Gambling Laws in Costa Rica - Online Gambling Jurisdictions

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Costa Rica Online Casino

Costa Rica is considered to be one of the most popular jurisdictions that offer online gambling licensing. Moreover, the territory boasts of the best telecommunication system, multilingual employees in the sphere and not very tough regulation. Now Costa Rica has over 200 online casino licensees. 스포츠토토결과 According to its legislation, the act of wagering occurs not in the place where servers are physically located. For that reason Costa Rican licensees can offer online casino services to players all round the world on a legal basis. Costa Rica has a very limited scope of laws and regulations dealing with online gambling. Online casino companies are not subjected to regular testing and monitoring, which means that online gambling operators are self-regulated enterprises.
submitted by gherlykhim to u/gherlykhim [link] [comments]

PSA: Countries and their gambling bans

Favor for the GTA Reddit of the day.
Kudos to - and various Redditors for input. I have removed those fields that are just for 'Land Based' as they should allow online gambling alright. Some have very odd laws and will need tested.

Notable edits - Originally the USA was added to this, it is illegal to gamble in Hawaii and Utah for example but the casino seems to function as normal there. There are a few countries as well that have gambling laws but again GTA's seems to duck underneath these. I'm not an enforcer of the law, nor am I a solicitor but common sense would lead me to say if GTA is allowing you to do it then you shouldn't have to worry about anything. If you cannot access the Casino games, VPN's are a known work around but this could net you in trouble. I won't be assisting players on where to find those (various comments have so far) but be warned it is to be used at your own discretion.
submitted by SlapshotTommy to gtaonline [link] [comments]

A Timeline of a Different Cold War - The Heir Apparent: The Legacy of Henry Wallace

A Timeline of a Different Cold War - The Heir Apparent: The Legacy of Henry Wallace
(This is work in progress) Hope you enjoy inventive timelines ;)
The Heir Apparent: The Legacy of Henry Wallace

US and Soviet Leaders
Cold War Circa 2016
Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, 1st Man on the Moon
July 19-21, 1944: Under pressure from FDR, and the re-energized Left in the party, the DNC relents and Henry Wallace is renominated as Roosevelt’s VP for 1944 General Election.

July 21, 1944 - The United States military begins to retake the island of Guam after Japanese troops had occupied the island during World War II. The battle would end on August 10.

November 6, 1944 - The last campaign speech of Franklin D. Roosevelt, seeking his fourth term in office, is broadcast from his Hyde Park, New York home. One day later, Roosevelt would gain that fourth term by a significant, but smaller margin than any of his previous elections, especially in the popular vote where Thomas Dewey lost by only three and one half million votes. The Electoral College margin, however, at 399 to 132, ensured Roosevelt good footing in the final prosecution of World War II.

December 18, 1944 - The United States Supreme Court rules in the case of Korematsu vs. the United States, the wartime internment of Japanese Americans on the West Coast was valid during a time of war.

February 4-11, 1945 - President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and Premier Josef Stalin hold the Yalta Conference in the Soviet Union to discuss post-war Europe. Stalin meets with VP Henry Wallace many times during the conference, with FDR's health clearly failing, Stalin comes to believe that Wallace is someone that will be just as accomodating as FDR, if not more. FDR & Wallace want to prioritize the Pacific Theater and agree with Stalin to halt at the Wessen River in exchange for full Soviet commitment to routing the Japanese from the Asian mainland. This works out greatly to the benefit of the Soviet post-war position.

February 19, 1945 - Thirty thousand United States Marines land on Iwo Jima.

March 1, 1945 - American troops cross the Rhine River at Remagen, Germany. Two weeks later, on March 18, twelve hundred and fifty U.S. bombers attack Berlin, causing Adolf Hitler to announce the destruction of his own industries and military installations one day later in preparation for invasion. US forces advance eastward until they halted at the Wesser River as agreed at Yalta.

April 1, 1945 - American troops invade Okinawa, beginning the Battle of Okinawa, which would continue until June 21.

April 12, 1945 - President Roosevelt dies suddenly; Vice President Henry Wallace assumes the presidency and role as commander in chief for the duration of World War II.

May 2, 1945 – The Red Army captures Berlin following the suicide of Hitler and other Nazi leaders in a secret bunker. The Werhmacht continues fighting the Red Army east of the Wesser River.

May 17, 1945 - Wehrmacht High Command surrenders after their lines collapse allowing the Soviets to advance to the River Wesser. Soviet and US allies meet at Wilhelm Kaisen bridge in Bremen and fraternize with each other in celebration.

May 21, 1945 - The unconditional surrender of Germany at Reims, France concludes the military engagements of World War II in Europe. It is accepted by General Dwight D. Eisenhower in his role as the commander of Allied troops in the European theater of the war.

July 5, 1945 - In a surpise landslide, Labor wins the UK election. Despite the popularity of Churchill as a leader, the electorate did not want the Tories in charge of the recovery as they were for the previous depression recovery. President Wallace reaffirms America's special relationship with the UK and welcomes the renewed shift to the left.

July 16, 1945 - The first atomic bomb, the Trinity Test, is exploded at Alamogordo, New Mexico, after its production at Los Alamos.

August 2, 1945 - The Potsdam Conference concludes with the UK rather sidelined and the US, represented by Wallace, largely indifferent to Soviet expansion. The biggest change from Yalta, was the the abandonment of seperate zones of control for Berlin and Vienna while retaining the zones for Germany as a whole. Wallace was mosty focused on ensuring full Soviet cooperation with other allies regarding empowering the Allied Control Commission to make systemic changes in Germany. Within 5 years Germany would become more agrarian and lose most heavy manfucaturing capacity in favor of light manufacturing. Most significantly Potsdam established Denazification and the War Crimes Tribunal at Nuremburg.

August 6, 1945 - After much debate with the top brass, President Henry Wallace refuses to give the go-ahead for the use of the atomic bomb, citing such devastation would only harden the Japanese will to resist. He is also keen to keep the Soviets from discovering America’s atomic weapons project for both diplomatic and national security reasons. Operation Downfall is initiated instead as the official war plan to force the Japanese surrender by invasion of their home islands.
September 4, 1945 – Soviet forces capture Sakhalin and Kuril Islands, and then commit their forces to pushing remnant Japanese forces out of Manchuria. Communist movements greatly benefit from Soviet patronage in Korea and China.

September 19, 1945 - Thomas G. Corcoran is narrowly confirmed a justice of the Supreme Court by the Senate.

October 4, 1945 - The Soviets begin a secret atomic weapons program of their own after discovering the success of the US atomic bomb project through the spy operation of Julius Rosenberg, Klaus Fuchs and David Greenglass. It would be decades before knowledge of the spy ring in the US would come to light.

October 30, 1945 - Soviets recruit Wernher von Braun and nearly a thousand other engineers and scientists into the Soviet rocket program greatly benefiting their long-sustained lead in the future Space Race.

November 14, 1945 – Operation Olympic begins with the invasion of Kyushu from the south coast by forces staged in Okinawa. Despite massive preparatory bombardment, the landings becomes the most deadly battle yet for American forces in WW2. Near total casualty rate is reported for the first wave of American troops.

January 3, 1946 – Second Phase of Olympic is executed with a smaller invasion of the island of Shikoku. Aerial bombardment, staged from Kyushu and the fleet, intensifies across Japan.

January 10, 1946 - The first meeting of the United Nations general assembly occurs after its founding on October 24, 1945 by fifty-one nations, including the Security Council nations of China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.A.

March 18, 1946 – Operation Coronet begins with the amphibious invasion of the Kanto plain and setting the Siege of Tokyo. Concurrently, US forces invade the Honshu coast from Kyushu and Shikoku.

June 6, 1946 - The Basketball Association of America, known as the National Basketball Association (NBA) since 1949 after its merger with the rival National Basketball League, is founded.

June 12, 1946 – Tokyo falls to US forces. Soviet forces invade Hokkaido as US forces fight northward against hold-outs.

June 20, 1946 - Wallace's second appointment to the Supreme Court, Fred M. Vinson, enjoyed more support in the Senate, thanks to majority leader Harry S. Truman for appealing to the center of the Democratic Party.

July 4, 1946 - The island nation of the Philippines is given their independence by the United States. This ends four hundred and twenty-five years of dominance by the west.

February 24, 1947 – Japan surrenders to the US by order of Emperor Hirohito, in return for protection, fearing Soviet control of a Post-War Japan. Days later US and Soviet forces meet at the 38th parallel and exchange diplomatic courtesies. Japan is divided by two occupation governments, Soviet-occupied "North Japan" (called the Democratic Republic of Japan) and US-Occupied "South" Japan.

190,000 Americans died in the battle. Millions of Japanese died during the fighting and resulting famines and guerilla insurgency during the post-war occupation.

March 1, 1947 - The Atomic Energy Commission is established.

March 12, 1947 - The Wallace Doctrine is announced to the U.S. Congress. When passed it would grant $700 million in humanitarian aid to liberal or socialist democracies. President Henry Wallace implements the act on May 22. During the bill signing ceremony, President Wallace argued for cooperation—not cold war—with the Soviet Union, setting the future course of US-Soviet diplomatic relations.

April 15, 1947 - Jackie Robinson breaks Major League Baseball's barrier against colored players when he debuts at first base for Branch Rickey's Brooklyn Dodgers.

June 5, 1947 - Secretary of State George C. Marshall proposes aid extension to all European nations for war recovery, known as the Marshall Plan, which would lead to Congressional approval of $14 billion over the following four years.

June 20, 1947 – Democrats in Congress, rallied by President Wallace, vote down the Taft-Hartley Labor Act that would have curbed strikes and sectoral collective bargaining.

December 30, 1947 - King Michael I, a westernized monarch, was forced to abdicate his throne at gunpoint by communist partisans. Romania was thereafter declared a socialist republic.

January 1, 1948 - Five hundred thousand mine workers begin to strike, with other industries following their lead in solidarity, particularly the Railroad. This was a result of built up grievances that were suppressed by the wartime “No-Strike Pledge”. Wallace responds days later with an order to nationalize the nation’s iron and coal mines and then implement worker demands.

April 1, 1948 - US convinced UK to make assurances that the decision to replace the Reichsmark would be quashed after a diplomatic row erupted with the USSR that threatened the post-war cooperative order. The German debt crisis will remain acute for the next decade. Despite earlier threats by the Soviets the West-East German border remains open.

April 30, 1948 - The Organization of American States is founded by twenty-one nations to provide a mutual development pact after World War II. Founding nations were Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the United States, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

May 15, 1948 - Arab-Israeli War commence after the declaration of independece by Israel.

June 2, 1948 - President Wallaces decision to nationalize coal and iron mines is ruled legal by the U.S. Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision, Peabody Coal Co vs US, expanding eminent domain power for "national security" purposes.

June 19, 1948 - Josip Broz Tito breaks with Moscow over growing Soviet interference over the Yugoslavian Communist Party. This tests the post-war unity amongst socialist nations and the USSR by starting the Non-Aligned Movement.

July 26, 1948 - Executive Order 9976, ending segregation in the United States military and federal civil service, is signed into effect by President Henry Wallace to the anger of many Southern Democrats.

August 12, 1948 - Infighting between Irgun and Soviet-backed partisans collapses the Ben-Guirion coaltion, and divides the IDF forces into separate militia factions. This causes the Israelis much delay in countering the Arab incursion.

November 2, 1948 - President Henry Wallace, and his VP Rexford Tugwell, rallies from behind, capturing his first president election from the presumptive winner Thomas E. Dewey, the governor of New York. Headlines in national newspapers had overtly announced a Dewey victory, only to be proven wrong. Wallace won the Electoral College vote with 283 to Dewey's 200, with Strom Thurmond, running as the States' Rights candidate, receiving 48 Electoral votes. Wallace won the election with 50.1% of the popular votes.

Wallace, in contrast to Dewey, saw unchecked private wealth as a threat to liberty. The “common man,” he argued, must “have the opportunity to form unions and bargain through them collectively.” Citing “Herr Thyssen, the wealthy German steel man” who “gave Hitler enough money to enable him to play on the minds of the German people,” Wallace warned of “wealthy men who sincerely believe that their wealth is likely to be safer if they can hire tyrants who lure the people back into slavery.”

Much throughout his campaign Wallace resisted Dewey's call for an American dominated post-war world order to counter the communist philosophy of the Soviet Union. Wallace's election was a rebuke to the concept of "American Exceptionalism". The implication was that global progress would flow from a partnership of nations, each of which boasted traditions of liberty, rather than domination by an America that would, as Wallace put it, “mold the world for such purposes as we see fit and by such means as we see fit.”

“Some have spoken of the ‘American century,’” he noted in his victory speech, but “I say that the century on which we are entering—the century which will come into being after this war—can be and must be the Century of the Common Man.”

December 15, 1948 - Alger Hiss, former State Department official, is indicted for perjury in connection to denials of passing state secrets to a communist spy ring. He would later be found not guilty in January 1950. It was perceived by the general public to be a partisan swipe at the Wallace administration.

January 5, 1949 - The 1st Indo-Pakistani War concludes in a stalemate with Kasmir divided along the Line of Control.

January 8, 1949 - Council for Mutual Economic Assistance is founded by the Soviet Union to aid European nations still recovering from World War II to develop infrastructure, this is the Soviet response to the Marshall plan and generates much support among left-wing parties in Western Europe.

February 9, 1949 - The last confirmed resistance militia in Japan was defeated after a battle with US soldiers. This ends the small insurgency by Shintaisei diehards against US forces occupying Japan.

March 2, 1949 - Captain James Gallagher lands the B-50 Lucky Lady II in Texas after completing the first around-the-world non-stop airplane flight. It was refueled four times in flight.

April 2, 1949 - The United Nations Security Council unanimously approves the trusteeship of Pacific Islands formerly controlled by Japan to the United States.
April 4, 1949 - ETO, the European Treaty Organization, is formed by the ten Western European nations (Belgium, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal). The treaty stated that any attack against one nation would be considered an attack against them all. Henry Wallace refuses to commit the US to a “post-war, Eurocentric, military alliance” and denounces it as a unnecessary provocation toward our Soviet allies.

May 8, 1949 - A stalemate ends the Arab-Israeli War, despite an energenic Israeli counter-offensive that regained control over most of the Jewish Mandate borders and the Gaza Strip. Much of Arab Palastine including the entire West Bank is annexed by Trans-Jordan and Lebanon. The USSR has gained much clout with both nations due to its generous aid during the war.

August 18, 1949 - Due to his impressive record at Nuremburg, and commitment to desegregation and racial justice as Attorney General, the Senate soundly confirms Henry Wallace's 3rd nominee, Francis Biddle, to the Supreme Court.

August 29, 1949 - the Soviet Union secretly conducted its first successful atomic weapon test in Kazahkstan. Stalin decides that this must be kept a secret to ensure good diplomatic relations with the United States.

September 22, 1949 - Mao Zedong's Communists are victorious over the Koumintang in the Chinese Civil War and the People's Republic of China is founded on October 1st. The US, UK and France refuse to recognize the People's Republic, and despite Soviet protest, the Republic of China will retain its seat on the UN Security Council indefinitely.

October 4, 1949 - Earl Warren is appointed to Supreme Court by President Wallace after the death of Justice Rutledge.

October 7, 1949 - Tokyo Rose, the femme fatale of Japanese war broadcasts, is sentenced to ten years in prison. She would be paroled in 1956 and pardoned in 1977.

October 14, 1949 - Eleven leaders of the United States Communist party are convicted of advocating a violent insurrection and overthrow of the U.S. government. The Supreme Court would overturn the convictions 6-3 on June 4, 1951.

October 16, 1949 - In a stunning reversal of fortunes, thanks to generous aid and support by the Soviet Army, the Communist Party of Greece wins the Greek Civil War. Markos Vafeiadis establishes the Democratic Hellenic Republic and purges the monarchy and royal family. This encourages Turkey to pursue closer ties with the West and actively surpress communist influence at home.

November 1, 1949 – President Wallace signs into law a program, modeled after the Montgomery G.I. Bill, to provide college tuition to any person who has been accepted to an accredited public university or trade school.
World of 1950

January 14, 1950 - The United States recalls all consular officials from China after the seizure of the American consul general in Peking by communists. The Soviet Union intervenes diplomatically on behalf of the US to guarantee the safety of US citizens.

January 17, 1950 - The Brinks robbery in Boston occurs when eleven masked bandits steal $2.8 million from an armored car outside their express office.

April 1, 1950 – After President Wallace signed the Medicare Act into law, the US began implementing its first national health insurance program guaranteeing medical coverage for all Americans, subject to added premiums for wealthier citizens.

June 8, 1950 - Swedish scientists detect abnormal radioactivity in air samples, when shared with US government scientists the DOD begins to suspect that the USSR has been actively testing atomic weapons. This assessment is made Top Secret by the president and not released to the public until decades later.

February 28, 1951 - Preliminary report from the Senator Estes Kefauver investigation that had begun in May 1950 into organized crime is issued, stating that gambling take was in excess of $20 billion per year. Estes Kefauver spurred a renewed effort at combating the Mafia by passing new federal racketeering and forfeiture laws.

April 16, 1951 - The Fair Labor Standards Act is expanded by congress to require overtime pay for work performed on federal holidays and also establishes election day as a paid federal holiday.
September 6, 1951 – President Wallace hosts Josef Stalin at the White House for the first ever state visit by a Soviet leader to the United States. The meeting was heavily criticized by Republicans as a tacit acceptance of global communism.

October 25, 1951 - Labor holds their majority in the UK parliment after snap elections, President Wallace made a public endorsement for Clement Attlee and his Labor Party and their platform of economic justice. Labor will hold this majority until 1970.

February 14, 1952 - The 1952 Winter Olympics open in Helsinki, Finland with thirty participating nations. During these games, the first triple jump in figure skating history is performed by Dick Button, who won one of the four gold medals gained by U.S. athletes.

April 8, 1952 - President Wallace authorizes the nationalization of US steel mills in order to avert economic disruption by a another strike. Opponents deride Wallace as a “Socialist Tyrant”.

July 18, 1952 - Congress founds the National Airlines as a public-owned monopoly on commercial air service. Smaller air companies can still contract with the National Airlines to fill gaps in essential services between small airports. Air traffic control and airport ownership also fall under federal ownership.

September 4, 1952 - The inauguration of trans-continental television occurs with the broadcast of President Wallace's speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco. The treaty would be signed on September 8 by the U.S., Japan, and forty-seven other nations. The conditions of the treaty allow the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy to continue within limits as counterweight to the Japanese People’s Army (JPA). The parties also sign the US-Japan Mutual Defense Pact assuring South Japan that the US will provide a defense gaurentee against any agression by the Communist North. It also preserves the Imperial Family’s role in government.

November 1, 1952 - At Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, a larger atomic bomb, named Able, is exploded. US atomic weapons continue to remain a secret to the general public and the vast majority of nations.

November 4, 1952 - General Dwight D. Eisenhower, popular due to his role in winning World War II as European commander, turns down an offer to be the Republican nominee. President Wallace announces that he will run for a third and final term in office, as the recently passed 25th amendment doesn't apply to the current president. Henry Wallace remains as extremely popular as his predecessor and eventually trounces Robert A Taft, securing an mandate for a third expansion of the New Deal and continued peace with the Soviet Union. The Electoral College vote was 349 to 182.

June 5, 1953 – The first federal public education funding program is passed and signed into law. The Act will create block grants to support poor primary and secondary schools and provides extensive funding for science education.

June 17, 1953 - Food shortages, pay cuts and tensions over Soviet occupation lead to riots across East Germany. The uprising is swiftly put down by Soviet troops.

July 23, 1953 - Gamal Abdel Nasser takes power in a coup in Egypt and his Pan-Arab movement aligns itself with the Soviet Union after accepting foreign aid.

July 24, 1953 – The Atoms for Peace initiative begins to improve atomic power technology for civilian use by researching powerful atomic batteries, developing an emission-free nuclear energy economy, and improving agriculture through radiation-based gene manipulation. Henry Wallace successfully lobbied Congress to fund his initiative and to pass a law to indemnify atomic power plants leading to the Atomic Industrial Revolution in America.

August 19, 1953 - Operation Ajax is presented to Wallace and he admonishes the intelligence community for even suggesting something so damaging to US foreign policy. Mossadegh is not overthrown and continues to rule Iran on a social-democratic platform.

October 30, 1953 - President Henry Wallace approves a bill to reduce the size of the US military by 30% and to reduce naval tonnage in half. President Wallace also decided to secretly end US atomic weapons production by executive order. US stockpile was about 430 warheads.

December 30, 1953 - The first color televisions go on sale.

January 26, 1954 - Bell Labs discontinues research into transistors in favor of miniturizing vacuum tubes and developing atomic-derived portable power sources.

February 23, 1954 - The first large scale vaccination of children against polio begins in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

March 4, 1954 - Henry Wallace appoints Senator Estes Kefauver as Justice to replace the late Justice Vinson, and is confirmed by his colleagues.

May 17, 1954 - Racial segregation in public schools is declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court in Brown vs. the Board of Education. The ruling of the court stated that racial segregation violated the 14th Amendment's clause that guaranteed equal protection. The Monroe School in Topeka, Kansas had segregated Linda Brown in its classes.

July 18, 1954 - After protracted legal disputes with medical providers threatening to undermine the Medicare system, Henry Wallace rallies Congress to give him the power to nationalize for-profit hospitals under the National Health System.

August 19, 1954 - Another series of protracted disputes resulting from the Phillips Petroleum Co. v. Wisconsin case, which upheld federal price controls on oil and gas producers, the oil companies collude to restrict production and instigate lock-outs. This was met with an Act of Congress authorizing President Wallace to nationalize the oil and gas industry.

September 8, 1954 - In Bangkok, Thailand, the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization is formed by the U.S., Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, France, the Philippines, Pakistan, and Thailand, creating a mutual defense pact against Red China.

In 1954, Ray Kroc founds the idea for the McDonald's corporation, agreeing to franchise the idea of Dick and Mac McDonald, who had started the first McDonald's restaurant in 1940 and had eight restaurants by 1954. Kroc would incorporate the entity on March 2, 1955 and open his first franchise on April 15 in Des Plaines, Illinois. He would buy out the McDonald's brothers in 1961.
submitted by Mr_Haw_Haw to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

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Access to the casino

How do I access the casino games? Do I have to be certain lvl? I'm new so idk, every time I get close to a machine it says this feature is not available for you, a quick search on Google says its because of regional bans, is it banned in Costa Rica? I'm sure gambling is legal here
submitted by ManoloTico98 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: worldnews top posts from 2014-12-17 to 2020-01-31 22:59 PDT

Period: 1871.34 days
Submissions Comments
Total 997 491307
Rate (per day) 0.53 262.47
Unique Redditors 583 204145
Combined Score 73897979 111652302

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 6733557 points, 92 submissions: maxwellhill
    1. Churchill's grandson slams Trump for skipping cemetery visit because of weather: "They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen," Soames tweeted (150308 points, 8064 comments)
    2. Internet Defenders Urge Mass Revolt to Fight FCC's "Scorched-Earth" Attack on Net Neutrality: "FCC Pai is handing over the internet to a few humongous gatekeepers who see the rest of us as products to be delivered to advertisers, not as citizens needing communications that serve democracy's needs.' (145858 points, 4052 comments)
    3. Bill Gates, the world's second-richest person behind Jeff Bezos, wants rich people to pay higher taxes: “We've updated our tax system before to keep up with changing times, and we need to do it again, starting with raising taxes on people like me." (111904 points, 8519 comments)
    4. Top Iranian Presidential Adviser Says Tehran's 'Sole Problem is Trump,' Not Average American People: "We have zero problems with the American people. We even achieved deals with previous US administrations. Our sole problem is Trump," Ashena said (107605 points, 8914 comments)
    5. Senate defies Trump, passes historic resolution to end US support for Saudi Arabia in Yemen war (106486 points, 4255 comments)
    6. Cambridge Analytica dismantled for good? Nope: It just changed its name to Emerdata (103112 points, 1762 comments)
    7. Trump accused of hypocrisy for ordering the potentially inflammatory killing of a top Iranian general, after a series of tweets emerged from 2011 of him saying former president Obama would start a war with Iran in order to get re-elected (102595 points, 6946 comments)
    8. Ships owned by cruise giant - Carnival Corporation - emit 10 times more air pollution than all of Europe’s cars (98696 points, 4192 comments)
    9. Tesla quietly shipping hundreds of battery packs to be paired with solar panels to Puerto Rico ever since the storm cleared: Tesla employees are currently installing the batteries and repairing solar systems, as well as coordinating efforts with local organizations. (96344 points, 2880 comments)
    10. Less Than 24 Hours After Saying 'Time to Bring 'Em Home,' Trump Orders 1,800 US Troops to Saudi Arabia: "Remember when Donald Trump tweeted that he was 'trying to end the endless wars?' That was yesterday." (88617 points, 4148 comments)
  2. 2307007 points, 34 submissions: ManiaforBeatles
    1. Facebook’s only Dutch factchecker has quit over the social network’s refusal to allow them to highlight political lies as being false. “What is the point of fighting fake news if you are not allowed to tackle politicians?” Hoekman asked. (83974 points, 2700 comments)
    2. 61% of Canadians want government to take action on climate change even if economy suffers: poll (82310 points, 3639 comments)
    3. The UK government has said households that install solar panels in the future will be expected to give away unused clean power for free to energy firms earning multimillion-pound profits, provoking outrage from green campaigners. (81000 points, 3780 comments)
    4. Ridicule and disbelief as Boris Johnson insists he's never told a single lie in his whole political career - 'He was sacked twice for lying. So when he says he has never lied, he’s literally lying,' says Liberal Democrat Jo Swinson (78640 points, 2668 comments)
    5. UK School cancels play about Darwin and evolution after Christian parents complain - It has provoked anger among other families who call the decision 'shameful' (75030 points, 4522 comments)
    6. Endangered rhino numbers ‘soar by 1,000%’ in Tanzania after crackdown on poaching gangs - And elephant populations have risen by nearly half in five years, thanks to a blitz on illegal ivory hunters, the president’s office said. (74549 points, 751 comments)
    7. Older generations receiving £150,000 more in ‘welfare dividend’ than millenials, UK think tank claims - "Young people have been short-changed by a lack of decent pay growth, a lack of decent, affordable homes, and a state that expects them to pay more in order to receive less." (74366 points, 5904 comments)
    8. David Attenborough has highlighted Australia as an “extraordinary” example of a country where people in power remained climate change deniers despite the country facing some of the worst effects of global heating. (73499 points, 3215 comments)
    9. Six crows trained to pick up cigarette ends and rubbish will be put to work next week at a French historical theme park, according to its president - Birds will be rewarded with food every time they bring a cigarette butt or other rubbish, says manager (73377 points, 2441 comments)
    10. Student in Peru makes history by writing thesis in the Incas’ language - A doctoral student in Peru has made history by becoming the first person to write and defend a thesis in Quechua – the language of the Incas, which is still spoken by millions of people in the Andes. (73050 points, 1616 comments)
  3. 909846 points, 11 submissions: mvea
    1. Justin Trudeau Is ‘Very Concerned’ With FCC’s Plan to Roll Back Net Neutrality: “We need to continue to defend net neutrality” (136712 points, 5176 comments)
    2. Puerto Rico's governor says 'let's talk' after Elon Musk says Tesla can rebuild the island's power grid (96461 points, 5293 comments)
    3. Elon Musk leads 116 experts calling for outright ban on killer robots - Open letter signed by Tesla chief and Google’s Mustafa Suleyman urges UN to block use of lethal autonomous weapons to prevent third age of war (91487 points, 4864 comments)
    4. 'We're trying to go all in': Chocolate giant Mars pledges $1 billion to fight climate change (89569 points, 3585 comments)
    5. France passes law to ban all oil and gas production by 2040 (86772 points, 2530 comments)
    6. Canada decides the F-word is not taboo for radio listeners' ears - Country’s broadcast watchdog rules that the word is now so commonplace that it is no longer as vulgar as it once was (83649 points, 2932 comments)
    7. Feeding cows seaweed could slash global greenhouse gas emissions, researchers say: "They discovered adding a small amount of dried seaweed to a cow's diet can reduce the amount of methane a cow produces by up to 99 per cent." (71441 points, 4018 comments)
    8. Sikhs aim to plant million trees as 'gift to the planet' - Global project will mark 550 years since birth of religion’s founder, Guru Nanak (68041 points, 1957 comments)
    9. At least seven patients in Beijing who doctors said had “no hope” of regaining consciousness were re-evaluated by an artificial intelligence system that predicted they would awaken within a year. They did. (67009 points, 1034 comments)
    10. EU will remain top investor against climate change, in defiance of Donald Trump's policies - 'We, Europeans, must lead the free world against climate sceptics' (61324 points, 5316 comments)
  4. 897473 points, 14 submissions: madazzahatter
    1. 'I am ready to stand for my principles': Double world chess champion says she won't defend titles in Saudi Arabia because of kingdom's inequality. The Ukrainian, 27, will not travel to Saudi Arabia, where she wouldn't even be allowed to walk down the street unaccompanied. (82681 points, 3426 comments)
    2. The Trump administration withdrew the United States from an international effort to fight corruption on Thursday that targeted revenue from oil and natural gas initiative that requires member nations to disclose their revenues from oil, gas, and mining assets. (78224 points, 4150 comments)
    3. Mass arrests resulted on Saturday as thousands of people and members of the 'Extinction Rebellion' movement—for "the first time in living memory"—shut down the five main bridges of central London in the name of saving the planet, and those who live upon it. (67737 points, 6199 comments)
    4. Federal government says it will not consider decriminalizing drugs beyond marijuana, despite calls from Canada’s major cities to consider measure. Montreal and Toronto are echoing Vancouver and urging government to treat drug use as public health issue, rather than criminal one. (66120 points, 4563 comments)
    5. 2018 worst year on record for violence and abuse against journalists, with at least 80 killed in connection with work, further 348 imprisoned and 60 held hostage, according to Reporters Without Borders...figures suggest more than half of journalists killed in 2018 were deliberately targeted. (64639 points, 1969 comments)
    6. Costa Rica's newly elected President Carlos Alvarado has announced a nationwide ban on fossil fuels, part of his ambitious plans to create a decarbonized society. "We have the titanic and beautiful task of abolishing the use of fossil fuels." (63410 points, 1652 comments)
    7. Indian brothel owners get first life sentence for trafficking children: Two Indian brothel owners have been jailed for life for the trafficking, rape and sexual abuse of children, an unprecedented sentence in a country where fewer than two in five trafficking cases ends in a conviction. (63146 points, 2264 comments)
    8. Facebook has been criticised for allowing a 16-year-old child bride in South Sudan to be auctioned off to the highest bidder on its platform. Her father received 500 cows, two luxury cars, two bikes, a boat, some mobile phones and $13,800 in exchange for his daughter. (62285 points, 3965 comments)
    9. Vietnamese activist jailed for 14 years for live-streaming protest against steel plant’s pollution: The US$10.6 billion steel complex discharged toxins such as cyanide and phenol during a test run in April 2016, killing massive amounts of fish and other sea life along more than 200km of coastline. (61793 points, 1961 comments)
    10. The extreme heatwaves and wildfires wreaking havoc around the globe are “the face of climate change,” one of the world’s leading climate scientists has declared, with the impacts of global warming now “playing out in real time.” (59842 points, 5932 comments)
  5. 800567 points, 11 submissions: anutensil
    1. 'We Don't Know a Planet Like This': CO2 Levels Hit 415 PPM for 1st Time in 3 Million+ Yrs - "How is this not breaking news on all channels all over the world?" (126879 points, 10666 comments)
    2. Donald Trump to strip all funding from State Dept team promoting women's rights around the world - Leaked plan comes as First Daughter Ivanka defends her father's record with women (79098 points, 9071 comments)
    3. 20 Tons Of Nutella Stolen From Truck In Germany - Police are looking out for over $80,000 of sweet contraband. “Anyone offered large quantities of chocolate via unconventional channels should report it to the police immediately.” (74006 points, 2597 comments)
    4. Google will soon ban fake news sites from using its ad network - Cutting off their revenue streams (71691 points, 4627 comments)
    5. Donald Trump claims he has 'absolute right to pardon myself' (71160 points, 9496 comments)
    6. Australia plans random drug tests for people receiving welfare (69614 points, 9919 comments)
    7. The National Rifle Association Has Deep Ties to Accused Russian Spy Maria Butina - Here is the years’ worth of evidence. (64520 points, 6406 comments)
    8. After Epstein, Prince Andrew Left Out in The Christmas Cold - Prince Andrew’s humiliation is complete as he is banned from attending the traditional 11am Christmas day church service. (64165 points, 2937 comments)
    9. Russian Whistleblower Assassinated After Uncovering $200 Billion Dirty Money Scandal - Andrei Kozlov was gunned down in 2006, weeks after trying to shutter the world’s biggest money-laundering scam—one reportedly used by Putin’s family & the FSB. (61563 points, 2189 comments)
    10. Families of 44 dead submarine crew react with fury as Argentine Navy confirms an explosion was recorded last week when it vanished - One widow branded the Navy "perverse b******s" for allowing family members to continue to believe their loved ones could be found alive. (59466 points, 2696 comments)
  6. 784097 points, 10 submissions: green_flash
    1. Germany ends all arms sales to Saudi Arabia (121590 points, 3080 comments)
    2. Norway has issued a threat to Brazil that if rising deforestation in the Amazon rainforest is not reversed, its billion-dollar financial assistance to Brazil’s Amazon fund will fall to zero. (101114 points, 3212 comments)
    3. Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has proposed that Europe should impose a carbon tax on American imports if Donald Trump pulls the United States out of the Paris climate pact. (94099 points, 9310 comments)
    4. Kiwi tourists urged not to ride elephants in Thailand: "A female elephant will be shot and then its baby is captured," Intrepid Travel co-founder Geoff Manchester says. "That baby is then tortured until it's willing to submit to humans and it's then trained to do elephant riding." (88155 points, 3488 comments)
    5. Doctors in Italy reacted with outrage Monday after the country’s new populist government approved its first piece of anti-vax legislation (68467 points, 4862 comments)
    6. 'Homosexuality is not an illness': Germany plans to ban conversion therapy this year, health minister announces (65377 points, 3773 comments)
    7. Canada is running out of marijuana two days after it became legal (64765 points, 3158 comments)
    8. Trump signs largest arms deal in American history with Saudi Arabia despite warnings from human rights advocates that the deal risks making the US complicit in war crimes committed by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen. (62121 points, 6188 comments)
    9. More than 41,000 people will run the London Marathon on Sunday. When they reach mile 23, they'll be handed edible pods made of seaweed extracts instead of a plastic water bottle. (61176 points, 2236 comments)
    10. Duterte is Assassinating Opponents Under the Cover of the Drug War, Philippine Rights Groups Say (57233 points, 1986 comments)
  7. 769693 points, 11 submissions: pipsdontsqueak
    1. Trump signs bill backing Hong Kong protesters into law, in spite of Beijing's objections (116988 points, 7325 comments)
    2. US appeals court upholds suspension of Trump travel ban (89379 points, 15436 comments)
    3. Catalonia has 'won right to statehood' (73496 points, 11110 comments)
    4. Maria Butina pleads guilty, is first Russian national convicted of seeking to influence U.S. policy around time of 2016 election (64211 points, 3188 comments)
    5. Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries in Oval Office meeting (62671 points, 13491 comments)
    6. Russians charged over election tampering (62553 points, 4784 comments)
    7. Trump says Singapore summit with North Korea leader Kim is cancelled (62111 points, 10940 comments)
    8. Theresa May's Brexit deal suffers second defeat in UK Parliament (61055 points, 7906 comments)
    9. In historic first, sitting US and North Korean leaders meet face-to-face (60626 points, 11461 comments)
    10. South Africa's President Zuma resigns (58442 points, 2997 comments)
  8. 757952 points, 11 submissions: AdamCannon
    1. U.S. ambassador to Panama resigns because he can 'no longer work for Trump'. (105396 points, 6908 comments)
    2. Elephant poachers shot dead by rangers at wildlife reserve in Kenya. (93011 points, 4342 comments)
    3. The U.S. has officially quit the UN Human Rights Council. (84229 points, 10580 comments)
    4. Wildlife poachers in Kenya 'to face death penalty.' (66189 points, 2602 comments)
    5. Puerto Rico introduces bill to become U.S. state by 2021. (62019 points, 6031 comments)
    6. Facebook now says up to 87 million users may have had their data leaked to Cambridge Analytica. (59792 points, 2619 comments)
    7. Russian billionaire 'loses half his fortune' after 'divorcing Vladimir Putin's daughter'. (58517 points, 3241 comments)
    8. Kim Jong Un received a USB from South Korea's president with a blueprint for connecting North Korea with the world. (57917 points, 2630 comments)
    9. Elon Musk's massive backup battery took just 140 milliseconds to respond to crisis at power plant. (57739 points, 2588 comments)
    10. New measurement confirms: The ozone is coming back - "All of this is evidence that the Montreal Protocol is working—the chlorine is decreasing in the Antarctic stratosphere, and the ozone destruction is decreasing along with it." (56627 points, 2198 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. TooShiftyForYou (713736 points, 139 comments)
  2. autotldr (331491 points, 361 comments)
  3. slakmehl (219381 points, 116 comments)
  4. PoppinKREAM (204969 points, 131 comments)
  5. green_flash (163475 points, 233 comments)
  6. god_im_bored (160278 points, 109 comments)
  7. hurtsdonut_ (103895 points, 155 comments)
  8. Wazula42 (100887 points, 134 comments)
  9. SalokinSekwah (99080 points, 44 comments)
  10. CaptainNoBoat (97605 points, 62 comments)
  11. donfelicedon2 (92170 points, 15 comments)
  12. Dahhhkness (91141 points, 172 comments)
  13. tank_trap (84846 points, 30 comments)
  14. AFlaccoSeagulls (73237 points, 130 comments)
  15. bloatedplutocrat (71308 points, 89 comments)
  16. instantreporter (69937 points, 10 comments)
  17. fatcIemenza (65813 points, 45 comments)
  18. hamsterkris (63807 points, 87 comments)
  19. jtdusk (62129 points, 13 comments)
  20. -SaC (61847 points, 12 comments)
  21. Narradisall (61236 points, 28 comments)
  22. toblu (58737 points, 35 comments)
  23. Pisforpotato (58654 points, 11 comments)
  24. BlatantConservative (58547 points, 76 comments)
  25. mrthewhite (58341 points, 38 comments)
  26. Khiva (57014 points, 93 comments)
  27. QuarterOztoFreedom (56838 points, 29 comments)
  28. arbitraryairship (56180 points, 74 comments)
  29. kalel1980 (55971 points, 28 comments)
  30. pipsdontsqueak (54900 points, 71 comments)
  31. drkgodess (54515 points, 35 comments)
  32. AllezCannes (54210 points, 59 comments)
  33. thinkB4WeSpeak (52428 points, 66 comments)
  34. the_original_Retro (52079 points, 69 comments)
  35. smileedude (52019 points, 28 comments)
  36. iamnotbillyjoel (51919 points, 35 comments)
  37. NiceWorkMcGarnigle (50001 points, 14 comments)
  38. charging_bull (48733 points, 19 comments)
  39. Subtle_Omega (48050 points, 1 comment)
  40. donewityoshit758 (48039 points, 1 comment)
  41. Quantum13_6 (47827 points, 1 comment)
  42. Pluto_and_Charon (47641 points, 15 comments)
  43. __Hello_my_name_is__ (47524 points, 54 comments)
  44. ViciousNakedMoleRat (47370 points, 20 comments)
  45. Three_Headed_Monkey (47195 points, 9 comments)
  46. Abedeus (46758 points, 111 comments)
  47. Daafda (45447 points, 11 comments)
  48. Flobarooner (45074 points, 27 comments)
  49. Srslywhyumadbro (44747 points, 30 comments)
  50. Andromeda321 (44532 points, 24 comments)
  51. itty53 (43946 points, 77 comments)
  52. TuesdayNightMassacre (43814 points, 1 comment)
  53. Sumit316 (43277 points, 11 comments)
  54. nuck_forte_dame (41858 points, 12 comments)
  55. kayonesoft (41846 points, 34 comments)
  56. mjc27 (41743 points, 1 comment)
  57. ShowMeYourTiddles (41602 points, 14 comments)
  58. Reacher-Said-Nothing (41364 points, 233 comments)
  59. nankerjphelge (41236 points, 28 comments)
  60. Ferelar (41221 points, 92 comments)
  61. snowsnothing (40974 points, 7 comments)
  62. Girfex (40696 points, 8 comments)
  63. farhadjaman (40366 points, 8 comments)
  64. high_side (40000 points, 75 comments)
  65. zeekoes (39643 points, 14 comments)
  66. YnwaMquc2k19 (38739 points, 28 comments)
  67. Reddituser45005 (38731 points, 3 comments)
  68. mattreyu (38146 points, 13 comments)
  69. Unfinishedmeal (36999 points, 27 comments)
  70. Logiman43 (36810 points, 16 comments)
  71. Buck_Thorn (36758 points, 17 comments)
  72. all4reddit (36598 points, 11 comments)
  73. FattyCorpuscle (36357 points, 16 comments)
  74. wokehedonism (36209 points, 29 comments)
  75. whollyfictional (36179 points, 7 comments)
  76. DC25NYC (36158 points, 11 comments)
  77. M7plusoneequalsm8 (36022 points, 2 comments)
  78. maxwellhill (35938 points, 29 comments)
  79. spaaaaaghetaboutit (35923 points, 23 comments)
  80. Grey___Goo_MH (35773 points, 9 comments)
  81. rawbamatic (35516 points, 20 comments)
  82. zenchan (35448 points, 9 comments)
  83. Thorn14 (35282 points, 34 comments)
  84. TheNightBench (35208 points, 2 comments)
  85. Combini_chicken (34861 points, 3 comments)
  86. Lazarus156 (34738 points, 6 comments)
  87. nwdogr (34731 points, 28 comments)
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  95. din35h (33641 points, 8 comments)
  96. Pahasapa66 (33582 points, 20 comments)
  97. RoozGol (33530 points, 4 comments)
  98. jimflaigle (33383 points, 29 comments)
  99. SmokeyBare (33318 points, 6 comments)
  100. clone822 (33290 points, 17 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. Trump Impeached for Abuse of Power by MachoNachoTaco (197940 points, 20855 comments)
  2. Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election by DoremusJessup (189353 points, 18341 comments)
  3. 2.6 terabyte leak of Panamanian shell company data reveals "how a global industry led by major banks, legal firms, and asset management companies secretly manages the estates of politicians, Fifa officials, fraudsters and drug smugglers, celebrities and professional athletes." by mister_geaux (154766 points, 12198 comments)
  4. Churchill's grandson slams Trump for skipping cemetery visit because of weather: "They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen," Soames tweeted by maxwellhill (150308 points, 8064 comments)
  5. Internet Defenders Urge Mass Revolt to Fight FCC's "Scorched-Earth" Attack on Net Neutrality: "FCC Pai is handing over the internet to a few humongous gatekeepers who see the rest of us as products to be delivered to advertisers, not as citizens needing communications that serve democracy's needs.' by maxwellhill (145858 points, 4052 comments)
  6. More than a quarter of a million people have signed a petition calling for Sydney's New Year's Eve fireworks to be cancelled and the money spent on fighting fires that threaten the city. by sdsanth (145456 points, 3163 comments)
  7. Giraffes just silently went to the list of endangered animals facing extinction by IanSausage (142115 points, 3567 comments)
  8. Russia banned from 2018 Winter Olympics for doping by DNVR1345 (139844 points, 7542 comments)
  9. Belgium says loot boxes are gambling, wants them banned in Europe by RamTank (139431 points, 7664 comments)
  10. Mozilla launches 'Facebook Container' extension for its Firefox browser that isolates the Facebook identity of users from rest of their web activity by yourSAS (138663 points, 3912 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 48050 points: Subtle_Omega's comment in Trump made a personal address to Kim Jong-un "North Korea is not the paradise your grandfather envisioned. It is a hell that no person deserves."
  2. 48039 points: donewityoshit758's comment in Prince Andrew accuser's sends out cryptic tweet: "I am making it publicy known that in no way, shape or form am I sucidal. I have made this known to my therapist and GP- If something happens to me- in the sake of my family do not let this go away and help me to protect them"
  3. 47827 points: Quantum13_6's comment in Greece bans obese tourists from riding on donkeys
  4. 43814 points: TuesdayNightMassacre's comment in Neo-Nazi and National Front organiser quits movement, comes out as gay, opens up about Jewish heritage
  5. 41743 points: mjc27's comment in Donald Trump tells Theresa May he won't visit the UK unless she bans protests
  6. 41323 points: deleted's comment in Kim Jong Un Wants to sign peace treaty with Trump, report says, including allowing an embassy in Pyongyang
  7. 38877 points: farhadjaman's comment in School students have been protesting in demand for safer roads for 7 days in Bangladesh. Today, they were outnumbered and attacked by the student wing of the Bangladeshi government.
  8. 37662 points: deleted's comment in Facebook has lost $100 billion in 10 days — and now advertisers are pulling out
  9. 35968 points: nuck_forte_dame's comment in Putin: Russia warns U.S. against 'meddling' in presidential election
  10. 35260 points: deleted's comment in Donald Trump tells Theresa May he won't visit the UK unless she bans protests
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For Living, Traveling and Investing - Why Costa Rica

For Living, Traveling and Investing - Why Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a country in Central America and its official name is the Republic of Costa Rica. It has a population of about 5 million people. The capital and the largest city of Costa Rica is San Jose. The people of this country are highly educated and English is considered to be a second language. The official language of Costa Rica is Spanish. The country’s GDP growth is really high and the Human Development Index comes at 63rd position in the world which is really high as compared to other Latin American countries. Costa Rica is the most popular country in Central America for its tourism and travel. Tourism also plays an important role in generating revenues in Costa Rica. Christianity is the dominant religion of Costa Rica. While other religions include Protestant, Irreligion, Buddhism. The cuisine of Costa Rica is the mixture of many cuisines including American, Spanish, African and many more. Costa Rica is an active country in the Olympics and it has won many medals as well. Football is the most popular sport in Costa Rica and the second popular sport is basketball in the country. The literacy rate of the country is almost 97%. According to the constitution of Costa Rica, both preschool and high school are free in the country. Costa Rica also has its great health success stories with an average lifespan of humans is 79.3 years, one of the highest in the world. Because of all these things, the popularity of staying in Costa Rica has been increasing rapidly. People are planning to get settled there after their retirement. Costa Rica is cheaper compared to other developed countries but the standard of living in Costa Rica is no less than any other developed country. That is why people are considering Costa Rica to spend a better life with less money. Who doesn’t want that?
People believe that living in Costa Rica is very cheap but actually it's not as cheap as it sounds. There are lots of things that depend on the cost of living in the country. So, what are these things?
If you don't have any belongings in this country, then moving here would not be as much cheaper as you think. You will need to spend a lot of money here to buy all the things you need. So, it's better to bring all the necessities to save some dollars. If you are thinking of settling in Costa Rica then one thing you should definitely keep in mind is that you must get health insurance in the country. It is actually mandatory in the country and having health insurance is quite cheaper also, if it is compared by the developed countries. Finding a suitable place for housing is the biggest challenge one can face before moving to this country. First you have to find a good real estate agent and then you should finalize the place according to your requirements. If you want to get settled in the urban area rather than rural, then you should be aware that housing in urban areas are much more expensive than in rural areas. Before permanently settling in the country, you should come and visit the country first. Decide everything, analyze everything and do proper planning and homework before moving permanently. If you have a tight budget then don’t take a house near the beach areas because houses there are quite expensive if you are the tropical lover who’s really want to living in beach areas choose Developing communities for permanent settling. There is points why you should come to Costa Rica for tropical living and Invest here
1. Real Estate Market In Costa Rica:-
The real estate market in Costa Rica has been increasing rapidly for the past 10 years and according to the experts it is going to increase more for a few years because of its increasing popularity towards the tourists and its living cost and its modern lifestyle. Costa Rica is also very famous for its natural attractions and peaceful areas. That is why many people suggest this country to settle down after their retirement.
2. Real Estate Market Benefits:-
The real estate market in Costa Rica has been boosting gradually. For the past ten decades the market has drastically changed because of the country’s improving popularity amongst people. The property is not that much cheaper than it used to be ten years ago but it is still very much worth buying because the price of the properties in the Costa Rica is going to be very high. The increase of the price of the property in Costa Rica is guaranteed by the experts and it is also continuing to do so for many coming decades. Many people who bought and purchased the property in Costa Rica have seen that the price of their property hiked double and in the developed areas especially near the beach ones triple in just a few years. It is a place where people are attracted to purchasing the property. So, if you are also planning to do that, then here’s your time.
3. Attractive Location:-
The most important thing that everyone should keep in mind before buying any property in Costa Rica is the location. Costa Rica is a place of natural beauty, some beautiful scenic views and amazing beaches. So, if you want to buy any property here, you should keep these things in your mind. This is the reason why many 5 star and noted brands are opening in the country. Plus it offers you one of the best hospitality experiences. Gaming is also legal in the country which is why people who love gambling are also getting attracted towards Costa Rica. People often go to Las Vegas for all these things but Las Vegas is quite very costly compared to Costa Rica. So, if you have a limited budget and you want to have all the fun in the world then Costa Rica is the place. You don’t have to worry about spending lots of dollars.
4. Best Deal for Investing:-
Because of the increasing popularity of the country the land and property price here are increasing tremendously. Prices are hiking both the urban and even the rural areas properties. People who have invested in the real estate market here in the past few years got really high returns of their property. The price of the market has increased by double its price in a few years and people who are having the house in a porch area especially near the beach ones then their properties have increased by triple its price. The real estate experts in the country have suggested that it is the best time to buy the property in the country because the increase in price of the property is going to continue like this for a few more decades. You have to simply buy the property and it will give you high returns more than the money you earn from your ordinary job.
5. Popular Amongst Pre-retirees:-
Costa Rica is increasing its popularity very fast amongst the people who are going to retire soon. Because of its attractive areas and peaceful environment, the soon to retire people are thinking of settling down here. The high standard of living in Costa Rica is possible at a really low cost if you compare the cost with a developed country. People want to live a high standard of life style with their little pension because usually the lifestyle of any person gets decreased after leaving the job. Of course this change is not liked by anyone. So, to maintain the high standard lifestyle in a limited budget many people opt for moving to Costa Rica. The natural beauty of the country and its pleasant environment is an added advantage.
6. No Headaches for Foreigners:-
Buying a property in any foreign country is quite a headache and requires a lot of paperwork, plus it is very time taking procedure as well. But buying a property in Costa Rica is not that much of a problem. Any individual, people of private companies for doing and growing business, people from anywhere can easily buy a property in Costa Rica. There is a simple procedure and few steps in the registration buying properties for foreigners. Yes, there are few restrictions also for foreigners but those are really minor ones. This is also one of the reasons why foreigners are attracted towards this country. Many people avoid purchasing any property out of their country because of complicated law and orders for foreigners for that country but Costa Rica is unlike all of them.
7. Trustworthy Process:-
The process of purchasing a property in the country is very transparent and trustworthy. People of Costa Rica are very helpful and the number of crimes of cheating any visitor is very low in the country. Lawyers are also very trustful and truthful to their customers and you can fully trust them. Lawyers are really helpful and will give you the right direction to become an owner in the country. The process is simple as well as mentioned above too and the lawyers can handle all the things that are required. The first step is for the lawyers to go to the National Registry for a title search. The National Registry in the country has the list of every property in the country with their details and availability.
8. Low Taxes :-
The property taxes for buyers in Costa Rica are unbelievably low. The average property tax is ¼ of 1% of the property’s assessed value. A lot of the time the registered value of the property you want to buy is very different from what you will have to pay to buy that property. You have to pay quite less and it happens most of the time that the prices are completely in the buyer's favor. In other countries the taxes are really high for foreigners, if you want to purchase any land and property. It is almost equal to the price of the property itself but in Costa Rica there is a lot of good news for buyers. Easy registration and procedure, transparent people and series of steps, less paperwork and last but definitely not the least surprisingly low taxes.
9. High Economy :-
The current GDP of Costa Rica is about 8%. The government is planning to make Costa Rica the Switzerland of Central America by its policy and growing GDP, tourism and invested friendly environment. Many large companies have started setting up here for example Acer, Microsoft, GE, Abbott Laboratories, Proctor and Gamble, Dole, HP, Continental Airways and Intel Corporations. Western Union has chosen Costa Rica for its Central American regional operation centre. Costa Rica has a history of earning more from coffee, bananas and its tourism than high technology exports. Costa Rica also has excellent economic health. The Human Development Index in Costa Rica is also growing steadily. The unemployment rate in Costa Rica is only 6%. Because of all the above reasons, Costa Rica has seen tremendous growth in its population and the reason for increasing population helped the country in creation of jobs and industries.
10. Tourism:-
Tourism is the best business in Costa Rica. The average visitor in Costa Rica for travel and tourism is 3.5 millions. For the past decade the country has seen the increase of tourism at the rate of 8% per year. Costa Rica is one of the countries amongst the 10 countries in which experts have guaranteed in the increase of tourism for the next 5 years. 50% of Costa Rica visitors come from the USA and Canada. The reason being that is these countries are near Costa Rica and somewhere have a similar culture to Costa Rica. Because of its increase in Tourism industry, a number of big brands of hotels opened their branches here. For example Marriot, Four Seasons, St. Regis, Hilton and Mandarin. In most of the cases, when people come for the purpose of travel here, they like the country and after knowing about the cost of living here they plan for the permanent residency. They go back to their country, finalize everything and come to live here.
11. CAFTA:- Central America Free Trade Agreement
CAFTA (Central America Free Trade Agreement) is Costa Rica's free trade agreement. The real estate market of Costa Rica will remain the safest and most attractive in Central America. Government is offering many free trade zones and less tax on holiday plans for the tourists. Because of all these attractions, foreigners start feeling like home despite such a vast culture.
12. Low Cost, High Standard:-
If you want to live your life like a millionaire but you actually don’t have a million dollar. Don’t worry, come to Costa Rica and live like one. Costa Rica's currency is much lower compared to other developed countries' currency and the cost of things is low as well, except for the electricity bills. That is the reason Costa Rica is becoming a new hot spot for investment and staying. You can have a nice place to stay, easy transportation, health insurance, and entertainment activities for just a few dollars a month. The average lifespan of humans in Costa Rica is also higher than other developed countries which is a person having a normal life of about 79 years of age. The reason behind this is the life of people in Costa Rica is much more relaxed and easy going as compared to other developed countries.
13. No Military Force:-
Costa Rica is a very successful democratic country but it doesn’t have any military force. Costa Rica has the most stable democracy in Central and South America. There are very few countries in the world which don’t have a military force and Costa Rica is amongst one of them. Because Costa Rica doesn’t have any military force, this also helps in maintaining the high economy of the country because a lot of investment is required for setting up a military force which is very expensive for any country. Costa Rica is a place of peaceful environment, easygoing lifestyle and peaceful people. The last president of Costa Rica was Oscar Arias and he is Noble prize winner for peace.
14. Easy Place to Relocate:-
Because of its easy government policies in the real estate market, attractive natural locations, natural scenic beauty, peaceful environment, friendly people and low cost of living make Costa Rica a convenient place to relocate and visit.
At all on that’s, Where to live in Costa Rica:- After knowing all the pros and cons about living in Costa Rica and especially it’s tropical areas like Beach or nature’s lap, if you are being enthusiast or planning for retirees here in terms of residential or commercial set up in additionally if you’re not a big cat in financial terms you have opportunity for living here. In Guanacaste, The Developing Colinas del Sol, Just 15 minutes from beaches as located Palaya Hermosa, Matapalo, Ocotal and Palya del Coco, and 30 minutes from la- Liberia International Airport, a beautiful gated community invites people to join the community, lots are available here at easy price and also at up to 85% finance.
Source- Why Costa Rica
submitted by jimday_colinas to u/jimday_colinas [link] [comments]

Play Royal Registration

Play Royal Registration

PlayRoyal User Registration Process

Play Royal Registration Requirements

  1. Browser with Tron Wallet Integration or TronLink Plugin
  2. Valid Email

Crypto Currency Tokens:
· Tron (TRX)
· Bitcoin (BTC)
· Ethereum (ETH)
· Altcoins (Various See Site for Details)

Tron Wallet Registration:
Step 1 – Log into your Tron Wallet via web Browser or extension
Step 2 – Navigate to PlayRoyal.Com
Step 3 – In the top right-hand corner of select registration link

After selecting register link, you will be redirected to registration page
Step 4 – Select Register with Tronlink

You Will be prompted to approve the signing request

Select Accept
After confirmation you will be redirected to the PlayRoyal.Com/PlayeLogin Page:
Select Login with TronLink
You Will be prompted to approve request
You Will be prompted to approve the signing request

Select Accept
After confirmation you will be redirected to the PlayRoyal.Com
You are now registered with Play

Play Royal Email Registration:
Step 1 – Navigate to
Step 2 – Input Email Registration Information
· Email Address
· Password “For Security” (Password Should have 2 upper case letters 2 lower case letters 2 special characters and 2 numbers)
· Username
Step 3 – You Will Get a Notification that an email confirmation has been sent
Step 4 – Login to email used during registration and select confirmation link, or copy and paste the confirmation link into browser URL bar

Once you select the link you will be redirected to PlayRoayl.Com verification page
Step 5 – Login using email
· Email Address
· Password
You are Now Logged in and Ready to play
Now that you are registered and logged into Play Royal online casino and exchange you are almost ready to go. In order to start playing you will have to either deposit crypto currency or acquire digital assets via the carbon money payment processor.
You can acquire either ETC or BTC via carbon money from your wallet. If you have crypto in a wallet you can transfer it to your play royal wallet via traditional style blockchain transaction. To find your Play deposit address navigate to your Play wallet page at
You will see a list of the Play tokens available for deposit.
Select the drop-down arrow on the right-hand side to reveal your wallet deposit address.
Send the token to you wish to deposit to the deposit address. Only the listed token to your deposit address, if you send the wrong token to the wrong address you risk the chance of losing your deposit.
Once your deposit is made you are now ready to PLAY or use the onsite exchange. To see the list of available games to play on PlayRoyal navigate to
On the games page you will see Featured Games:
“Slots Can Only Be Played With TRX, ETH, and BTC”
Table Games:
If you are looking to use the Crypto Currency Exchange navigate to On the exchange you will find the list of available trading tokens and pairs. The Play Royal online crypto exchange offers trading pairs for TRX, BTC, PLAY, RWD, USDT, and ETH.
You are all set and ready to go. PlayRoyal.Com is an online Crypto Currency Casino platform that uses centralized hosting to interact with decentralized contracts for transactions. The decentralized hybrid model allows for faster transactions by decreasing blockchain transaction speeds while playing games and eliminating transaction cost to play games. The decentralized to centralized hybrid model also allows for use of multiple digital assets within a single platform reducing the boundaries limited by on chain decentralized applications that can only operate with in a single tokenized environment.
Play Royal utilizes a provably fair gaming system on its native games such as Dice, Big Wheel, Crash the Moon, Blackjack, Roulette, Plinko, and Baccarat. PlayRoyal has partnered with BetSoft to provide integrated Slots for the traditional casino gaming environment.
If you reside in a location where lotteries, gambling, or betting over the Internet is illegal, please do not click on anything related to the activities on this site. You must be at least 21 years of age to click on any gambling-related items on this site, even if it is legal to do so in your location. Recognizing that the laws and regulations involving online gaming are different everywhere, players are responsible for checking and knowing the laws that exist within their own jurisdiction or region to ascertain the legality of the activities provided at
Copyright © 2019 is operated by GO WIN CLUB S.R.L, a company registered and established under the laws of Costa Rica. GO WIN CLUB S.R.L's registration number is 3102709886 and its registered address is Oficentro ASG, San Jose, Costa Rica.
submitted by Doselight to PlayRoyal [link] [comments]

Online Gambling is legal in my country but I can’t use the Casino

Rockstar did its research? Because online gambling is allowed where I live but it still doesn’t let me use the Casino features. If more of you are having this problem we should start something on Twitter to have Rockstar’s attention. There’s no reason to have gambling locked if online gambling is legal in my country... Edit: Country is Costa Rica
submitted by Bedoya58 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Things you need when starting your own online casino HINT: A LOT OF MONEY.

There is a wide range of details on the web concerning gambling and also wagering. Just how to begin a gambling internet site, what do individuals bank on, is a wagering exchange much better than a sporting activities publication or gambling establishment internet site, or do customers favor wagering online instead of wagering offline? What is doing not have in most of these blog posts is not the details they give on beginning a gambling web site, however instead specifically where to begin. So Where do you begin, you ask? and also just how do you begin? Would certainly you need financing when thinking about beginning your very own slot deposit pulsa site? Exist lawful mistakes in running an on-line sporting activities publication or online casino gambling site?

Asking these concerns is just a tip of the iceberg in understanding specifically what you are obtaining right into in running a wagering exchange or any one of the various other gambling sites, yet recognizing the solutions will certainly much better your opportunity or probabilities in running an effective online gambling website. So where do you begin? You can look and also look all over the world broad internet and also collect all the info (very advised) on beginning your very own casino site, running a correct wagering exchange, or on supplying a reasonable on-line sporting activities publication environment to your customers, yet recognizing precisely just how to utilize this info is type in running your clothing.

Prior to we get involved in exactly how to utilize the info you collect effectively, you might wish to check out a few of these locations if you have actually not currently done so: gambling online forums, gambling establishment web pages, sporting activities site, information web pages on gambling, web pages on the "web gambling guideline act" as well as exactly how it will certainly impact your online internet site, legislations regulating gambling as well as paying very close attention to the days the nation each particular info relate to and more.

Now you have to be believing this is a little bit to extreme. Yet ask on your own this: do you recognize what each casino player desire, do you recognize what will certainly make them utilize your website over the following Joe web site. Basically you require to recognize the important things that will certainly drive marketers, enrollers to your website (financing) as well as most notably what will certainly drive customers to your website. You can have the very best residence on the block yet otherwise one finds out about your residence or you, well you understand.

If you have actually seen the recommended headings noted above and also study a little bit much more on gambling as well as the regulations regulating on the internet sporting activities publication, gambling enterprises, online poker spaces and also wagering exchanges and also still dream to proceed after that continue reading my friend, you have actually overcome the very first difficulty. Since we have you assuming outside package as well as have a far better understanding on what remains in shop for you allows deal with the initial as well as really crucial concern you would certainly initially require responded to "Is gambling lawful".

Currently this is one of the most crucial due to the fact that if you are considering carrying out or running a gambling site in a nation, city, state, district, community, what ever before it might be as well as its illegal. Like syndicate you will certainly be fined or worst you will certainly go straight to prison. Sorry children and also ladies however we require to make one point clear right here being on the internet organisation does not indicate a point to the federal government and also the authorities. You will certainly require to sign up a service or obtain an organisation permit (not the like a gambling certificate), you will certainly require organizing and also you will certainly require a checking account to hold the cash produced from your sporting activities publication, wagering exchange, online poker or gambling enterprise internet site. So learning if gambling is lawful where will certainly be running your company is incredibly crucial.

To offer you a far better image of points 9/10 preparing to run a gambling site have actually needed to select an overseas procedure. Why you ask? Well that apparent naturally. In position like Costa Rica there are regulations in position for gambling, however there are no legislation versus on-line gambling neither exists a demand for a gambling permit (extra on gambling certificate later on), yet you will certainly once again need to do your research study, if you are serious about running a sporting activities publication or any one of the various other gambling web sites, prepare yourself to collect info. Right here is Pointer # 1 - Talk to an Attorney (a credible one if you can) they will certainly drop a Great Deal Of light on your scenario and also factor you in the appropriate instructions.

So this brings us to our following inquiry, licensing, and also no its not your chauffeurs permit. A gambling permit is called for to run a wagering exchange, sporting activities publication, gambling establishment, casino poker or any other gambling site a lot of the moment yet not constantly. This is why once more you will certainly require to do your study. However you recognize what they state, when unsure obtain one. That was a joke Joe. If you are truly unclear talk to that legal representative good friend that you spoke with in pointer # 1 regarding this and also any other files you might require to finish this procedure, ask your neighborhood gambling or video gaming authorities/associations in the territory where you intend to run your on the internet gambling internet site for encourage. So keep in mind a gambling certificate is suggested however might not be needed. Pointer # 2 See the neighborhood gambling authorities.

Now you need to have collected sufficient details to obtain you on the right track and also maintain you out of prison or worst a state jail.

Allow us discuss a couple of even more vital locations on running your very own gambling web site. You will certainly require some (the a lot more the far better) research study and also advertising to be done. However have not you currently collected sufficient of your very own research study? No Joe. That was simply info event, obtaining your feet damp, being familiar with just how the sector assumes. Do not presume anything. There are policies to every video game, as well as indeed there are policies to running an on-line company as well as specifically a sporting activities publication, wagering exchange, texas hold'em area or gambling establishment. Even if you recognize a little regarding running a site, the policies and also methods transform for every organisation, and also you will most definitely require to understand about these guidelines if you are also imagining coming to be effective in the on the internet video gaming as well as gambling sector. This does not imply seeing all those online forums as well as analyses were for nothing, they will absolutely assist when you prepare to run your marketing and advertising project, you will certainly be greater than pleased that you did.

If you have actually not currently done a service and/or advertising and marketing strategy this will certainly greater than most likely cause the advancement of one. Being familiar with your target audience, patterns, place, sex, individuals' routines, desires and also disapproval etc will certainly all aid you to progress knowledgeable about your techniques as well as assist in your success. So work with a credible advertising and marketing business or talk to a pal or a person in the advertising area that can drop a little bit much more light on your precise scenario and also factor you in a far better instructions. You do not wish to learn by hand that the marketplace you were targeting does not care a lot for gambling. Suggestion # 3 Obtain correct study done.

This brings us to our following location of passion "team or group". From your details celebration as well as research study you need to have recognized that ever before if you might intend to make this a one male reveal you will certainly require a group or some kind of team. Currently a group does not imply you need to employ on a full-time team. Also majorly titans like Microsoft, IBM, Logitech agreements of time to time. It simply indicates you will certainly require a bit greater than simply on your own in specific locations. Even if you understand the gambling globe it would certainly be important to get some specialists in crucial locations (even if its awhile) to reveal you some covert areas you have actually not yet covered. You would certainly require a technological a person or an advancement business that will certainly have the ability to take care of any type of issues you might come across, updates you might require for your site, shows you may need, layouts you might wish to offer you that look to establish you besides your competitors and so on. You will certainly more than likely require a bookmaker, bookie, (perhaps greater than one) that understands about bookmaking to establish, upgrade, prepare occasions, lines and also odds on your sporting activities publication, gambling establishment, wagering exchange or casino poker web site. So a group or private team is certainly a must, yet can be cost-effective if you intend appropriately and also think about having. Suggestion # 4 Created an appropriate group.

Currently we have actually touched a little bit on your site, however what kind of internet site or software application will certainly you need. The following on our checklist will certainly be Software application. First ask on your own what type of gambling web site will this be; A complete Casino site, texas hold'em, Betting Exchange, sporting activities publication or even better why not all? This is where your research study as well as info celebration enters into play, evaluation ask inquiries, talk with your legal representative, as well as make a strong choice. What are the threat variables, that are my rivals, where do you obtain my line feeds from? Those are all concerns that must have been consisted of in your study and also addressed now.

Afterwards is resolved it is currently time to pick an advancement firm that concentrates on the internet video gaming (even more details online gambling). The majority of otherwise all would certainly currently have items easily offered that have actually been examined and also will typically do alterations to fit your requirements, it is normally even more budget-friendly than having a site established and also created from starting to finish. Software application can vary in costs, anticipate to pay in between EUR 10,000 EUR to EUR 60,000 EUR. Some locations of passion might be: Playtech (Ranked for their Casino site software application), E-Prompt C's BetMore - BetMore Software Application (Ranked for its wagering exchange & sporting activities publication software program), Microgaming (Ranked for their casino poker software application). Idea # 5 Obtain excellent software program.

Well that ought to be it. Yet allows not fail to remember the last and also among one of the most essential on our checklist "Funding". Sports publication, wagering exchange, casino poker, as well as online casino sites are without a doubt one of the most pricey service procedures you can ever before run, and also this does not alter the truths for an on the internet procedure. You do not require a structure, yet you will certainly require organizing, you do not require vending machine yet you will certainly require software program, you do not require cashiers yet you will certainly require settlement sellers and/or entrances. Talk to your attorney, talk with your advertising and marketing and also study group, they will certainly offer you tips to obtain financing, you will most definitely need cash to run this service continuously, so discover enrollers, capitalists that will certainly companion with you unless obviously you have the cash money and also agrees to utilize your very own cash, Below is a tip you will certainly require greater than simply EUR 500K EUR. Pointer # 6 Obtain financing.

So you see it's not brain surgery yet it do without stating with my last Idea to you: "Do not stop working to strategy, it would just cause you intending to fall short".
submitted by Eleanor8762 to Gamblerman [link] [comments]

The data on casino trends is going towards online casinos

The web's capability to blur limits and society's approval of gambling establishment gambling and sports wagering eventually clarified the disparities and loopholes of American gambling laws. From the makeshift sports book stalls in Nevada, the majority of sports wagering activities moved operations and made use of the possibilities of the online world in the mid-1990s. At present, there are numerous online video gaming websites accommodating sports wagering and gambling establishment gambling based in nations like Jamaica, Costa Rica, and Ireland.

In spite of overseas-based operations, the lion's share of the earnings and customers of these websites originate from American states. In fact, current research studies reveal that these online gambling establishment gambling and sports wagering websites make more than legal gambling establishments running in Nevada. The earnings of online gambling and wagering websites are approximated at $70 billion for 2005 alone. This is a shocking quantity compared to the reported $2 billion from Nevada gambling establishments. This suffices to topple the three-decade reign of Nevada gambling establishments from the 60's to the early 90's. Thinking about that sports book and gambling establishment websites have actually been running for less than 20 years, they are plainly a risk to the prospering Nevada gambling scene.

For years, Las Vegas is the only location legal for gambling operations. Atlantic City did the same and made gambling establishment gambling legal; the following years saw the expansion of state lottery games, card clubs, video gaming ships, Indian gambling establishments, and off-track wagering hair salons throughout the country. However still, these advancements are insufficient to take on online gambling. The market of online gambling is not even swayed by strong opposition from legal United States gambling establishments. The gambling laws of the United States of America do not assist, too. They differ commonly from the various states. Many states prohibit all kinds of gambling while some make exceptions. Disparities like these make it simple for online operators to discover and utilize loopholes in the law. The American Video gaming Association keeps a protective stand concerning online gambling. The association promotes federal laws on the policy of online gambling. According to them, the uncontrolled nature of the online gambling market is its benefit over conventional gambling establishments; managing it puts both camps on even footing.

However in spite of this stand, some Nevada gambling establishments are following the old stand-by: if you can not beat them, join them. November 1998 saw the start of a brand-new pattern; conventional gambling establishments began obtaining off-shore online gambling establishment gambling business to enhance their earnings. An affiliate of the Hilton Hotels soaked up the Australian sports book slot deposit pulsa. Other Nevada gambling establishments followed and this cycle once again generated a brand-new barrage of disputes.

Contrary to their earlier dislike of the online gambling market, the conventional gambling establishments set their sights greater. They are now pressing the Congress to pass a law that legislates online gambling. This is performed in an effort to lower production expenses; legalization implies that they might now move their operations in the United States. Harrah's and MGM Mirage, the two leading gambling establishments in Nevada and unquestionably owning their own online gambling websites, lead the gambling establishments in asking for the guideline of online video gaming. Plainly, this relocation asking for guideline does not plan to put conventional gambling establishments at par with online websites any longer. The competitors moved in between independent online websites and Nevada casino-owned websites. A transfer to control translates to double revenues for the Nevada gambling establishments.

Whatever comes out of this brand-new advancement in gambling establishment gambling, players are still guaranteed of their gambling repair. Potentially, if the suggested guideline is authorized, there would be more security in wagering online because it is now under United States laws. Like previously, gambling establishment gambling shows itself to be a vibrant and ever-changing market.
submitted by AccomplishedWelder4 to GamblingHall [link] [comments]

FAO Devs: Concerns about FUNFAIR

I've been provided the following summary by a guy who is contemplating investing in FF. He has a lot of experience in the area, and his thoughts raise a few questions which I'd like to see addressed by the FunFair development team, so if you guys are around, would be good to get your take on the following (apologies for formatting, paragraphs not showing up for some reason):
"Funfair at that price is still a good buy. Look people love gambling online, the concept is fantastic and ultimately could be a huge winner but I have some concerns.
The people running it are still a limited corporation right with the ultimate aim being to make money, they don't pretend otherwise and thats to their credit.
The potential risks are, in this order, user experience and adoption. You can't get supreme user experience without adoption and ultimately historical user data and you can't get adoption without ongoing usage.
I'll list what I feel their - huge - challenges are:
There are some serious players in the online gambling space that offer b2b platforms. Playtech essentially provides the software for all the casino, bingo, slots and poker platforms of the likes of Paddy Power, William, Coral, Mansion, Bet365, Gala, 888, Titan, Ladbroke, Betfred and a shit ton of others.
Microgaming would be their closest competitors - they have Unibet, Nordicbet, BetVictor and a ton of others.
There are others that have been before, and been very good but closed down due to being unable to keep market share of were simply bought out. It's an incredibly competitive space.
Playtech and Microgaming develop and maintain solutions that are then licensed to their clients on multi year, multi million dollar contracts. That's the space Funfair wants to operate in. They will not offer live services, their business model is to license their platform to others.
The question here is, who do they license to? All the big players are already tied up with the two noted service providers above - or run their own proprietary software like Stars/Tilt/Party.
The noted above essentially rules out the top 15 online gambling operators that account for well over 95% of the market. The others feed on their scraps, and ultimately profit out of regulation dodging.
I worked in online gaming for many years, in marketing then development then operations and localisation and back to marketing. I started in 2002 and spent a lot of time going back and forth to Costa Rica and other mental locations working with the likes of Titan, CD, Bodog, Absolute, UB and Microgaming before moving to Full Tilt full time in LA, Vancouver and Dublin from 2005 to 2011.
I seen online gambling come out of nowhere in a completely unregulated space and explode, I was there when compliance and regulatory bodies were Indian reservations in Canada and also saw and lived through the real regulation slowly creep in and one swoop wipe 40%+ value off companies overnight or even cripple companies along the way, all for the good of the Vegas casinos btw, absolute scumbags.
The one thing that I had a lot of insight to was user numbers, user experience and player behaviour and retention across a very very large period of time so the sample data is huge. Full Tilt and Stars were trading blows in late 08 to late 09 in what was an insane period of traffic potentially hitting 125,000 users online at any given time on both networks, that was just poker.
On casino, slots and bingo, the peak network numbers were approximately 60,000 at any given time on the big sites. But that wasn't consistent wagering. I believe it's dropped significantly since I vacated the industry. Skinned sites could make their owners a comfortable living on <1000 users, again though a lot of skins still get their licensing certification from fake regulatory bodies in Kahnawake, or Panama.
The "legit" businesses are all regulated by either Isle Of Man, UK, Malta or Alderney gaming commissions.
If they're a multi country facing operation, and are not regulated by one of the above - chances are they're operating illegally with no proof of customer funds being held in escrow.
There are of course country specific regulations such as in France and Italy where you can only operate online gambling legally by offering it as a separate player pool as your main offering so that only players in that geographical location can play on the country specific platform, no one from the outside can play in it and no one in the country can play on non country specific networks. They audit the software, as much as they're allowed to, and sign off on changes before it goes live. That regulation model is spreading at a huge rate.
The regulation is crazy. I worked a lot on the license applications at Tilt in France and Italy and it was absolutely insane the hoops that had to be jumped through just to get a sub par product on the market.
The reason I bring up regulation in so much depth is because all the b2b suppliers specified above will not offer the software to anyone without the correct licensing in place, and that needs to be provided in advance pre any agreement being signed. So all the "big boys" have licenses to operate in all their jurisdictions legally.
What happens then is because the b2b suppliers have the comfort that these operators have invested all the time, money and effort into obtaining legal licensing on all these markets, they know they're serious and have subsequently got them tied up to long term deals which makes them ultimately unavailable for the likes of funfair to market to.
Don't forget it's not also just about the technology, it has to be a great visual user experience.
That's a big problem because it only leaves rogue or lightly regulated operators as the people funfair could realistically license to, which is never going to encourage widespread adoption.
Its with that in mind that I feel the only potential for the funfair technology to really take off as a main player is to be absorbed by Playtech or Microgaming (or Stars) to introduce the technology into their own offerings OR they come out with a serious marketing budget and play the " how do you know you're not being cheated" card and create such a worldwide buzz in the industry with technology of total transparency that they create a 2.0 bubble, but in my conversations with them directly and with the research I've done, they're holding back on complete transparency - at least for now.
It's interesting for sure, I'll invest in the upcoming - primarily because I do believe in Ethereum significantly as a framework, but not sure for how much."
submitted by fent11 to FunfairTech [link] [comments]

Is it profitable to start an online casino in 2019?

Is it profitable to start an online casino in 2019?
Gambling industry has been experiencing rapid evolution. Over the past decade, there has been observed a surge in the number of gambling establishments around the world. This is primarily due to higher consumer demand and firm cost-effectiveness for operators. However, what sort of challenges an entrepreneur who wants to start own casino might face in 2019 and how profitable is it in financial terms? Let’s figure out!
Getting off the ground
Regardless of the specific domain of professional activity, opening any independent business project is always posing a risk for an entrepreneur. Therefore, a properly developed strategy and sequence of steps will enhance the operator's prospect of success.
Know your Enemy as Yourself
Studying your competitors is the first thing that every potential online casino owner needs to do. Competition analysis helps to identify market leaders, determine their strengths and weaknesses, as well as understand their predominant features. Thanks to this approach, you as an entrepreneur will be able to offer customers something new that your competitors do not have.
Creating a Budget Plan
Opening a business project requires substantial start-up capital. You will have to splurge on the purchase of software and license alone. Therefore, proper budgeting is an essential part before launching a gambling business project. Also, experts recommend when planning the budget to program the possible increase of costs at least a year in advance.
Here we provide you with approximate calculations as a percentage required to open a gambling business project:
  • Registration of a gambling company: 3-7%
  • License acquisition: 10-30%
  • Software purchase: 25-35%
  • Personnel costs: 10-20%
  • Additional expenses: 5-15%
Registration of a Legal Entity
Registration of a new legal entity is one of the primary issues to be addressed promptly. This process includes the registration of a new company, opening a bank account and conclusion of financial contracts with software providers. Depending on the country, the cost of registration may vary.
Software Acquisition
To adequately compete with the leading companies and become a major player in the gambling market, it is necessary to operate official, licensed software. After all, the smooth website will not only attract new players but also entice customers from competing companies. Therefore, software costs will make up the bulk of the budget required to launch a gambling project. As a rule, all casino startups buy software from three leading providers:
  • Amatic;
  • Microgaming;
  • NetEnt.
These companies are giants in the gambling business. Based on statistical data, their software is used by 60% of all online casinos, which indicates the high quality of their products. In 2018, the minimum cost of using online casino software starts from $15,000. However, this is not all expenses.
And if you want to integrate the games from several providers quickly, you might be interested in APIgrator that is the Slotegrator’s product. It helps you get the games from more than 20 providers in just a single session.
Getting a License
License is necessary for operator to conduct gambling activities in the international market and legally offer its services.
Here’s the overview of the most popular types of gambling licenses and their approximate prices.
  • Antigua and Barbuda
Obtaining a license for an online casino in Antigua and Barbuda will cost $100,000. Before applying, you must pay one-time fee of $10,000 and $15,000 for the application.
  • Costa Rica
Registration of gambling business in Costa Rica starts from €2,850. Plus, to open a merchant account, an operator should be with any European company, which will cost the operator $1,350.
  • Panama
The minimum price for obtaining a casino license in Panama is $40,000.
  • Curacao
The cost of a license in Curacao varies from $10,000 to $ 20,000.
Depending on the jurisdiction, the taxation and the annual license fee may vary.
Building an Online Casino Website
Attractive and multi-functional interface, easy navigation, simple registration form, superior security are those components of a good gambling resource. Since the design of the site reflects your brand, the process of developing a gambling web resource must be approached with full responsibility. Thus, do not skimp on it. There are large gaps in the range of prices for online casino site development. Starting from the choice of web studio and ending with a list of selected services. In this case, it is best to proceed from the budget plan.
Integration of Games and Payment Systems
Online casino that offers a wide range of games will significantly expand the client base and attract a large number of users. From the financial side, it will be advantageous to integrate a whole package of diverse casino games from leading providers at once, rather than each slot separately. This approach will both reduce the costs and save time significantly. The same applies to the integration of payment systems: connecting multiple payment systems serves no reasonable purpose. It is best to integrate a whole package of payment systems, thereby expanding the customer base. The cost of integration depends on the particular provider.
After completion of all pre-launch stages, it is time to kick off the gambling project, which provides for marketing promotion. This step includes competitor analysis, newsletters and push notifications, development of advertising campaign, search for employees, setting up a customer support service, etc. As a rule, only marketing promotion requires 50% of the total budget. We strongly recommend not skimping on this, as the marketing decides the recognition and popularity of the new company.
Affiliate marketing
As a rule, all online casinos participate in affiliate programs. This is how it works: the webmaster advertises the casino in exchange for a commission for each player brought.
The most common forms of affiliates:
  • CPA (click per action) – the amount that the casino pays to the partner for each player who makes a deposit at the casino. The CPA can vary from $25 to $500, depending on the number of users engaged;
  • Revshare (revenue share). Here the casino pays the affiliate a percentage of the player's losses for all the time of activity on the gambling resource. This amount is around 25%. Larger affiliates may require higher revshare percentages.
Therefore, at the stage of budget planning, the operator must take into account the commission taken by affiliate programs.
Gambling will become a profitable business only on condition of good investment at the stage of its creation and promotion. Over time, the initial investment will pay off and bring the operator a decent profit. So answering the question of “Is it profitable to start an online casino in 2019?” we say YES, it definitely is. However, only if you have a large start-up capital, patience and are ready to work hard.
submitted by deviman7 to GamblingAcademy [link] [comments]

Poker Blackjack Online Gambling on Twitch

Last couple weeks I have become pretty addicted to watching poker Channels on twitch. Decade ago I use to play Holdem as a side income to my shitty job. Read a lot of good books too to help like Dan Harringtons book of poker.
So let's go law heads of twitch. What are the rules? For instance if the gambling site is located in Costa Rica or Germany would that make it ok for us to play there from any state as long as the website is located in a legal zone?
Example. I can login from California to any betting site and bet Vegas all day and it wouldn't be wrong. Hell we all have apps now just for Vegas and online site betting.
It would be good to have twitch also clear this up and I know tons of popular streamers who would love to sit down and do a little 2/5 NL.
submitted by Towelliee to Twitch [link] [comments]

Hi, 17 and a drug addict in the process of writing a memoir of some sort. Just want feedback on how I'm doing so far if you guys don't mind.

It's hard to believe how far your life can deviate from your initial expectations. If you had told 10 year old me that I, at the ripe age of 17, would fuck up a potentially bright future and become a drug addict, I'd presume you were full of shit. But here I am, on a plane, sitting in the outrageously expensive business class seat, headed towards my 6th treatment facility. Not exactly a part of my ambitious, childhood dreams. But regardless of my current conditions, I have an urge to finally let someone, anyone know my full, entirely authentic story. A completely honest recount of the events that have occurred throughout my life till this point. Hopefully, I'll manage to find the perseverance to see this endeavor through to the end, considering I'm not exactly what you would call the tenacious type. I pray that my higher power will grant me the courage and persistence necessary to finish this so-called memoir and set aside all the bullshit. So here it is, the first ever written narrative of my life. I was born in Volgograd, Russia on August 22, 2000. I grew up in a relatively bleak but loving environment like any other average child in Volgograd. I was raised mainly by my mother and grandmother, and a few other close family members. My father had been incarcerated prior to my birth and has been in and out of jail through out most of my life. He had a gambling issue that he supported with a variety of criminal activities that included drug dealing and robbing. Each time he was released from prison, within months he'd rack up more changes and be back in jail, serving another few consecutive years. From what I've been told by my mother, he was deeply involved with the mob and being in prison was what had saved his life, seeing as how all of his associates were killed off by their rivals. One of the earliest memories of my father was one of the most traumatic events to ever occur in my life. He had been recently discharged from prison and got incredibly drunk on the same day. He showed up to my kindergarten class, highly intoxicated and likely under the influence of drugs, telling 5 year old me that he was my father and describing in great detail the day he had planned for us. Of course, he was a stranger to me who was claiming to be my father who I, at the time, didn't even know existed. The whole ordeal had frightened me and I began bawling. The caretakers were frantically pleading my father to leave but he wouldn't budge and took hold of my hand, forcing me to leave with him. In panic, the caretaker called the police and as we were leaving the building, my father was restrained by an officer and arrested right in front of my eyes. I was taken back to kindergarten but the event was drilled into my head and I can vividly recall each moment despite my young age at the time. Excluding my father, my family life had been stable and there wasn't much to complain about. I was given most of what I asked for and was constantly being spoiled by both grandmas who helped care for me. My mother loved me very deeply and tried her best to raise me in the best possible manner. Although my mother and I were quite poor and lacked financial stability, our family would help us until my mom managed to secure an apartment for us. Mom had always encouraged me to strive to become rich and successful in my chosen career path and consistently pushed me to write out and verbalize my goals/dreams for the future, all of which included being extremely wealthy. My mother always associated prosperity with happiness. She believed in a direct correlation between wealth and contentment, and tried to impose the same beliefs on me through out my entire life. "Rich people rule this world and the poor comply with it", my mother would tell me. She emphasized on the fact that obtaining wealth and fame is the only way to truly make something of yourself, to make the world recognize you for your efforts, to make life worth living. She consistently told me how she knew I was fully capable of becoming very rich and would very soon get us out of the "shithole" that we lived in. She had faith in me and trusted that I'd do all that it took to ensure a financially bright future for the both of us, setting very high expectations/standards for her son and causing me to do the same for myself. The reason my mom was so hell bent on obtaining a luxurious lifestyle was largely due to the fact that she always lacked financial stability through out her life. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, my grandma had difficulties securing a job in the newly established economy causing her and my mother to live in poverty for most of her adolescent years. They could barely afford basic living necessities and it was a constant struggle to make ends meet. Even after my mom moved out, she experienced difficulties providing food for herself much less paying rent for an apartment. She managed to survive off of family, friends and boyfriends cursing the fact that she couldn't support herself at the age of 20. I was born when she was 28 at the time in a terrible living conditions. My father, who was soon to be incarcerated, blew their entire life savings in one night at a casino, attempting to win enough to purchase an apartment. He was soon kicked out and had to resort to other ways of making a living while my mom and I had to live with my grandma for a while. Eventually, we accumulated enough money to buy a decent looking apartment and moved out when I was 2 years old. My mother recalled being ecstatic when we had finally moved out seeing as how her and my grandmother had a strained relationship. My grandma always accused my mom of being extremely selfish and a bad parent while my mom claimed that grandma was a horrible mother herself and didn't care for mom in her youth. They would have verbal fights with each other on a monthly basis that usually ended with a prolonged period of limited communication between them. Not to mention, their views on money were like night and day. My grandma believed money was the root of all evil and the rich were the devil's puppets while my mom had a completely contrasting perspective on that subject as I have previously explained. Their personalities never ceased to clash and it took quite a toll on me back in those days, seeing as how I was very close to both of them. When I was 7, my mom acquired another source of income that would ultimately land us into the United States. She had signed up on many online dating web sites as well as Russian mail order bride services. She was learning English in the process of doing so and would write many letters/messages to her many admirers. In return for letters and conversations over Skype, they would help financially support my mom and I by sending money to provide for food as well as the internet. She eventually came in contact with my future step father who would take us on multiple vacations to various exotic countries. At the age of 8, I travelled for the first time outside the country and visited cities in Costa Rica as well as Egypt. The vacations were all very extravagant and I experienced my first taste of wealth. My soon to be stepfather, Mike, was overall a pretty good guy. He was quite rich and always provided only the best for my mom and I. He was a little socially awkward but it didn't deter him from having conversations with my mom. He was 18 years older than my mother but I never seemed to question their age difference at the time. Although their relationship was fairly new, he seemed to genuinely care for my mom and took the time to become accustomed to me as well. He bombarded me with many gifts that included toys and huge collections of foreign candy and treats. Although I had blindly approved their relationship at the time, my grandma expressed concern over it. "How can you trust him? You barely know him and you already introduced him to your one and only son? How do you know he's not some sexual predator trying to take advantage of you?". My mom would always ignore my grandmas criticism to avoid yet another feud between but she kept her ground and continued seeing Mike. At the age of 9, Mike extended an invitation to visit him in the United States and consider moving in with him to New York City. My mom happily agreed and within a few months, we obtained a visa and managed to legally immigrate into the US. We moved into an apartment complex on 64th and West End, where we would live for the next 3 years. I was immediately enrolled into a public elementary school 5 blocks away and that was the start of our new life. Moving into the US was a relatively difficult experience for me. I came face to face with a whole other culture and language and struggled to cope with it. I couldn't socialize with any of the kids at my school and felt very isolated majority of the time. I would be excluded out of all the games at recess and would keep to myself through most of the school day, having practically zero interaction with any of my peers. Around that age was the first time I began experiencing feelings of inadequacy. I'm quite certain that I've had them prior to coming into the US but my first few years in the NYC public school system, amplified them to the max. I felt like I was different from all the other kids and not entirely due to the language barrier. I just felt like I couldn't measure up to them, felt like I fell short of what they were, like I was lacking something that they all had. In 5th grade, I encountered my first childhood bully. He tormented me from the start of the school year all up until the end of it. He would mock my accent, amongst other various acts of bullying. I would hardly ever defend myself, enabling him to continue doing so. Thus began my lifelong fear of confrontation. One night, I informed my mom and grandma, who was visiting at the time, of the bullying that I've been experiencing at school. My grandma strongly encouraged that I throw down and establish a sense of dominance over him to show him that I'm not to be trifled with. My mom however was agitated with grandmas advice and reminded her that here, unlike in Russia, fighting can result in severe consequences. My mom suggested that I avoid getting into any kind of trouble with the school and just look the other way. "Soon, you'll be rich and famous while he'll struggle to make ends meet. You'll be high up in the world and he'll be a nobody. We'll see who'll be laughing at who then." I chose to implement my mothers advice and went about my business, enduring whatever the bully would throw my way. Starting at that point, avoidance of conflict began my way of life. In the summer of 5th grade, my grandmother suggested I go back to Russia and attend a summer camp in Volgograd. "Let him be with his own kind", she told my mother. I'll stay grounded to my cultural roots and get a break from all them mean-spirited American kids. I was all for the idea, thinking I could finally make some friends and quench my thirst for acceptance. The 2 years I had spent in the U.S. school system left me lonelier than I've ever felt before and I thought reconnecting with kids from a similar heritage would satisfy my craving to belong to somewhere. Boy, was I wrong.
Soon as I arrived unto the campus, the counselors introduced me to the group as their guest from America. Many of the kids smirked, some looked down right and astonished and others were glaring at me. Just by looking at their faces, I could already hypothesize just how horrible my stay here was gonna be like. Russian children were nothing compared to kids in the U.S. They were a lot more aggressive and didn't think twice about resorting to physical violence. Their disdain for the "guest from America" was quite apparent. I was constantly being pushed, shoved, had toys, balls, and dirt hurled at me. The kids were absolutely relentless when it came to antagonizing me. Though out the 13 days I stayed there, I was consistently being called varieties of awful names. I was labeled as a "traitor", an "enemy to the Russians". I was told that I should receive a death penalty for treason and that I deserve to be tortured. I even found out that a few of the parents' kids were completely on board with what was going on, even encouraging their kids over the phone to continue harassing me. I called my mom over the phone each night, bawling my eyes out and pleading to leave the camp. She kept trying to lift me up, attempting to exhort me so I would persevere through it. "If you prove to them you can't be bothered by their remarks, they'll learn to respect you." Each day I woke up, I possessed an optimistic attitude and as the day went on, it slowly deteriorated to the point of nothingness. The kids who did reach out to me and tried to socialize would be ostracized and teased, leaving me completely unapproachable. I would ignore the constant commentary being made and pretend to not hear it but deep inside, I believed every word being said. "How could so many people hate me? There must be something wrong with me, why can't I just be like the other kids? Why can't I fit in?" I kept questioning myself, asking what is it that I don't have. What could it possibly be about me that keeps them all at bay. I returned to Russia with the hopes of being approved by my peers but instead I experienced a level of bullying that would diminish any child's self-confidence. All I ever wanted was to belong, to feel like I'm a part of something. I hated the constant isolation I was in,the inability to socialize and connect with other human beings. I began hating myself, thinking I was doomed to live my life alone. Thinking that I'd never be like the others. I've been rejected by the only 2 countries I've ever known, been alienated here and there, went through hell and felt like I was destined to go through more. Sad to say that in that prediction, I couldn't have been more right.
In 6th grade I was enrolled into a private middle/high school on 68th and Columbus by the name of York Prep. By then, my English had improved drastically and I was speaking more or less like every other kid in my class. However, I suffered from social anxiety and had a hard time communicating with my peers. I still managed to make some friends, one of which I had a long lasting relation friendship with up halfway through high school. My 2 friends, Max, Sebastian, and I became inseparable. Max was a small, Jewish boy that was a year younger than everyone else due to him skipping a grade. He was always hyper, had ADHD and I believed him to be a pathological liar. He was always up to no good and since meeting him, I was always persuaded to take part in his many childish endeavors. Sebastian was a Cuban-Russian kid, that I met through an introduction conducted by our parents. My mother met his at an event hosted by the school and spoke Russian to one another. As my mom liked to say, "meeting a fellow Russian in a foreign country is like discovering a long lost family member." Sebastian and I got along quite well. He was an intelligent, good-looking kid that was extremely social and possessed natural born gift for what I like to call, emotional intelligence. Making friends came to him very easily. He was always being invited to every birthday party, every outing, even to vacation with some of the kids' families during school break. He was the type of child who's parents were delighted to see their kid be friends with. Despite his family's lack of money, he still managed to go to expensive events and restaurants due to his many friendships with kids whose families were very wealthy, mine being one of them. Although Sebastian was the closest friend I've ever had at that point, I secretly harbored a resentment against him. I was jealous of his people skills, his self confidence, his go-getter attitude. I envied the fact that he valued himself and was liked and respected by all. It seemed like he had all the things that I was missing, the things that I wanted my entire life. My mom didn't help the matters at all by her constant comparisons between us. She'd always marvel about how Sebastian just got invited for a weekend in South Hamptons for free or that he's going with friends to Orlando the following spring break. She was constantly telling me to spend more time with him so that through him, I get to know more people and possibly have some of his "skills" rub off on me. Regardless, the three of us became very close. It was the first time in my life that I genuinely felt accepted. We always ate lunch together, hung out after school together, spent the weekends together. Little did I know about the permanence of friendship back then. One weekend we were spending the day at Max's home. We brainstorming ways of entertaining ourselves and decided it would be cool to go see the roof of his apartment complex. The building itself was 55 floors high, and we went to the very top, hoping to gaze at the view of the city. It was an open space that was very spacious and had an array of stones lying around, for what I guess was decoration. Max picked up one of those rocks and with all his might launched it across, aiming for the building that was some 100 feet away from us. Sebastian and I thought it was amusing and followed Max's lead, picking up and throwing the rocks in all different directions. We continued to do so for a good 10 minutes before we were apprehended by the building's security guards. They were informed by a pedestrian that there were stones being flung off of their roof that were causing a large amount of damage to the cars below. The police were called and we were all taken down to the apartment, having to explain to the cops what was going through our heads at the time. By then we were all terrified, crying, asking for the forgiveness of the cops. They were still investigating just how much damage we had done and contemplating the repercussions necessary for our misconduct. Lucky for all of us, no individual was harmed in the process but we did manage to rack up 38,000$ in reparations for the damaged windows and cars. The officers considered taking us down to the juvenile detention center but due to our young age the non-violent nature/stupidity of the crime itself, they decided against it. On the way home my mom was furious. She was repeatedly asking what the fuck was wrong with me, how could I be such a retard, and the question that she would consistently ask throughout my active addictions days: Why couldn't you have just said no? I told her I didn't think about it, that I didn't think anything bad would come of it, that I didn't consider the possible consequences of my actions. I hadn't seen my mom that infuriated in a long time and couldn't believe how harsh she could be with her words. In school the next day, I walk into the classroom to see Max and Sebastian talking. As I come up to engage in their conversation they stop and tell me that I can't be talking with them. I ask why and I'm told that their mothers prohibited them from having any sort of interaction with me. They all agreed that I was a horrible influence on them both and that they should be wary of me. I became irritated by that statement, considering it was Max's idea to start throwing those rocks in the first place but they didn't want to hear it. I was shunned by them for the rest of the time I spent at York Prep, losing the only 2 friends I ever really had. As if this wasn't bad enough, things began stirring up at home as well. My mom and Mike's relationship was becoming more and more dysfunctional. Their fights seemed ceaseless and both of their behaviors were very quarrelsome. At the time, I had no way of handling or coping with those issues so I would isolate into my room, distracting myself through tv and video games. By the age of 12, I was becoming cautious around Mike. It didn't take much for 11/12 year old me to realize he had some pent up anger issues that he tried his hardest to suppress but failed to do so on numerous occasions. He was always craving my moms attention and wanted to come do everything with us, prevention from having any one to one time. That's all I have at the time. I like to write but I just get discouraged sometimes and think I'm doing it all for nothing and just wasting my time even though I know that's not true. Sorry for all the grammar.
submitted by ldamien65 to write [link] [comments]

is gambling legal in costa rica video

In Costa Rica, it’s illegal for residents to gamble online. Plus, it’s illegal for the people to gamble at all on games that have any random outcome. However, according to Costa Rican law, the physical location of an online gambling operator’s server isn’t where gambling actually takes place. Gambling in Costa Rica: Barely Legal but Subtly Encouraged The laws of Costa Rica do not allow its citizens to gamble online. Regulations do not allow people to engage in games of chance or place ... Foremost Costa Rica could be one alternative, but one has to consider a few things: In practice, you do not require a license for internet gambling, but you do require a commercial license. It is legal to conduct this businesses activity in Costa Rica and you only need: A Costa Rican corporation or company registered in Costa Rica. Despite its lack of a legal gambling structure, Costa Rica’s gambling laws do not limit players or casino investors. If you are outside Costa Rica but would like to play with a company registered in the country, it is perfectly legal to. This is if you are old enough, and gambling is legal in your country. This is so because there is no specific gambling license in Costa Rica, so all corporations that conduct gambling activities use this “data processing license” or most recently some of them operate using a “marketing license”. In order to obtain a license in Costa Rica the company must have an office in Costa Rica. With its tolerant style of government, Costa Rica has a relaxed attitude towards online gambling operators within the region, although it is illegal for those who live in Costa Rica to gamble online. Not only is it illegal for residents to gamble online so online roulette games poker games, slots, and any other popular online casino games are not allowed.

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