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A sanctuary for Indian Exmuslims. Criticise ideas all you like but this is NOT a place for dehumanising people.

Hate Thy Neighbor: The Rise of Hindutva in India

On January 30th, Nathuram Godse assasinated Mohandas Gandhi, the founding father of India, as Mahatma Gandhi conducted a multi-faith prayer meeting because Godse saw him as too accommodating to Muslim interests. Nathuram Godse had long been a member of multiple Hindu nationalist organizations, although the most powerful the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) has disclaimed any assosciation with Godse. Hindu nationalism has deep roots in the politics and history of India stretching back to the 19th century. However, the salience of Hindutva has increased dramatically since the election of Narendra Modi in 2014, who has championed an aggressively Hindu nationalist political philosophy. Modi has succesfully asserted the Hindutva agenda by mass disenfranchisement of suspected undocumented people in the state of Assam, the construction of a temple to Ram in Ayodhya on the rubble of a mosque destroyed by Hindu mobs, and the stripping of the state of Kashmir its political autonomy. However, Hindu nationalism goes beyond just Modi. The purpose of today's podcast episode is to discuss the historical roots, and deep consequences of discrimination against Muslims in India.
Riots between Hindus and Muslims, especially where the overwhelming majority of deaths are among Muslims are not a new phenomenon in India. The city of Ahmedabad alone has seen three major waves of communal violence in 1969, 1985 and 2002 where approximately 500, 300 and 2,000 people, the overwhelming majority Muslim lost their lives. India has seen major riots both before and after elections. In recent years, we have seen the disturbing rise of lynchings by groups of vigilantes accusing Muslim men of slaughtering cows. Perhaps most disturbingly, the current Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, was Chief Minister of Gujarat at the time of the 2002 riots. Although there is no proof that he planned or had foreknowledge of the violence, he has maintained a conspicuous silence about the atrocities committed while he governed Gujarat. While violence between Hindus against Muslims is often described as the natural anger of the majority community against the minority community, there are many organizations such as the RSS, the VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad) and Bajrang Dal organizing people for violence.
Underlying this violence between Hindus and Muslims are dangerous logics of communal political and economic competition. The Hindutva movement has long tried to make Hindu identity the most salient identity. For instance, from the 1960s to the 1980s, large numbers of textile workers in the city of Ahmedabad lost their jobs due to government economic mismanagement. Hindu textile workers in general fared worse than their Muslim counterparts as Muslim textile workers tended to be more experienced and were better positioned to set up powerloom businesses. Hindutva agitators worked hard to cast these economic struggles in a communal perspective, and blame Muslims for rising poverty. Moreover, participating in political violence often strengthens identification with the Hindutva movement. In the aftermath of the 2002 riots, the Hindu nationalist BJP gained more votes in areas hit hardest by communal violence, and those police officers who allowed violence to continue consistently saw promotion.
There are economic factors behind these of violence as well. Violence against Muslims increases by 5% for every 1% reduction in the growth of Hindu incomes, while violence against Muslims increases dramatically as the economic gap between Hindus and Muslim decreases. The incomplete nature of Indian housing markets is especially relevant, as competition over rent controlled housing units has emerged as one of the most important drivers of Hindu Muslim violence as Muslims are often loathe to move away from rent from rent controlled units, while Hindus wish to acquire this property for themselves and their families. In some towns, such as Surat and many other coastal cities, community leaders worked to keep communal tensions at bay to protect businesses from violence. In many other places the desire to assert political, cultural and social superiority gets tightly wound together with economic motives, in order to ensure all conflict is seen as conflict between Hindus and Muslims.
Discrimination against Muslims extends beyond the violence they face from Hindu mobs. India's political and economic system allows for social mobility to those groups that are able to politically organize to grab them. Muslims have been at a disadvantage politically since the partition of India, when the majority of Muslim leadership supported Pakistan and emigrated to Pakistan. Between 1980 and 2019, the percent of India's parliament that was Muslim declined from 10% to 4% despite the fact the Muslim share of the population increased from 11.8% to 14.8% during this same period. There has only been one Muslim Chief Minister of a non-Muslim state so far. The BJP, India's primary Hindu nationalist party, rarely fields Muslim candidates for office due to their own Hindu nationalist ideology. Even secular give little political power. On one hand, secular parties fear being tarred as "appeasing" Muslim interests by Hindu nationalists if they are too closely associated with Muslims, while secular parties can be confident that Muslim voters have nowhere to go even if they largely ignore Muslim issues.
The lack of political power has real consequences for India's Muslim community. For example, India runs one of the largest systems of affirmitive action, known as reservations, in the world. However, Muslims have only recently gained limited access to reservations in 2011, although some states offer affirmative action at the state level. The low level of Muslim reservations is striking given many well off communities such as the Jats and Marathas have gained access to quotas showing that political power is more important than group socio-economic status when it comes reservations. The importance of lack of access to government jobs quotas become visible when one looks at Muslim struggles to get government jobs. Only 4% of public sector workers are Muslims, even though Muslims make up 14% of the Muslim population. Lack of access to government jobs is especially important because public sector jobs consistently pay more than double private sector jobs even after taking education into account. Moreover, there is substantial disparities in access to public infrastructure. For example, over 45% of Muslim majority villages have a bus stop, compared to 60% of non-Muslim majority villages, with similar disparities visible in many measures of public investment. Muslims face discrimination in the private sector as well, with formal employers three times more likely to reject identical resumes with Muslim names than Hindu ones, although other studies find no discrimination.
I do not want to exagerrate the extent to which Muslims face discrimination in India. Muslims on average have incomes only around 6% lower than the national average. Muslims tend to be better off than Hindus in much of the south and west of India, and in many rural areas. Muslims are in particular disproportionately successful as small and medium size business owners. However, looking in the aggregate it is clear that Muslims have faced consistent downward mobility, with this mobility more evident in education rather than income. At independence, Indian Muslims were similar to Hindus in their level of education. Today, their levels of education are below that of the average Dalit , with declining educational mobility especially concentrated among the children of poor Muslims.
The combination of deliberate discrimination, and downward socioeconomic mobility have had disastrous consequences for the Muslim community through the COVID-19 pandemic. India does not collect data on deaths by religion from COVID-19. Muslims make up a vastly disproportionate share of the urban poor, and it is the slums of India's megacities that have been hit hardest by COVID-19. For example, in Mumbai, one study of seroprevalence found that 57% of Mumbai slum dwellers had contracted COVID-19, compared to just 19% of non-slum population, with similar trends in other cities. Much of the Muslim concentration in slums can be explained by the systematic discrimination Muslims face in getting access to housing.
On top of this, Muslims have disproportionately faced the burden of Islamophobia through COVID-19. One of the first major superspreading occurred at a convention of the Tablighi Jamaat, a conservative Islamic missionary organization. While it is likely that the Tablighi Jamaat behaved irresponsibly, many Hindutva populations have made not just the Tablighi Jamaat, but the broader Muslim community, a scapegoat for the rise of COVID-19. Prominent politicians have accused Muslims of launching a Corona-Jihad, and misleading videos of Muslim street vendors deliberately spitting on fruit have gone viral. Hospitals have rejected Muslim patients, and many Muslims have faced abuse while getting treatment. Unsurprisingly, resentment has grown in the Muslim community, with public health workers in Juhapura, a ghetto created by Muslims fleeing the Ahmedabad riots of 2002, pelted with stones as they tried to enforce curfew laws.
The COVID-19 virus does not differentiate between Hindu and Muslim. Failure to contain COVID-19 in one community will inevitably lead to the spread of COVID-19 to other communities. Similarly, discrimination against Muslims will in the long run rebound against all Indians. Hindu nationalist political parties have gained substantial ground in Indian elections in recent years. If the dominance of parties not committed to secular ideals continues, it is likely structural discrimination against Muslims will be further entrenched.
Selected Sources: Communal Riots in Gujarat: Report of a Preliminary Investigation, Ghanshyam Shah From Gandhi to Violence: Ahmedabad's 1985 Riots in Historical Perspective, Howard Spodek The Political Logic of Ethnic Violence: The Anti-Muslim Pogrom in Gujarat, 2002 Raheel Dhattiwala and Michael Biggs The Rise of Hindu Nationalism in India: The Case Study ofAhmedabad in the 1980s, Ornit Shani Economic growth and ethnic violence: An empirical investigation of Hindu–Muslim riots in India , Anjali Bohlen, Ernest Sergenti IMPLICATIONS OF AN ECONOMIC THEORY OF CONFLICT: Hindu-Muslim Violence in India , ANIRBAN MITRA AND DEBRAJ RAY Segregation, Rent Control, and Riots: The Economics of Religious Conflict in an Indian City, Erica Field, Matthew Levinson, Rohini Pande, and Sujata Visaria "UNFINISHED BUSINESS" ETHNIC COMPLEMENTARITIES AND THE POLITICAL CONTAGION OF PEACE AND CONFLICT IN GUJARAT, Saumitra Jha Adjustment and Accommodation: Indian Muslims after Partition, Mushirul Hasan Political Economy of Demand for Quotas by Jats, Patels, and Marathas Dominant or Backward? , Ashwin Deshpande WAGE DIFFERENTIALS BETWEEN THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTORS IN INDIA, Elena Glinskaya and Michael Lokshin The Legacy of Social Exclusion A Correspondence Study of Job Discrimination in India, Sukhadeo Thorat Labor market discrimination in Delhi: Evidence from a field experiment, Abhijit Banerjee , Marianne Bertrandy , Saugato Dattaz , Sendhil Mullainathan Wealth Inequality, Class and Caste in India, 1951-2012, Nitin Kumar Bharti Sachar Commission Report, Sachar Commission Intergenerational Mobility in India: Estimates from New Methods and Administrative Data, Sam Asher Paul Novosas Vidya, Veda, and Varna: The Influence of Religion and Caste on Education in Rural India, Vani Boorah, Sriya Iyer For whom does the phone (not) ring? Discrimination in the rental housing market in Delhi, India, Saugatta Datta
www.wealthofnationspodcast.com https://media.blubrry.com/wealthofnationspodcast/s/content.blubrry.com/wealthofnationspodcast/China-Tech.mp3
submitted by gnikivar2 to neoliberal [link] [comments]


On January 30th, Nathuram Godse assasinated Mohandas Gandhi, the founding father of India, as Mahatma Gandhi conducted a multi-faith prayer meeting because Godse saw him as too accommodating to Muslim interests. Nathuram Godse had long been a member of multiple Hindu nationalist organizations, although the most powerful the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) has disclaimed any assosciation with Godse. Hindu nationalism has deep roots in the politics and history of India stretching back to the 19th century. However, the salience of Hindutva has increased dramatically since the election of Narendra Modi in 2014, who has championed an aggressively Hindu nationalist political philosophy. Modi has succesfully asserted the Hindutva agenda by mass disenfranchisement of suspected undocumented people in the state of Assam, the construction of a temple to Ram in Ayodhya on the rubble of a mosque destroyed by Hindu mobs, and the stripping of the state of Kashmir its political autonomy. However, Hindu nationalism goes beyond just Modi. The purpose of today's podcast episode is to discuss the historical roots, and deep consequences of discrimination against Muslims in India.
Riots between Hindus and Muslims, especially where the overwhelming majority of deaths are among Muslims are not a new phenomenon in India. The city of Ahmedabad alone has seen three major waves of communal violence in 1969, 1985 and 2002 where approximately 500, 300 and 2,000 people, the overwhelming majority Muslim lost their lives. India has seen major riots both before and after elections. In recent years, we have seen the disturbing rise of lynchings by groups of vigilantes accusing Muslim men of slaughtering cows. Perhaps most disturbingly, the current Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, was Chief Minister of Gujarat at the time of the 2002 riots. Although there is no proof that he planned or had foreknowledge of the violence, he has maintained a conspicuous silence about the atrocities committed while he governed Gujarat. While violence between Hindus against Muslims is often described as the natural anger of the majority community against the minority community, there are many organizations such as the RSS, the VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad) and Bajrang Dal organizing people for violence.
Underlying this violence between Hindus and Muslims are dangerous logics of communal political and economic competition. The Hindutva movement has long tried to make Hindu identity the most salient identity. For instance, from the 1960s to the 1980s, large numbers of textile workers in the city of Ahmedabad lost their jobs due to government economic mismanagement. Hindu textile workers in general fared worse than their Muslim counterparts as Muslim textile workers tended to be more experienced and were better positioned to set up powerloom businesses. Hindutva agitators worked hard to cast these economic struggles in a communal perspective, and blame Muslims for rising poverty. Moreover, participating in political violence often strengthens identification with the Hindutva movement. In the aftermath of the 2002 riots, the Hindu nationalist BJP gained more votes in areas hit hardest by communal violence, and those police officers who allowed violence to continue consistently saw promotion.
There are economic factors behind these of violence as well. Violence against Muslims increases by 5% for every 1% reduction in the growth of Hindu incomes, while violence against Muslims increases dramatically as the economic gap between Hindus and Muslim decreases. The incomplete nature of Indian housing markets is especially relevant, as competition over rent controlled housing units has emerged as one of the most important drivers of Hindu Muslim violence as Muslims are often loathe to move away from rent from rent controlled units, while Hindus wish to acquire this property for themselves and their families. In some towns, such as Surat and many other coastal cities, community leaders worked to keep communal tensions at bay to protect businesses from violence. In many other places the desire to assert political, cultural and social superiority gets tightly wound together with economic motives, in order to ensure all conflict is seen as conflict between Hindus and Muslims.
Discrimination against Muslims extends beyond the violence they face from Hindu mobs. India's political and economic system allows for social mobility to those groups that are able to politically organize to grab them. Muslims have been at a disadvantage politically since the partition of India, when the majority of Muslim leadership supported Pakistan and emigrated to Pakistan. Between 1980 and 2019, the percent of India's parliament that was Muslim declined from 10% to 4% despite the fact the Muslim share of the population increased from 11.8% to 14.8% during this same period. There has only been one Muslim Chief Minister of a non-Muslim state so far. The BJP, India's primary Hindu nationalist party, rarely fields Muslim candidates for office due to their own Hindu nationalist ideology. Even secular give little political power. On one hand, secular parties fear being tarred as "appeasing" Muslim interests by Hindu nationalists if they are too closely associated with Muslims, while secular parties can be confident that Muslim voters have nowhere to go even if they largely ignore Muslim issues.
The lack of political power has real consequences for India's Muslim community. For example, India runs one of the largest systems of affirmitive action, known as reservations, in the world. However, Muslims have only recently gained limited access to reservations in 2011, although some states offer affirmative action at the state level. The low level of Muslim reservations is striking given many well off communities such as the Jats and Marathas have gained access to quotas showing that political power is more important than group socio-economic status when it comes reservations. The importance of lack of access to government jobs quotas become visible when one looks at Muslim struggles to get government jobs. Only 4% of public sector workers are Muslims, even though Muslims make up 14% of the Muslim population. Lack of access to government jobs is especially important because public sector jobs consistently pay more than double private sector jobs even after taking education into account. Moreover, there is substantial disparities in access to public infrastructure. For example, over 45% of Muslim majority villages have a bus stop, compared to 60% of non-Muslim majority villages, with similar disparities visible in many measures of public investment. Muslims face discrimination in the private sector as well, with formal employers three times more likely to reject identical resumes with Muslim names than Hindu ones, although other studies find no discrimination.
I do not want to exagerrate the extent to which Muslims face discrimination in India. Muslims on average have incomes only around 6% lower than the national average. Muslims tend to be better off than Hindus in much of the south and west of India, and in many rural areas. Muslims are in particular disproportionately successful as small and medium size business owners. However, looking in the aggregate it is clear that Muslims have faced consistent downward mobility, with this mobility more evident in education rather than income. At independence, Indian Muslims were similar to Hindus in their level of education. Today, their levels of education are below that of the average Dalit , with declining educational mobility especially concentrated among the children of poor Muslims.
The combination of deliberate discrimination, and downward socioeconomic mobility have had disastrous consequences for the Muslim community through the COVID-19 pandemic. India does not collect data on deaths by religion from COVID-19. Muslims make up a vastly disproportionate share of the urban poor, and it is the slums of India's megacities that have been hit hardest by COVID-19. For example, in Mumbai, one study of seroprevalence found that 57% of Mumbai slum dwellers had contracted COVID-19, compared to just 19% of non-slum population, with similar trends in other cities. Much of the Muslim concentration in slums can be explained by the systematic discrimination Muslims face in getting access to housing.
On top of this, Muslims have disproportionately faced the burden of Islamophobia through COVID-19. One of the first major superspreading occurred at a convention of the Tablighi Jamaat, a conservative Islamic missionary organization. While it is likely that the Tablighi Jamaat behaved irresponsibly, many Hindutva populations have made not just the Tablighi Jamaat, but the broader Muslim community, a scapegoat for the rise of COVID-19. Prominent politicians have accused Muslims of launching a Corona-Jihad, and misleading videos of Muslim street vendors deliberately spitting on fruit have gone viral. Hospitals have rejected Muslim patients, and many Muslims have faced abuse while getting treatment. Unsurprisingly, resentment has grown in the Muslim community, with public health workers in Juhapura, a ghetto created by Muslims fleeing the Ahmedabad riots of 2002, pelted with stones as they tried to enforce curfew laws.
The COVID-19 virus does not differentiate between Hindu and Muslim. Failure to contain COVID-19 in one community will inevitably lead to the spread of COVID-19 to other communities. Similarly, discrimination against Muslims will in the long run rebound against all Indians. Hindu nationalist political parties have gained substantial ground in Indian elections in recent years. If the dominance of parties not committed to secular ideals continues, it is likely structural discrimination against Muslims will be further entrenched.
Selected Sources:Communal Riots in Gujarat: Report of a Preliminary Investigation, Ghanshyam ShahFrom Gandhi to Violence: Ahmedabad's 1985 Riots in Historical Perspective, Howard SpodekThe Political Logic of Ethnic Violence: The Anti-Muslim Pogrom in Gujarat, 2002 Raheel Dhattiwala and Michael BiggsThe Rise of Hindu Nationalism in India: The Case Study ofAhmedabad in the 1980s, Ornit ShaniEconomic growth and ethnic violence: An empirical investigation of Hindu–Muslim riots in India , Anjali Bohlen, Ernest SergentiIMPLICATIONS OF AN ECONOMIC THEORY OF CONFLICT: Hindu-Muslim Violence in India , ANIRBAN MITRA AND DEBRAJ RAYSegregation, Rent Control, and Riots: The Economics of Religious Conflict in an Indian City, Erica Field, Matthew Levinson, Rohini Pande, and Sujata Visaria"UNFINISHED BUSINESS" ETHNIC COMPLEMENTARITIES AND THE POLITICAL CONTAGION OF PEACE AND CONFLICT IN GUJARAT, Saumitra JhaAdjustment and Accommodation: Indian Muslims after Partition, Mushirul HasanPolitical Economy of Demand for Quotas by Jats, Patels, and Marathas Dominant or Backward? , Ashwin DeshpandeWAGE DIFFERENTIALS BETWEEN THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTORS IN INDIA, Elena Glinskaya and Michael LokshinThe Legacy of Social Exclusion A Correspondence Study of Job Discrimination in India, Sukhadeo ThoratLabor market discrimination in Delhi: Evidence from a field experiment, Abhijit Banerjee , Marianne Bertrandy , Saugato Dattaz , Sendhil MullainathanWealth Inequality, Class and Caste in India, 1951-2012, Nitin Kumar BhartiSachar Commission Report, Sachar CommissionIntergenerational Mobility in India: Estimates from New Methods and Administrative Data, Sam Asher Paul NovosasVidya, Veda, and Varna: The Influence of Religion and Caste on Education in Rural India, Vani Boorah, Sriya IyerFor whom does the phone (not) ring? Discrimination in the rental housing market in Delhi, India, Saugatta Datta
The post is Not Mine, but I dont have the source rn
submitted by Plastic-Season to librandu [link] [comments]

A 17 year old's critique of PM Modi

From Anwesh Satpathy's blog- https://medium.com/@anweshsatpathy/dear-mr-pm-a-17-year-old-writes-to-the-prime-minister-98321731fe82
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
I came across your letter to citizens of India(30/5/20)recently on your website. As you rightfully point out, your electoral win was indeed historic. The people of India trust you. Along with many citizens of this country, I’m proud to live in a country which has the democratic institutions that make it possible for a “chaiwalla”(tea-seller) to become PM.
However, my tone throughout this letter will be respectful but critical. Some would call this “the beauty of democracy”. The hon’ble Supreme Court has referred to dissent as the “safety valve of democracy”. Dissent is indeed a wonderful thing but I don’t think people should be obligated to the establishment for providing them with rights that they deserve.
Even before your first term,a cult of personality was formed around you. This only strengthened with time. We were told , among other things, that you were “Vishnu’s avatar”, “God’s gift to the nation”, the world’s most beautiful face and a great economist. These were eminent members of your party. Many of them are Ministers. The fact that this rhetoric continued leads one to assume that you revel in sycophancy.
In 2016,you announced your plan to clean Ganga. According to official sources, Ganga was supposed to be clean by July 2018. This was not merely an environmental issue, it was a symbolic statement as well. The river Ganges is a holy river for Hindus so one naturally assumes that it’d be your priority considering your adherence to Hindutva. 2018 came and went. Ganga did not become clean. A Hindu sannyasi and a former environmental engineering Professor G.D. Agrawal wrote a letter to your government complaining about the lack of action. The 86 year old Professor went on a fast unto death and elucidated his demands in a letter. The government failed to respond appropriately and the Sadhu died on 111th day of the fast from starvation. Along with many other conscientious citizens, I continue to believe that it was a murder.
It would be futile to expect you to take any concrete action on environmental issues and climate change considering the fact that you believe “climate has not changed” only people have changed.
We have also witnessed a slow capture of independent institutions. Many of your present day critics, such as the journalist Tavleen Singh, hoped that you’d dismantle influence of the elite Lutyen’s Delhi Durbar. You were seen as an outsider. One who won’t bow down to the influence of few courtiers. This elite circle was rightly referred to as exclusionary since it focused only on Delhi. This is not what has happened. We continue to passingly hear taunts at Lutyen’s Delhi. Indeed, you have mentioned it yourself. But there has been no systematic change at all. Lutyen’s Delhi continues to act as a propaganda tool for the establishment. The media now openly propagates polarization. It asks questions to the opposition, but rarely to the establishment. You have encouraged this attitude by giving interviews only to News outlets which praise you. They ask you about your poems, your childhood, your navratri fasts, your tireless energy, your selflessness, your “fakiri”, your apparently unscripted interviews abroad,your fashion sense, the medicines you take while ill, the movies you watch, the songs you listen to, how you eat mangoes and your sleep schedule. You have time to do an hour long interview with a Canadian Bollywood actor but you don’t have time to do a press conference. You don’t have time to do interviews with those who criticize you. You treat media outlets merely as a means to an end. A means to get your message, your propaganda across.
Your regime is also slowly capturing the judiciary. Recently, the Gujurat High Court claimed that those who cannot “do anything good for the people have no right to criticize the functioning of the state government.” I consider this to be a rather petulant observation. The citizens of this country have every right to criticize and hold the government accountable. The government works for the people. Your government nominated former CJI Ranjan Gogoi as a Rajya Sabha MP just months after his retirement. This was seen by many as a clear Quid pro quo. Many of Justice Gogoi’s judgement continue to be mired in controversy. His dilution of free speech, his open defense of Assam NRC while the matter was still sub judice and his utter shamelessness in constituting a special bench to preside over a sexual harassment allegation against himself. One cannot help but wonder whether the nomination was a “reward” to him for delivering verdicts that worked in favor of your regime. Your late friend Mr. Arun Jaitley was spot on when he said “Pre-retirement judgements are influenced by post-retirement jobs.”
In your letter, you mentioned the Ram Mandir judgement of the Supreme Court along with achievements of your government. One wonders why you didn’t feel the need to write a letter(or even a tweet) hailing the Supreme Court’s equally historic judgement on Sec 377 and the Sabarimala issue. In fact, you seem to have actively opposed the Sabarimala judgement while remaining ambivalent about LGBTQ issues. Your government’s neutral approach to Section 377 was excoriated by Justice DY Chandrachud himself. Justice Chandrachud rightfully points out that this section treated LGBTQ individuals on par with rapists and child molesters. Thus, the government’s neutral stance does nothing to prevent the “stigmatization” of the LGBTQ+ community. Could this be due to the fact that the Ayodhya judgement was politically expedient for you?
While you were holding a highly publicized event with President Trump in February, Delhi was burning. President Trump praised you for “working very hard on religious freedom” while citizens were being slaughtered for belonging to a different religion. The police openly took sides and chanted “Jai Shree Ram” while charging at Muslim protesters. For your critics, this wasn’t surprising. The country witnessed the same lack of law and order bordering on state complicity during the Gujarat riots . One can attribute this to incompetence but the fact that there’s a pattern makes me wonder whether its sheer calculated malevolence.
The lack of proper planning of lockdown has added to the unnecessary misery of migrants and day laborers. We have come across harrowing visuals of injured migrants who were forced to travel with dead bodies in the back of a truck, migrants dying of starvation and most recently the video clip of a baby trying to wake up of its mother who died of starvation. The fact that this has continued for almost a month now speaks volumes about the ineptness of the establishment.
You talk about the pluralism of the nation while considering MS Golwalkar to be “Pujniya”(worthy of worship). In his book, We or Our Nationhood defined, Golwalkar writes “The foreign races in Hindustan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language, must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no ideas but those of glorification of the Hindu race and culture or may stay in the country wholly subordinated to the Hindu nation claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment not even citizens rights.’’
You claim that the Constitution is your holy book while idolizing Deen Dayal Upadhyaya, who condemned the constitution and the use of the word “secular”(along with Golwalkar).
You claim to stand for the ideals of Gandhi but take no action against Sadhvi Pragya for referring to his murderer as a “patriot”. You claim to believe that “the entire world is one family” while choosing the communal Yogi Adityanath as CM of UP. Mr. Adityanath has openly instigated violence and claimed that Hindus and Muslims cannot co-exist.
Your followers claim that opposition to you is opposition to the country. They have created an “us Vs. Them” narrative. The fact remains that you are not the country. The BJP doesn’t have a monopoly on nationalism, despite what the media would want us to believe. India is a democracy and you have only been elected to serve the people. You are accountable to the people. The people have elected you and they have every right to criticize you if they’re dissatisfied. Some would blame me for criticizing you for what MPs and Ministers of your party say. Surely, you’re not responsible. However, your silence has fostered this polarization. The buck stops with you.
Your ambivalence, your silence and your neutrality is a statement in itself. Mr. Prime Minister, speak up. Never before has silence screamed so loud. Speak up lest you go down in history as the real “Silent Prime Minister.”
Yours respectfully,
submitted by Freedom02020 to india [link] [comments]

What happens if your holy words legitimise sexual slavery as punishment of being kafir, treat marriage as sale of a woman's sexual parts,advocate enslaving of non-Muslims & their conversion?Listed a few cases of Jihadi Romeos/Sexbased communal-crimes/Communal Gendercrimes from last 4-5 months.

Disclaimer: This post is a copypaste from u/volcanolight with around 20 cases added by me towards the end.

All these cases since last 4-5 months. This list is incomplete as I simply grew tired of adding.

-Nikita murdered by Tauseef for refusing to convert.
-Anjana Tiwari raped & forced to convert & marry Asif, she does so, after marriage, Asif's family harasses her so much that she burns herself to death.
Priya beheaded by Ejaz for refusing to convert
Delhi: Neha Jogi forced to convert to Islam after birth of children by her husband Nafees Khan with ties to AAP.
Varanasi: Tired of being forced by husband Aftab and his family to adopt Islam, aspiring model Pooja commits suicide
Delhi: Already married twice, e-rickshaw driver Dilbar Qureshi poses as Rahul to trap 13-year-old Hindu girl, calls the second wife his sister to deceive neighbours
Yet Another Case Of Muslim Man Posing As Hindu And Trapping A Woman In Love, Recording Sexual Act On Video. Riyaz posed as Hindu and entered into a romantic relationship with a minor Hindu girl. The woman soon learnt that he had lied about his religion. When she tried to end the relationship, he raped her and recorded the sexual act, and threatened to make the clip viral if she did not marry him.
Already married Waseem Ahmad poses as Dinesh Ravat develops physical relations with a Hindu girl, films the acts and circulates it around. When the woman later asked him to marry her, he revealed his real name and said that he was a married man with two children. “I cheated you because I wanted to teach you people me a lesson,” he said.
Hindu woman married Muslim man under Special Marriage Act. Now wants divorce, has accused him and his family of beating her, and constantly insulting her for being Hindu etc. "Tu Hindu haraami ki aulad hai".
Mohammad Adil alias Chhotka alias ‘Aatankwadi’, Mohammad Adik alias ‘Badka’, and Mohammad Nazim gangrape a 15 year old working in the fields, tell her to plead in the name of Allah to be granted reprieve.
Mohammad Owaisi becomes "Babu" to trap 7th standard girl in affair; joined by his sister, forces the minor to convert to Islam.
Saqib posed as Hindu Aman, marries Ekta and later murders her.
Shakeel, Nur Alam & Imran pretend to be Hindus & develop affairs with 3 Hindu girls from Bilaspur, invite them to Lucknow where they pressurise them to convert to Islam & try to rape them.
Bored with his second wife, Asif guns down Neha & tries to frame Neha's brothers.
Shamsad becomes Amit Gurjar to befriend divorcee Priya, marries her as a Hindu, after marriage Priya comes to know he is Muslim & he starts abusing her, Priya continues living with him for fear of society, Shamshad starts pressurising her & her daughter to convert to Islam & go to Jamaat, Priya would aver. Shamshad did not let her have a temple. Priya used to burn incense sticks, and Shamshad used to get irritated by the smoke. He used to beat her and force her to stop worshipping, but she did not give up her religion. After several such fights, Shamshad murdered Priya & her baby daughter Kashish.
Shaukat Ali became a Kashmiri Hindu (Sahil Kumar) to lure Neha into a relationship and marry her. The victim said that following her marriage 6 months ago, Shaukat Ali forced her to convert to Islam and physically assaulted her along with his family. While showing her bruises and injury marks, Neha said, “His family not only beat me but also tried to kill. They tried to slit my throat with an axe… Now they are telling me to get out of their house.”
Kanpur: Mukhtar became Rahul Vishwakarma to romance Hindu girl, girl converts and finds out after marriage he already has another Hindu wife (also converted).
Faisal becomes Sonu to marry a Hindu female, the pregnant woman comes to know of his true religion only on coming Eid, Faisal threatens to murder her & flees.
Already married Khurshid Alam becomes Deepak Verma to begin affair with a Hindu woman, when she becomes pregnant, flees away. On searching his hometown, the woman comes to know he is Muslim.
Salim slits throat of his girlfriend Kajal after he saw her talking with another guy.
Ahmedabad: One Moin Qureshi marries Hindu girl by promising not to force her to convert, later starts torturing her to embrace Islam. Nayana recollects Qureshi had outrightly refused to allow Nayana to keep a Hindu name for her son.
Bihar: Hindu girl married to Muslim guy pressurised to convert to Islam 4 years after marriage, girl's mother also being forced to convert.
36-year old Asif lies about his marriage, refers to his wife as Aapa to trap 18-year old Muskaan Tiwari, intimidated & used occult practices to make her adopt Islam & marry her.When Muskaan was brought back, she reportedly was in a very bad mental state. However, she had confirmed that she was locked in a room for a long time. Jagran report furthers that Muskaan had a ‘Tabiz’ (amulet) around her neck. Her mental condition is said to be so bad that once she did not recognise her own father, she instead said that he was his stepfather.
Dilshad befriends 17 year old Hindu girl, after her marriage is arranged elsewhere, he pressurises her to convert & marry him, on refusal, he rapes & murders her.
Hindu woman has affair with Muslim man named Shami, goes to Delhi to marry him. She learns he is already married & has kids and refuses to marry him. She gets beaten by the man and his sister for refusing to marry, gets converted against her will into Islam, & gets forcibly married to the man.Made to eat beef & held captive, but somehow managed to evade captivity.
Anwar becomes Hindu Anu to befriend Hindu woman, rapes her for months on the pretext of marriage, threatens her of releasing sex video for more rapes. After the woman complains of going to police, he marries her & after that reveals that he is Muslim. Later he refused to take her to his home.
Congress leader Sikandar Khan poses as a Hindu man to lure a minor girl for sexual relationship. He then called her to his farmhouse, where he had raped her and clicked objectionable pictures of her. The Congress leader, since the last three years, has been using the pictures to blackmail the girl and sexually exploit her.
Missing woman from Meerut taken to Shaheen Bagh for conversion
Sabir, father of 4, forcefully kidnaps a 14 year old, boasts to the girl's family that we will make the girl Muslim and there's nothing you can do and further threatens the girl's family.
Rajasthan: Man found dead after he refused to withdraw case against Aneesh Khan and others for gangraping his minor daughter
Wasim Khan invites 3-year girl to watch Durga puja in temple, rapes her in his auto.
Panipat triple murder: Noor Hasan raped the bodies of his wife 25 year old Madhu, her sister 18 year old Manisha and her mother after killing them, burnt faces to prevent identification
Jharkhand: Saddam, Riaz, Shahil, Kaif and eight others molest Geeta Devi going to Shiv temple, attack her for protesting. Geeta Devi ended up with severe injuries on her head and back.
Godown owner Mohammahed Mukhtjir rapes 15-year old come to work as her mother was sick
Delhi: Ansari & khurshid used to molest daughters of Birju Das Our elder daughter got molested before. Then the younger daughter was also mistreated. After repeated refusals, they beat up the entire family
Couple of other older cases:
Babu Hassan and Til Hassan kidnapped a 17 year old Hindu girl, drugged and confined to a room for weeks, repeatedly gang raped, and forced to eat beef.
Aamir sexually exploits girl while pretending to be Hindu Golu, later tells her to convert and eat beef for marriage, Girl refuses, he threatens to make sex videos viral, coerces her to more sex, but refuses to marry unless she converts.
A Hindu teacher from Morigaon, Assam says she has constantly been mentally harassed by fellow fanatic teachers of her school to convert to Islam, eat beef and marry a Muslim. When she resisted, she was molested and threatened with rape and murder. When she complained to the principal, also a Muslim, he himself told her to marry a Muslim businessman.
Another Hindu teacher Simpy Sakia also gets the same treatment in a different Muslim majority area of Assam: Rape threats, Force her to Burqa, eat Beef
15-year old Dalit girl from Delhi gets trafficked by Muslims to Nepal

These cases are exclusively from last 2 months & other than top 4, rest all are from UP because I only went through Navbharat Times & that only reports for UP

Mewat: Hindu Dalit nurse abducted from Nuh, family says Mohammed Iqbal, an advocate was pressuring her to convert to Islam and marry him; SC/ST Act invoked
Professional trafficker Sabir Ali, married with 2 children, tries to lure girl from Odisha to Dubai, makes her wear burkha to hide her face. Girl rescued by Bajrang Dal with help of RPF. 2 Hindu girls lured by Sabir earlier missing.
Haryana: Driver Asif becomes Rahul Rathode to lure minor 16-year old away, girl missing since 20 days, family alleges police inaction.
Nuh, Haryana: Mubin alias Mubbi who beat a 7-year old girl, stripped her, did obscene acts, then made the video viral in police custody.
Meerut: Danish becomes Sonu to have affair with sex worker, marries her as Hindu, reveals himself as Muslim after marriage, later he runs away leaving her with 2 children to Saudi Arabia.
Kanpur: Shibu Ali became Sachin Sharma to trap a Hindu girl. Later, he brought a Mullah at home and asked her to have sex with him. Tried feeding her beef. Kept pressuring her to convert and stabbed her when she refused.
Prayagraj: Imran Khan becomes Akash to befreind woman on FB, affair for over 1 years, when she asks him to marry her, reveals he is Muslim and forces her to convert. When she refuses, he beats her & threatens to kill her.
Kaushambhi: Muslim from UP lures Gujrat woman into marriage, after marriage forces her to change her name & religion & starts torturing her with his family, beating her & hitting her with hot tongs.
Meerut: Nabil has affair with a minor 17-year old college student, takes objectional photos and further blackmails her into sex for 2 years.
Kanpur: Afzal becomes Raman to befriend woman, later when the woman goes missing, tells her family on phone that he is Afzal Ansari and he is marrying the girl.
Meerut: 45 year old Muhammad Abdul trapped 16 year old Hindu girl and made her ran away with him.
Arman Sheikh was already married to Shazia since 2011 and had two kids. 5 years later, he marries a Hindu girl. She found out about his first marriage when his first wife confronted Arman. But no legal action possible as Sharia allows polygamy.
Agra: Bunty Khan became Bunty Tyagi to trap a 14 year old Hindu girl. He made her ran away with him. Police acted only after there was Mahapanchayat of 50 villages.
Mumbai: Azizuddin Qureshi befriends a 13-year old Hindu girl, rapes her for many years, beat her when she did Ganesh puja and would force her to recit quran, forcibly converted her & forced her to sign nikahnama under drugs influence.
35 year old Fayyaz traps 17-year old Hindu girl to convert & marry her. Not illegal as Sharia allows marriage with underage girls.
Kanpur: Nafees lures 19 year old Hindu girl away from home, when retrieved the girl was wearing nakab & says she was locked up in a room, forcibly made her convert & marry.
Kanpur: Mohsin and Aamir befriend 2 school going Hindu sisters by pretending to be Hindu, lure them to their home where they reveal they are Muslim, they beat them to force them to convert. The younger sister escaped & related the ordeal. Police inaction for several weeks.
Kanpur: Adil lures physically handicapped 16-year old into affair, later forcibly converted & married the girl, kept her locked up & started beating her after marriage.
Kanpur: Bangalore resident Fateh Khan becomes Aryan Malhotra to begin affair with 15-year old, later tries to force her to convert & marry. After knowing of affair, when family shift the girl, then he starts pressurising the family.
Unnao: 16 year old lured away by Hasib, police inaction
Kanpur student secretly marries Rahul Sharma, after family come to know & "Rahul" comes to family to threaten, family report to police. "Rahul" confesses he is Mukhtar Ahmed, and his fake documents for marriage were prepared by adv Mariam Fatima for Rs20,000.
Already married Arif Khan lures away 17-year old after affair.
Kanpur: Muslim man pretends to be Hindu to begin affair with woman, later reveals he is Muslim & starts forcing her to convert.
Unnao: Aliman Bahla & Furkan Ali lure away/kidnap minor Hindu girl, family alleges police inaction. No POSCO filed.
Ayodhya: Saleem befriends Hindu girl, he converts her & they marry, have a child. Later he gets attracted to another girl, leaves the Hindu girl & forces her to divorce.

When Holy Texts Promote Sexual Conversion.

The ulama asserted that slavery was a divine punishment for not being a Muslim. In the words of az-Aziz b.Ahmad al-Bukhari "servitude is a vestige of obstinacy in refusing to believe in one God". Al-Sharif al-Jurjani stated that slavery in Islamic law was a "penalty for unbelief."
Islamic law and Sunni ulama recognise two categories of concubines:
War Captives:These are originally free non-Muslims who are captured in battle. The entire population of a conquered territory can be enslaved, thus providing women who are otherwise rare on the battlefield. This paves the path for concubinage. The Muslim military commander is allowed to choose between unconditionally releasing, ransoming or enslaving war captives. If a person converted to Islam after being enslaved, their emancipation would be considered a pious act but not obligatory. Islamic law does not allow enslavement of free-born Muslims.
Most traditional scholars require the conversion of a pagan slave-girl before sex, even through force if necessary. They require a conversion of these women before sex can take place. Many traditions state that the female captives should be coerced to accept Islam if they do not convert willingly. Hasan al-Basri narrates that Muslims would achieve this objective through various methods. They would order the Zoroastrian slave-girl to face the qiblah, utter the shahada and perform wudhu. Her captor would then have sex with her after one menstrual cycle.
Sexual slavery of women was viewed as both a male privilege and a privilege for the victor over the defeated. Islamic legal texts state that sexual pleasure was a male privilege over women. Men were permitted to have as many concubines as they could afford. Some men purchased female slaves, whereas Muslim soldiers in the early Islamic conquests were given female captives as a reward for military participation. This not only increased military participation, but also served to rapidly spread Islam & denude the existing population as the sexual slaves could be easily coerced to convert.
In traditional juristic understanding, it is the male's ownership of a woman's sexual organs which makes sex licit in Islam. This is why the woman is called aurat meaning vagina in Urdu. Meri aurat literally would translate to "my vagina." Islamic jurists describe marriage as a kind of sale where the wife's private parts are purchased.
Full link on Islamic Sexual Slavery

There are 5 aspects to Love Jihad/Jihadi Romeos

-When you have religion instructing you to use sex/sexual violence as a means of conversion of kafir girls, there will be consequences..particularly in the not progressive areas.
-There is a psychology of seeing the winning of the girl of other community as a means of conquest & FU to the community- happens with blacks vis-a-vis whites, lowercaste vis-a-vis uppercaste, Muslims vis-a-vis Hindus. Girls are reduced to their caste/religion. This is why a Hindu boy having affair with a Muslim girl gets murdered, and why a Muslim boy marrying a Hindu girl is encouraged. (Here's a sample: https://twitter.com/core_collapsed/status/1319968535989243904)
-Indian law itself says that if you marry a Muslim & don't convert, you literally have no rights on property or anything. https://swarajyamag.com/ideas/stop-romanticising-interfaith-marriages-blindly-marrying-muslim-men-has-serious-legal-consequences-for-non-muslim-women. Plus the practicalities of orthodox regressive Muslim society means the female will have to give up her religion.
-In the lower sections, mosques & madarssas pay to marry Hindu girls. Another video where the boy after being beaten by Bajrang Dal confesses he is Muslim & faked his identity to trap Hindu girls.Later on in, police station, he confessed his maulana gave 2 lakh rs, for doing love-jihad, there are around 40 people like him who is doing these thing in his madarsa. (https://www.reddit.com/IndiaSpeaks/comments/jml5wm/lovejihad_case_uttar_pradesh/)
There are multiple videos from UP about this. Plus the dominant human trafficking mafia in India is Islamic (because of Pakistan & Bangladesh). Now this second part is my conjecture, but I'm hard pressed not to think that if mosques pay for marrying Hindu girls, why wouldn't they pay for trafficking Hindu girls. This was the same mindset in medieval India. It was the kafir women & kafir men from India who were mostly sold as slaves in Middle East & Central Asia, not Islamic ones.
-Specific targeting of minor girls as POSCO doesn't apply to Muslim if the predator can convert the minor Hindu girl


Love Jihad/Jihadi Romeos/Communal Gendercrimes
Specifically targeting and converting Hindu girls to Islam either through subversion (Muslim guy changes to a Hindu name) or coercion (rape). Also involves blackmailing tactics such as making videos in compromised situation with the girl in order to finally submit to the Muslim guy's demand. Specific targeting of underage girls.
Post marriage, these girls get converted to Islam, changes name, and break ties with her family. The intention is to make as much as babies as you can with these women. The girl either stay in her new religion and family or sometimes are thrown away after their role of baby making has been fulfilled.
Islam is an expansionist cult, with the motive of conquering world through its (Muslim) soldiers. For soldiers, you need more women to churn out more children. But there is a limit to a number of Muslim women.
Use kafir women as a vassal to overcome your issue.
Little to no in the West and other non-Islamic countries because you are a minority and have a tacit support from leftists of said countries. You also have a victim card at your expense to paint any person questioning the belief of your cult as an 'Islamophobe'.
Power of the lobby advocating lovejihad
Apart from all the adverts and movies, where you obviously almost always have a Muslim guy-Hindu girl pairing, the lobby is as powerful as to push for removal of chief of National Commission of Women because she tweeted against love jihad. On the very same day when Nikita Tomar was murdered for refusing to convert, no less.
With input from u/HumanPrint. As already mentioned, this is barely one-third of the cases from the last 4-5 months, the whole list will be triple this and if extended over time, it will be even longer. Please help me in compiling and adding additional cases in the comments which will be added in the post.
submitted by alubonda to indianews [link] [comments]

r/IndianExmuslims - An Introduction

Long time users may be aware of IndianExmuslims.
This is another PSA to raise awareness of IndianExmuslims.

IndianExmuslims is the best goddamn subreddit related to India and Islam - in all of existence! (although there are Indian subs obsessed with Islam)

India is home to the second (or third largest - depending on the source) Muslim population in the world.
It has the largest Muslim population outside of a Muslim-majority country.
Statistically speaking there's bound to be a large number of exmuslims in India (even if they don't know it yet).
While Indian Exmuslims don't have things as bad as exmuslims living in Muslim countries, we also don't have some of the privileges exmuslims living in the West have.
Feel free to visit the sub and learn about the nuances of the Indian exmuslim experience.
India is a huge and diverse country. The situation for exmuslims can differ significantly depending on which state you're in.
There are even exmuslim groups in the country we have difficulty collaborating with because we literally speak different languages. There are many stories we are missing out on.
IndianExmuslims was created on 13th July 2019.
The origins of the sub is a little spicy and I'll skip that in this post.
Sadly, there aren't many active Indian exmuslims on the sub. Reddit isn't (for better or worse) mainstream in India and we face the same issue as every sub - lurkers.
So the sub has become a news aggregator and archive for all things India + Islam/Muslims/Exmuslims. I hope it becomes a real community someday but I'll be one with the Force by then.
The sub does not condone dehumanising people. We've had problems in the past from those wanting to dehumanise Muslims. We'll continue to have problems with them.
The sub has been accused by a few of being Pro-Muslim.
I am neither pro-Muslim nor anti-Muslim. I am against anyone who infringes on the rights of others. Criticise those who infringe on other's rights. Criticise ideas as much as you like. We have no sacred cows.
We don't allow for proselytism of other religions.
Please read the other rules of the sub before participating.
Shortly after the sub was created, I came in contact with an informal group known as the Ex-Muslims of India. The sub is associated with the group. The other mods are part of this group. The sub is run independent of the group's other efforts.
The Ex-Muslims of India became part of The International Ex-Muslim Coalition.
The Ex-Muslims of India have a website, a Facebook page, a Twitter channel and an Instagram page.
This is all run by an informal group of exmuslim volunteers.
There were a few meetups prior to Covid-19.
There's also a Telegram group that's open to Indian Exmuslims.
We've had some AMAs on India, atheism, AtheismIndia and even exmuslim!
We've had live video chats with the Exmuslims of Norway and the Exmuslims of Sri Lanka.
The subreddit itself has a Twitter account and Telegram channel. These are automated feeds of the content you see on the sub. They were created as a courtesy to keep non-approved users in the loop whenever the sub goes private.
I try and maintain a list for Mental Health Resources in India.
There's a multireddit for all the Indian Atheist subreddits.
I've recently started a Discord channel for Redditors who are Indian Atheists. It's too early to tell if anything will come of this.
I try to maintain various post flairs on the sub.
Here are all the post flairs on the sub:
News | CAA/NRC | COVID-19 | Advice/Help | Question/Discussion | Opinion/Editorial | Meme! | Meetup | Meta | Cow | UCC | Rant | Drama | Miscellaneous | Video | Ayodhya | Terrorism | SHIT POST | Privacy | Citizen Awareness | Retro News
Some of these may not make sense to outsiders such as CAA/NRC and others may sound absurd such as Cow and Love Jihad. Feel free to jump into the rabbit hole!
We have memes. Not many but almost all of them are dank.
Please check out our sidebar for links to almost everything mentioned here and then some. Reddit has a search bar too which is kinda meh but still...
submitted by Iamt1aa to exmuslim [link] [comments]

What happens if your holy words legitimise sexual slavery as punishment of being kafir, treat marriage as sale of a woman's sexual parts,advocate enslaving of non-Muslims & their conversion?Listed a few cases of Jihadi Romeos/Sexbased communal-crimes/Communal Gendercrimes from last 4-5 months.

All these cases since last 4-5 months. This list is incomplete as I simply grew tired of adding.

-Nikita murdered by Tauseef for refusing to convert.
-Anjana Tiwari raped & forced to convert & marry Asif, she does so, after marriage, Asif's family harasses her so much that she burns herself to death.
Priya beheaded by Ejaz for refusing to convert
Delhi: Neha Jogi forced to convert to Islam after birth of children by her husband Nafees Khan with ties to AAP.
Varanasi: Tired of being forced by husband Aftab and his family to adopt Islam, aspiring model Pooja commits suicide
Delhi: Already married twice, e-rickshaw driver Dilbar Qureshi poses as Rahul to trap 13-year-old Hindu girl, calls the second wife his sister to deceive neighbours
Yet Another Case Of Muslim Man Posing As Hindu And Trapping A Woman In Love, Recording Sexual Act On Video. Riyaz posed as Hindu and entered into a romantic relationship with a minor Hindu girl. The woman soon learnt that he had lied about his religion. When she tried to end the relationship, he raped her and recorded the sexual act, and threatened to make the clip viral if she did not marry him.
Already married Waseem Ahmad poses as Dinesh Ravat develops physical relations with a Hindu girl, films the acts and circulates it around. When the woman later asked him to marry her, he revealed his real name and said that he was a married man with two children. “I cheated you because I wanted to teach you people me a lesson,” he said.
Hindu woman married Muslim man under Special Marriage Act. Now wants divorce, has accused him and his family of beating her, and constantly insulting her for being Hindu etc. "Tu Hindu haraami ki aulad hai".
Mohammad Adil alias Chhotka alias ‘Aatankwadi’, Mohammad Adik alias ‘Badka’, and Mohammad Nazim gangrape a 15 year old working in the fields, tell her to plead in the name of Allah to be granted reprieve.
Mohammad Owaisi becomes "Babu" to trap 7th standard girl in affair; joined by his sister, forces the minor to convert to Islam.
Saqib posed as Hindu Aman, marries Ekta and later murders her.
Shakeel, Nur Alam & Imran pretend to be Hindus & develop affairs with 3 Hindu girls from Bilaspur, invite them to Lucknow where they pressurise them to convert to Islam & try to rape them.
Bored with his second wife, Asif guns down Neha & tries to frame Neha's brothers.
Shamsad becomes Amit Gurjar to befriend divorcee Priya, marries her as a Hindu, after marriage Priya comes to know he is Muslim & he starts abusing her, Priya continues living with him for fear of society, Shamshad starts pressurising her & her daughter to convert to Islam & go to Jamaat, Priya would aver. Shamshad did not let her have a temple. Priya used to burn incense sticks, and Shamshad used to get irritated by the smoke. He used to beat her and force her to stop worshipping, but she did not give up her religion. After several such fights, Shamshad murdered Priya & her baby daughter Kashish.
Shaukat Ali became a Kashmiri Hindu (Sahil Kumar) to lure Neha into a relationship and marry her. The victim said that following her marriage 6 months ago, Shaukat Ali forced her to convert to Islam and physically assaulted her along with his family. While showing her bruises and injury marks, Neha said, “His family not only beat me but also tried to kill. They tried to slit my throat with an axe… Now they are telling me to get out of their house.”
Kanpur: Mukhtar became Rahul Vishwakarma to romance Hindu girl, girl converts and finds out after marriage he already has another Hindu wife (also converted).
Faisal becomes Sonu to marry a Hindu female, the pregnant woman comes to know of his true religion only on coming Eid, Faisal threatens to murder her & flees.
Already married Khurshid Alam becomes Deepak Verma to begin affair with a Hindu woman, when she becomes pregnant, flees away. On searching his hometown, the woman comes to know he is Muslim.
Salim slits throat of his girlfriend Kajal after he saw her talking with another guy.
Ahmedabad: One Moin Qureshi marries Hindu girl by promising not to force her to convert, later starts torturing her to embrace Islam. Nayana recollects Qureshi had outrightly refused to allow Nayana to keep a Hindu name for her son.
Bihar: Hindu girl married to Muslim guy pressurised to convert to Islam 4 years after marriage, girl's mother also being forced to convert.
36-year old Asif lies about his marriage, refers to his wife as Aapa to trap 18-year old Muskaan Tiwari, intimidated & used occult practices to make her adopt Islam & marry her.When Muskaan was brought back, she reportedly was in a very bad mental state. However, she had confirmed that she was locked in a room for a long time. Jagran report furthers that Muskaan had a ‘Tabiz’ (amulet) around her neck. Her mental condition is said to be so bad that once she did not recognise her own father, she instead said that he was his stepfather.
Dilshad befriends 17 year old Hindu girl, after her marriage is arranged elsewhere, he pressurises her to convert & marry him, on refusal, he rapes & murders her.
Hindu woman has affair with Muslim man named Shami, goes to Delhi to marry him. She learns he is already married & has kids and refuses to marry him. She gets beaten by the man and his sister for refusing to marry, gets converted against her will into Islam, & gets forcibly married to the man.Made to eat beef & held captive, but somehow managed to evade captivity.
Anwar becomes Hindu Anu to befriend Hindu woman, rapes her for months on the pretext of marriage, threatens her of releasing sex video for more rapes. After the woman complains of going to police, he marries her & after that reveals that he is Muslim. Later he refused to take her to his home.
Congress leader Sikandar Khan poses as a Hindu man to lure a minor girl for sexual relationship. He then called her to his farmhouse, where he had raped her and clicked objectionable pictures of her. The Congress leader, since the last three years, has been using the pictures to blackmail the girl and sexually exploit her.
Missing woman from Meerut taken to Shaheen Bagh for conversion
Sabir, father of 4, forcefully kidnaps a 14 year old, boasts to the girl's family that we will make the girl Muslim and there's nothing you can do and further threatens the girl's family.
Rajasthan: Man found dead after he refused to withdraw case against Aneesh Khan and others for gangraping his minor daughter
Wasim Khan invites 3-year girl to watch Durga puja in temple, rapes her in his auto.
Panipat triple murder: Noor Hasan raped the bodies of his wife 25 year old Madhu, her sister 18 year old Manisha and her mother after killing them, burnt faces to prevent identification
Jharkhand: Saddam, Riaz, Shahil, Kaif and eight others molest Geeta Devi going to Shiv temple, attack her for protesting. Geeta Devi ended up with severe injuries on her head and back.
Godown owner Mohammahed Mukhtjir rapes 15-year old come to work as her mother was sick
Delhi: Ansari & khurshid used to molest daughters of Birju Das Our elder daughter got molested before. Then the younger daughter was also mistreated. After repeated refusals, they beat up the entire family
Couple of other older cases:
Babu Hassan and Til Hassan kidnapped a 17 year old Hindu girl, drugged and confined to a room for weeks, repeatedly gang raped, and forced to eat beef.
Aamir sexually exploits girl while pretending to be Hindu Golu, later tells her to convert and eat beef for marriage, Girl refuses, he threatens to make sex videos viral, coerces her to more sex, but refuses to marry unless she converts.
A Hindu teacher from Morigaon, Assam says she has constantly been mentally harassed by fellow fanatic teachers of her school to convert to Islam, eat beef and marry a Muslim. When she resisted, she was molested and threatened with rape and murder. When she complained to the principal, also a Muslim, he himself told her to marry a Muslim businessman.
Another Hindu teacher Simpy Sakia also gets the same treatment in a different Muslim majority area of Assam: Rape threats, Force her to Burqa, eat Beef
15-year old Dalit girl from Delhi gets trafficked by Muslims to Nepal

When Holy Texts Promote Sexual Conversion.

The ulama asserted that slavery was a divine punishment for not being a Muslim. In the words of az-Aziz b.Ahmad al-Bukhari "servitude is a vestige of obstinacy in refusing to believe in one God". Al-Sharif al-Jurjani stated that slavery in Islamic law was a "penalty for unbelief."
Islamic law and Sunni ulama recognise two categories of concubines:
War Captives:These are originally free non-Muslims who are captured in battle. The entire population of a conquered territory can be enslaved, thus providing women who are otherwise rare on the battlefield. This paves the path for concubinage. The Muslim military commander is allowed to choose between unconditionally releasing, ransoming or enslaving war captives. If a person converted to Islam after being enslaved, their emancipation would be considered a pious act but not obligatory. Islamic law does not allow enslavement of free-born Muslims.
Most traditional scholars require the conversion of a pagan slave-girl before sex, even through force if necessary. They require a conversion of these women before sex can take place. Many traditions state that the female captives should be coerced to accept Islam if they do not convert willingly. Hasan al-Basri narrates that Muslims would achieve this objective through various methods. They would order the Zoroastrian slave-girl to face the qiblah, utter the shahada and perform wudhu. Her captor would then have sex with her after one menstrual cycle.
Sexual slavery of women was viewed as both a male privilege and a privilege for the victor over the defeated. Islamic legal texts state that sexual pleasure was a male privilege over women. Men were permitted to have as many concubines as they could afford. Some men purchased female slaves, whereas Muslim soldiers in the early Islamic conquests were given female captives as a reward for military participation. This not only increased military participation, but also served to rapidly spread Islam & denude the existing population as the sexual slaves could be easily coerced to convert.
In traditional juristic understanding, it is the male's ownership of a woman's sexual organs which makes sex licit in Islam. This is why the woman is called aurat meaning vagina in Urdu. Meri aurat literally would translate to "my vagina." Islamic jurists describe marriage as a kind of sale where the wife's private parts are purchased.
Full link on Islamic Sexual Slavery
There are 4 aspects to Love Jihad/Jihadi Romeos
-When you have religion instructing you to use sex/sexual violence as a means of conversion of kafir girls, there will be consequences..particularly in the not progressive areas.
-There is a psychology of seeing the winning of the girl of other community as a means of conquest & FU to the community- happens with blacks vis-a-vis whites, lowercaste vis-a-vis uppercaste, Muslims vis-a-vis Hindus. Girls are reduced to their caste/religion. This is why a Hindu boy having affair with a Muslim girl gets murdered, and why a Muslim boy marrying a Hindu girl is encouraged. (Here's a sample: https://twitter.com/core_collapsed/status/1319968535989243904)
-Indian law itself says that if you marry a Muslim & don't convert, you literally have no rights on property or anything. https://swarajyamag.com/ideas/stop-romanticising-interfaith-marriages-blindly-marrying-muslim-men-has-serious-legal-consequences-for-non-muslim-women. Plus the practicalities of orthodox regressive Muslim society means the female will have to give up her religion.
-In the lower sections, mosques & madarssas pay to marry Hindu girls. There are multiple videos from UP about this. Plus the dominant human trafficking mafia in India is Islamic (because of Pakistan & Bangladesh). Now this second part is my conjecture, but I'm hard pressed not to think that if mosques pay for marrying Hindu girls, why wouldn't they pay for trafficking Hindu girls. This was the same mindset in medieval India. It was the kafir women & kafir men from India who were mostly sold as slaves in Middle East & Central Asia, not Islamic ones.


Love Jihad/Jihadi Romeos/Communal Gendercrimes
Specifically targeting and converting Hindu girls to Islam either through subversion (Muslim guy changes to a Hindu name) or coercion (rape). Also involves blackmailing tactics such as making videos in compromised situation with the girl in order to finally submit to the Muslim guy's demand.
Post marriage, these girls get converted to Islam, changes name, and break ties with her family. The intention is to make as much as babies as you can with these women. The girl either stay in her new religion and family or sometimes are thrown away after their role of baby making has been fulfilled.
Islam is an expansionist cult, with the motive of conquering world through its (Muslim) soldiers. For soldiers, you need more women to churn out more children. But there is a limit to a number of Muslim women.
Use kafir women as a vassal to overcome your issue.
Little to no in the West and other non-Islamic countries because you are a minority and have a tacit support from leftists of said countries. You also have a victim card at your expense to paint any person questioning the belief of your cult as an 'Islamophobe'.
Power of the lobby advocating lovejihad
Apart from all the adverts and movies, where you obviously almost always have a Muslim guy-Hindu girl pairing, the lobby is as powerful as to push for removal of chief of National Commission of Women because she tweeted against love jihad. On the very same day when Nikita Tomar was murdered for refusing to convert, no less.
With input from u/HumanPrint. As already mentioned, this is barely one-third of the cases from the last 4-5 months, the whole list will be triple this and if extended over time, it will be even longer. Please help me in compiling and adding additional cases in the comments which will be added in the post.
submitted by volcanolight to IndiaRWResources [link] [comments]

What happens if your holy words legitimise sexual slavery as punishment of being kafir, treat marriage as sale of a woman's sexual parts,advocate enslaving of non-Muslims & their conversion?Listed a few cases of Jihadi Romeos/Sexbased communal-crimes/Communal Gendercrimes from last 4-5 months.

Disclaimer: This post is a copypaste from u/volcanolight with around 20 cases added by me towards the end.

All these cases since last 4-5 months. This list is incomplete as I simply grew tired of adding.

-Nikita murdered by Tauseef for refusing to convert.
-Anjana Tiwari raped & forced to convert & marry Asif, she does so, after marriage, Asif's family harasses her so much that she burns herself to death.
Priya beheaded by Ejaz for refusing to convert
Delhi: Neha Jogi forced to convert to Islam after birth of children by her husband Nafees Khan with ties to AAP.
Varanasi: Tired of being forced by husband Aftab and his family to adopt Islam, aspiring model Pooja commits suicide
Delhi: Already married twice, e-rickshaw driver Dilbar Qureshi poses as Rahul to trap 13-year-old Hindu girl, calls the second wife his sister to deceive neighbours
Yet Another Case Of Muslim Man Posing As Hindu And Trapping A Woman In Love, Recording Sexual Act On Video. Riyaz posed as Hindu and entered into a romantic relationship with a minor Hindu girl. The woman soon learnt that he had lied about his religion. When she tried to end the relationship, he raped her and recorded the sexual act, and threatened to make the clip viral if she did not marry him.
Already married Waseem Ahmad poses as Dinesh Ravat develops physical relations with a Hindu girl, films the acts and circulates it around. When the woman later asked him to marry her, he revealed his real name and said that he was a married man with two children. “I cheated you because I wanted to teach you people me a lesson,” he said.
Hindu woman married Muslim man under Special Marriage Act. Now wants divorce, has accused him and his family of beating her, and constantly insulting her for being Hindu etc. "Tu Hindu haraami ki aulad hai".
Mohammad Adil alias Chhotka alias ‘Aatankwadi’, Mohammad Adik alias ‘Badka’, and Mohammad Nazim gangrape a 15 year old working in the fields, tell her to plead in the name of Allah to be granted reprieve.
Mohammad Owaisi becomes "Babu" to trap 7th standard girl in affair; joined by his sister, forces the minor to convert to Islam.
Saqib posed as Hindu Aman, marries Ekta and later murders her.
Shakeel, Nur Alam & Imran pretend to be Hindus & develop affairs with 3 Hindu girls from Bilaspur, invite them to Lucknow where they pressurise them to convert to Islam & try to rape them.
Bored with his second wife, Asif guns down Neha & tries to frame Neha's brothers.
Shamsad becomes Amit Gurjar to befriend divorcee Priya, marries her as a Hindu, after marriage Priya comes to know he is Muslim & he starts abusing her, Priya continues living with him for fear of society, Shamshad starts pressurising her & her daughter to convert to Islam & go to Jamaat, Priya would aver. Shamshad did not let her have a temple. Priya used to burn incense sticks, and Shamshad used to get irritated by the smoke. He used to beat her and force her to stop worshipping, but she did not give up her religion. After several such fights, Shamshad murdered Priya & her baby daughter Kashish.
Shaukat Ali became a Kashmiri Hindu (Sahil Kumar) to lure Neha into a relationship and marry her. The victim said that following her marriage 6 months ago, Shaukat Ali forced her to convert to Islam and physically assaulted her along with his family. While showing her bruises and injury marks, Neha said, “His family not only beat me but also tried to kill. They tried to slit my throat with an axe… Now they are telling me to get out of their house.”
Kanpur: Mukhtar became Rahul Vishwakarma to romance Hindu girl, girl converts and finds out after marriage he already has another Hindu wife (also converted).
Faisal becomes Sonu to marry a Hindu female, the pregnant woman comes to know of his true religion only on coming Eid, Faisal threatens to murder her & flees.
Already married Khurshid Alam becomes Deepak Verma to begin affair with a Hindu woman, when she becomes pregnant, flees away. On searching his hometown, the woman comes to know he is Muslim.
Salim slits throat of his girlfriend Kajal after he saw her talking with another guy.
Ahmedabad: One Moin Qureshi marries Hindu girl by promising not to force her to convert, later starts torturing her to embrace Islam. Nayana recollects Qureshi had outrightly refused to allow Nayana to keep a Hindu name for her son.
Bihar: Hindu girl married to Muslim guy pressurised to convert to Islam 4 years after marriage, girl's mother also being forced to convert.
36-year old Asif lies about his marriage, refers to his wife as Aapa to trap 18-year old Muskaan Tiwari, intimidated & used occult practices to make her adopt Islam & marry her.When Muskaan was brought back, she reportedly was in a very bad mental state. However, she had confirmed that she was locked in a room for a long time. Jagran report furthers that Muskaan had a ‘Tabiz’ (amulet) around her neck. Her mental condition is said to be so bad that once she did not recognise her own father, she instead said that he was his stepfather.
Dilshad befriends 17 year old Hindu girl, after her marriage is arranged elsewhere, he pressurises her to convert & marry him, on refusal, he rapes & murders her.
Hindu woman has affair with Muslim man named Shami, goes to Delhi to marry him. She learns he is already married & has kids and refuses to marry him. She gets beaten by the man and his sister for refusing to marry, gets converted against her will into Islam, & gets forcibly married to the man.Made to eat beef & held captive, but somehow managed to evade captivity.
Anwar becomes Hindu Anu to befriend Hindu woman, rapes her for months on the pretext of marriage, threatens her of releasing sex video for more rapes. After the woman complains of going to police, he marries her & after that reveals that he is Muslim. Later he refused to take her to his home.
Congress leader Sikandar Khan poses as a Hindu man to lure a minor girl for sexual relationship. He then called her to his farmhouse, where he had raped her and clicked objectionable pictures of her. The Congress leader, since the last three years, has been using the pictures to blackmail the girl and sexually exploit her.
Missing woman from Meerut taken to Shaheen Bagh for conversion
Sabir, father of 4, forcefully kidnaps a 14 year old, boasts to the girl's family that we will make the girl Muslim and there's nothing you can do and further threatens the girl's family.
Rajasthan: Man found dead after he refused to withdraw case against Aneesh Khan and others for gangraping his minor daughter
Wasim Khan invites 3-year girl to watch Durga puja in temple, rapes her in his auto.
Panipat triple murder: Noor Hasan raped the bodies of his wife 25 year old Madhu, her sister 18 year old Manisha and her mother after killing them, burnt faces to prevent identification
Jharkhand: Saddam, Riaz, Shahil, Kaif and eight others molest Geeta Devi going to Shiv temple, attack her for protesting. Geeta Devi ended up with severe injuries on her head and back.
Godown owner Mohammahed Mukhtjir rapes 15-year old come to work as her mother was sick
Delhi: Ansari & khurshid used to molest daughters of Birju Das Our elder daughter got molested before. Then the younger daughter was also mistreated. After repeated refusals, they beat up the entire family
Couple of other older cases:
Babu Hassan and Til Hassan kidnapped a 17 year old Hindu girl, drugged and confined to a room for weeks, repeatedly gang raped, and forced to eat beef.
Aamir sexually exploits girl while pretending to be Hindu Golu, later tells her to convert and eat beef for marriage, Girl refuses, he threatens to make sex videos viral, coerces her to more sex, but refuses to marry unless she converts.
A Hindu teacher from Morigaon, Assam says she has constantly been mentally harassed by fellow fanatic teachers of her school to convert to Islam, eat beef and marry a Muslim. When she resisted, she was molested and threatened with rape and murder. When she complained to the principal, also a Muslim, he himself told her to marry a Muslim businessman.
Another Hindu teacher Simpy Sakia also gets the same treatment in a different Muslim majority area of Assam: Rape threats, Force her to Burqa, eat Beef
15-year old Dalit girl from Delhi gets trafficked by Muslims to Nepal

These cases are exclusively from last 2 months & other than top 4, rest all are from UP because I only went through Navbharat Times & that only reports for UP

Mewat: Hindu Dalit nurse abducted from Nuh, family says Mohammed Iqbal, an advocate was pressuring her to convert to Islam and marry him; SC/ST Act invoked
Professional trafficker Sabir Ali, married with 2 children, tries to lure girl from Odisha to Dubai, makes her wear burkha to hide her face. Girl rescued by Bajrang Dal with help of RPF. 2 Hindu girls lured by Sabir earlier missing.
Haryana: Driver Asif becomes Rahul Rathode to lure minor 16-year old away, girl missing since 20 days, family alleges police inaction.
Nuh, Haryana: Mubin alias Mubbi who beat a 7-year old girl, stripped her, did obscene acts, then made the video viral in police custody.
Meerut: Danish becomes Sonu to have affair with sex worker, marries her as Hindu, reveals himself as Muslim after marriage, later he runs away leaving her with 2 children to Saudi Arabia.
Kanpur: Shibu Ali became Sachin Sharma to trap a Hindu girl. Later, he brought a Mullah at home and asked her to have sex with him. Tried feeding her beef. Kept pressuring her to convert and stabbed her when she refused.
Prayagraj: Imran Khan becomes Akash to befreind woman on FB, affair for over 1 years, when she asks him to marry her, reveals he is Muslim and forces her to convert. When she refuses, he beats her & threatens to kill her.
Kaushambhi: Muslim from UP lures Gujrat woman into marriage, after marriage forces her to change her name & religion & starts torturing her with his family, beating her & hitting her with hot tongs.
Meerut: Nabil has affair with a minor 17-year old college student, takes objectional photos and further blackmails her into sex for 2 years.
Kanpur: Afzal becomes Raman to befriend woman, later when the woman goes missing, tells her family on phone that he is Afzal Ansari and he is marrying the girl.
Meerut: 45 year old Muhammad Abdul trapped 16 year old Hindu girl and made her ran away with him.
Arman Sheikh was already married to Shazia since 2011 and had two kids. 5 years later, he marries a Hindu girl. She found out about his first marriage when his first wife confronted Arman. But no legal action possible as Sharia allows polygamy.
Agra: Bunty Khan became Bunty Tyagi to trap a 14 year old Hindu girl. He made her ran away with him. Police acted only after there was Mahapanchayat of 50 villages.
Mumbai: Azizuddin Qureshi befriends a 13-year old Hindu girl, rapes her for many years, beat her when she did Ganesh puja and would force her to recit quran, forcibly converted her & forced her to sign nikahnama under drugs influence.
35 year old Fayyaz traps 17-year old Hindu girl to convert & marry her. Not illegal as Sharia allows marriage with underage girls.
Kanpur: Nafees lures 19 year old Hindu girl away from home, when retrieved the girl was wearing nakab & says she was locked up in a room, forcibly made her convert & marry.
Kanpur: Mohsin and Aamir befriend 2 school going Hindu sisters by pretending to be Hindu, lure them to their home where they reveal they are Muslim, they beat them to force them to convert. The younger sister escaped & related the ordeal. Police inaction for several weeks.
Kanpur: Adil lures physically handicapped 16-year old into affair, later forcibly converted & married the girl, kept her locked up & started beating her after marriage.
Kanpur: Bangalore resident Fateh Khan becomes Aryan Malhotra to begin affair with 15-year old, later tries to force her to convert & marry. After knowing of affair, when family shift the girl, then he starts pressurising the family.
Unnao: 16 year old lured away by Hasib, police inaction
Kanpur student secretly marries Rahul Sharma, after family come to know & "Rahul" comes to family to threaten, family report to police. "Rahul" confesses he is Mukhtar Ahmed, and his fake documents for marriage were prepared by adv Mariam Fatima for Rs20,000.
Already married Arif Khan lures away 17-year old after affair.
Kanpur: Muslim man pretends to be Hindu to begin affair with woman, later reveals he is Muslim & starts forcing her to convert.
Unnao: Aliman Bahla & Furkan Ali lure away/kidnap minor Hindu girl, family alleges police inaction. No POSCO filed.
Ayodhya: Saleem befriends Hindu girl, he converts her & they marry, have a child. Later he gets attracted to another girl, leaves the Hindu girl & forces her to divorce.

When Holy Texts Promote Sexual Conversion.

The ulama asserted that slavery was a divine punishment for not being a Muslim. In the words of az-Aziz b.Ahmad al-Bukhari "servitude is a vestige of obstinacy in refusing to believe in one God". Al-Sharif al-Jurjani stated that slavery in Islamic law was a "penalty for unbelief."
Islamic law and Sunni ulama recognise two categories of concubines:
War Captives:These are originally free non-Muslims who are captured in battle. The entire population of a conquered territory can be enslaved, thus providing women who are otherwise rare on the battlefield. This paves the path for concubinage. The Muslim military commander is allowed to choose between unconditionally releasing, ransoming or enslaving war captives. If a person converted to Islam after being enslaved, their emancipation would be considered a pious act but not obligatory. Islamic law does not allow enslavement of free-born Muslims.
Most traditional scholars require the conversion of a pagan slave-girl before sex, even through force if necessary. They require a conversion of these women before sex can take place. Many traditions state that the female captives should be coerced to accept Islam if they do not convert willingly. Hasan al-Basri narrates that Muslims would achieve this objective through various methods. They would order the Zoroastrian slave-girl to face the qiblah, utter the shahada and perform wudhu. Her captor would then have sex with her after one menstrual cycle.
Sexual slavery of women was viewed as both a male privilege and a privilege for the victor over the defeated. Islamic legal texts state that sexual pleasure was a male privilege over women. Men were permitted to have as many concubines as they could afford. Some men purchased female slaves, whereas Muslim soldiers in the early Islamic conquests were given female captives as a reward for military participation. This not only increased military participation, but also served to rapidly spread Islam & denude the existing population as the sexual slaves could be easily coerced to convert.
In traditional juristic understanding, it is the male's ownership of a woman's sexual organs which makes sex licit in Islam. This is why the woman is called aurat meaning vagina in Urdu. Meri aurat literally would translate to "my vagina." Islamic jurists describe marriage as a kind of sale where the wife's private parts are purchased.
Full link on Islamic Sexual Slavery

There are 5 aspects to Love Jihad/Jihadi Romeos

-When you have religion instructing you to use sex/sexual violence as a means of conversion of kafir girls, there will be consequences..particularly in the not progressive areas.
-There is a psychology of seeing the winning of the girl of other community as a means of conquest & FU to the community- happens with blacks vis-a-vis whites, lowercaste vis-a-vis uppercaste, Muslims vis-a-vis Hindus. Girls are reduced to their caste/religion. This is why a Hindu boy having affair with a Muslim girl gets murdered, and why a Muslim boy marrying a Hindu girl is encouraged. (Here's a sample: https://twitter.com/core_collapsed/status/1319968535989243904)
-Indian law itself says that if you marry a Muslim & don't convert, you literally have no rights on property or anything. https://swarajyamag.com/ideas/stop-romanticising-interfaith-marriages-blindly-marrying-muslim-men-has-serious-legal-consequences-for-non-muslim-women. Plus the practicalities of orthodox regressive Muslim society means the female will have to give up her religion.
-In the lower sections, mosques & madarssas pay to marry Hindu girls. Another video where the boy after being beaten by Bajrang Dal confesses he is Muslim & faked his identity to trap Hindu girls.Later on in, police station, he confessed his maulana gave 2 lakh rs, for doing love-jihad, there are around 40 people like him who is doing these thing in his madarsa. (https://www.reddit.com/IndiaSpeaks/comments/jml5wm/lovejihad_case_uttar_pradesh/)
There are multiple videos from UP about this. Plus the dominant human trafficking mafia in India is Islamic (because of Pakistan & Bangladesh). Now this second part is my conjecture, but I'm hard pressed not to think that if mosques pay for marrying Hindu girls, why wouldn't they pay for trafficking Hindu girls. This was the same mindset in medieval India. It was the kafir women & kafir men from India who were mostly sold as slaves in Middle East & Central Asia, not Islamic ones.
-Specific targeting of minor girls as POSCO doesn't apply to Muslim if the predator can convert the minor Hindu girl


Love Jihad/Jihadi Romeos/Communal Gendercrimes
Specifically targeting and converting Hindu girls to Islam either through subversion (Muslim guy changes to a Hindu name) or coercion (rape). Also involves blackmailing tactics such as making videos in compromised situation with the girl in order to finally submit to the Muslim guy's demand. Specific targeting of underage girls.
Post marriage, these girls get converted to Islam, changes name, and break ties with her family. The intention is to make as much as babies as you can with these women. The girl either stay in her new religion and family or sometimes are thrown away after their role of baby making has been fulfilled.
Islam is an expansionist cult, with the motive of conquering world through its (Muslim) soldiers. For soldiers, you need more women to churn out more children. But there is a limit to a number of Muslim women.
Use kafir women as a vassal to overcome your issue.
Little to no in the West and other non-Islamic countries because you are a minority and have a tacit support from leftists of said countries. You also have a victim card at your expense to paint any person questioning the belief of your cult as an 'Islamophobe'.
Power of the lobby advocating lovejihad
Apart from all the adverts and movies, where you obviously almost always have a Muslim guy-Hindu girl pairing, the lobby is as powerful as to push for removal of chief of National Commission of Women because she tweeted against love jihad. On the very same day when Nikita Tomar was murdered for refusing to convert, no less.
With input from u/HumanPrint. As already mentioned, this is barely one-third of the cases from the last 4-5 months, the whole list will be triple this and if extended over time, it will be even longer. Please help me in compiling and adding additional cases in the comments which will be added in the post.
submitted by alubonda to IndiaSpeaks [link] [comments]

What happens if your holy words legitimise sexual slavery as punishment of being kafir, treat marriage as sale of a woman's sexual parts,advocate enslaving of non-Muslims & their conversion?Listed a few cases of Jihadi Romeos/Sexbased communal-crimes/Communal Gendercrimes from last 4-5 months.

All these cases since last 4-5 months. This list is incomplete as I simply grew tired of adding.

-Nikita murdered by Tauseef for refusing to convert.
-Anjana Tiwari raped & forced to convert & marry Asif, she does so, after marriage, Asif's family harasses her so much that she burns herself to death.
Priya beheaded by Ejaz for refusing to convert
Delhi: Neha Jogi forced to convert to Islam after birth of children by her husband Nafees Khan with ties to AAP.
Varanasi: Tired of being forced by husband Aftab and his family to adopt Islam, aspiring model Pooja commits suicide
Delhi: Already married twice, e-rickshaw driver Dilbar Qureshi poses as Rahul to trap 13-year-old Hindu girl, calls the second wife his sister to deceive neighbours
Yet Another Case Of Muslim Man Posing As Hindu And Trapping A Woman In Love, Recording Sexual Act On Video. Riyaz posed as Hindu and entered into a romantic relationship with a minor Hindu girl. The woman soon learnt that he had lied about his religion. When she tried to end the relationship, he raped her and recorded the sexual act, and threatened to make the clip viral if she did not marry him.
Already married Waseem Ahmad poses as Dinesh Ravat develops physical relations with a Hindu girl, films the acts and circulates it around. When the woman later asked him to marry her, he revealed his real name and said that he was a married man with two children. “I cheated you because I wanted to teach you people me a lesson,” he said.
Hindu woman married Muslim man under Special Marriage Act. Now wants divorce, has accused him and his family of beating her, and constantly insulting her for being Hindu etc. "Tu Hindu haraami ki aulad hai".
Mohammad Adil alias Chhotka alias ‘Aatankwadi’, Mohammad Adik alias ‘Badka’, and Mohammad Nazim gangrape a 15 year old working in the fields, tell her to plead in the name of Allah to be granted reprieve.
Mohammad Owaisi becomes "Babu" to trap 7th standard girl in affair; joined by his sister, forces the minor to convert to Islam.
Saqib posed as Hindu Aman, marries Ekta and later murders her.
Shakeel, Nur Alam & Imran pretend to be Hindus & develop affairs with 3 Hindu girls from Bilaspur, invite them to Lucknow where they pressurise them to convert to Islam & try to rape them.
Bored with his second wife, Asif guns down Neha & tries to frame Neha's brothers.
Shamsad becomes Amit Gurjar to befriend divorcee Priya, marries her as a Hindu, after marriage Priya comes to know he is Muslim & he starts abusing her, Priya continues living with him for fear of society, Shamshad starts pressurising her & her daughter to convert to Islam & go to Jamaat, Priya would aver. Shamshad did not let her have a temple. Priya used to burn incense sticks, and Shamshad used to get irritated by the smoke. He used to beat her and force her to stop worshipping, but she did not give up her religion. After several such fights, Shamshad murdered Priya & her baby daughter Kashish.
Shaukat Ali became a Kashmiri Hindu (Sahil Kumar) to lure Neha into a relationship and marry her. The victim said that following her marriage 6 months ago, Shaukat Ali forced her to convert to Islam and physically assaulted her along with his family. While showing her bruises and injury marks, Neha said, “His family not only beat me but also tried to kill. They tried to slit my throat with an axe… Now they are telling me to get out of their house.”
Kanpur: Mukhtar became Rahul Vishwakarma to romance Hindu girl, girl converts and finds out after marriage he already has another Hindu wife (also converted).
Faisal becomes Sonu to marry a Hindu female, the pregnant woman comes to know of his true religion only on coming Eid, Faisal threatens to murder her & flees.
Already married Khurshid Alam becomes Deepak Verma to begin affair with a Hindu woman, when she becomes pregnant, flees away. On searching his hometown, the woman comes to know he is Muslim.
Salim slits throat of his girlfriend Kajal after he saw her talking with another guy.
Ahmedabad: One Moin Qureshi marries Hindu girl by promising not to force her to convert, later starts torturing her to embrace Islam. Nayana recollects Qureshi had outrightly refused to allow Nayana to keep a Hindu name for her son.
Bihar: Hindu girl married to Muslim guy pressurised to convert to Islam 4 years after marriage, girl's mother also being forced to convert.
36-year old Asif lies about his marriage, refers to his wife as Aapa to trap 18-year old Muskaan Tiwari, intimidated & used occult practices to make her adopt Islam & marry her.When Muskaan was brought back, she reportedly was in a very bad mental state. However, she had confirmed that she was locked in a room for a long time. Jagran report furthers that Muskaan had a ‘Tabiz’ (amulet) around her neck. Her mental condition is said to be so bad that once she did not recognise her own father, she instead said that he was his stepfather.
Dilshad befriends 17 year old Hindu girl, after her marriage is arranged elsewhere, he pressurises her to convert & marry him, on refusal, he rapes & murders her.
Hindu woman has affair with Muslim man named Shami, goes to Delhi to marry him. She learns he is already married & has kids and refuses to marry him. She gets beaten by the man and his sister for refusing to marry, gets converted against her will into Islam, & gets forcibly married to the man.Made to eat beef & held captive, but somehow managed to evade captivity.
Anwar becomes Hindu Anu to befriend Hindu woman, rapes her for months on the pretext of marriage, threatens her of releasing sex video for more rapes. After the woman complains of going to police, he marries her & after that reveals that he is Muslim. Later he refused to take her to his home.
Congress leader Sikandar Khan poses as a Hindu man to lure a minor girl for sexual relationship. He then called her to his farmhouse, where he had raped her and clicked objectionable pictures of her. The Congress leader, since the last three years, has been using the pictures to blackmail the girl and sexually exploit her.
Missing woman from Meerut taken to Shaheen Bagh for conversion
Sabir, father of 4, forcefully kidnaps a 14 year old, boasts to the girl's family that we will make the girl Muslim and there's nothing you can do and further threatens the girl's family.
Rajasthan: Man found dead after he refused to withdraw case against Aneesh Khan and others for gangraping his minor daughter
Wasim Khan invites 3-year girl to watch Durga puja in temple, rapes her in his auto.
Panipat triple murder: Noor Hasan raped the bodies of his wife 25 year old Madhu, her sister 18 year old Manisha and her mother after killing them, burnt faces to prevent identification
Jharkhand: Saddam, Riaz, Shahil, Kaif and eight others molest Geeta Devi going to Shiv temple, attack her for protesting. Geeta Devi ended up with severe injuries on her head and back.
Godown owner Mohammahed Mukhtjir rapes 15-year old come to work as her mother was sick
Delhi: Ansari & khurshid used to molest daughters of Birju Das Our elder daughter got molested before. Then the younger daughter was also mistreated. After repeated refusals, they beat up the entire family
Couple of other older cases:
Babu Hassan and Til Hassan kidnapped a 17 year old Hindu girl, drugged and confined to a room for weeks, repeatedly gang raped, and forced to eat beef.
Aamir sexually exploits girl while pretending to be Hindu Golu, later tells her to convert and eat beef for marriage, Girl refuses, he threatens to make sex videos viral, coerces her to more sex, but refuses to marry unless she converts.
A Hindu teacher from Morigaon, Assam says she has constantly been mentally harassed by fellow fanatic teachers of her school to convert to Islam, eat beef and marry a Muslim. When she resisted, she was molested and threatened with rape and murder. When she complained to the principal, also a Muslim, he himself told her to marry a Muslim businessman.
Another Hindu teacher Simpy Sakia also gets the same treatment in a different Muslim majority area of Assam: Rape threats, Force her to Burqa, eat Beef
15-year old Dalit girl from Delhi gets trafficked by Muslims to Nepal

When Holy Texts Promote Sexual Conversion.

The ulama asserted that slavery was a divine punishment for not being a Muslim. In the words of az-Aziz b.Ahmad al-Bukhari "servitude is a vestige of obstinacy in refusing to believe in one God". Al-Sharif al-Jurjani stated that slavery in Islamic law was a "penalty for unbelief."
Islamic law and Sunni ulama recognise two categories of concubines:
War Captives:These are originally free non-Muslims who are captured in battle. The entire population of a conquered territory can be enslaved, thus providing women who are otherwise rare on the battlefield. This paves the path for concubinage. The Muslim military commander is allowed to choose between unconditionally releasing, ransoming or enslaving war captives. If a person converted to Islam after being enslaved, their emancipation would be considered a pious act but not obligatory. Islamic law does not allow enslavement of free-born Muslims.
Most traditional scholars require the conversion of a pagan slave-girl before sex, even through force if necessary. They require a conversion of these women before sex can take place. Many traditions state that the female captives should be coerced to accept Islam if they do not convert willingly. Hasan al-Basri narrates that Muslims would achieve this objective through various methods. They would order the Zoroastrian slave-girl to face the qiblah, utter the shahada and perform wudhu. Her captor would then have sex with her after one menstrual cycle.
Sexual slavery of women was viewed as both a male privilege and a privilege for the victor over the defeated. Islamic legal texts state that sexual pleasure was a male privilege over women. Men were permitted to have as many concubines as they could afford. Some men purchased female slaves, whereas Muslim soldiers in the early Islamic conquests were given female captives as a reward for military participation. This not only increased military participation, but also served to rapidly spread Islam & denude the existing population as the sexual slaves could be easily coerced to convert.
In traditional juristic understanding, it is the male's ownership of a woman's sexual organs which makes sex licit in Islam. This is why the woman is called aurat meaning vagina in Urdu. Meri aurat literally would translate to "my vagina." Islamic jurists describe marriage as a kind of sale where the wife's private parts are purchased.
Full link on Islamic Sexual Slavery
There are 4 aspects to Love Jihad/Jihadi Romeos
-When you have religion instructing you to use sex/sexual violence as a means of conversion of kafir girls, there will be consequences..particularly in the not progressive areas.
-There is a psychology of seeing the winning of the girl of other community as a means of conquest & FU to the community- happens with blacks vis-a-vis whites, lowercaste vis-a-vis uppercaste, Muslims vis-a-vis Hindus. Girls are reduced to their caste/religion. This is why a Hindu boy having affair with a Muslim girl gets murdered, and why a Muslim boy marrying a Hindu girl is encouraged. (Here's a sample: https://twitter.com/core_collapsed/status/1319968535989243904)
-Indian law itself says that if you marry a Muslim & don't convert, you literally have no rights on property or anything. https://swarajyamag.com/ideas/stop-romanticising-interfaith-marriages-blindly-marrying-muslim-men-has-serious-legal-consequences-for-non-muslim-women. Plus the practicalities of orthodox regressive Muslim society means the female will have to give up her religion.
-In the lower sections, mosques & madarssas pay to marry Hindu girls. There are multiple videos from UP about this. Plus the dominant human trafficking mafia in India is Islamic (because of Pakistan & Bangladesh). Now this second part is my conjecture, but I'm hard pressed not to think that if mosques pay for marrying Hindu girls, why wouldn't they pay for trafficking Hindu girls. This was the same mindset in medieval India. It was the kafir women & kafir men from India who were mostly sold as slaves in Middle East & Central Asia, not Islamic ones.


Love Jihad/Jihadi Romeos/Communal Gendercrimes
Specifically targeting and converting Hindu girls to Islam either through subversion (Muslim guy changes to a Hindu name) or coercion (rape). Also involves blackmailing tactics such as making videos in compromised situation with the girl in order to finally submit to the Muslim guy's demand.
Post marriage, these girls get converted to Islam, changes name, and break ties with her family. The intention is to make as much as babies as you can with these women. The girl either stay in her new religion and family or sometimes are thrown away after their role of baby making has been fulfilled.
Islam is an expansionist cult, with the motive of conquering world through its (Muslim) soldiers. For soldiers, you need more women to churn out more children. But there is a limit to a number of Muslim women.
Use kafir women as a vassal to overcome your issue.
Little to no in the West and other non-Islamic countries because you are a minority and have a tacit support from leftists of said countries. You also have a victim card at your expense to paint any person questioning the belief of your cult as an 'Islamophobe'.
Power of the lobby advocating lovejihad
Apart from all the adverts and movies, where you obviously almost always have a Muslim guy-Hindu girl pairing, the lobby is as powerful as to push for removal of chief of National Commission of Women because she tweeted against love jihad. On the very same day when Nikita Tomar was murdered for refusing to convert, no less.
With input from u/HumanPrint. As already mentioned, this is barely one-third of the cases from the last 4-5 months, the whole list will be triple this and if extended over time, it will be even longer. Please help me in compiling and adding additional cases in the comments which will be added in the post.
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Hate Thy Neighbor: The Rise of Hindutva in India

On January 30th, Nathuram Godse assasinated Mohandas Gandhi, the founding father of India, as Mahatma Gandhi conducted a multi-faith prayer meeting because Godse saw him as too accommodating to Muslim interests. Nathuram Godse had long been a member of multiple Hindu nationalist organizations, although the most powerful the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) has disclaimed any assosciation with Godse. Hindu nationalism has deep roots in the politics and history of India stretching back to the 19th century. However, the salience of Hindutva has increased dramatically since the election of Narendra Modi in 2014, who has championed an aggressively Hindu nationalist political philosophy. Modi has succesfully asserted the Hindutva agenda by mass disenfranchisement of suspected undocumented people in the state of Assam, the construction of a temple to Ram in Ayodhya on the rubble of a mosque destroyed by Hindu mobs, and the stripping of the state of Kashmir its political autonomy. However, Hindu nationalism goes beyond just Modi. The purpose of today's podcast episode is to discuss the historical roots, and deep consequences of discrimination against Muslims in India.
Riots between Hindus and Muslims, especially where the overwhelming majority of deaths are among Muslims are not a new phenomenon in India. The city of Ahmedabad alone has seen three major waves of communal violence in 1969, 1985 and 2002 where approximately 500, 300 and 2,000 people, the overwhelming majority Muslim lost their lives. India has seen major riots both before and after elections. In recent years, we have seen the disturbing rise of lynchings by groups of vigilantes accusing Muslim men of slaughtering cows. Perhaps most disturbingly, the current Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, was Chief Minister of Gujarat at the time of the 2002 riots. Although there is no proof that he planned or had foreknowledge of the violence, he has maintained a conspicuous silence about the atrocities committed while he governed Gujarat. While violence between Hindus against Muslims is often described as the natural anger of the majority community against the minority community, there are many organizations such as the RSS, the VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad) and Bajrang Dal organizing people for violence.
Underlying this violence between Hindus and Muslims are dangerous logics of communal political and economic competition. The Hindutva movement has long tried to make Hindu identity the most salient identity. For instance, from the 1960s to the 1980s, large numbers of textile workers in the city of Ahmedabad lost their jobs due to government economic mismanagement. Hindu textile workers in general fared worse than their Muslim counterparts as Muslim textile workers tended to be more experienced and were better positioned to set up powerloom businesses. Hindutva agitators worked hard to cast these economic struggles in a communal perspective, and blame Muslims for rising poverty. Moreover, participating in political violence often strengthens identification with the Hindutva movement. In the aftermath of the 2002 riots, the Hindu nationalist BJP gained more votes in areas hit hardest by communal violence, and those police officers who allowed violence to continue consistently saw promotion.
There are economic factors behind these of violence as well. Violence against Muslims increases by 5% for every 1% reduction in the growth of Hindu incomes, while violence against Muslims increases dramatically as the economic gap between Hindus and Muslim decreases. The incomplete nature of Indian housing markets is especially relevant, as competition over rent controlled housing units has emerged as one of the most important drivers of Hindu Muslim violence as Muslims are often loathe to move away from rent from rent controlled units, while Hindus wish to acquire this property for themselves and their families. In some towns, such as Surat and many other coastal cities, community leaders worked to keep communal tensions at bay to protect businesses from violence. In many other places the desire to assert political, cultural and social superiority gets tightly wound together with economic motives, in order to ensure all conflict is seen as conflict between Hindus and Muslims.
Discrimination against Muslims extends beyond the violence they face from Hindu mobs. India's political and economic system allows for social mobility to those groups that are able to politically organize to grab them. Muslims have been at a disadvantage politically since the partition of India, when the majority of Muslim leadership supported Pakistan and emigrated to Pakistan. Between 1980 and 2019, the percent of India's parliament that was Muslim declined from 10% to 4% despite the fact the Muslim share of the population increased from 11.8% to 14.8% during this same period. There has only been one Muslim Chief Minister of a non-Muslim state so far. The BJP, India's primary Hindu nationalist party, rarely fields Muslim candidates for office due to their own Hindu nationalist ideology. Even secular give little political power. On one hand, secular parties fear being tarred as "appeasing" Muslim interests by Hindu nationalists if they are too closely associated with Muslims, while secular parties can be confident that Muslim voters have nowhere to go even if they largely ignore Muslim issues.
The lack of political power has real consequences for India's Muslim community. For example, India runs one of the largest systems of affirmitive action, known as reservations, in the world. However, Muslims have only recently gained limited access to reservations in 2011, although some states offer affirmative action at the state level. The low level of Muslim reservations is striking given many well off communities such as the Jats and Marathas have gained access to quotas showing that political power is more important than group socio-economic status when it comes reservations. The importance of lack of access to government jobs quotas become visible when one looks at Muslim struggles to get government jobs. Only 4% of public sector workers are Muslims, even though Muslims make up 14% of the Muslim population. Lack of access to government jobs is especially important because public sector jobs consistently pay more than double private sector jobs even after taking education into account. Moreover, there is substantial disparities in access to public infrastructure. For example, over 45% of Muslim majority villages have a bus stop, compared to 60% of non-Muslim majority villages, with similar disparities visible in many measures of public investment. Muslims face discrimination in the private sector as well, with formal employers three times more likely to reject identical resumes with Muslim names than Hindu ones, although other studies find no discrimination.
I do not want to exagerrate the extent to which Muslims face discrimination in India. Muslims on average have incomes only around 6% lower than the national average. Muslims tend to be better off than Hindus in much of the south and west of India, and in many rural areas. Muslims are in particular disproportionately successful as small and medium size business owners. However, looking in the aggregate it is clear that Muslims have faced consistent downward mobility, with this mobility more evident in education rather than income. At independence, Indian Muslims were similar to Hindus in their level of education. Today, their levels of education are below that of the average Dalit , with declining educational mobility especially concentrated among the children of poor Muslims.
The combination of deliberate discrimination, and downward socioeconomic mobility have had disastrous consequences for the Muslim community through the COVID-19 pandemic. India does not collect data on deaths by religion from COVID-19. Muslims make up a vastly disproportionate share of the urban poor, and it is the slums of India's megacities that have been hit hardest by COVID-19. For example, in Mumbai, one study of seroprevalence found that 57% of Mumbai slum dwellers had contracted COVID-19, compared to just 19% of non-slum population, with similar trends in other cities. Much of the Muslim concentration in slums can be explained by the systematic discrimination Muslims face in getting access to housing.
On top of this, Muslims have disproportionately faced the burden of Islamophobia through COVID-19. One of the first major superspreading occurred at a convention of the Tablighi Jamaat, a conservative Islamic missionary organization. While it is likely that the Tablighi Jamaat behaved irresponsibly, many Hindutva populations have made not just the Tablighi Jamaat, but the broader Muslim community, a scapegoat for the rise of COVID-19. Prominent politicians have accused Muslims of launching a Corona-Jihad, and misleading videos of Muslim street vendors deliberately spitting on fruit have gone viral. Hospitals have rejected Muslim patients, and many Muslims have faced abuse while getting treatment. Unsurprisingly, resentment has grown in the Muslim community, with public health workers in Juhapura, a ghetto created by Muslims fleeing the Ahmedabad riots of 2002, pelted with stones as they tried to enforce curfew laws.
The COVID-19 virus does not differentiate between Hindu and Muslim. Failure to contain COVID-19 in one community will inevitably lead to the spread of COVID-19 to other communities. Similarly, discrimination against Muslims will in the long run rebound against all Indians. Hindu nationalist political parties have gained substantial ground in Indian elections in recent years. If the dominance of parties not committed to secular ideals continues, it is likely structural discrimination against Muslims will be further entrenched.
Selected Sources: Communal Riots in Gujarat: Report of a Preliminary Investigation, Ghanshyam Shah From Gandhi to Violence: Ahmedabad's 1985 Riots in Historical Perspective, Howard Spodek The Political Logic of Ethnic Violence: The Anti-Muslim Pogrom in Gujarat, 2002 Raheel Dhattiwala and Michael Biggs The Rise of Hindu Nationalism in India: The Case Study ofAhmedabad in the 1980s, Ornit Shani Economic growth and ethnic violence: An empirical investigation of Hindu–Muslim riots in India , Anjali Bohlen, Ernest Sergenti IMPLICATIONS OF AN ECONOMIC THEORY OF CONFLICT: Hindu-Muslim Violence in India , ANIRBAN MITRA AND DEBRAJ RAY Segregation, Rent Control, and Riots: The Economics of Religious Conflict in an Indian City, Erica Field, Matthew Levinson, Rohini Pande, and Sujata Visaria "UNFINISHED BUSINESS" ETHNIC COMPLEMENTARITIES AND THE POLITICAL CONTAGION OF PEACE AND CONFLICT IN GUJARAT, Saumitra Jha Adjustment and Accommodation: Indian Muslims after Partition, Mushirul Hasan Political Economy of Demand for Quotas by Jats, Patels, and Marathas Dominant or Backward? , Ashwin Deshpande WAGE DIFFERENTIALS BETWEEN THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTORS IN INDIA, Elena Glinskaya and Michael Lokshin The Legacy of Social Exclusion A Correspondence Study of Job Discrimination in India, Sukhadeo Thorat Labor market discrimination in Delhi: Evidence from a field experiment, Abhijit Banerjee , Marianne Bertrandy , Saugato Dattaz , Sendhil Mullainathan Wealth Inequality, Class and Caste in India, 1951-2012, Nitin Kumar Bharti Sachar Commission Report, Sachar Commission Intergenerational Mobility in India: Estimates from New Methods and Administrative Data, Sam Asher Paul Novosas Vidya, Veda, and Varna: The Influence of Religion and Caste on Education in Rural India, Vani Boorah, Sriya Iyer For whom does the phone (not) ring? Discrimination in the rental housing market in Delhi, India, Saugatta Datta
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