my brain so cut me some slack for this first one! Anyway, hope I provided some sort of value for you guys. Here's the link to the channel:

submitted by franciscolora0524 to Wordpress [link] [comments]

Ulcerative Colitis Treatment in Homeopathy

What is Ulcerative Colitis? How to get cured?
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a condition that involves inflammation and ulceration of the lining of the large intestine, medically called a colon. The digestive system is a system of organs responsible for digesting the food we eat so that nutrients in the food are available to the body to provide the required energy.
The causes of ulcerative colitis depend upon factors that are responsible for the development, maintenance, and relapse of Ulcerative colitis. The homeopathic treatment for ulcerative colitis has proven the concept of immuno-correction that targets immune modulation using the medicines capable of addressing the genetic predisposition, helping the disease process at a root level.
Please click to read more for treatment and cure.
submitted by First_Way6743 to u/First_Way6743 [link] [comments]

Could you be a demon slayer? "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba"

This is just a random idea that popped in my head and Im sorry in advance if it gets too long, repetitive, or boring. Im also sorry if my transitions are a bit rough. (its also my first post). most of the information here is pulled from the Kimetsu no Yaiba fandom wiki here also if you're concerned about spoilers I don't think I put any in this post
In the demon slayer manga/anime written and illustrated by Koyoharu Gotōge. The protagonist group uses a variety of swordsmanship styles to fight demons. These swordsmanship styles work by having the user take a series of concentrated breaths. These breaths are able to significantly increase the amount of oxygen flowing through the users blood which enables the user to preform tasks impossible to the average human such as, cutting a large boulder in half with a sword or running at insanely fast speeds. The breathing techniques also have a few interesting properties being that if used properly the users blood can clot wounds from severe injuries at a much faster rate than a normal human, slow down the circulation of poison in the bloodstream, and the user can even enhance their mental state and senses to dodge attacks more effectively.
This brings us to my question / theory: if a person were to consistently take deep breaths like the demon slayers in the anime would it give us a power boost like it does in the anime? First off I did some research on the limitations of human body and its correlation to breathing. In the anime we can see that most of the novice breathing users use mouth breathing to preform their techniques. According to an article on, mouth breathing has been linked to a number of health problems such as periodontal diseases, dental malocclusion, and facial deformities. however the anime may have partially solved the problem of facial deformities the breathing users can mostly be seen breathing through their mouths with their jaw closed which should solve the problem of your jaw structure changing (I couldn't find evidence for this but in theory is should work). To add on the previously listed periodontal diseases are caused when your mouth dries during breathing and your saliva can't wash away any bacteria. The fastest solution for this (I have no evidence for this) could be to keep water on you at all times so you can gurgle and spit out water to keep your mouth dry and get rid of any bacteria that was in your mouth.
The next issue a irl breath user would face is can they safely train their bodies to take in and hold large amounts of air. The answer: Probably. Assuming the region the demon slayer manga takes place in is Japan the mountain Tanjiro (the main protagonist) trained on (Mount Sagiri) should only be about 12,000ft in height or about 3,700 m. (I made this assumption because the highest mountain in Japan Mount Fuji has a height of about 12,388ft or 3,776 m). although it would be very difficult a human could survive at this altitude. according to an article on by Natalie Wolchover, without an oxygen tank humans can survive a hight of up to 15,000ft or 4,572 m with experienced climbers being able to reach highest of up to 20,000ft or 7,925 m. The last problem that I could think of would be how an irl demon slayer could effectively train their lungs. I've already stated that a human could exercise at high altitudes like in the anime to train your lungs but that may take a bit too long. in the anime we see that some demon slayers attempt to break large reinforced gourds by blowing into them to train their lungs. But could this work in real life with minimal injury? I have no clue... The best case scenario was given by Dhirgham Murran on when answering the question of could you break a glass bottle by blowing into it, he says "It depends on the ratio between the hole size to the body size. The force of air pressure will be multiplied by the area of the base divided by the area of the hole on top. So it will break if you blow in a bottle that has big body and small neck" Im not nearly smart enough to completely under stand what this means but in essentially if you have a bottle with a small neck and large body you can break it by blowing into it hard enough surprisingly enough the gourds in the manga and anime fit this description as well so for the sake of time ill assume the science behind the gourds in the anime uphold in real life.
Now that i've proven that its possible to train like a demon slayer (though extremely difficult) would you be able to do all the cool stuff like cut boulders in half and clot wounds faster? In the real world basic deep breathing has been proven to have a numerous benefits. It can help destress by slowing your heart rate and triggers the release of endorphins. Endorphins are a hormone your brain releases that can help to block out pain and make you happier which could explain how some demon slayers can still move or remain conscious while having serious injuries. deep breathing also oxygenates your blood cells which allows them to cary nutrients. this then can lead to your body developing a stronger immune, lymphatic and digestive system (which can explain how they are able to slow the effects of poison) while also giving you more energy / stamina (the info for the previous section was taken from Andrea Watkins article on if normal deep breathing can accomplish this much whose to say that more intense forms of breathing couldn't do more? as for the explanation on how breathing can improve physical strength we'll get to that in a bit for now I'll try to explain how breathing could help blood clot faster. blood clotting occurs when platelets (a special type of blood cell) and protein in your blood travels through your blood stream and compact on an open wound the blood cells then thicken and form a mass in your veins that blocks blood from flowing out the body. by taking deep breaths you can make it so that the blood cells and proteins can travel to the wounded area much faster then they would normally which results in the blood clotting faster (this was just an inference made by me with prior knowledge). As for breathing making you physically stronger it can be explained in a similar way. Muscle cells like other cells need oxygen to preform their tasks. By breathing you're giving your muscles the oxygen and stability they need to preform at their full capacity. This can be proven by Jeff Andersons article on where he explains the same principle. To add on he even goes to mention how when exercising you need to breath in and out through your teeth as I did at the beginning of this post.
The final part of this post would be can a human even preform the complex forms like in the anime? Most likely not it would be near impossible to create large shockwaves and propel yourself through the air at high speeds. But that doesn't mean you can't preform all of the demon slayer techniques Nick pro a YouTuber has already made a video where he preforms some of the stunts done by the demon slayers (link) showing that some of them are in fact possible.
(Sorry I got lazy and couldn't be bothered to write a proper conclusion (>.<) this is long enough as is.)
submitted by QuasiEmu to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

Creating a myconid species (mushroom folk)

I've noticed this group is mostly dead, but I really wanted to see if maybe I could get some help. Already posted this in 2 other groups, but I'm working on creating a fantasy species of humanoid mushroom-based folk. Even though speculative zoology is more about how an existing species could've evolved or might've evolved, I figured this could be an excellent group to help.
I also had a quora post a while back that went unanswered:
So let's say a humanoid creature based off a woodrot mushroom were to be made, how could some of the biological needs of this creature be met? Like for instance, this creature would either be eating via mouth or through absorption (and if absorption, there's the question as to what the purpose of the mouth even is- so perhaps scrap the mouth? or would there be eating through tendrils, and do those tendrils excrete anything in order to aid with digestion?)
Fantasy creatures can have a lot of leeway, but it's fun to use just a little bit of realism to add a bit of logic behind creature design
submitted by XarahTheDestroyer to SpeculativeZoology [link] [comments]

I think I maybe found the most amusing answer to a gallbladder question that I've ever read

Lmao I wish every answer to a medical question was this fun to read
Is it okay to drink alcohol after having one's gallbladder removed? Answered by: Marie Heitz, Doctor.
Immediately after the gallbladder leaves the body, the bit where the surgeon is holding it up for all to admire, saying ”Look, just like its mother!” well, you are still anaeastetised and unconscious at that point, hopefully, so nope, no alcohol then.
A bit later, not too long with any luck, you will be in the recovery room, with the endotracheal (anaesthetic breathing) tube removed, blinking and peering around and wondering whether it’s before or after and before or after what was it again? If you had a drink then, you’d have a drinking problem, as you would be spilling it all down your clean hospital gown and the nurses would be bustling around (“bustling” used to go with nurses; I hope it still does) and tut tutting. So, no, not then either.
A few hours after that, given the surgical team didn’t prang anything they shouldn’t have (do Americans “prang”things, or is that just Australians…anyway I think it explains itself) and nicely sewed up the bleeding or otherwise leaking holes they made; and the anaesthetic didn’t include something you or the staff forgot you were allergic or intolerant to, or made a brand new discovery (“oooohhhh…..look at that…….I don’t think he liked that!”) you should be on your way home, bed rest having gone the way of other things we used to think were good for you, like blood-letting and tincture of mercury and knee arthroscopic “cleaning” and invading Russia in winter. You shouldn’t be driving, because you just had an anaesthetic, but let’s say your son in law, who is driving you home has just become father to your first grandchild and you absolutely had to celebrate that fact right away, now, before you both get home and the 3 months of colic start, and he suggested 2 teaspoons of brandy to share? Well, that would be ok. You might even notice that you had it, if you had an empty stomach because your health insurance didn’t extend to hospital jelly and orange juice and your son in law didn’t bring any, because he’s just become a father, remember. So the mix of recent anaesthetic and a tiny amount of alcohol might make you a teeny bit woozier and maybe care a bit less about your son-in-law's new father driving, but it wouldn’t do you any harm.
After that? The gallbladder has absolutely zero role in the processing of alcohol. It is for storing bile manufactured and recycled by the liver, for the digestion of fat. Alcohol is processed by the liver, which should sail on blithely unconcerned by the removal of the gallbladder (given the surgeons didn’t accidentally seal off the drain pipe to the liver [Common Bile Duct] under the impression it was the drain pipe to the gallbladder, yes, it happens, or the main artery to the liver, ditto). So there is no direct reason why removing the gallbladder should alter how much or how often you drink alcohol.
However! Many people have temporary diarrhoea after gall bladder removal. Bile is normally poured in a judiciously timed and sized quantity by a well behaved gallbladder into the small intestine to meet the pork chops or cream doughnut you have just enjoyed, to help break them down and transform them into love handles and tuck shop arms. (Do Americans have tuck shop arms? Tuck shops? You’ll just have to ask Mrs Google). In the absence of the gallbladder, the bile just trickles miserably, disconsolately and continuously into the gut, causing irritation, just like an unemployed teenager, while the doughnuts also are looking around waiting for the full dose of bile to help them to become bingo wings (same as tuck shop arms) and don’t get it, so continue unhappily undigested, into the lower gut. This isn’t used to undigested food (not my job!) and shifts it further down till ooooooh! it meets a shining white tunnel! then final blackness and oblivion. Hmmmmm.
Anyway, diarrhoea. Fortunately, amazingly the body normally sorts its way around all this disruption and finds a way to restore normal service within a few weeks to months. Doctors, especially surgeons, would be utterly stuffed without this amazing ability of the body to restore itself to equilibrium. In the meantime however (and we are finally getting back to the point here) anything else which tends to promote diarrhoea, like alcohol, will make the problem worse.
Soooooooo……if alcohol normally gives you the runs, the squitters or even just a softer, kinder time on the porcelain, it might be sensible to be more cautious with it for a few weeks after parting from your gallbladder.
submitted by forestfluff to gallbladders [link] [comments]

Are people(especially men) really okay with with their partner's past history(boyfriends, sexual)? or are they just afraid of being labelled backward/prudish, or just want to fit in(with liberals/pseudo-liberals)?

Note: I am not saying this should apply to only women. same applies to men too (you can reverse the genders in below). it is not right that women need not worry about their husbands past(they can and should)
A little background: I am a bit on the introverted spectrum, I live in a little bubble(not much contact/info on what goes around, especially people's lives or how the trends are currently). My parents are searching for brides(arranged marriage, I am now 29). I always thought its the guys(not all, but most) are pigs and would be ready to drop their pants without any serious commitments. And, girls like to keep their honor(even - sex only after marriage or serious commitment). I understand that this is how our parents were and may not be the case currently, but still I thought at least a good number of girls will never go into casual relatiionships/boyfriends(with intimacy involved). Even if they did have, I thought it would be to just get a validation among peers(and would never get into intimacy). But, wow!, was I totally wrong. It appears most of the girls (especially in metros) definetely would have had at least one or two boyfriends(with no serious commitment in mind and ready/wanting to have intimacy).
I came to this conclusion after doing a little research(got curious and paranoid too), asked around very few people I know(men and women, and even the homely, next door girl types, or are they!?) and read articles, and answers from Quora. To my surprise not even single one wanted to oppose this or think it is wrong, i.e it is okay to have casual relatiionships/boyfriends(with intimacy involved) and no need to wait for someone special without getting intimate or savor the joy of being your partner's first and last(and being your partner's first and last), they all nodded that it is admirable and great, but didnt give it much importance, said - you shouldnt be like that(and that I shouldnt expect so, not in a - "hey, its not practical man" way, but in a "you just cant" way). When asked if I can at least ask the girl upfront(in a polite, non-condescending/non-judgemental way), the reply always was - no, you cant ask that, your partner's past is none of your concern.
I still can understand above from their point of view, its your life, who am I to judge how should one live. But when I asked would you not feel bad/hurt after learning your wife's/husband's past(especially sexual) after marriage(most of these are married recently, I could have at least understood if it was a long marriage and they are an aged couple and they bonded very much enough to get past this), the reply always was - no it does not bother me, even the ones that didnt have any/much past(especially men!!, thats a surprise). I for one cannot understand this. It appears I am the only one who is unable to digest the fact that the person I am going to share my life with did things with someone else. I am not saying it is end of the world, but at least it appears a big deal to me, not something I can just forget/get-past-it easily.
My questions are -
  1. Am I the only who cant digest/is-very-much-uncomfortable-with my wouldbe's past? I am okay if that is really the case(not all are made different, or maybe I didnt evolve much according to current standards/ways. no pun intended, i mean it, it may very well be true)
  2. If I am not the only one, i.e many are like me too, why are they saying so? are they afraid of being labelled backward/prudish?
  3. or, am I just plain wrong?, i.e grass is indeed greener, its just that I am getting info from wrong sources or small demographic and I am just being paranoid?
  4. Why are these people supporting this? they just dont like the idea(or have no interest in or felt does not make sense at all)?, or just want to make most out of life(i.e enjoy as much as you can before marriage)?. no judgement here, if thats how they want to live, fine they can live it that way, just trying to understand the reality/truth.
Please dont label me as backward/prudish, I am actually very open minded(to some extent, apparently :) ) and I believe in liberal values(free spech, equality, questioning things rather than just blindly believing etc..). and I am not mysogynist either. Just because someone is male, he shouldnt think he is better or deserve things than females(my case still applies if you reverse the genders). and its not just about gender, it applies to race/intellectuality/status etc.. too (it is a horrible thing for me to descriminate on these basis).
And sorry for the long post..just felt more details might help understand better.

By intimacy i mean getting physical. first base - no surprise there, expected, but even second/third base and even home run in most cases.
And I am not saying all are like that, but to me it appears majority are like that, but then again I might be wrong(I am happy to stand corrected)
Its not because I wanted to get any action but couldnt(due to inability or some other factors), so I dont want my partner to have what I couldn't. That would only makes me a hypocrite. (I am not a stud nor attractive, I didnt get many encounters, just had two(or maybe not!?), got tempted, but refrained, not even because of morals, but thought it would be unfair with the expectations I have on my partner)
And no judgement at all, I practice live and let live(if it sounded so, I didnt mean it, i am happy to correct it). I just wanted to understand what the reality/truth is.
submitted by curiouspupil to india [link] [comments]

How to achieve explosive startup growth!

Here is the summary of the book Traction: How any startup can achieve explosive growth.
I hope that you find it useful!

Traction is a sign that your startup is taking off. If you charge, it means customers are buying. If your product is free, it means your user base is growing.
If you have traction, all your technical, market, and team risks become easier to handle. It becomes easier to fund-raise, hire, do press, partnerships, and acquisitions.
Traction trumps everything.

How to think about Traction?

Almost every failed startup has a product. What failed startups don’t have is enough customers.
You should spend your time in parallel, both constructing your product and testing traction channels.
This is what we call the 50 percent rule: spend 50 percent of your time on product and 50% on traction. This rule seems simple but it’s hard to follow because the pull to spend all your attention on the product is strong. You’re probably making a startup because you want to build a particular product. You have a vision, but a lot of traction activities are unknown and outside your vision and comfort zone. So you try to avoid them. Don’t.
Doing product and traction in parallel has these benefits:
Before trying to get traction, you’ll need to define what traction means for your company. You need to set a traction goal. Maybe your current startup goal is to raise funding or become profitable. How many customers do you need and at what rate? You should then focus on marketing activities that result in a significant impact on your traction goal. It should move the needle.
Your startup has 3 phases:

Phase I: Make something people want

In phase 1, your product has the most leaks, it really doesn’t hold water. You shouldn’t scale up your efforts now, but it’s important to send a small amount of water through the bucket so you can see where the holes are and plug them. \ Your goal in phase 1 is to get your first customers and prove your product can get traction. You focus on building your initial product and getting traction in ways that don’t scale: giving talks, writing guest posts, emailing people you know, attending conferences, and doing whatever you can to get in front of customers.

Some founders believe that startups either take off or don’t. Actually startups take off because the founders make them take off!
– Paul Graham

Phase II: Market something people want

Once you hone your product, you have product-market fit and customers are sticking around. Now is the time to scale up your traction efforts. You fine-tune your positioning and marketing messages.

Phase III: Scale your business

As your company grows, smaller traction strategies stop moving the needle, so you’ll start to scale.
In phase 3 you have an established business model and significant position in the market, and you’re focused on scaling to further dominate the market and to profit.

Traction for funding

When pursuing funding, first contact individuals who understand what you’re working on. The better your investors understand what you’re doing, the less traction they’ll need to see before they invest. Also, try friends and family who may not need to see any traction before investing as they’re investing in you personally.

To pivot or not to pivot

Many startups give up way too early. The first thing to look for is evidence of real product engagement, even if it’s only a few dedicated customers. If you have such an engagement, you might be giving up too soon. Look for the bright spots in your customer base and see if you can expand from that base.

How to get traction? The Bullseye framework

The Bullseye framework helps you find the channel that will get you traction. Most businesses actually get zero distribution channels to work. If you can get even a single distribution channel to work, you have a great business. If you try for several but don’t nail one, you’re finished.
You’re aiming for bullseye: the one channel at the center of the target that will unlock your next growth stage. Here are the 3 Bullseye framework steps:

Find what’s possible: The outer-ring

The first step in Bullseye is brainstorming every single traction channel. It’s important not to dismiss any channel in this step. Think of at least one idea for each channel. For example, social ads is a traction channel. Running ads on Facebook or Twitter is a channel strategy within social ads. You could research what marketing strategies worked in your industry as well as the history of companies in your space.

Find what’s probable: The middle-ring

Go around your outer-ring and promote your best and most exciting ideas to your middle-ring. For each traction channel in your middle ring, now construct a cheap traction test you can run to find if the idea is good or not. These tests need to answer the following questions:
  1. What’s the cost of acquiring customers?
  2. How many customers are available?
  3. Are they the right type of customers for you now?
You want to design small scale tests that don’t require much up-front cost or effort. For example, run 4 Facebook ads instead of 40.

Find what’s working: The inner-ring

The final step in Bullseye is to only focus on one channel that will move the needle for your startup: your core channel. At any stage of your startup, you should have one traction channel that you’re focusing on and optimizing.
Most founders mess this up by keeping around distracting marketing efforts in other channels.
If search engine marketing is significantly better for you than other channels, you should focus all your efforts on this core channel and uncover additional strategies and tactics within it.
If no channel seems promising after testing, the whole process should be repeated. If you tried several times with no success, then your product may require more tweaking and your bucket might be still leaky.

How to test traction?

Middle-ring tests: You should be running several cheap tests that give you an indication of how successful a given channel strategy could be.
Inner ring tests:
You’re doing two things:
  1. Optimize your chosen channel strategy to make it the best it can be.
  2. Discover better channel strategies within this traction channel.
There is always a set of things you can tweak. For targeting blogs, you can tweak which blogs to target, type of content, call to action, etc. For search engine marketing, you can tweak keywords, ad-copy, demographics, and landing pages.
A common approach is to use A/B testing, where A is the control group and B is the experimental group. The purpose of it is to measure the effectiveness of change in a button color, an ad image, or a different message on a web page. If the experimental group performs significantly better, you can apply the change, get the benefits, and run another test.
You can use tools such as Optimizely, Visual Website Optimizer, and Unbounce.
Over time, all marketing channels become saturated. To combat this, you should always be trying to discover new strategies and tactics within your channel and conduct small experiments. Also, experiment with new marketing platforms while they’re still in their infancy.


To track your tests you could start with a simple spreadsheet or use an analytics tool with cohort analysis. You’ll need to answer these questions:
  1. How many people landed on the website?
  2. What are the demographics of my best and worst customers?
  3. Are customers who interact with my support team more likely to stay?
A basic analytics tool like Clicky, Mixpanel, or Chartbeat can help you with these questions. You can use a spreadsheet as the tool to rank and prioritize traction channel strategies. You should include columns like how many customers are available, conversion rate, the cost to acquire a customer, lifetime value of a customer for every given strategy.

How to focus on the right traction goals? The critical path framework

Define your traction goal

You should always have an explicit traction goal you’re working towards. This could be 1,000 paying customers or 100 new daily customers, or 10% of your market. You want a goal where hitting the mark would change things significantly for your company’s outcome.
Once that is defined, you can work backward and set clear time-based subgoals. Such as reaching 1,000 customers by next quarter.
The key is to follow the critical path towards that goal and exclude all features and marketing activities that don’t help you reach your goal. Everything you decide to do should be assessed against your critical path.

Avoid traction biases

Your competitive advantage may be acquiring customers in ways your competition isn’t. That’s why it’s critical to avoid have traction biases. Stop your urge to refuse channels like speaking engagements, sales or affiliate marketing, business development, or trade shows just because you hate talking on the phone or you find the channel annoying or time-consuming.

Targetting blogs

Targeting blogs that your prospective customers read is one of the best ways to get your first wave customers.
Mint’s initial series of tests revealed that targeting blogs should be its core channel. They asked users to embed an “I want mint” badge on their personal blogs and rewarded them with a VIP access before other invitations were sent out. They also directly sponsored blogs. They sent bloggers a message with “Can I send you $500” as the subject and told them a bit about the product.
To find smaller blogs in your niche:
You can also target link-sharing communities like Reddit, Product Hunt, and Hacker News.
Dropbox, Codecademy, Quora, and Gumroad all got their first customers by sharing their products on HackerNews because their products were a good fit for users on that site.


Starting out, an article in TechCrunch or The Huffington Post can boost your startup in the eyes of potential customers, investors, or partners. If you have a fascinating story with broad appeal, media outlets will want to hear from you.
It’s easier to start smaller when targeting big media outlets. Sites like TechCrunch and Lifehacker often pick up stories from smaller forums like Hacker News and subreddits. Instead of approaching TechCrunch, try blogs that TechCrunch reads and get story ideas from. It’s easier to get a smaller blog’s attention. Then you might get featured on TechCrunch and then The New York Times which reads TechCrunch!
What gets a reporter’s attention?
A good press angle makes people react emotionally. If it’s not interesting enough to elicit emotion, you don’t have a story worth pitching.
A good first step is using a service like Help A Reporter Out (HARO), where reporters request sources for articles they’re working on. It could get you a mention in the piece and help establish your credibility. Also, you could offer reporters commentary on stories related to your industries.
You can use Twitter to reach reporters online; almost all of them have Twitter accounts and you’d be surprised how few followers many of them have, but they can be highly influential with their content.
Once you have a solid story, you want to draw as much attention to it as you can:
Once your story has been established as a popular news item, try to drag it out as long as you can. Offer interviews that add to the story. Start “How We Did This” follow-up interviews.
As your startup grows you may consider hiring a PR firm or consultant.

Unconventional PR

Nearly every company attempts traditional publicity, but only a few focus on stunts and other unconventional ways to get buzz.

The publicity stunt

Customer Appreciation

Be awesome to your customers. Shortly after Alexis Ohanian launched Hipmunk, he sent out luggage tags and a handwritten note to the first several hundred people who mentioned the site on Twitter.
Holding a contest is also a great repeatable way to generate publicity and get word of mouth. Shopify has an annual Build a Business competition.
Great customer support is so rare that, if you make your customers happy, they’re likely to spread the news of your awesome product. Zappos is one of the best-known examples of a company with incredible customer service and they classify support as a marketing investment.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM is placing ads on search engines like Google. It’s sometimes called “pay-per-click” because you only pay when a user clicks on an ad.
SEM works well for companies looking to sell directly to their target customer. You’re capturing people who are actively searching for solutions.
Click-Through Rate (CTR) The percentage of ad impressions that result in clicks to your site.
Cost per Click (CPC) The amount it costs to buy a click on an ad.
Cost per Acquisition (CPA) How much it costs you to acquire a customer, not just a click. If you buy clicks at $1 and 10% of people who hit your site make a purchase. This makes your CPA at $10.
CPA = CPC / conversion percentage

SEM to get early customer data

You can use SEM as a way to get early customer data in a controlled and predictable way. Even if you don’t expect to be profitable, you can decide to spend a certain amount of money to get an early base of customers and users to inform you about important metrics such as landing page conversion rates, average cost per customer, and lifetime value. used AdWords to drive traffic to their landing pages, even before they built a product, to test interest in a specific product approach. By measuring the CTR for each ad and conversions, they determined which product aspects were the most compelling to potential customers and what those people would actually pay for. When they finally built their product, they built something they knew the market would want.

SEM strategy

Find high-potential keywords, group them into ad groups, and test different ad copy and landing pages within each ad group. As data flows in, remove underperforming ads and landing pages and make tweaks to keep improving results.
Use tools like Optimizely and Visual Website Optimizer to run A/B tests on your landing pages.

Keyword research

Use Google’s keyword planner to discover top keywords your target customers use to find products like yours. You could also use tools such as KeywordSpy, SEMrush, and SpyFu to discover keywords your competition is using.
You can refine your keyword list by adding more terms to the end of each base term to create long-tail keywords. They’re less competitive and have lower search volumes which makes them ideal for testing on smaller groups of customers.
SEM is more expensive for more competitive keywords, so you’ll need to limit yourself to keywords with profitable conversion rates.
You shouldn’t expect your campaigns to be profitable right away, but if you can run a campaign that breaks even after a short period of time, then SEM could be an excellent channel for you to focus on.

Writing ads

Write ads with titles that are catchy, memorable, and relevant to the keywords you’ve paired with it. Include the keyword at least once in the body of your ad and conclude with a prominent call to action like “Check out discounted Nike sneakers!”
Each of your ads and ad groups will have a quality score associated with it. A high-quality score will get you better ad placements and better ad pricing. Click-through rate has the biggest influence on quality score, so you should tailor your ads to the keywords. Google assigns a low-quality score to ads with CTRs below 1.5%


Social and Display Ads

Display ads are banner ads you see on websites. Social ads are ads you see on social sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Large display campaigns are often used for branding and awareness, much like offline ads. They can also elicit a direct response such as signing up for an email newsletter or buying a product.
Social ads perform exceptionally well is when they’re used to build an audience and engage with them over time, and eventually convert them to customers.

Display ads

The largest display ad networks are Google Display Network, BuySellAds,, Tribal Fusion, Conversant, and Adblade. Niche ad networks focus on smaller sites that fit certain audience demographics, such as dog lovers or Apple fanatics.
To get started in display advertising, you could start to find out types of ads that work in your industry. You could use tools like MixRank and Adbeat to show you ads your competitors are running and where they place them. Alexa and Quantcast can help you determine who visits the sites that feature your competitors’ ads.

Social ads

Social ads work well for creating interest among potential new customers. The goal is often awareness oriented, not conversion oriented. A purchase takes place further down the line. People visit social media sites for entertainment and interaction, not to see ads.
An effective social ad strategy takes advantage of this reality. Use ads to start conversations about your products by creating compelling content. Instead of directing people to a conversion page, direct them to a piece of content that explains why you developed your product or has other purposes than immediately completing a sale. If you have a piece of content that has high organic reach, when you put paid ads behind that piece, magic happens. Paid is only as good as the content you put behind it. You should employ social ads when you know that a fire is starting around your message and you want to put more oil on it.
Major social sites you may consider are LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Foursquare, Tumblr, Reddit, YouTube, and many others.

Offline Ads

Even today, advertisers spend more on offline ads than they do online. When buying offline ads, You should try to advertise to demographics that match up with your target audience. Ask for an audience prospectus or ad kit.
Not sure if magazine ads are a good channel for you? Buy a small ad in a niche publication and give it a test. Want to see if newspapers would be good? Buy a few ads in a local paper. You can also try radio ads and billboards.

Magazine ads

A compelling magazine or newspaper ad will have an attention-grabbing header, an eye-catching graphic, and a description of the product’s benefits. Also, you should have a strong call to action, like an offer to get a free book.

Direct mail

You could also try direct mail by searching for “direct mail lists” and find companies selling such information. (Beware that it can be perceived as spammy)

Local print

You could also try local print ads like local fliers, directories, calendars, church bulletins, community newsletters, coupon booklets, or yellow pages. These work really well for cheap if you want to get early traction for your company in a specific area.

Outdoor advertising

If you want to buy space on a billboard, you could contact companies like Lamar, Clear Channel, or Outfront Media. Billboards aren’t effective for people to take immediate action, but it’s extremely effective for raising awareness around events, like concerts and conferences.
DuckDuckGo bought a billboard in Google’s backyard and it got big attention and press coverage.
Transit ads can be effective as a direct response tool. You can contact Blue Line Media to help you with Transit ads.

Radio and TV

Radio ads are priced on a cost per point (CPP) basis, where each point represents what it will cost to reach 1% of the station’s listeners. It also depends on your market, when the commercial runs and how many ads you’ve bought.
TV ads are often used as branding mechanisms. Quality is critical for it and production costs can run to tens of thousands. Higher-end ones can cost $200K to make. You’ll also need an average of $350,000 for actual airtime. For smaller startups, you could try local TV spots which is much cheaper.
Infomercials work really well for products in categories like Workout equipment, household products, health products, and work-from-home businesses. They can cost between $50,000 and $500,000, and they’re always direct-response.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is improving your ranking in search engines in order to get more people to your site.
The most important thing to know about SEO is that the more high-quality links you have to a given site or page, the higher it will rank. You should also make sure you’re using the keywords you want to target appropriately on your pages, like in your page titles and headings.
There are 2 strategies to choose from: fat-head and long-tail.
Fat-head: These are one and two-word searches like “Dishwashers,” and “Facebook.” They are searched a lot and make about 30% of searches and are called.
Long-tail: These are longer searches that don’t get searched as much but add up to the majority of searches made. They make up 70% of searches.
When determining which strategy to use, you should keep in mind that the percentage of clicks drops off dramatically as you rank lower. Only 10% of clicks occur beyond the first page.

Fat-head strategy

To find out if fat-head is worthwhile, research what terms people use to find products in your industry, and then see if search volumes are large enough to move the needle. You can use the keyword planner tool for that. You want to find terms that have enough volume such that if you captured 10% for a given term, it would be meaningful.
The next step is determining the difficulty of ranking high for each term. Use tools like Open Site Explorer. If a competitor has thousands of links for a term, it will likely take a lot of focus on building links and optimizing to rank above them.
Next, narrow your list of targeted keywords to just a handful. Go to Google Trends to see how your keywords have been doing. Are they searched more or less often in the last year? You can further test keywords by buying SEM ads against them. If they convert well, then you have an indication that these keywords could get you strong growth.
Next, orient your site around the terms you’ve chosen. Include phrases you are targeting in your page titles and homepage. Get other sites to link to your site. Links with exact phrase matching from high-quality sites will give you a significant boost.

Long-Tail strategy

Because it’s difficult to rank high for competitive fat-head terms, a popular SEO strategy for early-stage startups is to focus on long-tail. If you bundle a lot of long-term keywords together you can reach a meaningful number of customers.
Find out what are search volumes for a bunch of long-tail keywords in your industry? Do they add up to meaningful amounts? Also, take a look at the analytics software you use on your site or google search console to find some of the search terms people are already using to get to your site. If you’re naturally getting a significant amount of traffic from long-tail keywords, then the strategy might be a good fit. Also, check if competitors use this strategy. If they have a lot of landing pages (search for in google), then it’s a sign that this strategy works for your market. Also, check Alexa search rankings and look at the percentage of visitors your competitors are receiving from search.
If you proceed with a long-tail SEO strategy, you’ll need to produce significant amounts of quality content. If you can’t invest time in that, you can pay a freelancer from Upwork to write an article for every search phrase you want to target.
Another way is to use content that naturally flows from your business. Ask yourself: what data do we naturally collect or generate that other people may find useful. Large businesses like Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Wikipedia all gained most of their traffic by producing automated long-tail content. Sometimes the data is hidden behind a login screen and all you need to do is expose it to search engines, or aggregate it in a useful manner.

How to get links?

Don’t buy links, you’ll be penalized by search engines for it. Instead, you can do:

Content Marketing

Companies like Moz and Unbounce have well-known company blogs that are their biggest source of customer acquisition.
Unbounce started a blog and an email list from day one. They used social media to drive readers to your blog. They pinged twitter influencers to ask for feedback, gave away free infographics, and e-books. These actions don’t scale but they push them to a point where their content will spread on its own.
OkCupid is a free online dating site. They intentionally wrote controversial posts like “How your race affects the messages you get” to generate traffic and conversation.


Email Marketing

Email marketing is a personal channel. Messages from your company sit next to emails from friends and family. That’s why email marketing works best when personalized. It can be used to build familiarity with prospects, acquire customers, and retain customers you already have.

Email marketing to Find customers

Email marketing to Engage customers

If a customer never gets the value of your product, how can you expect them to pay for it or recommend it to others?

Email marketing to Retain customers

Email marketing can be the most effective channel to bring people back to your site. Twitter sends you an email with a weekly digest of popular tweets and your new notifications.
More business-oriented products usually focus on reminders, reports, and information about how you’re getting value from the product. Mint sends a weekly financial summary to show your expenses and income over the previous week.
You can also use it to surprise and delight your customers. Planscope sends a weekly email to customers telling them how much they made that week. Photo apps will send you pictures you took a year ago.

Email marketing to Drive revenue

You can send a series of emails aimed at upselling customers.
WP Engine sends prospects an email course about Wordpress, and near the end of the email, they make a pitch to signup for its premium Wordpress hosting service.
If one of your customers abandoned a shopping cart, send her a targeted email a day or two later with a special offer for whatever item is left in the cart.
You can use email to explain a premium feature a customer is missing out on and how it can help them in a big way.

Email marketing to get referrals

Groupon generates referrals by incentivizing people to tell their friends about discounts.


Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is getting your existing customers to refer others to your product. It was the driving force behind the explosive growth of Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Dropbox, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest.
It’s so powerful that even if you can’t achieve exponential growth with it, you can still get meaningful growth. If your customer refers a new customer within the first week, you’ll go from ten customers to twenty and double every week without any additional marketing.
The oldest form of virality occurs when your product is so remarkable that people naturally tell others about it — pure word of mouth.
Inherent virality occurs when you can get value from a product only by inviting other customers, like Skype, Snapchat, and WhatsApp.
Others grow by encouraging collaboration like Google Docs.
Some embed virality like adding “Get a free email account with Hotmail” or “Sent from iPhone” to default signatures. Mailchimp and other email marketing products add branding to free customers’ emails.
Some incentivize customers to move through a viral loop, like Dropbox giving you more space if you invite friends to sign up. Airbnb, Uber, and PayPal give you account credits for referring friends.
Some add embedded buttons and widgets to grow virally, like Reddit and YouTube.
Some broadcast users activities on their social networks, like Spotify posting on Facebook when you play a song, or Pinterest when you pin content.
The viral coefficient K is the number of additional customers you can get for each customer you bring in. It depends on i, the number of invites sent per user, and conversion percentage (who will actually sign up after receiving an invite)
K = i * conversion percentage
Any viral coefficient above 1 will result in exponential growth. Any viral coefficient over 0.5 helps your efforts to grow considerably.
You can increase the number of invites per user i by including features that encourage sharing, such as posting to social networks. You can increase the conversion percentage by testing different signup flows. Try cutting out pages or signup fields.
Viral cycle time is how long it takes a user to go through your viral loop. Shortening your cycle time drastically increases the rate at which you go viral. You can do it by creating urgency or incentivizing customers to move through the loops.


Engineering as Marketing

You can build tools like calculators, widgets, and educational microsites to get your company in front of potential customers.
HubSpot has Marketing Grade, a free marketing review tool. It’s free, gives you valuable information, and provides HubSpot with the information they use to qualify you as a potential prospect.
Moz has two free SEO tools, Followerwong and Open Site Explorer. They’ve driven tens of thousands of leads for Moz.
WP Engine has a speed testing tool that asks only for an email address in exchange for a detailed report on your site’s speed.

Business Development

With business development, you’re partnering to reach customers in a way that benefits both parties.
Google got most of its initial traction from a partnership with Netscape to be the default search engine and an agreement with Yahoo to power its online searches.
Business development can take the form of:
You should have already defined your traction goal and milestones, and you shouldn’t accept any partnership that doesn’t align with it. Many startups waste resources because it’s tempting to make deals with bigger companies.


Sales is the process of generating leads, qualifying them, and converting them into paying customers. It’s particularly useful for expensive and enterprise products.

Structuring the sales conversation

Situation questions. Ask one or two questions per conversation. The more you ask situation questions, the less likely they’re going to close.
Problem questions. Use sparingly.
Implication questions. Meant to make a prospect aware of the large implications that stem from the problem.
Need-payoff questions. Focus attention on your solution and get buyers to think about the benefits of solving the problem.

Cold calls

Be judicious about the people you contact. You want someone who is one-two levels up in the organization. They have enough perspective on the problem and some authority for decision making. Avoid starting at the top unless you’re calling a very small business.
Try to get answers about:


It’s better to gain traction through a marketing channel first, then use sales as a conversion tool to close leads. The next stage is lead qualification: determine how ready a prospect is to buy. Once you’ve qualified the leads, you should lay out exactly what are you going to do for the customer. Set up a timetable for it and get them to commit with a yes or no whether they’re going to buy. Closing leads can be done by a sales team who does a webinar or product demo and has an ongoing email sequence that ends with a purchase request. In other cases, you may need a field sales team that actually visits prospective customers for some part of the process.
A checklist that can help you with sales:
I removed the last sections because of the post character limit. Here are two:
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